Dimensional Codex

Chapter 286: Enemies that follow


With the sound of the triangular tin rod, I saw that the sunken ship that originally blocked in front of the Black Crow suddenly began to burn under the shining light!

That's right, burning!

The crowd widened their eyes in surprise, watching the blue flames of water appearing on the wrecks in the sea. Soon, the fire was getting bigger and stronger. Everyone could even clearly see that the huge hull in the sea was shrouded in flames, as if they were not burning in the water at all, but in the air!

And where the water-blue flames passed, the hull that was originally extremely strong, even the moss with water grass, disappeared quietly, and a series of blue light particles appeared from the sea like the thick smoke rising from the fire, and each other Staggered, slowly rising. For a moment, I saw the Black Raven as if in the blue sea of ​​light, giving an unrivalled combination of mystery and beauty.

"Goddess of Order is on ..."

Seeing this scene, many sailors fell to their knees and began to pray, and Captain Fox opened his mouth wide and could not speak for a while.

"She, she's amazing ..."

Ogrand stared at the scene with stunned eyes, completely unaware of what to say, and unlike those sailors with little culture, as the future star of the platinum family, Ogrand did not have a good personality, but she also used to I have met many people in the temple and even participated in various blessings organized by the temple. But even those Cardinals have never fought a battle like Hekty. At this moment, she even felt that the girl in the white robe standing on the bow of the ship was like the goddess of the sea, and under her tin rod, everything would be surrendered!

It was only a moment of effort that all the ships leading to the port of Dead Soul Bay had been completely transformed and disappeared. It was only then that Hekati put away the tin rod and backed away.

"set off!"

At this time, Captain Fox also responded immediately and shouted and issued an order. Although he was also curious about the power shown by Hekati, for him, the most important thing now is to find a place to stop and then Ship repaired!

Soon, the Black Crow set sail again, heading for the distant port. And no one noticed that shortly after they left this sea, the originally dreary sea began to change again. Soon, the colorful and no-living "Sea of ​​Illusions" that everyone had seen before appeared again quietly .


At this moment, Nimfu frowned suddenly, showing a disturbed expression.

"what happened?"

Looking at his little angel's expression, Fang Zheng also asked. After hearing Founder's inquiries, Nimfu hesitated before he said.

"Master, the ship that was behind us ... I can't sense it now, it seems that something is blocking my sense."


Upon hearing Nimfu's answer, Founder froze for a moment, but then he glanced around and reassured.

"Is he still at a safe distance when he disappeared before?"


"Then leave it alone for now."

Founder thought for a while, and finally decided to set aside the matter for a while. Although he didn't know who the other party was, he could be sure that those people had no good intentions. But since the other party didn't do it immediately, the Founder was not in a hurry, and he didn't worry that the other party would follow them in. Because there is only this channel cleared by Hekati. If the other party wants to follow up, they can only go this way, otherwise they will be dragged directly by the sunken ships around them, which is not a problem.

At the same time, at sea, a large white ship was moving forward. Unlike the tattered Black Raven, the giant white ship in front of it has three decks, and eighty dark and huge magic cannons line the sides like the teeth of a beast, and it is not those who control the ship. Sailors dressed in tattered clothes similar to beggars, but a group of soldiers in military uniforms and capable of acting!

Anyone can recognize it at a glance, this is a magic guided warship!

"Report, the goal has disappeared!"

The man in the white navy uniform stared vigilantly at the magic radar in front of him, then he looked up, looking at the captain standing behind him and sitting next to him, a man in a luxurious suit-if Fang was here, Then you can recognize that the man in front of him who is holding a cup for tasting wine is the ambassador Luden who blocked the door of the alchemy room and forcibly took away Nana Li and Culiya!

"Disappeared? How did it disappear?"

When he heard the news, Luden frowned, and to be honest, he really had no interest in his mission this time. For Luden, he didn't think the two little girls were of any value. But the gold lord behind him didn't seem to think so. After learning that Founder and they were going to sea, Luden received an order from the master of gold behind him, asking him to personally lead the team out to sea, find an opportunity to stop Founder and others, and take them back to the country of flames!

To this end, they even mobilized a frigate for Luden's use!

Although Ambassador Luden did not understand what the little girl was worth, but since the master of gold behind him and even the empire's frigates were transferred, it means that his mission must be successful and not fail.

It is a pity that Ambassador Luden did not find any good opportunities along the way. After all, this is the land of the Holy State, and there are also ships from time to time. In case of any problem, then it will be a diplomatic dispute between the two countries. Already. At that time, those big men will not be good, but such a small **** like himself must be thrown out.

So after asking about the destination of Founder and his party, Ambassador Luden's original idea was to follow them until they were about to reach the misty sea. After all, the situation in that place is complicated. Ships often sink and disappear. If it is there, then you can start without worry.

but now…………

"Where did they disappear?"

When he heard that his target had disappeared, Luden became tense.

"Dead Bay."

"Dead Bay?"

Hearing the captain's report, Ambassador Luden was also stunned, but soon he was determined and waved his hand.

"Okay, let's go to Ghost Bay!"

"Sir, are we really going to Ghost Bay?"

The captain also hesitated in the face of Luden's order. After all, the soul bay is so strange that ordinary ships are afraid to avoid it.

"......... Well, wait for me to ask."

Hearing the captain's inquiry, Ambassador Luden began to play drums in his heart. Of course, he knew that if he got the job done, he would be in peace. But even if he messed up, at most he lost his official position and returned to China to be a free man. But if you keep chasing it, you will lose your life.

Which of his own life and future is important, Luden is still clear.

But unfortunately, he said nothing about it.

Leaving the captain's room, Luden quickly came to a luxurious cabin door behind the battleship. He hesitated for a moment before reaching out his hand and knocking gently on the door.

"what's up?"

Soon, a deep, cold bitter sound came from the door, but when he heard it, Luden shuddered. He certainly knew that the master was his own master who was specially prepared to deal with the little girl in the legendary field. In fact, he was the real leader of this operation, but only because he did not like to show his face. Allow Lu Deng to be a tiger. But now ... obviously, it is no longer Luden's responsibility to take the initiative.

"Yes, sir, we just received a report. The target vessel suddenly disappeared. You see ..."

"Disappeared? Where did they disappear?"

"Dead Bay ..."


Hearing Luden's answer ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The voice was slightly raised, and it seemed strange, but soon he sneered.

"So, what are you waiting for?"

"what do you mean………"

"Come up, the meaning above is very clear, you have to see people when you are born, you have to see corpses when you die, or else do you think I came here with you for a holiday?"

"Yes, yes! I'll relay your order now!"

Hearing here, Ambassador Luden also shuddered, and then hurriedly turned to leave.

This time it seems really dead!

Although it had been expected, Ambassador Luden still wanted to cry without tears.

Save me, dad!


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