Chapter 86: Walter’s Second Resurrection

【After killing Cheng Lixue, Xilin picked up a piece of Yudu Dust with great interest.】

【She knew that it was Yu Duchen’s little gadget that briefly controlled her, so she became curious about Yu Duchen.】

【She looked at Cecilia and Siegfried through the space vision, smiled maliciously, and then hypnotized Siegfried and Cecilia across the space and captured them all.】

【Under Xilin’s instigation, Yu Duchen dragged the Siegfried couple into a fictional dream.】

【However, Xilin didn’t know how to use Yuduchen skillfully, and the dreams she created were all beautiful worlds.】

【In the dream world, Siegfried and Cecilia celebrated their daughter Kiana’s 16th birthday.

Aizen:”Yu Duchen is worthy of being the Key of God. It is more useful than the purely destructive Key of God.”

Mei:”Each Key of God has its use. The fourth Key of God has restored the earth destroyed by the end to its original state in the prehistoric times.”

Reina:”Fuck! Such a powerful Key of God? This is simply the best treasure for my Lieyang!”

Uchiha Obito:”Creating dreams, the dream world is beautiful, is Xilin doing charity?” Hei Yi Ma Tao

:”There are nightmares too, but Xilin won’t use the beautiful dreams created by Yu Duchen, right?”

Merlin:”What are you making dreams of? The beautiful dreams made by them are as delicious as the delicacies processed by industrial products.”

【The table was filled with warmth and happiness, but Xilin, who was outside, was watching everything with gritted teeth.】

【Seeing their warmth, Xilin angrily grabbed Yu Duchen and shouted,”You bad guys who took away my happiness! I must destroy your happiness!”】

【But as she was shouting, Xilin looked at the birthday cake on the table and thought of her mother, which was the only tenderness left in her torn human heart.】

【Yu Duchen seemed to have sensed Xilin’s thoughts, and automatically started to bring Xilin into the dream. 】

Hikigaya Hachiman:”Am I the only one who feels sorry for Xilin? After all, it is the sin of human beings themselves. There must be consequences for every cause. This is cause and effect.” Hoshino Ai

:”Xilin is also lacking love! If there is fictional love, it won’t be like this, right?”

Konan:”It’s a pity that there is no light in Xilin’s world. In a world without light, even flowers will wither.”

Kafka:”What a poor child!……”

Tiamat:”Aaaaaaaaaa~! (Become my child… I will be good to you~)”

Whitebeard:”What a hateful group of people! If Sirin had a father, she would definitely be protected, right? If I were Sirin’s father, no one could hurt her!”

【At this time, Xilin was standing outside the door. Suddenly, the door opened. Siegfried looked at Xilin with some confusion and said,”Who are you? What are you doing standing at our door?”】

【Xilin broke out in a cold sweat, but in her heart she was happy and thought:”So the feathers worked! Perfect! Let me personally bring you happiness.……”】

【”Hello, dear! Cecilia’s voice interrupted Xilin’s thoughts.】

【Cecilia stood in the room and scolded Siegfried,”Siegfried, what are you talking about to our daughter? You’ve had too much to drink, so go to bed!”】

【Xilin suddenly realized that it was Yu Duchen’s power that made Cecilia think she was their daughter.

Theresa:”Cecilia… Cecilia is very gentle… If it’s her, she will definitely make Xilin feel warm, right?”

The Herrscher of the Void:”Cecilia……”

Uchiha Madara:”Dreams are beautiful, and as a dreamer, you will also get the beauty you deserve.”

Loki:”I always feel that Cecilia is pretending, but that true love can never be faked.”

Aizen:”Yu Duchen can even control the Herrscher, there is no reason for Cecilia to be immune”

【After persuading Siegfried to go back to the room, Cecilia squatted in front of Xilin with a piece of cake:”Come, Xilin, this is Qiyana’s birthday cake. I saved a piece for you.”】

【Xilin looked at the cake in Cecilia’s hand with some hesitation and nostalgia, picked up the fork and took a bite】

【”Cake…I remember…my mom took me to eat it once when she was alive……”】

【”This tastes…so delicious……”As Xilin was eating, tears ran down her cheeks.】

【Silin bit her fork, tears welling up in her eyes, as if she had returned to the time when her mother was still alive. 】

Fujiwara Chika:”Wow~ Silin is so pitiful! She only ate the cake once!” Tobiichi

Origami:”You have the same fate as me… You lost your family and everything.” Illyasviel

:”Does Silin miss her mother? I miss Irisviel too.……”

Charlotte Lingling:”Poor child, come to mommy’s place and you can eat as much cake as you want!”

Tiandao Zongsi:”Grandma said that poor children themselves are not guilty, let alone the persecuted party?”

【Cecilia secretly saw all of this. She comforted Xilin and went back to the house. After coaxing Xilin to sleep, she left.】

【Xilin lay in bed and couldn’t help wondering why she didn’t do anything to Cecilia, since they were not her parents at all.】

【Suddenly, Cecilia walked into the room, sat on the bed and hugged Xilin, her warm bosom pressed against Xilin’s thin back.】

【Xilin’s body froze, she was somewhat at a loss and resisted, but she did not dare to act rashly.】

【”Let mom hold you and sleep together today”】

【In Cecilia’s arms, Xilin felt inexplicably safe and warm, and fell asleep unconsciously. 】

Xing:”Cecilia is a woman who can become my mother! I think it is difficult for anyone to raise hostility in the field of mothers, right?”

Wendy:”Gentle people deserve to be treated gently by the world. Cecilia’s love is 100% true!”

Xiyuanji World:”If it is Cecilia, I will treat him very gently.”

Shigure Kirara:”Lady Cecilia has never hugged me! Damn Second Herrscher!”

Juvenile Lang:”If Cecilia is a Herrscher, she must be the Herrscher of Mother, right?”

【The next morning, Xilin sat up in shock from her dying illness! She hadn’t been able to sleep well for a long time, but today she slept so peacefully.】

【Cecilia suddenly opened the door and called Xilin to have breakfast. She changed Xilin into beautiful new clothes and took Xilin shopping.】

【Over the next few days, Xilin experienced the best time of her life.】

【Cecilia took me shopping, eating delicious fruit cakes and ice cream, petting cute cats, and buying all kinds of beautiful clothes and skirts. 】

Aozaki Aoko:”Doesn’t the fact that she slept so soundly mean that Cecilia has let down her guard?”

Itsuka Kotori:”Sincerity brings about fast capture speed!”

Ifrit:”Like me, I rarely sleep soundly after the experiment. Fortunately, you also got your own Cereia.”

Uzumaki Naruto:”If nothing had happened, Cecilia’s life wouldn’t be too bad, right? Damn fate! Damn Otto!”

Viego:”He did it for love too! Why is he so opposed?”

Isolde:”Poor Cecilia… Is such an ordinary life her best time?……”

Viego:”Isold! Damn Otto! How dare you do such a despicable thing!”

Feiyangyang:”Don’t lick the Buddha.……”

【However, Siegfried was carrying things with Cecilia and Celine in a panic. Suddenly, Walter appeared in front of him.】

【”Siegfried, wake up, I am Walter. All this is fake, you must break free!”】

【Everything in front of Siegfried began to become illusory, and the memories of Titan and Honkai began to flood his mind, and even the collapse caused by the injection of the super-mutation factor activator began to appear! 】

Zoffy:”Walter is worthy of being the embodiment of reason. He has to come to the rescue at the critical moment.”

March 7:”Uncle Yang is resurrected again! The key is to participate in the group 100%!”

Kujo Jotaro:”No matter how beautiful the dream is, it is still a dream. People are still fighting desperately outside. It’s time to wake up from the dream.”

【All of this was reflected in the dream world as a sudden explosion, shattering countless glass.】

【Xilin was a little surprised when she saw the broken glass, and then she thought with disdain:”Just glass, don’t think it can hurt me!”】

【”Xilin!”At this moment, Cecilia suddenly rushed over against the glass and hugged Xilin to protect her in her arms.】

【”Don’t be afraid, mom will protect you!”】

【Xilin was a little overwhelmed. Cecilia gradually filled the missing position in her heart, the mother. 】

Kujo Jolyne:”She is a good mother. Siegfried is indeed not worthy of Cecilia.”

Shigure Kirara:”I am worthy! I am willing to be Kiana’s stepfather!���Mother is also OK!”

Nanami Touko:”Oh my gosh! 姛!”

Tang Keke:”I can get a German girl in three days, because I’m a Chinese 姛!”

Nishimiya Whistle:”You are so gentle, Aunt Cecilia……”(To read the exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

Guhuo Bird:”Her love for the children is genuine, without the slightest impurity.”

【The scene changed, and Walter returned to the battlefield!】

【Before he left for the moon, he told Einstein that if he died, Sirin would definitely devour the Herrscher Core.】

【But what Xilin didn’t know was that there were fragments of the personalities of 300,000 people in the core of the First Herrscher. This was the most resolute will to fight against the collapse, and it would never yield!】

【As long as Walter hides his consciousness inside, Sirin will not be able to interfere with the inner core of the Herrscher! 】

El-Melloi II:”The will of 300,000 people may not be strong enough, but the unified will is indestructible!”

Alicia:”Rather than saying it is the Herrscher of Reason, it is better to say it is the Herrscher of Civilization, the Herrscher of Human Reason! After all, the Herrscher of Reason fights for mankind!”

Joseph Joestar:”The Herrscher of Reason is loyal and brave for generations!”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”The will of 300,000 people is the recognition of mankind to her. In my case, it is probably the gaze of Alaya, right?”

【With the entry of Anti-Entropy, Bella was killed, and her final scream entered Xilin’s mind.】

【Feeling Bella’s death, Xilin panicked and broke free from Yu Duchen, and seriously injured Siegfried with one blow!】

【Just when Celine was about to kill Siegfried, Cecilia hugged Siegfried and quickly dodged Celine’s attack!】

【Seeing all this, Xilin was shocked and sad. She was shocked that Cecilia was not hypnotized by Yu Duchen at all, and she was sad that the love Cecilia gave her was fake.】

【The furious Silin tried her best to kill Cecilia and Siegfried, but at this moment, Walter came!】

【Walter tore the feather dust apart, and what greeted Xilin was the weapon of the Herrscher that was reproduced by Anti-Entropy.】

【Moonlight Throne! 】

Siegfried:”Dragon slayer, why didn’t you sublimate after bathing in dragon blood?”

Xuan Gou:”Because Benares is just a Honkai beast, not a dragon, Long Ge is the dragon! Provoke!”

Whitebeard:”So Cecilia was not hypnotized? Then her love is really great and vast!”

Frigga:”Whether it’s a relative or a sworn brother, Cecilia’s love is sincere, just like my love for Loki.”

David Martinez:”Cecilia is really… and Walter, he’s everywhere……”


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