Chapter 32 Magical Girl and Kyubey Homura Akemi reverses time!


【Suddenly! A portal like an oil painting appeared in front of Homura Akemi, and three very sloppy informant monsters emerged from it and ran towards Homura Akemi.】

【”don’t want!”】

【Homura Akemi fell to the ground in fear, and could only scream in fear.】


【This! Suddenly, the sound of firing was heard! Golden bullets and pink arrows of light shot towards the monsters, turning them into nothingness!】

【”It was a close call.”】

【Hearing the voice, Homura Akemi looked up, only to see Madoka Kaname, wearing a pink skirt and holding a bow, standing with another girl with yellow hair. 】

Lu Mingfei:”This is… Monkey Soju?!”

Magical Girl Lu Mingfei:”I’m going! Let’s go together?”

Takamachi Nanoha:”Are the ones on the list this time actually magical girls? How do magical girls in the other world fight?”

Illya:”Will they also have a gem around them to help them transform?”

Jewel Man:”Ha! The world of magical girls! I’m so excited!”

Harry Potter:”Did I see something wrong… Is this also magic?”

【Kaname Madoka turned around and comforted her,”It’s okay now, Homura-chan!”】

【”You…you are……”Just as Homura Akemi was about to ask her question, a small white beast with a big tail came out and began to explain.】

【”They are magical girls, witch hunters!”】

【”The secret has been exposed in an instant.” Kaname Madoka drew the bow and arrow and aimed it at the door, while saying mischievously to Homura Akemi:”You must keep it a secret from your classmates!】

【Whoosh! Boom!】

【Light arrows and artillery roared and produced violent explosions! The terrifying world surrounding Homura Akemi was destroyed in an instant! 】

Paimon:”Wow! Is this the NPC of the magical girl? Just like me!”

Suzuki Miyu:”It’s better to say that it’s a transformation prop and partner like Sapphire.” Tomoko

:”There’s something wrong with Kyubey. His existence is just like me. He is not a real life form.”

In the world of Genshin Impact, Alice laughed when she heard the term”Witch Hunter”.

Although she knew it was a homonym, it was still difficult to hold back.

In the world of Madoka Magica, Kaname Shunko slammed the table!

“Madoka! Why didn’t you tell mom about the magical girl thing! It’s so dangerous, mom is worried about you!”

Kaname Xunzi burst into tears at Madoka’s panicked expression.

Her daughter is still in junior high school and has to go to battle. How can a magical girl be so beautiful? Kyubey is really a beast!


【Afterwards, Homura Akemi followed Madoka Kaname to the home of the yellow-haired magical girl Tomoe Mami.】

【After a conversation, Homura Akemi learned that Kaname Madoka had just signed a contract with the white beast Kyubey to become a magical girl last week.】

【In the eyes of Madoka Kaname and Mami Tomoe, being a magical girl is the most beautiful identity, and being a magical girl is the happiest thing! 】

Akagi:”When I see Mami Tomoe, I can’t help but think of the word ‘cutting in two’.”

Frenda:”There must be some kind of fate in Mami Tomoe, right? It’s like she will be split into two, and it seems that I have the same fate.……”

Lu Mingfei:”Oh my god! Anyone can become a magical girl? Are there no restrictions?”

Uchiha Sasuke:”Such a powerful force… If I become a magical girl, I can have the capital to take revenge on that man!”

Bai Ci Nan:”What are you guys thinking! It’s the ultimate insult for a bunch of men to become such a weak girl!”


【The scene changes, the dark sky is only black and white, a huge gear stage device and a wrecked building are floating in the air】

【Homura Akemi knelt on the ground trembling, in front of her was Tomoe Mami’s body】

【”Why… Even senior sister Mami died!”

Yan Lili:”Is this the Witch Night? So desperate… So sad… Even the Dark God Gunara doesn’t have such a sense of oppression.……”

Jewel:”Impossible! Magical girls are the embodiment of beauty, how could they die? I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it!”

Grayshu:”Magical girls can die… Then what else can’t die?……”

【Kaname Madoka looked at the witch in the distance firmly,”It is precisely because I am the only one who can stop the Witch Night that I have to fight.”】

【”Impossible! You can’t beat that thing alone! Kaname-san will die too!” Homura Akemi loudly persuaded Kaname Madoka, not wanting her to fight alone.】

【Homura Akemi lowered her head and cried,”Let’s run away, no one will hate Kaname-san……”】

【Kaname Madoka turned around and smiled:”For me, being a magical girl is the happiest thing. Goodbye, Homura”】

【After saying that, Kaname Madoka jumped up and faced Witch Night. 】

Lina:”Madoka is just a junior high school girl. She has no ability or obligation to defeat an enemy she cannot defeat!”

Katsuragi Misato:”Where are those organizations?! Do children have to face all the disasters in the world?” Amano

Yorai:”Escape is shameful but useful… It is better to live than to face an unbeatable enemy.”

Steve:”Are those politicians just watching? If magic exists, there must be other power organizations in the world. Where are they?”

McGonagall:”She is only a second or third grader at Hogwarts! Why should she face such an enemy! Poor child!”

【The scene changed, and Kaname Madoka was lying in the water, already dead.】

【Homura Akemi laid on Kaname Madoka’s chest and cried,”Why! You knew you were going to die! Rather than saving someone like me… I wanted you to live!”】

【”Are you telling the truth?” Qiubi’s voice suddenly sounded.】

【Kyubey looked down at Homura Akemi,”Homura Akemi, are you willing to bet your soul on this wish?”】

【”You have that kind of talent, I think if it’s you, your wish will definitely come true! I’ll lend you a hand!”]

Gamora:”Sacrifice your soul? The price of becoming a magical girl is to sacrifice your soul?!”

Toosaka Tokiomi:”Fulfill your wish? Is it a living wish-making machine?!”

Goku:”So this is what the dragons in the other world look like!”

Ghost Rider:”Trading with souls… As expected, all gifts are secretly marked with a price.”

【”Can any wish come true?……”Homura Akemi wiped her tears, stood up and said firmly:”I want to meet Kaname-san again, no longer for her to protect me, but for me to protect her!”】

【As soon as the words fell, a purple light appeared on Homura Akemi’s chest, and the soul gem condensed out! 】

Irisviel von Einzbern:”This is the third magic, soul materialization?!”

Hikari:”Extracting the soul as the source of power to make the body immortal… It’s a good idea, but it’s too inhumane!”

Group Guardian:”With a strong will to protect you, your wish will surely come true”

【Kyubey said with a little surprise:”The contract is established, your wish transcends entropy.”】

【”Try to release it! This power belongs to you alone!”】

【Homura Akemi held her Soul Gem with hope, and instantly a purple light burst out!】

【Click! Tick-tick-tick-tick……】

【The shield covered with gears began to rotate, and the sound of it turning was heard. A reverse tunnel opened and took Homura Akemi back to the past! 】

Aozaki Aoko:”Oh my god! The fifth magic? It’s too incredible to become a magician with just one wish?”

Dio:”Time goes backwards?! Impossible! Kono Dio only stopped time for five seconds!”

Kaisha:”Is this really a miracle created by a mortal girl?! Going back to the past and reversing the future… This really transcends entropy!”

Otto Apokalis:”The power to go back to the past… Really… What a lucky girl.”

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