Su Shangxing stood outside the meditation room, with the gentle breeze blowing the hem of his fine clothes.

A figure appeared floating in the air, wearing a military green T-shirt, with an unkempt beard, holding a cigarette in his mouth, showing his vicissitudes and sharpness.

"Is this boy your student? The eighth level of Qi refining...attacks the spiritual awareness platform? You even built a second-level mid-level meditation room for him to show off your face. Do you think he can succeed?"

The man was smoking a cigarette and his voice was hoarse.

Su Shangxing carried the sword case on his back, crossed his arms across his chest, and glanced at him: "My student, of course I believe him."

"The eighth level of Qi refining... If we can successfully condense the spiritual knowledge and spiritual platform, then there is not only hope for building the foundation, but also great hope for the golden elixir."

"Normally speaking, only those at the ninth level of Qi refining are qualified to attack the Condensing Spirit Platform. Entering the ninth level of Qi Refining Condensing Spirit Platform for the first time can be regarded as a heavenly gesture at the level of spiritual consciousness."

The man's voice was hoarse and his eyes were deep.

It had been a long time since he had seen Su Shangxing appreciate a student so much.

"He's going to shine."

Su Shangxing simply replied.

The man smiled and blew out a smoke ring: "Whether he is dazzling or not, let's wait until he emerges from this trial."

"Now that he has chosen to break through, he has missed the best period to accumulate merit in the early stage. I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to break into the top ten in this trial. In that case... it will be difficult for me to give points."

Su Shangshang glanced sideways: "I can only say that if you miss this little guy, you Pojun University will definitely regret it in the future."

"Pojun, Xiaju, Xiandu... As the three top universities in Daxia Xianmen, how could they regret just because of a student." The man chewed on his cigarette and smiled confidently.

Su Shangxing didn't say anything.

"After all, he is only a freshman in high school. We won't beat him to death with a stick. Let's see... maybe by the time he reaches his senior year, this kid will be able to get into the eyes of the three top universities."

Su Shangshang shook his head and let out a breath: "Li Huaixian, you are still as proud as ever."

"I have the qualifications and reasons to be proud." Although the man has gone through many vicissitudes of life, his confidence is very strong, as if it is exuding in his bones.

"In addition, let me remind you that if this kid fails to condense the spiritual platform this time... he will basically say goodbye to Pojun University, because the first spiritual platform condensation is very important. If it fails once, the immortal path will basically be cut off, and the future Nascent Soul will be in trouble. Don't talk about becoming a god," Li Huaixian said, holding a cigarette in his mouth.

However, he just finished speaking.

Suddenly, his eyes fluctuated and his complexion changed slightly.

He looked in the direction of the meditation room.

You can see...a vortex of spiritual particles appearing in the sky above the meditation room. Countless spiritual particles are funnel-shaped and constantly surging towards it!

The huge pulling force on the spiritual particles made Li Huaixian forget to shake the ashes from the cigarette he held in his mouth.

Su Shangxing looked at this scene.

The smile on his lips could no longer be suppressed. He pursed his lips in the direction of the meditation room and smiled at Li Huaixian:

"Look, this is why he shines."

Visualizing the Angry King Ming again, Fang Che felt great pulling power.

Because his crude spiritual platform seemed to have turned into a huge bottomless pit, constantly absorbing the spiritual particles in the meditation room.

The spiritual particles in a meditation room are limited, which is why Fang Che excluded the first-level meditation room since he planned to attack the spiritual platform.

It definitely requires a second-level meditation room!

At least, it can ensure that there are enough spiritual particles, and his crazy absorption will not lead to insufficient spiritual particles and the final breakthrough will fail. In that case, he will really regret it.

The blood lines on Fang Che's eyebrows were torn open with his fingertips, like a lively and open eye, shining with light and anger.

Each and every spiritual particle was trembling, like a neat line of devout believers, gathering towards his spiritual altar in an orderly manner.

Filling the cracks on the rough embryo spiritual platform, perfecting every crack.

When Fang Che fought against the Demon Cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Realm, he relied on the power of the Angry Eyed King to break through the opponent's attack and find a glimmer of hope.

And that break was when he broke through his own shackles and made a further leap in the realm of spiritual consciousness.

It was precisely because of this that Fang Che dared to assure Su Shangxing that there was an 80% success rate in condensing the spiritual platform!


Countless spiritual particles gathered densely together, like rivers of stars in the starry sky.

Slowly, Fang Che's lotus altar was completely filled, every crack was filled, there was no defect at all, it was flawless and flawless!

boom! ! !

When the Lotus Spiritual Platform is completely condensed and successful.

Fang Che felt as if a spiritual storm had set off in his sea of ​​consciousness!

Countless spiritual particles, like psychedelic starlight, condensed into a vague shadow of a constellation. That constellation... was exactly the image of the angry-eyed King Ming!

Entering spiritual consciousness, complete transformation...

The formal condensation spiritual platform is flawless, without leakage or dirt!

The entire meditation room fell silent.

I don't know how long time passed, but Fang Che felt that his spirit was full and surging like never before.

Slowly opening his eyes, there seemed to be a flash of divine light in his eyes, which instantly penetrated the dark meditation room, making the air hum like a sword.

Like substantial spiritual consciousness!

Release your spiritual consciousness!

Fang Che became excited, his mind moved, and his spiritual consciousness expanded outward like a tide.

It was as if my own eyes had instantly realized a 360-degree view without blind spots!

This is the Spiritual Consciousness of the Lingtai. It is far more tenacious than entering concentration, can be released externally, and can interfere with reality a little bit.

Even more than that, Fang Che's five senses and six senses were improved due to the breakthrough in the realm of spiritual consciousness. The clear sense of capturing the world made his soul throb.

It was a...different feeling, like...

Touched the extraordinary realm!

"Ding! After 3 hours of arduous meditation, you successfully condensed the spiritual platform, and achieved a major breakthrough in the realm of spiritual consciousness. Special diligence (spiritual consciousness) +3000, and obtained the spiritual consciousness spell [Mind Eye Sword]."

"Ding! You are so diligent, you are finally a little bit decent, and finally you are no longer full of clumsiness. Look up to you, keep working hard!"

In front of me, prompts on the panel popped up one after another.

Fang Che raised a smile on his lips and his eyes brightened.

This wave...a big harvest!

A breakthrough in a big realm is indeed a moment of harvest. With 3,000 special skills added at once, Fang Che is in a very happy mood. This is the harvest and reward of his hard work!

When your efforts are rewarded, you will always feel very happy!

In addition, he also obtained the spiritual knowledge spell. Learning one more spell will naturally give him more confidence in saving his life and killing enemies.

"Next, my goal is to hit the foundation building realm!"

Fang Che's eyes were burning, as if there was fire surging.

He took out the essence and blood of the thunder eel beast that he had just spent 500 merit to redeem.

"The Thunder Eel Armored Beast lives in the sea area of ​​the Sequence 18 Immortal Sect Fragment Continent. It has a trace of true dragon blood, thunder attributes, and a violent temper. The adult Thunder Eel Armored Beast's combat power can reach the early stage of the third level."

The silver lockbox was opened, and a test tube of blue blood essence appeared. In addition, there was an introduction to the Thunder Eel Beast.

"The highest combat power can reach the early stage of the third level. When converted into immortal cultivation, it is one to three levels of golden elixir... Well, it is not weak, but it is not too strong. In the future, it will still have to integrate higher quality dragon essence and blood. alternative.”

Fang Che muttered.

Fang Che was not too satisfied with the Thunder Eel-armored beast, but the second-level dragon beast essence and blood that 500 merits could exchange for was this Thunder Eel-armored beast.

After refining the essence and blood, the first transformation of the "Nine Transformations of the Divine Dragon" is completed. In the next trial, it is guaranteed to be able to protect itself when encountering the foundation-building realm demons and not die, and then slowly start to kill. Kill demons and cultivate, and search for merit.

500 merits can be earned back quickly.

You must know that killing the ninth-level Qi-refining demonic cultivator is worth 100 merits, and killing the foundation-building demonic cultivator... is worth up to 500 merits!

As long as you kill a foundation-building demon cultivator, you'll basically get your money back.

Of course, he didn't dare to think about killing foundation building, but Fang Che was still confident about killing five ninth-level Qi refining.

However, looking at the blood essence test tube in the lockbox, Fang Che did not choose to refine it immediately.

His mind moved.

The 2360 points of diligence accumulated for many days but not used were used to make up for the weakness with the diligence gained just now.

Since the purpose of this retreat is to improve yourself, naturally there is no need to make any more reservations!

"My original spiritual consciousness has reached the LV4 level, and I have added 6,000 points of diligence. I am only 4,000 away from reaching LV5..."

"In this case, I will first use 3000 special diligence, combined with 1000 points of diligence, to supplement my spiritual consciousness to LV5, and feel what kind of improvement the first LV5 talent... can bring that will surprise me!"

In the meditation room…

Fang Che's eyes were as bright as stars!

"Give me……"

"Mending spiritual consciousness!"

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