Su Shangshang went to discuss some details of the afternoon finals.

Because the fighting method in the afternoon finals will be different from the previous rules, it will be a three-person battle, where three people will go on the field and compete together for the only victory.

Fang Che did not relax or be lazy. Even in the rest area, he still did not stop working hard.

Meditation, refining Qi, studying the sword technique Three Thousand Sword Thunder, etc...

No one bothered him. Luo Liuli had a cold temperament and was sitting cross-legged practicing.

In fact, it was said that Jia Shengli won the team competition this time by lying down, but in fact, Jia Shengli at least received a beating.

She, Luo Liuli, never even appeared on the field and stayed in the rest area.

She is the real winner.

However, Luo Liuli didn't have much awkwardness. After all, wouldn't it be nice to win?

Su Shangxing came back soon.

There was another person who came back with him, Xu Qing, the commander of the garrison.

As the commander of the garrison, he is naturally a big-shot figure. Not to mention his cultivation level, his identity alone can overwhelm the entire Feilei Immortal City.

As soon as Xu Qing arrived, everyone stood up.

Fang Che, Luo Liuli and Jia Shengli all stood up.

"I've met Commander Xu!"

The three of them said hello in unison.

Xu Qing's face was full of smile, and he raised his hand and pressed it.

"There's no need to be so cramped. I'm here specifically to tell you some good news."

Xu Qing's gaze swept over him, and even though he had not shown any cultivation, the pressure of spiritual consciousness released unintentionally still had a sense of oppression.

Su Shangshang's face was full of smiles, but the corners of his raised lips could not be suppressed no matter how hard he pressed them down.

I can't hold it down, I can't hold it down at all, I really want to laugh!

"Ji Yan High School chose to abstain from the finals of this Fei Lei Fairy City fighting competition."

"So, you are the champions of the team competition of Feileixian City Fighting Competition! You will represent Feileixian City as the number one seed and participate in the national competition in half a month!"

Commander Xu Qing's words were calm.

However, the meaning expressed made Fang Che and the other two stunned for a moment.

"Ji Yan High School... gave up?"

Fang Che frowned slightly, a little annoyed, why did he abstain from voting... That's 300 points of special effort!

Luo Liuli's face was calm and showed no emotion, as if whether she gave up or not had nothing to do with her.

On the contrary, Jia Shengli, who had been winning all the way, was extremely confused at the moment, and his eyes were full of energy loss...

"No...why did they just give up?"

Jia Shengli reacted and his mentality collapsed slightly.

He also wanted to show off his strength in the 3v3 in the final, at least to show that he was not lying to win.

The results of it?

He has already put on his sword, but he is already unmatched when he takes the stage!

Drawing the sword and looking around, I feel confused!

Jia Shengli felt disappointed.

"Winning... is really boring."

At this moment, Jia Shengli was so depressed that he had the urge to compose a poem.

If life hurts you, don't be sad or cry, because life will make up for it again...

"Be happy, everyone, hahaha, we are the champions!"

Su Shangxing couldn't hold back the suppressed corners of his mouth and burst into laughter.

His voice was extremely cheerful.

Ji Yan's admission of defeat was actually within Su Shangshang's expectation. After all, Ji Yan's students were no better than him in terms of status, and Fang Che was intimidated by the chest-breaking maniac and had already qualified for the national competition.

It is understandable that Ji Yan gave up the championship competition for the sake of individual competition.

But Su Shangxing was still very happy. After all, the championship was real.

It was in sharp contrast to the cold attitudes of Fang Che and the others.

Commander Xu Qing was also speechless. The three little guys from Ergao had such a stable mentality. They were the champions of the team competition...

There was no excitement at all.

Xu Qing nodded with satisfaction. The young monks of today must be able to control their emotions without being frightened. In the future, breakthroughs in the level of spiritual consciousness and inner demons will no longer be a problem.

Xu Qing looked at Fang Che: "By the way, because of Zhou Yun's complaint, our guard station failed to find out the truth in time, so you need to draw symbols in the fighting area to prove yourself. This is our work fault."

"Therefore, after discussion with the senior officials of the defensive area, they decided to compensate you with 20 points of merit, and in addition, the resource area of ​​the defensive area will be opened to you."

After Xu Qing finished speaking, Fang Che still looked confused.

Luo Liuli's long eyelashes on the side trembled slightly, and her mood fluctuated.

The resource area of ​​the garrison? !

And such good things?

Su Shangxing, who was enjoying himself, was also surprised. As a teacher, he naturally knew the meaning of the open resource area.

It seems that Fang Che's performance has satisfied the guarding area. Maybe he plans to sell it in advance and recruit Fang Che to join the fighting team in the guarding area?

"Fang Che, thank Commander Xu quickly!" Su Shangshang hurriedly reminded him.

As if he was afraid that Xu Qing would regret it.

Fang Che came back to his senses, immediately listened to Su Shangshang's words, and thanked Commander Xu.

"The resource area is of great significance. Normally, the merits obtained by you high school students can only be redeemed in the resource areas of each university after entering Xiuxian University. For you, it will take at least three years before you can use the merits, but This time the garrison will open the resource area for you..."

"You can use your merit in advance."

"Come with me, I will take you there myself."

Xu Qing said.

Fang Che quickly followed.

The garrison area is very large, with buildings lined up one after another, and various facilities are very complete, which perfectly integrates cultivation and technology.

The closer to the core area, the stronger the threat Fang Che can feel.

That is the self-protection reaction of the spiritual consciousness, because there are fairy weapons on the top of each building. Before they are released, there are terrible threats spreading from the weapons, shocking all parties.

High-lethal weapons that integrate cultivation and technology are called fairy weapons.

Entering a building, Xu Qing said that this building is a resource building, and all resource exchanges are carried out in it.

After going through layers of scanning and detection, Fang Che finally stepped into the building.

"Choose a room by yourself, and the spirit of the weapon will guide you to log in to the resource network to exchange resources."

Xu Qing said, and his figure disappeared.

Fang Che took a deep breath and entered the room.

The room is very simple, like a private room in an Internet cafe, with a display screen made entirely of jade, and nothing else.

Sitting on the chair, the jade display screen lit up, and the faint light reflected on Fang Che's face.

"Please enter your citizen ID number, student ID number, and name, raise your hand to touch the jade, and detect the spiritual root attributes..."

Fang Che performed a series of operations according to the prompts of the jade.

"Authentication passed, about to enter the resource network..."

The picture on the jade screen changed.

With pictures and texts, a list of various exchange resources was presented.

"Zhu Guo (top-grade precious medicine), exchange: one/100,000 merits, 1 remaining."

"Phoenix blood (top-grade precious medicine), exchange: 1 liter/100,000 merits, 3 liters remaining."


Fang Che took a breath, dazzled, looking at the exchange resources on it, he couldn't help but raise his hand to cover his chest.

Too many, really too many...

There are even many resources that have never been mentioned in textbooks, which are displayed in it, as if at this moment, the real world of cultivation has opened the door to him.

Fang Che finally understood that the role of merit... is so precious!

After a long time, Fang Che finally calmed down.

He knew that his current merits were not enough to covet the top-grade precious medicines on the resource network.

He didn't want to be too ambitious, so he narrowed the scope of exchange.

"There are real fire and thunder devil!"

"The lowest exchangeable real fire is Qingyan, a top-grade Qingyan is 10 merits... Now I haven't even refined red flames, it's a bit of a waste to go directly to Qingyan."

"However, the Qingyan provided by the resource network is a top-grade Qingyan, which is extremely difficult to obtain. If you miss this opportunity, you will never get it again!"

Fang Che's eyes were burning, and after hesitating again and again, he chose to exchange, and exchanged two top-grade Qingyan in one go.

After all, refining real fire into the flame ring spell also has the possibility of failure, and it is not possible to succeed in one go.

After deducting 20 points of merit, Fang Che set his sights on the exchangeable thunder devil.

"Top-grade White Thunder Demon, one flower is worth 10 merits! If I want to practice Sword Thunder Demon, one flower is definitely not enough... I need to prepare at least three."

"Resources are good resources only when they are transformed into one's own cultivation and combat power!"

"I heard that the national champion has hundreds of merits in addition to 200,000 merits... So, the merits I spend now are considered to be the merits of the national champion in advance!"

"So... what are you still hesitating about?!"

"Switch! Switch! Switch!"

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