Federal Immortal Sect, the First Immortal City.

Federal University Stadium.

The seats were packed, and the entire stadium's 100,000-seat auditorium was filled with people.

The Blue Star Immortal Sect University Fighting Competition is a grand event for the entire Blue Star. Every Immortal Sect will broadcast it, and the powerful people from all sides will watch.

In the auditorium, there were spectators from various major immortal sects, basically all monks.

At this moment, a battle of skills was taking place on the alloy arena.

The scene is indeed a bit tragic, with blood constantly flowing.

The powerful mana fluctuations impacted, causing the defensive formation of the alloy arena to continuously spread out ripple-like waves.

A figure shot out quickly and hit the defensive formation hard, and a honeycomb-shaped shadow of the formation appeared.

The figure coughed up a mouthful of blood and looked gloomy, but he still raised his hand and activated the magic power in his body to form a defensive formation.

This person is none other than Zhao Heng from Xiaju University. He has a first-level cultivation of Jindan. It is extremely difficult for someone to reach the first level of Jindan within four years of university.

However, what Zhao Heng is good at is not fighting skills, he is better at formations.

Unfortunately, the opponent was well prepared and used a spell to break the formation, which suddenly put Zhao Heng into a critical situation.

But Zhao Heng also knew very well that Fang Che had not arrived yet, and the opponent wanted to defeat him at the speed he wanted, and took advantage of the time before Fang Che arrived to complete the sweep of Xiaju University.

The other party also knew the information that Fang Che had not arrived, so he continued to exert his efforts.

Li Kushan, fourth in the pre-list, is the most valuable player in Toray Xianmen Qingtai University’s participating team this time.

Ranked fourth on the pre-list, he also has the first level of Jindan cultivation.

The confrontation between the two is completely different.

In fact, both Li Kushan and Zhao Heng used the resources of the university to break through to the realm of golden elixir and complete the elixir condensation for this Immortal Sect Fighting Competition.

Unfortunately, there is still a gap between the two.

Otherwise, the top ten geniuses on the pre-list are basically half-step golden elixir cultivation.

For example, Cang Haitian, who was defeated by Fang Che, ranked second in the preliminary list. He is extremely powerful, but he is only half-step golden elixir cultivation. The reason why he is strong is because he is also half-step golden elixir. His physique and magic skills With supernatural powers, they are much better than others.

Even among the top immortal cultivation universities in Blue Star, there are really talented people like Leige and Yang Yu who have stood at the pinnacle of the Golden Core Realm in their fourth year...

There are really not many.

Being able to reach the top of the list of geniuses requires not only extremely high domain understanding, but also extremely excellent spiritual roots.

The reason why Fang Che was so fiercely competed by the three top immortal cultivation universities in Daxia, and Xiaju University even offered sky-high resource promises, was because Fang Che had the opportunity to be like Lege and Yang Yu in the fourth year of the university. Within a year, he reached the pinnacle of the Golden Core Realm and reached the top of the list of geniuses.

But even Yun Qinglian and others only thought that it would take four years for Fang Che to reach this level.

But he never thought that Fang Che went to the Genius Battlefield and stood at such a high height.

Not only did they not think of it, but the entire Blue Star monks didn't think of it either.

Li Kushan looked serious and continued to attack with spells, but Zhao Heng's formation was like a turtle shell, constantly defending.

The main thing is to delay time!

Li Kushan looked extremely ugly.

"If you can, fight back! What kind of immortal cultivator are you acting like a turtle?"

Li Kushan's consciousness fluctuated and he scolded angrily.

He wanted to use words to anger Zhao Heng.

As long as Zhao Heng is defeated, Xiaju University must send a third player to the stage within the specified time.

Under the best-of-five-game system, as long as Xiaju University loses again in the next game, Xiaju University will miss the top 16.

But if Fang Che didn't arrive within the stipulated time, there was still hope!

Therefore, Li Kushan's eyes suddenly condensed and he looked at Zhao Heng, who had no response under his verbal attack.

The mana fluctuations all over his body became more and more powerful, and the realm he had just comprehended came crashing down!


Zhao Heng spat out another mouthful of blood, but a smile appeared on his face.


An extremely powerful roaring aura came across.

Rest area of ​​Xiaju University.

A figure with purple flames lingering all over his body, like a demon appearing on the scene of the fighting competition, appeared.

Under the purple flames, a handsome face was full of oppression.

"Fang Che!"

"It's him, he's here! Number 20 on the list of geniuses!"

"Hahaha, Qingtai University's plans have completely collapsed. They wanted to defeat Xiaju University before Fang Che arrived. Now it seems... all plans have come to nothing!"

The eyes of the spectators watching the battle were immediately attracted by Fang Che's arrival.

Some people will become the focus of the audience as soon as they appear on the stage. This is the dazzling talent that belongs to the genius.

"I surrender."

Zhao Heng said loudly.

After he finished speaking, a referee with Nascent Soul cultivation appeared instantly and stopped the attack that Li Kushan planned to continue.

Zhao Heng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, a smile appeared on his face, and looked at Li Kushan, who looked aggrieved, and couldn't help laughing.

It was as if he was the one who won.

Zhao Heng walked off the alloy arena and looked at Fang Che, who was only in the foundation building state, but the smile on his face was very enthusiastic.

"Junior Fang, you are finally here...and I am finally here for you."

Zhao Heng smiled.

Fang Che looked at Zhao Heng, who was seriously injured, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

He knew that in order to hold out until his arrival, Zhao Heng did not dare to fight with Li Kushan in a frenzied manner, and chose to defend for the sake of safety, which was why he was suppressed and beaten so miserably.

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

"From now on, we will not lose a game."

Fang Che said seriously.

Zhao Heng couldn't help but be startled when he heard this, and then he became speechless.

He is worthy of being ranked 20th on the list of geniuses. He is really extremely powerful.


That difficulty... is not easy.

Although everyone knows that the real stage of this Blue Star Immortal Sect Fighting Competition actually belongs to three people.

They are Leige, Yang Yu and Fang Che respectively.

But everyone knows that Fang Che is actually not very competitive against Leige from Federal University and Yang Yu from Pojun University.

Reg is even in the top ten on the Prodigy List!


In this battle, Xiaju University's goal is to compete for third place.

The previous Xiaju University had not even made it to the top eight, but this time it was not an exaggeration to aim for the top three.

After all, other Xianmen universities are not without merit.

There are also Tianjiao students who are ranked on the Tianjiao list.

Zhao Heng smiled and said nothing more: "Leave it to you, junior."

Then, Zhao Heng bared his teeth and walked towards the team.

Yun Qinglian, Wu Qingfeng and others also rushed over and stepped into the lounge.

"Well done."

Wu Qingfeng patted Zhao Heng on the shoulder, very satisfied.

He finally ended his fear and looked at the young man who stepped onto the alloy ring step by step.


"It's time for the world to see our Xiaju University..."

"The genius of the fighting spirit!"

Fang Che stepped onto the alloy arena step by step.

As he arrived, the cheers from the surrounding audience instantly exploded like thunder.

No. 20 on the Tianjiao list. Regardless of whether this ranking is justified or not, Fang Che is now ranked here and has a great reputation.

It is the object of worship of many young monks today!

Countless photographic magic weapons were aimed at the arena and Fang Che, with a fanatical attitude like a hurricane.

After all, this is the only peerless person who has reached the top of the list of geniuses with his foundation-building cultivation!

Flying Thunder Fairy City.

Fairy City Second High School!

The entire teaching building exploded, and in every class, the Immortal University Fighting Competition was projected.

When they saw Fang Che stepping onto the alloy stage step by step, all the classes roared.

Education classes.

The head teacher, Pei Linglong, crossed her arms and watched the battle with her classmates.

Looking at Fang Che's unchanging green face in the picture, Pei Linglong couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

"This kid hasn't changed at all!"

Below, the students in the Peiyou class were all showing enthusiasm.

"Look! Fuck, this is my brother! This is Fang Che!"

The little fat man Cheng Shi slapped the table excitedly, and the fat on his face could not stop trembling.

Many people's eyes showed complex expressions, and some showed trance-like expressions.

After all, I was sitting with them in the Peiyou class not long ago, bathing in the sunshine pouring in from the window.

Now he has entered the highest level of Blue Star's fighting competition and has become a fighting genius competing for Xiaju University.

This sense of fragmentation has confused many people.

Principal's office.

The old principal invited many people, including Xu Qing, the commander of the guarding regiment in Feileixian City, and guarding Zhao Tianliang and others.

As a group of people with the highest cultivation level in Feilei Immortal City, their faces were filled with emotion at this moment.

"This kid can actually grow to such an extent and reach the 20th place on the Prodigy List with his foundation-building cultivation level... This is simply a miracle among miracles."

"I still remember that during the trials for the fighting competition, this guy was just a Qi refiner, right?"

Everyone is sighing.

Looking back carefully, they realized that Fang Che's growth was really faster than they imagined.

"However, I have to say that this kid is really hardworking. We can see his daily diligence... I used to think that cultivation of immortality is not about diligence, but talent and spiritual roots, but now... I am shaken "

Guard Zhao Tianliang couldn't help but said.

They had also heard of Fang Che's name as Liver Emperor.

Nowadays, the Liver Emperor Fang Che has almost become Fang Che's label, and has become a behavior that the students of Feileixian City's Second High School will emulate.

Xiaju University.

A viewing meeting was also organized.

Many students from Xiaju University gathered in the square, looking at the projected picture, all showing excitement.

And among the crowd.

Fang Che's parents, Fang Qingyun and Chen Shuting, were also invited and sat among them, watching the battle with a group of geniuses who could be admitted to Xiaju University.

Fang Qingyun's face was filled with a happy smile. He was very satisfied when he saw that his son could stand on the highest stage of fighting for young immortal cultivators and fight for Xiaju University.

Chen Shuting was a little worried, worried that Fang Che would be injured.

The focus of father and mother has always been somewhat different.

"It's begun, Ah Che is here!"

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Fang Che finally entered the alloy arena.

His calm eyes fell on Li Kushan from Qingtai University who was standing opposite him.

Li Kushan's face was extremely solemn, and the magic power on his body could not help but overflow, although he was a Jindan realm.

But the pressure Fang Che brought to him was so great that it was unimaginable.

There were even beads of sweat rolling down Li Kushan's forehead. Before the fight began, he felt that he was almost collapsing.

It was a collapse of spirit.

It was an invisible sense of oppression.

He... couldn't bear it!

Unparalleled Tianjiao!

This is the real unparalleled Tianjiao!

Even if it is just a foundation building, as long as he stands here, his peers will despair for him and have no idea of ​​resisting.

Li Kushan roared, venting his own domain and covering himself, and then he felt that the sense of oppression was weakened a little.

He gasped and stared at Fang Che who was standing quietly opposite him.

Fang Che's eyes were indifferent and emotionless.

"Fourth on the preliminary list?"

"A long time ago... I seem to have been the first on the preliminary list."

Fang Che said softly.

The referee landed gracefully. He was a referee at the Nascent Soul stage. He glanced at Fang Che, then at Li Kushan, and read out the rules of the fight.

Then his figure disappeared gracefully.

It announced the start of the fight.

"Twentieth on the Tianjiao list..."

"Unimaginable height."

Li Kushan exclaimed: "I know that I may be able to climb the Tianjiao list one day, but I can probably only barely climb it..."

"But today... I am able to fight with you, the twenty-first on the Tianjiao list, and it is also an honor!"

"Come on, go all out, let me feel your power!"

Li Kushan roared, and the domain belonging to the first level of the Golden Core began to expand, wanting to swallow Fang Che whole.

Suddenly, Li Kushan's eyes condensed, revealing a touch of surprise.

But Fang Che actually did not move, letting his domain completely swallow him.

Below, the leader of Qingtai University clenched his fists in excitement.

"There is a chance, there is still a chance... Within the domain, the cultivation of the domain master can be greatly increased, and the other party's cultivation can be weakened..."

"Maybe, today Li Kushan... wants to kill the gods... uh uh uh..."

The leader's excited and second-year words have not yet been finished.

His eyes widened, stuck in his throat, unable to continue speaking.

However, he saw Fang Che who was covered by Li Kushan's domain.

He took a step expressionlessly, and the next moment, the dragon roar exploded, and Dayan Jinglong Flash was performed.

He appeared behind Li Kushan like teleportation.

His five fingers slowly opened.

It was like a peerless beast opened its huge mouth of the abyss!

Li Kushan seemed to be frozen all over, his eyes tightened, and he tried his best to control the domain, trying to suppress Fang Che with the domain.

However, it was useless.

Fang Che simply ignored the oppression brought by his domain.

Even without even using his magical powers, he just relied on his strong body to bear the pressure of the domain that Li Kushan had just mastered.


Fang Che grabbed the back of Li Kushan's head with five fingers.

His eyes were indifferent, and his toes lightly tapped.

With a bang...

Fang Che grasped Li Kushan's head, instantly tore the domain, pulling out a white line and countless afterimages of frozen movements.


With a loud bang!

An anchor point suddenly appeared on the protective formation of the alloy arena, and the anchor point was covered with spider-web-like cracks that expanded rapidly.

And the center of the crack...

It was Li Kushan, who was slapped on the formation wall by Fang Che, and his head was almost completely deformed.

The demon-like figure came to the arena for the first battle.

He presented everyone with a crushing crushing.

It seemed to tell the world's cultivators.

His 20th place on the Tianjiao List...

It was genuine.

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