Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 287: Heavenly Pride, Domain Replication, Top Five Elements (1/2)

Broken flesh and blood flew across the earth-colored field.

Tu Xinglie's eyes were full of disbelief. His chest was pierced, a huge gap penetrated his chest and back, and his internal organs were destroyed.

The consciousness was crushed and the body was severely injured...

Tu Xinglie only felt a spinning shock, and the breath of life was constantly being withdrawn from his body. He understood that he might die.


His body hit the ground hard, and the surrounding ground instantly shattered. Countless fine gravels rose up into the air, several meters high.

Blood continued to flow out of Tu Xinglie's body, forming a blood puddle on the ground.

The terrifying power still continued to have aftermath, impacting the earth, and large amounts of rock and soil were washed into fine gravel by the terrifying light of the halberd.

Where Tu Xinglie was standing, the entire area suddenly collapsed, sinking continuously.

Smoke and dust billowed into the sky.

The Xuantu realm could no longer withstand this domineering power and began to slowly dissipate.

Fang Che held the Heavenly Wrath Halberd in one hand and was suspended in the air. His silver hair was flying like a cloak on his back, and his eyes were shining with brilliant light, extremely bright.

Three fourth-level magic weapons, plus the simultaneous use of two magical powers...

Fang Che finally won.

The main reason is that the power of these two magical powers is extremely terrifying, beyond Fang Che's imagination.

Whether it is Dengxian or Wang Lin, they have reached an extremely powerful level, and they can even easily tear apart Tu Xinglie's black earth realm, greatly reducing the pressure on themselves, so they can easily fight against the killings, and even kill them. Tu Xinglie was beheaded.

Breathing slightly, on Fang Che's powerful physical body, the prototype immortal elixir body of magical powers quickly recovered its physical condition. Coupled with the Ten Thousand Dao Sacred Body transformed by the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra, Fang Che's condition gradually recovered.

He floated down and landed on the ground.

Using two magical powers at the same time was extremely stressful even for Fang Che, and the consumption increased exponentially.

No wonder many monks can only use one magical power. It is really difficult to use two magical powers.

Fortunately, Fang Che's physique is different from ordinary people, and he possesses the Holy Body of Ten Thousand Daos, coupled with the universal compatibility method such as the "Ten Thousand Daos Sutra", which allows him to use two magical powers at the same time under compatibility.

He no longer continued to maintain his magical power.

Dengxian and Wang Lin dispersed at the same time, and the vision disappeared.

However, the demeanor of the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons was still maintained, and Fang Che did not let his guard down, preventing Tu Xinglie from counterattacking in a desperate situation, and killing him, which would really make him cry.

Boo hoo hoo…

The Blazing Sun Sword Cauldron and the Eight Desolate Demon Spears directly suppressed Tu Xinglie's Black Earth Hammer. This fourth-level magic weapon, with a dim light, was wrapped up by Fang Che's two fourth-level magic weapons and fell on the side. Che's side.

Fang Che glanced at it and put it away without ceremony.

A fourth-level magic weapon is a very good thing. No matter where it is placed, it is extremely precious.

The vision disappeared and the black earth realm dispersed.

The sky became clear and blue, and everything returned to normal.

Wherever Fang Che looked, he saw everything familiar.

Domain... is indeed a very mysterious ability. If it weren't for Fang Che's powerful magical power, he would indeed suffer a big loss once he fell into the domain.

Fang Che's eyes narrowed, but his heart became more vigilant.

This battle was not easy for him to win.

Tu Xinglie is really not weak anymore. He is ranked 20th on the list of geniuses. He has the field of black earth. He is a true genius and one of the kind of geniuses who can also fight across the ranks.

With the ninth level of the golden elixir and the realm of black earth... Tu Xinglie could even fight against some Nascent Soul monks.

Fang Che tried his best to kill him in reverse.

One can imagine...

The higher you go up the list of geniuses, the more powerful you will become.

"Tu Xinglie's Xuantu realm is only at the first level. Cang Xingyu, who is at the top of the list of Tianjiao, seems to have even realized the third realm..."

Fang Che stared.

In the first realm, he had to use his magical power to tear apart Wang Lincai with difficulty and break the constraints of the realm on him before he could unleash his full strength.

The understanding of the realm of the three realms...

Fang Che didn't think he could break through it with his magical powers.

"Foundation-building cultivation... is indeed not enough. The only thing that can deal with the domain is... the domain."

Fang Che took a deep breath, his eyes sparkling.

The foundation building cultivation level is indeed weak.

"I have to work harder and strive to break through the foundation building cultivation level as soon as possible and step into the real... golden elixir realm."

Fang Che made clear his next training goals.

The smoke and dust were completely silent.

The appearance of Tu Xinglie in the big pit was revealed.

Tu Xinglie's breath had become extremely weak. He sat up from the pit. The huge blood hole in his chest was extremely shocking, and the blood continued to surge and spill out.


Tu Xinglie opened his mouth and spat out blood, his life force being drained away bit by bit.

"It's so strong... It's worthy of being the only monster on the list of geniuses with foundation-building cultivation."

Tu Xinglie looked at Fang Che and laughed.

"You're good too."

Fang Che, who maintained the demeanor of the Eight Desolations Gods and Demons, nodded coldly.

"I can't imagine... you are in the Foundation Establishment realm, but you can actually use two magical powers, and you can control three fourth-level magic weapons. You are really powerful and durable."

Tu Xinglie stared at Fang Che with some admiration.

To be able to make the talented Tu Xinglie admire him is enough to show how powerful Fang Che is.

Tianjiao will never easily obey another person, unless that person is more evil and more genius than him.

And Fang Che obviously did it and conquered Tu Xinglie.

"Unfortunately, my domain awareness is still not enough. If you were stronger and you couldn't break the domain, then I would be the winner."

Tu Xinglie was a little unwilling.

However, it is useless to be unwilling. If you lose, you will lose. Making excuses for yourself is just a weak person's self-comfort, which is meaningless.

"You have to become stronger, otherwise... you will lose sooner or later."

"This battle should have made many people see your cards clearly...you have to be careful."

Tu Xinglie slowly lowered his head.

He didn't have to go hoarse. If he lost, he would lose. If he lost to someone he admired, it was... worth it.

The road to immortality is like this. There are always stronger people who can step on your bones and move forward.

And the person who steps on you, who knows when, will become the corpse stepped on by others...

The road to immortality is littered with bones...

Cultivation to immortality is the most painful.

Fang Che looked at Tu Xinglie calmly.

Looking at the other person's completely drooped head, looking at the other person's breath of life that had been completely cut off, he exhaled.

Earth is strong and falls.

boom! ! !

at the same time.

At the moment Tu Xinglie died, the majestic arrogance surged out from his body, like a white dragon rushing into the sky, and then crashed down, rushing towards Fang Che.

With a bang, it crashed into Fang Che's body!

Fang Che's black hair was flying, and within his body, there was also a big wave rising into the sky. His arrogance was entangled like a dragon, swallowing up Tu Xinglie's arrogance.

Tianjiao Qi transformed into a dragon that grew taller and taller, finally reaching thirteen feet!


Fang Che's hair was flying wildly and wildly, and his breath was constantly stirring, like a beam of light pouring into the sky.

The thirteen-foot-tall proud white dragon was entrenched around him, opening its mouth and roaring to heaven and earth.

Immortal Gate Fragment Continent No. 9.

The first fairy city of the Tu Xing tribe.

Bangbei Square.

The huge city fell into deathly silence, and the powerful earth-attribute aura spread across the sky and the earth.

Many geniuses from the Tu Xing clan stared blankly at the scene on the monument that was gradually disappearing.

In the picture, there was only the scene of Fang Che swallowing Tu Xinglie's pride.

"Tu Xinglie...is dead?"

"He actually lost!"

The geniuses of the Tu Xing Clan all showed extremely ugly expressions.

Many of Tu Xinglie's supporters even looked uncomfortable, as if they were constipated and in great pain.

"How could it be defeated? It was just a foundation building. How could a foundation building defeat Tu Xinglie at the ninth level of the Golden Core?!

When the geniuses in the clan were killed, the confidence of many geniuses was greatly affected and they suffered serious setbacks.


A terrifying aura came across, as if a huge mountain spanning the sky had moved in, covering all the light.

On the top of the mountain, stood a figure covered in knotted muscles, with earth-colored hair flying freely, and eyes that were cold and suppressed with anger, making the entire fairy city quiet.

"It's the ancestor of Tu Xing!"

"Tu Xinglie is his youngest disciple... and the disciple who has high hopes. Unexpectedly, he lost to a Blue Star Foundation Builder."

"The disciple who transformed into a god died tragically on the genius battlefield... ugh."

Many people sighed when they saw this powerful existence.

Ancestor Tu Xing crossed his arms and closed his eyes slowly, recalling the scene of Tu Xinglie's life being wiped out, and sighed leisurely.

"The road to immortality is full of dead bones. I never thought that my disciple... would be reduced to a nameless dead bone on the road. How sad."

Ancestor Tu Xing opened his eyes and disappeared with the entire mountain in his arms.

The oppressive pressure of the Transformation of God that shrouded the entire Earthly Immortal City dissipated.

The No. 1 Immortal Sect Fragment Continent, the Immortal City of the Demonic Clan.

In front of the monument, the voices of discussion continued one after another.

There were many people watching the battle between Fang Che and Tu Xinglie. Many people were very curious whether the Blue Star genius who killed Cang Lei could continue to be on the genius list.

However, this Blue Star Prodigy who only has the foundation building realm... really has something.

Cang Xingyu opened his eyes, with a touch of coldness in his extremely deep eyes.

"The defeat of Tu Xing Lie is not unjust. The two top magical powers... are beyond the reach of human beings."

Cang Xingyu's eyes seemed to see through everything.

"Although this son's physical body is powerful, it is a bit unbelievable to be able to withstand these two top-level magical powers..."

"Is it the Wan Dao Jing? The inheritance of the Wan Dao Sect..."

Cang Xingyu said softly.

The next moment, a burly figure with a strong demonic aura appeared next to him, with hands behind his back and blood-red hair flying. Just a glance at it seemed to be able to twist people's souls and drive them into madness.

The person who came was none other than Cang Xingyu’s master, the Blood Thunder Demon Lord, one of the three top demon lords of the Demon Spirit Tribe.

"Yes, this son has indeed received the inheritance of Wandao Sect... That is the inheritance of a large and first-class sect. It is normal to have such a method."

"It's a pity for Cang Lei. If he gets the inheritance of Wandao Sect... it will definitely be a great help to our clan."

"My clan has a strong physical body and extraordinary magical powers. If we continue to cultivate the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra, we can display multiple magical powers at the same time... In the entire Immortal Sect Fragments battlefield, our demon spirit clan will definitely be invincible and invincible!"

The Blood Thunder Demon Lord said in a deep voice.

"Xingyu, you have extraordinary talent. If you practice the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra, you have a chance to practice to the seventh level or above. If you meet him in the genius battlefield, kill him and take the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra. This is a great contribution. I can open the "Blood Demon Pool" for you again."

Cang Xingyu's deep eyes fluctuated slightly: "Oh? This boy is actually worthy of opening the Blood Demon Pool? If I have time, I will kill him."

"However, it is probably difficult to meet him. I am afraid that I will meet him only in the battle of the 100 clans' geniuses." The Blood Thunder Demon Lord shook his head.

"The battle of the 100 clans' geniuses..." Cang Xingyu's eyes became deeper and deeper.

The Blood Thunder Demon Lord glanced at Cang Xingyu and said, "Don't be careless. The restrictions of the Hundred Races Pride Battle... are looser than those of the Pride List. The Pride List requires cultivators who have practiced for fifty years to be on the list, while the Hundred Races Pride Battle, as long as the Pride has practiced for less than a hundred years... can participate!"

"Your opponent can be said to be the two generations of the Pride List of each race!"

"Among them, there are some peerless figures who have dominated the Pride List for twenty or thirty years. They have practiced for twenty or thirty years more than you. The gap... is not small."

"What Fang Che is meaningless compared to those peerless figures."

Cang Xingyu's eyes were bright, as if he was looking forward to that day.

"I know."



Fang Che killed Tu Xinglie against the odds. Such a record directly shocked the entire Five Elements Clan.

And it was not just the Five Elements Clan that was shocked.

The White Demon Clan, the Dragon Blood Clan, the Holy Feather Clan and other top clans were shocked.

There are many powerful people with sharp eyes among these races. They understand that the biggest reason why Fang Che can defeat Tu Xinglie is the inheritance of the Wandao Sutra learned from the Wandao Sect.

However, many people also know that the Wandao Sutra is easy to learn but difficult to master. If you want to practice it to a high level and carry two top magical powers, you have to be at least seven levels.

That requires top talent.

"Wandao Sutra..."

At this moment, many powerful people from powerful races began to face the methods of the first-grade immortal gate, which was quite glorious in this immortal gate era.

Some geniuses who returned alive from the Wandao Ancient City immediately became popular, because they all practiced the Wandao Sutra. Although the realm was not high, they at least practiced it and had some ways.

If you can figure out the Wandao Sutra and carry multiple top magical powers...

The blessing of combat power is obvious to all.

It can be seen from Fang Che, who is at the ninth level of foundation building, defeating Tu Xinglie, who is at the ninth level of golden elixir.

Of course, Fang Che defeated Tu Xinglie, and his magical power was so powerful that it could not be replicated. It is undeniable that this is indeed a way to fight across levels.


The white dragon transformed by Tianjiao Qi lingered around him.

Slowly, the breath filled his body.

Fang Che opened his eyes, and the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons also dissipated and no longer maintained. The Burning Sky Flame Gold also faded, and the dragon scales scattered.

Holding the Sky Wrath Halberd, this fourth-level famous weapon is extremely extraordinary. Fang Che even felt the intense spirituality in it, which was very compatible with him.

Fang Che hesitated for a moment, and did not put away the Sky Wrath Halberd, but carried it on his back.

The circulation of his own blood and qi, the flushing of his own mana, and the dizziness of his breath, are more compatible with the spirituality of the Sky Wrath Halberd.

He walked to the side of Tu Xinglie's body.

It must be said that Tu Xinglie is an admirable opponent.

But admiration is admiration, and Fang Che is not polite at all when it comes to the spoils that should be collected.

After collecting Tu Xinglie's storage magic weapon, Fang Che's powerful consciousness directly broke through the barrier and glanced at the collection, which made Fang Che's eyes bright.

Fang Che's mood could not help but become beautiful.

He floated out of the deep pit, waved his hand casually, and moved his powerful consciousness. Countless dust rolled and swallowed Tu Xinglie's body, which was considered to be a funeral for this good opponent.


Fang Che's mind moved.

A mirror light suddenly flashed in front of him, reflecting the prompt.

[First-class domain Xuantu domain, copy the four first-class domains of heavy water, sky fire, wood, and gold, which can be synthesized into the best domain five elements domain]

[Do you want to copy the first-class domain Xuantu domain? ]

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