Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 268: Immortal touches the head and greets the Holy Son (1/2)

Transformation, in fact, sometimes, will produce a feeling of blessing in the heart.

It is a unique and wonderful state.

After the nine gates were fully opened, Fang Che, who entered the state of extreme sublimation with the help of the seventh level of the Ten Thousand Dao Sutra, finally squeezed all his potential after the bloody battle with Cang Lei, and entered a state of transformation after extreme sublimation!

The stuck diligence talent was finally perfectly supplemented, and a leap and breakthrough were achieved.

The fighting talent was Fang Che's first talent to reach lv5, and now, in addition to the spiritual root talent, it is the first talent to reach lv6!

Fang Che felt a comprehensive transformation.

It was a change in the talent level, mysterious and extremely mysterious, like an undetectable transformation at the transcendent level!

Of course, the intuitive performance is clearer and more conspicuous.

That is the change at the level of the prototype of the magical power.

The prototype of the magical power [Climbing the Tower] has now transformed into [Ascending to Immortality]!

One step...Ascending to Immortality!

It was like a fish leaping over a dragon gate, like a transcendent transformation!

At this moment, Fang Che's whole body changed!

The real magical power is not the prototype of the magical power!

The lv5 talent shows the prototype of the magical power, and the lv6 talent shows... the real magical power!

The magical power - ascending to the immortal!

Boom! ! !

Fang Che's silver hair was flying, and at this moment, he seemed to feel a feeling beyond the level of this field!

He burst out with the ultimate ultimate move ascending to the immortal, but still failed to kill Cang Lei. Although he hurt the opponent, the damage was limited.

And now, Fang Che has achieved the ultimate sublimation and transition in the battle he enjoys.

At this moment, he displayed the state of ascending to the immortal without hesitation!

The real...

magic power!

Fang Che's silver hair suddenly swelled upside down, and the gorgeous silver light was like a waterfall.

In every inch of his skin, there was a mist rising and spreading. It was a unique mist, showing a faint white color.

Like... wisps of fairy air!

Fang Che's body, which had originally risen to more than two meters in height, began to be shrouded in the rolling and surging fairy air white mist, which was like a raging sea of ​​clouds.

In the white mist, there were fairy palaces, and the colorful rays of light bloomed brilliantly, reflecting the fairy palaces looming, as if Fang Che was carrying a fairyland on his back!

This fairyland artistic conception was filled with a kind of etherealness, which actually gave people a sense of transcendence.

In the distance.

Cang Lei frowned, and the True Demon Armor covering his body was intertwined with monstrous demonic energy. He stared at Fang Che, who seemed to have undergone an inexplicable transformation at this moment, and his eyes showed a vigilant look.

He didn't expect that this Blue Star cultivator was so difficult to deal with. The more he fought, the more difficult he became. The more he fought, the more he could understand its horror.

At this moment, his consciousness kept beating, and the True Demon phantom reflected an extremely terrifying sense of tension and crisis!

This shows that the Blue Star cultivator, who had undergone another transformation at this moment, brought him an unprecedented crisis!

Fang Che's eyes turned into brilliant gold in the state of immortality. What he exuded was not a little golden smoke, but a golden light that was like the sun hanging high in the sky.

The golden light was like two stars, eternal and immortal.

The rich immortal energy wrapped around Fang Che's body. The immortal energy was very terrifying, containing the power of destruction. It was the fusion and transformation of high-level power such as blood, magic power, and spiritual consciousness.

Sober and detached, as if everything was slowing down in his consciousness.

Fang Che felt as if he had transcended this level and did not belong to this dimension.

Feeling the transformation of the energy in his body, Fang Che's eyes opened with brilliant golden eyes and moved slightly.

They fell on Cang Lei's body.


The pressure like a tsunami instantly enveloped Cang Lei's body, and there was a strong sense of suffocation as if he was thrown into the endless deep sea.

Just a look brought such a sense of oppression to Cang Lei!

"You've become stronger!"

Cang Lei's eyes also revealed a touch of shock, and after the shock, there was enthusiasm and excitement!

"Interesting, a little interesting..."

Cang Lei grinned and opened his hands. The True Demon Armor suddenly squirmed, like a big devil waking up!

"Your state is very unique, a bit like the addition of my True Demon Shadow, but... you are different from me. I have the blood of the True Demon and have been recognized by the real demon spirit, so I can easily bear such a True Demon's true meaning."

"But your power does not come from your bloodline, how long can you... resist?"

Cang Lei seemed to see through Fang Che's current state at a glance.

Fang Che's eyes burst into golden light, and the surrounding fairy air was thick and rolling.

In the fairyland image suspended behind him, it seemed that there was a fairy.

Fang Che did not answer or speak.

Because what Cang Lei said was true, Fang Che could feel the super huge load after opening the magical power to ascend to the fairy state.

Under this kind of load, the consumption becomes huge, whether it is Qi and blood, consciousness, mana or physical strength, all of them are consumed violently.

"One minute."

Fang Che said softly.

His voice was a little ethereal, as if an immortal from high above whispered to the world.

One minute is the time Fang Che calculated that he could support himself in his extremely sober state.

In the immortal state, he can only hold on for one minute.

If it exceeds one minute, his body will fall apart and he will completely exit the immortal state.


Only one minute!

The geniuses who were watching the battle from a distance were speechless and choked, their eyes widened, and violent gasping and exhaling sounds came from their noses.

They could feel the pressure like a huge wave coming from Fang Che and Cang Lei.

The two of them at this moment have already surpassed their level.

Even Yun Fei, who was ranked thirty-sixth on the list of geniuses, was no longer qualified to join the battle.

It will be twisted and torn apart by the fighting and killing intent mobilized to the extreme by the two of them!

Yun Fei stared at Fang Che. Fang Che at this moment... gave him a feeling of despair as if he was looking up at a mountain!

It is a level that you can see, but if you want to climb and chase it, you can't reach it and touch it!

The Great Xia Immortal Sect...when did such a genius come into being? !

Cang Lei's body was covered with demonic patterns, and he looked a bit ferocious at the moment. He mobilized the true demon blood in his body to the extreme, mobilizing the true demon armor to the extreme.

The squirming real demon armor released a ferocious meaning, and the power of the armor compressed to a height of three meters was even more terrifying.

The armor was like a real demon, grinning, revealing a huge mouth like a blood hole.

Cang Lei smiled silently.


The whole person suddenly disappeared from the same place, and a terrifying explosion sound suddenly appeared in the air.

A monstrous demonic energy, like a black wind, suddenly stirred up, releasing a cold and biting breath!

The wind blew past violently, and the void seemed to be wiped away, silently cut into tofu-like pieces!

Just a moment!

The black wind enveloped Fang Che, who was enveloped in immortal energy, and began to spin rapidly, and the terrifying cutting power began to be released!

The white fairy energy and the black wind collided and swept across each other!

There was a constant sound of gold and iron clashing!

The demonic wind turned into tens of millions, and was densely packed, like extremely fine water, cutting towards Fang Che.

But Fang Che's body was constantly flashing, extremely flexible, controlling every inch of flesh and blood to the extreme.

It was actually easy to avoid all the cutting power of the black wind!



The sound of explosions echoed in the black wind.

A figure shot out backwards, Cang Lei, wearing a true demon armor, was suspended in the air, his eyes were frowning, showing a solemn look.

However, he saw that the strong immortal energy around the suspended Fang Che surged up again, lingering around him like a horse.

Fang Che's brilliant golden eyes stared at Cang Lei, and his palms suddenly clapped together!

An astonishing aura, like a volcanic eruption, burst out from Fang Che's body!

The air around me was distorted and blurry for a moment!

Cang Lei's eyes narrowed and he stared at Fang Che, only to see Fang Che with flying silver hair. When he clasped his palms together, a figure suddenly appeared in the palace of the boundless wonderland behind him.

The figure came from the fairyland.

The figure was somewhat similar to Fang Che's, but as he walked out, the figure grew bigger and bigger.

Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters!

It seems that from far to near, from small to tall giant all of a sudden!

The giant looked like an immortal who had truly stepped out of the immortal palace. He had a face similar to Fang Che's, like Fang Che who had truly transformed into an immortal after ascending to immortality in one step!

Thirty meters high, at close range, the feeling of oppression is really too great!

The fairy spirit lingers around him!

Fang Che's face was indifferent, and he released his clasped palms. The thirty-meter-tall immortal seemed to follow his movements and released his palms!

At the same time, Fang Che slapped a palm towards the demonic Cang Lei in front of him!

The 30-meter-tall phantom of the immortal behind him also followed Fang Che's movements and synchronized with them!

boom! ! !

A palm fell, and as it fell, invisible ripples as thick as a mountain rolled down spread out in all directions.

The power of the shock was transmitted, and the air was shaking like a blanket!

The terrifying surging immortal energy like a mountain roaring and a tsunami lingered on the huge palm, shooting towards Cang Lei!

Cang Lei roared, and the real demon's shadow expanded. The monstrous demonic energy flowed upstream. The real demon's shadow expanded to seven or eight meters, but it was already the limit.

The seven or eight meter tall shadow of a real demon is completely different from the thirty meter tall shadow of an immortal!


The monstrous tsunami-like demonic energy was shattered by a slap of the palm, dispersing and overflowing.

Cang Lei's body was wrapped in the shadow of the real demon, and was slapped hard into the ground of the ancient city, causing the ground to sink deeply.

"How can it be so strong?!"

Cang Lei's eyes tightened.

He stared intently at the palm that he was about to take again as he swung it again.

In his eyes, that palm was no longer just a palm, but a palm that was perfectly combined with countless mana operations, power techniques, and divine consciousness applications!

That is a miraculous fighting skill!

That’s right, it’s the art of fighting technique, not the skill!

The use of mana, strength, energy, blood, spiritual consciousness and other skills contained in a slap is simply dazzling, inexplicable, and embarrassing!

boom! ! !

Another slap was raised, and the infinite immortal energy lingering in that palm seemed to be blooming with golden light!

The thirty-meter tall immortal looks like a real immortal showing off his skills!

Sweat broke out on Cang Lei's forehead. He jumped up, with overwhelming demonic aura rolling around. He mobilized all the demonic aura and power to the extreme, and unfailingly launched another move of resistance against Fang Che's Immortal Shadow.

However, a crushing collapse!

The demonic energy exploded again, and the real demon armor covering Cang Lei's body shrank back three meters, and his body was covered with cracks...

With a thud, he slammed into the ground fiercely.

Spider-web-like cracks covered the ground of the ancient city.

Blood kept spurting out of his mouth, and it was the first time that Cang Lei suffered such a serious injury.

"Not an opponent... This is a crushing of fighting skills. His energy use can easily defeat my energy manipulation..."

"I can't fight him, I look up to him, it's hard to compete..."

There was a trace of despair in Cang Lei's eyes.


Fang Che was surrounded by immortal energy, and the countdown in his heart made him not hesitate and slap out again.

The 30-meter-tall immortal shadow behind him also slapped out a palm!

The immortal touched his head!

The pressure of the tsunami caused the True Demon Armor on Cang Lei's body to break continuously, and the surrounding ground debris flew across. Under the invisible sense of oppression, it was stagnant and floated in the air.

Cang Lei raised his head with difficulty, gritted his teeth, and blood exploded at the corners of his mouth like flowers, forming a blood mist.

The pressure was too great...

This palm with extreme skills fell, and Cang Lei felt that he might be defeated miserably!

He Cang Lei, 30th on the Tianjiao list... 7th level of Jindan... will lose? !

How could he lose? !

How could he lose!

Cang Lei was unwilling and unable to accept such a fact!

Facing the ultimate skill palm that covered the sky and the sun, it was like a palm that was severing the immortal's life...

He roared and propped up his arms, clattering...

The True Demon Armor condensed by the True Demon's intention began to fall apart.

Cang Lei's blood sprayed out of his body, and his roar broke through the clouds and echoed throughout the ancient city.


It turned into a long sigh.

"How could I, Cang Lei, lose?"

The voice became calm.

Immediately, an invisible field, with Cang Lei as the center, surging demonic energy, roared and grew, twisted into a black vortex, and expanded immeasurably!

This is Cang Lei's Jindan domain!

The domain belongs to the late Jindan realm!

Fang Che's immortal palm fell on his head, and he couldn't fall anymore, and was completely distorted and blocked by the late Jindan realm.

At the place where the immortal's phantom's palm fell and collided with the Jindan realm, there were constant powerful energy collisions and breeding.

The immortal energy and demonic energy continued to collide, and there was a roar of thunder rolling in it!

Fang Che's brilliant golden pupils stared at the picture at this moment.

The extreme calmness of the immortal state made him exhale gently.

It's over.

Fang Che slowly closed his eyes.

The gold was covered.

The terrifying spirit on his body also shrank suddenly.

The immortal spirit disappeared, and the fairyland retreated.

Everything seemed to turn into a golden bead and escaped into Fang Che's body.

Fang Che's silver hair turned black, and his two-meter-tall body returned to a figure of 1.8 meters.

He fell from the sky and sat down on the ruins of rubble.

The tsunami-like pressure on his body disappeared in an instant.

Fang Che sat cross-legged on the ground, looking at Cang Lei who had opened up the Jindan domain.

Cang Lei stood in the domain, suspended in the air, and countless dark demonic energy swirled around him like the eye of a storm.

The powerful domain separated everything.

"As I expected, you can't hold on for long in such an extraordinary state."

"That is a great magical power, but the more powerful the magical power, the greater the pressure on the caster."

Cang Lei said indifferently.

The tightly intertwined red lightning intertwined in his eyes.

Domain, that is the most powerful means of Jindan cultivators, and also the strongest means that can crush foundation building cultivators.

Unfortunately, in the ancient city, the means of domain have been suppressed from the beginning.

Compared with foundation building cultivators, Jindan cultivators who cannot use domain are only stronger in mana accumulation and mana strength.

This also gives Fang Che the opportunity to fight across levels.

However, a trace of sadness appeared in Cang Lei's indifferent eyes.

Because, in the ancient city, Cang Lei really doesn't want to use the power of domain.

Even without the power of domain, Cang Lei feels that with the mana of the seventh level of Jindan, he is invincible.

But his invincibility was completely defeated by Fang Che.

He was forced out of the domain.

"I want you to die."

In Cang Lei's eyes full of red lightning, madness suddenly burst out.

He stared at Fang Che with murderous intent!

Domain is prohibited in the ancient city.

But since it has been used.

He can only go all the way to the end, he wants to use the power of domain to kill Fang Che completely.

As for the other geniuses trapped in the ancient city...

Cang Lei didn't care. He himself was doomed, so why would he care about those people?

Let's die together!

Cang Lei raised his palms, and the vortex of demonic energy swept across, crushing and engulfing Fang Che bit by bit.


Cang Lei's movements quickly froze.

His whole body seemed to be covered by endless coldness.


One meter away from Fang Che, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground.

A figure covered in a black robe appeared silently.

But the black-robed man didn't even look at Cang Lei who was activating the domain.

Instead, he faced Fang Che and bowed respectfully.

"I saw that Your Highness seemed to be very interested in this battle, so I couldn't bear to interrupt Your Highness's interest, so I didn't take action yet."

"So I came late to save you, please forgive me."

Fang Che was full of fatigue, his eyes turned and fell on the black-robed man.

The black-robed man became more respectful, bowed deeply, and his arms fell to the ground.

"Old slave, the sect's mountain guardian puppet..."

"Greetings to the Holy Son."

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