Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 258: The gods dance wildly on the mountain top, the Sixth Heaven of Eight Desolate Gods and

No one thought that the one who took the first step would actually be a sixth-level Foundation Builder...

The expressions of the other thirty-five geniuses present all became extremely strange.

The Demon Spirit Clan, the White Demon Clan, the Dragon Blood Clan...

The geniuses from all the major Origin Fragment Continents all showed their laughter.

That is a ridiculous behavior that looks down on ants, overestimates one's capabilities, and is sensational.

Although I don’t know if the strong man shrouded in the black hood who released the pressure is a living creature.

If it is really a living creature, the meaning will be very different!

Once it is a living creature, it means that everyone's understanding of this so-called second-grade sect, Wandao Sect, may be wrong.

This Ten Thousand Dao Sect may be a holy land!

Holy Land Sect!

That was the most glorious force in the Immortal Sect Era!

Each Holy Land sect is like the most dazzling star in the world, making other stars dim and dim, and can only surround it, without a trace.

Therefore, once Wandao Sect is a holy land, then this Blue Star monk with the sixth level of foundation building takes the first step, which is tantamount to asking for trouble.

Because the test of the Holy Land will inevitably be completely different from the test of the second-grade sect, even earth-shaking!

This is why none of the geniuses present are willing to stand out.

"It's really funny. This little guy on the sixth level of foundation building... is really... very stupid."

"Okay, it's better to be stupid. Such a stupid guy can just show us the way!"

"Yes, we can just observe this child's performance to see if this test is a Holy Land-level test."

The geniuses present looked at each other, with smiles on their faces.

As if looking at a clown, he looked at Fang Che who was taking the first step forward.

Yun Fei stood there, her blond hair floating slightly in the wind and waves caused by the invisible pressure. Her eyebrows were also furrowed, showing a look of helplessness.

She also didn't expect that Fang Che, who was only on the sixth level of foundation building, would be so bold and not have any stage fright.

The mysterious strong man asked them to go over and come to him.

Everyone will not just rush forward stupidly...

Just this guy Fang Che.

Shaking her head, Yun Fei let out a breath. At this moment, she had no choice. Like other geniuses from the Fairy Sect Fragment Continent, without confirming whether this Wandao Sect relic was a holy land relic...

She didn't dare to take a step easily.

I can only observe quietly.

Just bide your time.

Fang Che naturally didn't think that much.

Fang Che was almost ecstatic when he learned that the mysterious existence released what seemed like gravitational pressure.

What a perfect time to practice.

This was not the first time he had done such a thing, so he was looking forward to it more and more.

As for the danger…

The pressure-tempered body is walking a tightrope, walking on the edge of danger.

It doesn’t mean that if you take steps later, you will avoid crisis.

Fang Che's eyes were burning and he took a step forward.

In just a moment, he felt that the geniuses around him disappeared before his eyes.

There was only one way left in front of him.

A long road, at the end of which is the mysterious strong man shrouded in black robes.

The mysterious strong man raised his hand and kept waving.


The pressure crashed down like a mountain, like a monstrous waterfall, flying down three thousand feet, whistling and hitting Fang Che's back.

In just a moment, Fang Che's energy and energy couldn't help but ripple, and he exploded uncontrollably!

The extremely powerful energy and blood surged out directly at this moment, and blood mist filled the surroundings.

The physical skills of the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons were unleashed uncontrollably!

"What a strong pressure!"

"This feeling……"


Fang Che's neck was bent, but a wolf-like divine light burst out from his eyes. He suddenly lifted his neck, and a bright smile appeared on his lips and teeth.

He likes this feeling, this... feeling of being abused!

"Body training!"

"Pressure forging the body!"

Fang Che smiled brightly.

There was no fear or solemnity at all.

So what if it fails?

He has tempered his body and realized that it is a huge gain...

The worst thing is to do it again. Of course, even if there is only one chance, Fang Che has made a profit.

Fang Che! rush!

Diligence is your greatest motivation!

Fang Che encouraged himself in his heart.

He has not activated any of the Eight Desolate Gods and Demons. His flesh and blood are like a horned dragon, his muscles are solid, and he is extremely powerful. His muscles and bones are constantly roaring under the baptism of pressure!

Step two!


Fang Che suddenly raised his feet, like lifting a mountain, pulled up his legs that were filled with countless lead bodies, and took a fierce step forward!


Fang Che took the next step hard, and a huge repulsive force came from the ground, instantly impacting Fang Che's muscles and bones, washing away his flesh and blood.

"Oh~ it feels so good!" Fang Che couldn't help but close his eyes.

It's much more stressful than the gravity chamber at Xiaju University.

Because this coercion not only affects the physical body, but also affects the spiritual consciousness!

However, Fang Che's spiritual consciousness transformed into divine consciousness. In the first few steps, he did not feel much pressure and was not affected by this sense of oppression at all.

On the contrary, the physical body is being tempered.

Fang Che trembled as he took out the good stuff from the storage space...

Eight Desolate Body Tempering Pill!

That was the body tempering pill he made when he returned to Xiaju University. Isn't it useful now?

This timing is so good...

It's simply too wonderful!

After taking the pill, the sense of oppression between heaven and earth suddenly increased, and it penetrated from every pore in an instant, impacting Fang Che's flesh and blood, pressing Fang Che's membrane to burst red, and blood arrows almost burst out from it!

Too fierce!

Fang Che gritted his teeth, and hot air spurted out of his nasal cavity.

Now he wanted to take the third step, which seemed to be extremely difficult...


Why is it so difficult? !

How can it be so cool? !

Fang Che did not give up, his red eyes flashed with brilliance, trying and confronting!

Mobilizing the blood in the body and tempering the body!

"Hahahaha! So funny…"

"This kid, he just took three steps and couldn't move anymore… As expected, the sixth level of foundation building is the sixth level of foundation building. This kind of place shouldn't be a place for people at the foundation building level."

"What is he doing? Juggling? Is he here to make fun of us?"

The geniuses of various alien races couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Cang Lei of the Demon Spirit Clan laughed even louder, and the mockery in his eyes was even more intense.

The next moment, his eyes were red, and the demonic energy was swirling all over his body. He stomped his feet, and his body floated out, walking towards the passage in front of the city gate.

Boom! ! !

He landed in front of the passage.

Pressure swept in from all directions.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his lips: "The pressure is good, but... that's all."

The demonic energy that was entangled around him was like a black demon dragon, roaring.

The invisible pressure was smashed with a loud bang.

Cang Lei put his hands behind his back, his demonic energy surged, his body was sturdy, and he walked forward with his head held high.

There was almost no pause, as if he was walking on flat ground, and he took eighteen steps in a row.

After eighteen steps, Cang Lei's body shook violently, and his movements began to slow down.

Because the sense of oppression at this moment was becoming more and more terrifying.

Fang Che, who was stuck after taking only three steps, had long been ignored. Cang Lei, who took eighteen steps easily, proved that this Blue Star cultivator at the sixth level of foundation building was just a sensationalist.

The other two geniuses of the Demon Spirit Clan also took steps, floated out, broke the pressure, and walked towards the mysterious strong man.

One after another, other alien geniuses took steps.

The White Demon Clan, the Dragon Blood Clan, the Holy Feather Clan...

These geniuses who have a place on the Prodigy List easily surpassed Fang Che one by one.

Just three steps...

How could they not make it?

They were on the Tianjiao list, how could they be stuck at the third step.

This Blue Star cultivator was probably just a lucky guy who was hit by the Wandao Order.

There was nothing to fear.

Yun Fei exhaled a breath, and a hint of "as expected" appeared in his eyes.

Sixth level of foundation building...

It was not surprising to have such a performance, but he could not walk after only three steps...

It seems that this fellow senior of Ya Fei may have a poor foundation.

Yun Fei shook her head, and she finally did not wait any longer. She floated out, stepped out with her slender white legs, landed on the passage, and endured its pressure.

Like everyone else, once you choose to take a step, you can't see other people, and there is only one road in front of you.

So, Yun Fei can no longer continue to pay attention to Fang Che's situation.

At this point, the thirty-six geniuses selected by the Wandao Order have ascended the passage one after another.

The whole city suddenly became quiet.

Silent voice, dead silence, like a dusty ancient tomb, without a single sound, so quiet that you can hear a pin drop.

So quiet that it's creepy.

And the mysterious strong man in a black hood standing in front of the city gate paused slightly when waving.

The eyes under the hood suddenly lit up, and his sight passed over the geniuses on the list of geniuses.

It fell on Fang Che, who had just taken three steps.

"He" tilted his head.

It seems...

A little confused.

What is this person... doing?

Others are choosing to break through the pressure, or separate the pressure and move forward, so that they can move forward more easily and smoothly...

But this person, but chose to carry the pressure and move forward, taking every pressure cleanly, as if afraid of missing it...

If this goes on, this person will not be able to hold on for long before being crushed by the pressure.


The eyes under the hood of this mysterious existence burst into a brilliant light like the scorching sun.

The light rushed straight to the Niwan Palace between Fang Che's eyebrows.

However, just when it was an inch away from the Niwan Palace.

He saw a pair of eyes.

Those were eyes full of anger!

What are you looking at? !


The light of the scorching sun was extinguished in an instant, as if it was slapped by something, and the light was directly extinguished and dimmed.

The mysterious existence froze, and the hood covering his head tore with a sound, and a crack appeared.

Three steps... and it was stuck!

Even though Fang Che had expected it, he was actually a little confused!

Even if he swallowed the Eight Desolate Body Tempering Pill, it slightly increased the difficulty of tempering his body!

It’s impossible to just take three steps and then stop moving, right? !

Fang Che gritted his teeth, and a fierce fighting spirit suddenly burst out from his eyes!

How could he admit defeat like this, give up and admit defeat like this? !

Carrying the Void Spirit Root, I have been practicing hard day and night for nine years. Even though I know that I have no talent for cultivating immortals, I still do not give up and still move forward firmly step by step.

Fang Che's foundation in cultivating immortality is actually more solid than anyone else's.

Because of his Void Spirit Root, he wasted nine years in the Qi Refining realm. Although his improvement was slow, each level was a solid breakthrough accumulated over time!

Fang Che roared.

He did not use his magical powers because this was the body tempering stage. If he used his magical powers, the meaning would completely change and the flavor would change.


The stuck pace fell suddenly!


the fourth step!

Take a step forward!

The ground shook violently, and the entire passage shook violently. The counter-shock force surged up, shaking every inch of Fang Che's flesh and blood.

Fang Che circulated the gods and demons of the Eight Desolations, constantly tempering his body, and his flesh and blood became stronger and stronger.

The physical skills that have just entered the fifth heaven have begun to improve steadily!

And the speed of this improvement...

Extremely fast!

When Fang Che took the fourth step.

The thirty-five geniuses who were walking in the passage suddenly felt the vibration in the passage. For a moment, their faces, which were about to take a step, changed slightly due to the shock.

The pressure undulated like waves, making them feel increasingly stressed.

There was even a genius who stopped accidentally and was directly hit by this force. His flesh and blood cracked and blood splattered...

"What's going on? In addition to coercion and oppression...there is also counterattack power? Where does this counterattack power come from?"

This genius was bleeding on the spot, with a look of panic in his eyes.

If every time we move forward under pressure, there will be a wave of counterattacks like this, and then...

It is really possible to be seriously injured!

However, the emergence of worries has not stopped these geniuses from moving forward.

"the fifth step!"

Fang Che roared angrily!

The whole body seemed to be burning with flames, extremely red and steaming with heat.

The energy and blood condensed into substance, impacting on the surface of the body, and the posture of a god and demon condensed almost invisible!

Gods and demons seem to be moving mountains, spanning the sky and the earth!

Step six!

Step seven!

Step eight!

Every step Fang Che took was extremely difficult...

It seems like everyone is gambling with the last bit of strength in their lives!

But once he takes this step, Fang Che's fighting spirit will burn high and he will be unyielding and never give up!

The path you choose will never give up unless you are really shattered to pieces!

The test of such a passage is like a road to immortality with no end in sight!

Every step you take is full of hardships!

However, you can't give up just because of hardships and hardships. Such cultivation has no meaning!

In cultivating immortality, there is no need to show off, you can only work hard!

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

The blood mist steamed, and Fang Che stepped forward. The blood burned, and the burning blood seemed to be rebuilt and moved again. Every drop of blood became tougher, containing majestic and terrifying power. energy!

When Fang Che took the eighteenth step.

His consciousness was already a little messy from the impact, his whole body was trembling, and his eyes began to blur.

His raised feet were hanging in the air.

The last step was stuck for a full day.

The confrontation lasted for a day, like a performance artist, freezing his body on the street, motionless.

When a certain critical point is broken!

When the last drop of blood has been reshaped and moved.

Fang Che's stuck last step!

Falling with a crash!

Qi and blood are like great rivers, moving and rising, like the rolling Tianhe overturning its banks!

Like the ancient gods standing on the top of the mountain and dancing wildly!

Eight Desolate Gods and Demons, Sixth Heaven!

The look... is done!

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