Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 243: How come I lost at the fifth level of foundation building? (1/2)

The mighty blood and qi surged and surged, scorching like a volcanic eruption, melting the ice and snow to form puddles.

Fang Che stood still, activated the Eight Desolate Explosion, and marched directly to the fourth heaven. His body rose to two meters, and every inch of his flesh and blood flowed with terrifying energy.

When he sensed the appearance of other geniuses in this area, Fang Che knew that the other party would attack him sooner or later.

However, Fang Che did not stop, but continued to attack the fifth level of foundation building.

For him now, the breakthrough in cultivation is naturally the most important.

As expected, the four strong men who spanned the sky from the mountains also sensed the eighth-level spiritual veins hidden in this mountain range, and sensed Fang Che who was breaking through his cultivation.

There was no harmony, the other party chose to attack directly, and the first move was a thunderous killing move.

Fortunately, Fang Che finally completed the breakthrough of the fifth level of foundation building without any danger. With the help of Tianjiao Qi and the spiritual roots of heaven, he was entrenched on the eighth-level spiritual vein. With the help of the majestic spiritual energy of the eighth-level spiritual vein, he completed the breakthrough in cultivation.

There was no regret left.

Five rounds of golden crows rose up, the golden crows and five suns, the sun was shining, the ultimate splendor and magnificence.

Fang Che's body was burly, and his whole body seemed to be bathed in golden light. It was the golden light brought by the golden crow of the sun, vast and deep, with a burning brilliance.

He slowly raised his head and faced the fist condensed by the snow waterfall that crashed down from the avalanche. His face was normal.

His eyes were fixed on Bai Yu, the genius of the White Demon Clan.

His eyes revealed a surging fighting spirit.

Just after breaking through to the fifth level of foundation building, a strong enemy appeared. For Fang Che, this place is simply a paradise for cultivation.

He was just about to test his cultivation and combat power, and then an enemy came to him. How could he not be excited?


The countless snow around him began to melt, and the steaming heat made Fang Che's body gradually blurred in the white mist.

Bai Yu, the genius of the White Demon Clan, did not expect that this Blue Star cultivator not only blocked his attack, but also dared to be so arrogant...

"Little naughty?"

Bai Yu laughed angrily. It was the first time that he was called like this.

Someone actually dared to call him a little naughty.

"Interesting, you dare to be arrogant after blocking my attack... You are the most arrogant Blue Star cultivator I have ever seen."

Bai Yu's white hair swayed in the breeze, staring at Fang Che in the white mist, and said lightly.

In the distance.

Cang Haitian of the Demon Spirit Clan, Yu Jihao of the Holy Feather Clan, and Zhuang Sheng of the Divine Pattern Clan, all couldn't help but smile.

When they found out that Bai Yu didn't kill the Blue Star cultivator who was only at the fourth level of foundation building, they also released their spiritual consciousness at the same time to sense the situation.

"Little naughty boy? Bai Yu was teased like this?"

Cang Haitian of the Demon Spirit Clan couldn't stop laughing at all, and felt that this time, things seemed to be getting interesting.

Zhuang Sheng and Yu Jihao also showed strange expressions.

This fourth level of foundation building... I really don't know how to write the word death.

The genius of the White Demon Clan is definitely not weak.

After finally surviving Bai Yu's attack, he actually said such words to anger Bai Yu. Next, Bai Yu must do his best to completely kill this Blue Star cultivator.



Fang Che also felt that Bai Yu was angry.

His eyes lit up.

It's better to be angry, just in time for him to do his best.


His legs bent, and the terrifying power spread from his legs. The ground of the mountain range under his feet was covered with spider-web-like cracks.

The terrifying explosion vented, and countless white snow exploded.

Bai Yu was weaving magic power in the air, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Because the misty white fog was torn apart in an instant, like a sharp sword that split the snow fog in two!

So fast!

Bai Yu immediately stopped guiding the spell, and countless wind and snow intertwined and condensed in front of him, piling up into an extremely thick snow wall!


Fang Che, who was as burly as a mountain, swung his fist, and the devilish muscles on his back intertwined and entangled, bursting out infinite power.


The snow wall shook violently and exploded in an instant, and countless white snow flew and withered.

This thick snow wall was actually pierced by Fang Che's punch!

The explosion of the fourth level of the Eight Desolate Explosion, the fourth level of strength, directly blew the snow wall into pieces!

Bai Yu's eyes narrowed even more!

So strong? !

This is the fourth level of foundation building...

No! This Blue Star cultivator had a big heart. When he sensed their breath before, he still did not stop or flee, but chose to continue to break through. Now he has reached the fifth level of foundation building.

A big hole was punched in the snow wall, and a burly human figure tore through the snow wall, with strong blood and blood, and a hazy bloody airflow.

The vigorous hair was flying and dancing, and the eyes were bright and dazzling.

Bai Yu met these eyes, and his heart sank instantly, and a sense of pressure suddenly fell on his shoulders.

At the moment of looking at each other, Bai Yu knew that he had met a difficult opponent.

Although this Blue Star cultivator was only at the fifth level of foundation building...

He was definitely an extremely difficult character.

"Physical cultivation?"

"There are actually cultivators on Blue Star who mainly cultivate physical cultivation, and can reach this level?"

Bai Yu took a deep breath, and the ninth level of foundation building mana droplets in his dantian evaporated crazily, forming gaseous mana, which evaporated around his body.

He cast a spell again, and the first one he cast was the most serious magical spell!

Bang! ! !

A gigantic ice bear appeared out of thin air at Bai Yu's feet. Bai Yu stood on the bear's forehead, staring at Fang Che with cold eyes.

The ice bear roared, opened its ice-white bloody mouth, raised its paw fiercely, and then slapped Fang Che, wanting to slap Fang Che to death.

The ice bear contained extremely terrifying power!

Boom! ! !

However, the scene that made Bai Yu's heart skip a beat was born just like that.

The cultivator from Blue Star actually withstood the ice bear's palm and endured it, competing with the ice bear for strength!

"What kind of monster is this!"

Even Bai Yu, who was ranked eighth on the Tianjiao list, was shocked that the power could reach this level.

Fang Che was very excited and felt the resistance in power.

This ice bear was really powerful. It was the only one Fang Che had encountered so far that could bring him pressure purely from the power level.

Fang Che was extremely excited and didn't want to easily blow up the Ice and Snow Giant Bear, so he had a mind and fought with the Ice and Snow Giant Bear.

With the help of this fighting power, he sharpened his own strength.

Boom boom boom!

The collision between the Ice Bear and Fang Che again and again seemed like a battle between ice and fire.

Fang Che's blood was burning, like a ball of fire in winter, bursting with extreme heat!

Bai Yu felt great pressure.

"Who is this guy at the fifth level of foundation building? When did such a monster appear on Blue Star!"

Bai Yu's face was extremely solemn.

He controlled the ice and snow summons, and the Ice and Snow Giant Bear continued to fight with Fang Che.

The main reason was that Fang Che pressed too hard, and the Ice Bear had to fight back and follow Fang Che's rhythm. He couldn't retreat.

As long as he was a little careless, he would be hit by Fang Che's power attack and would definitely suffer a catastrophic disaster.


The Ice Bear was furious, and it felt that it was provoked in terms of power.

It roared and competed with Fang Che again in strength, and then... Ice Bear found that its body was swung up, and it was swung violently like a windmill!

Whoosh whoosh...

The wind was blowing hard, and Ice Bear was thrown out by Fang Che with a confused look on his face.

With a thud, it smashed a mountain peak, causing it to break and the rubble to roll and collapse continuously.

Before Ice Bear could come to its senses, Fang Che appeared in front of it again, grabbed its drooping bear paw, and swung it again.

"Resist! Use all your strength to resist me!"

Every blue vein on Fang Che's neck burst out, and it was wriggling like a dragon. The ghost back behind him opened, and the sense of power contained in it burst out completely.

"Resist me!"

Fang Che swung Ice Bear, hitting it so hard that it was stunned.

Ice Bear: "..."

Bai Yu: "..."

The faces of Cang Haitian, Zhuang Sheng and Yu Jihao, who were watching the battle from a distance, also gradually became strange.

The situation seemed to be different from what they expected.

Bai Yu, who was at the ninth level of foundation building, did not easily crush and kill this fifth level of foundation building, but... seemed to be suppressed.

No... Bai Yu was a genius cultivator at the ninth level of foundation building, with the blood of the White Demon Clan, and the Blizzard Bear he summoned was also an extremely terrifying existence.

How could such a genius be suppressed by a weaker person than him?

From the looks of it, the Blue Star cultivator... seemed to be sharpening himself with this Blizzard Bear, roaring to make the Blizzard Bear resist.

Cang Haitian's bloody eyes became solemn.

"This guy... is not right."



Bang! ! !

The giant bear was thrown away fiercely and crashed into a mountain. The earth was almost flattened, and countless ancient trees were broken and withered.

Fang Che was floating, his face grim.

Bai Yu's face was extremely ugly, he could feel that the connection between him and the Blizzard Bear seemed to be broken.

The giant bear swiped for the first time, turned into a stream of light and escaped back to Bai Yu's body, returning and disappearing, unwilling to face Fang Che.

The Blizzard Bear was actually scared by the beating!

Fang Che watched the Blizzard Bear disappear, his face full of regret.

"This bear is not good at fighting. It didn't resist me yet, but it ran away submissively."

Fang Che shook his head, very emotional.

However, he was not too disappointed.

His body shook for a while, and then it turned into a residual image and disappeared. When it appeared again, it was already in front of Bai Yu of the White Demon Clan.

Bai Yu felt a chill in his heart.

Fang Che raised his hand, and black flames jumped out from every inch of his flesh and blood. The scorching high temperature instantly surrounded Bai Yu.

"A wonder of heaven and earth, true fire!"

Bai Yu's eyes narrowed as he recognized the mysterious black flame that burst out of Fang Che's body.

The flames danced, and in the flames, it seemed to reflect the strange scene of the annihilation and fall of stars!

Fang Che clenched his fist, and the true fire and black flames merged into the fist force.

Eight Wastelands Exploded the Fourth Heaven!

Boxing·Fire Lion!

With one punch, a black flame lion head instantly appeared between heaven and earth. The huge lion head with black flames formed a flying mane, and opened its mouth wide, as if to swallow up Bai Yu, who was at the ninth level of foundation building!

Bai Yu, who was close to him, suddenly felt a huge pressure coming to him!

He was careless!

He underestimated this Blue Star cultivator too much!

I thought that a cultivator at the fifth level of foundation building could not make a big wave in his palm.

But who would have thought that he easily broke his spell and even blew up his summoned magical power, the Blizzard Bear!

The Blizzard Bear is a monster close to the third level!

"Supernatural Power·Extreme Snow Demon Armor!"

Facing the desperate situation forced by Fang Che, Bai Yu felt the surging light of the flaming lion's fist.

Roaring and displaying his magical power!

Buzz buzz...

Densely packed ice crystals condensed and formed around his body, stacking up into an ice crystal giant, like a huge frost mecha.

The attack of the boxing fire lion hit the frost mecha, and was blocked by the mecha.

Fang Che's eyes were bright, and sure enough... he was not easily defeated by him.

If that's the case, let's continue!

"Go upstairs!"

Fang Che spoke softly.

The next moment, the black and lush gray hair began to grow rapidly, falling to the waist, flying up, like a cloak whistling.

There was a faint golden smoke lingering in his eyes, and his emotions were instantly stripped away, and he became extremely calm and turned into a ruthless battle weapon.

The huge ice and snow armor was like a living creature, its eyes lit up with blood-colored brilliance, like a huge lantern.

Fang Che's eyes filled with light golden smoke looked at him, feeling happy and fearless.

"The Eyes of King Ming!"

"Spiritual knowledge magic, mind-eye sword!"

Spiritual consciousness swept across, and the Niwan Palace between the eyebrows glowed with golden light. The next moment, the five-wheeled Golden Crow rose into the air, and the innate spiritual body of the Golden Crow Nine Yang Body was completely stimulated by him.

The attack on the spiritual level was directed at Bai Yu's soul in the ice and snow mecha!

However, Bai Yu is not weak either. He is also a strong man whose spiritual consciousness has been condensed to the level of half-step divine treasure.

Being able to compete in the battlefield of geniuses and ranking eighth in the preliminary rankings means that he is certainly not weak.

Facing Fang Che's spiritual attack, Bai Yu also activated his spiritual power and blocked it with difficulty.

Bai Yu was sweating profusely...

I thought it was a massacre of monks on the fifth level of foundation building.

Now, in turn, he was completely suppressed and suffocated, feeling like he couldn't breathe.

Even though he used magical powers and secret techniques, he still couldn't reverse his disadvantage and was still suppressed!

Now, this monk at the fifth level of foundation building has even demonstrated a half-step divine level of spiritual consciousness!

Even, he is stronger than him in spiritual cultivation.

During this period of time, Fang Che has been frantically studying the unique formations of the entire genius battlefield. His spiritual consciousness has also been continuously sharpened and strengthened, and it has vaguely impacted the realm of true divine treasure.

Therefore, it is normal for Bai Yu to feel pressure from the spiritual level.


Fang Che's body was ejected in the air, and his body was so fast that it formed countless afterimages as he used Dayan's Shocking Dragon Flash.

Bai Yu's ice and snow mecha was relatively bulky and could not keep up with Fang Che's rhythm.

After all, one controls the physical body, while the other relies on external objects. There is a huge difference in the spirituality of control.

boom! ! !

Suddenly, Fang Che's eyes overflowed with faint golden smoke, and his whole body released brilliant golden light. The golden crow hung high, like the scorching sun across the sky, so bright that it could not be looked directly at.

He clenched his fists, and countless energy and blood gathered in them.

Fang Che raised his fists and rotated his body in the air.

Clench your fist, turn your hips, accumulate strength, and hammer down!

The terrifying power of energy and blood exploded, like a golden beam of light, soaring straight into the sky, piercing the clouds in the sky, forming ripples and spreading.

"Supernatural power, forbidden curse!"

"Eighty-one hammers of the angry dragon!"

Fang Che's deep voice slowly sounded.

It was originally a weapon-making technique, but it was used by Fang Che in battle!

Use magical powers and forbidden spells to guide and pull.

A heavy punch hit the ice and snow mecha on the head.

There was a clanging sound, and ice crystals exploded and flew across the sky.

After the first punch, the fist bounced up with an invisible force, the body turned in a circle, and the second punch, the third punch, the fourth punch were delivered smoothly and smoothly...

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

Just nine punches in a row!

It's like the earth is falling apart!

The ice and snow mecha exploded with a bang, and countless ice crystal fragments roared violently around like a storm, and the energy ripples from the explosion rolled up and down.

Among the countless broken ice crystals...

Bai Yu, who was ranked eighth in the pre-list, had blank eyes, covered in blood, and looked confused...

Just a fifth level of foundation building?

Why did he lose?

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