Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 239 The sword energy is frosty and cold, seeing me is like seeing a god


Fang Che's burly and majestic body, with back muscles like an inverted triangle, was full of terrifying power. His arms were bent like big bows, and then they were suddenly closed!

He hugged Yu Jisheng, the genius of the Holy Feather Clan, with both arms, and the sound of bones exploding came from Yu Jisheng's body.

Yu Jisheng's eyes tightened violently. He didn't expect that he would burst out with his killing power, but Fang Che could still tear through the obstacles and rush in front of him.

As if his body was being restrained by heavy shackles, the two waves of colliding mana exploded in all directions.

The vegetation and leaves shook violently and withered, being instantly annihilated into powder.

The two fell to the ground, like a meteorite falling from the starry sky, creating a huge deep pit in the ground.

The ground exploded, like a piece of shattered glass!

However, as soon as he landed on the ground, Fang Che felt the falling figure in his arms, and his feathery wings were about to expand, like an inflated balloon, trying to expand Fang Che's body.

Fang Che was extremely calm when he was in the climbing state. All emotions were blocked, and he was an extremely calm existence.

Facing the situation at this moment, I was not worried at all.

There is still Yu Jisheng, a genius from the Holy Feather Clan, who breaks his arms and throws the blockade.

However, Fang Che's thick arm suddenly stretched out, grabbed Yu Jisheng's leg, and then began to violently swing and beat it.

Left and right, left and right, left and right!

Boom, boom, boom!

Like a piece of tattered cloth being beaten repeatedly by Fang Che, smoke and dust billowed up, and the whole earth shook with a dull sound.

The body swelled to two meters, and the clothes were torn. Every muscle contained terrifying power. The power of the Eight Desolations and the Four Worlds exploded, which was extremely terrifying!

At this moment, Fang Che's momentum was released, like an ancient ferocious beast caught in a violent rage!

"Next... feel the beating of power."

Fang Che swung it violently, as if swinging a sledgehammer.

Treating the genius of the Holy Feather Tribe Yu Jisheng as a huge and heavy hammer.

The swinging action set off a terrifying gust of wind in the forest!

The wind was strong, howling all around, the forest leaves flying, and the earth shaking.


Smashed it down hard.


The fourth level of Bahuang's explosion, coupled with the increased power of the dragon transformation brought by the third-level high-grade dragon blood, caused the ground in the entire area to collapse suddenly, blasting out a huge deep pit.

A large cloud of dust rose up like a thick fog.

However, Yu Jisheng, the genius of the Holy Feather Clan, covered his body with his wings of holy feathers, resisting the damage caused by Fang Che who used him as a hammer and slammed him to the ground!

Fang Che let out a long roar, like an angry dragon.

The body flew up, stepping on the compressed air, and stood in the air.

He continued to smash Yu Jisheng's body.

"Hammer Technique: Raging Dragon Eighty-one Hammers!"

Fang Che's eyes were stern, and golden smoke overflowed from his pupils, curling up in the air.

Just like this, every time he hit like this, the earth would shake deeply and sink a little more.

Yu Jisheng was numb, as if he was being used as a hammer.

Various kinds of hammers hammered the earth, and deep pits continued to appear. Fang Che directly used the weapon-forging hammer technique he had obtained in this moment of killing.

Treating the genius of the Holy Feather Clan as a hammer and wielding the weapon!

The scene at this moment was simply a huge shame for Yu Jisheng.

He had never encountered such an insult before!

I simply couldn't stand the suffocating feeling caused by this humiliation.

Yu Jisheng roared angrily, and the armor on his body exuded brilliance and turned out to be a third-level magic weapon.

As one of the geniuses of the Shengyu Clan, it is normal to hold a third-level magic weapon.

The light on the armor shone, as if there was a black bird spreading its wings behind his back, and terrifying mana fluctuations intertwined with the shadow of the black bird.

Yu Jisheng was in a panic, but the murderous intent in his eyes at this moment had reached its extreme essence.

He stared at Fang Che with murderous intent.

"I will definitely kill you, behead you, and use your head as a chamber pot!"

Using the power of the third-level magic weapon, Yu Jisheng's confidence swelled.

Of course, as one of the top ten people on the list of geniuses, he is also extremely confident in his combat power.

It was indeed embarrassing and embarrassing to be forced into such a situation by a fourth-level Foundation Builder. However, as long as he killed Fang Che, he would still write the winner's declaration.

Fang Che was tall and tall, standing like a hill.

A faint golden smoke overflowed and drifted in his pupils, and his eyes fluctuated with a bit of... regret.

"Is that...that's all you have?"

Fang Che shook his head.

As a physical skill, Bahuang Blast can be improved not only through body training, but also through the possibility of breaking through limits and improving under pressure.

If Yu Jisheng puts enough pressure on him, he may be able to achieve the limit of the Eight Desolate Blast, allowing the Eight Desolate Blast to break through from the fourth to the fifth heaven!


Yu Yoshimori can't do it.

Even though he is one of the top ten players on the list of geniuses, he cannot put any real pressure on him unless he is a real player on the list of geniuses.

"You're not very good... then, let's end it."

Fang Che shook his head.

Yu Jisheng was suspended in the air, the third-level armor on his body emitting brilliant light, and his face was extremely cold and solemn.

Fang Che said it was over?

He had already activated the third-level magic weapon used to save his life, so how could he be easily killed by Fang Che?

Yu Jisheng knew that Fang Che had a third-level magic weapon, but that third-level magic weapon had been used to hold the fourth-level precious medicine Zhuyang Grass...

Without a third-level magic weapon, how could Fang Che defeat him?

Using a third-level magic weapon to hold precious medicine, Fang Che was really showing off.

In this case...

Yu Jisheng would not miss this opportunity.

Boom! ! !

The incomparable catharsis of the mana fluctuations on Yu Jisheng's body was fully absorbed by the armor on his body. The shadow of the black bird behind him became more and more vivid, the brilliance on the armor was dazzling, and the magic weapon patterns engraved on it were completely activated!

A loud cry!

The black bird activated by the third-level magic weapon rushed towards Fang Che fiercely.

Wherever it passed, the earth seemed to be plowed over, and the soil rolled up!

The world seemed to become dark at this moment, as if even the gloomy skylight in the field of vision was completely dim and without luster!

Only the huge black bird was shining brightly, as if it was swooping down from the sky.

Fang Che's face was calm, he raised his hand, and his sword immortal state was completely activated.

The third-level sword Chilongyuan appeared out of thin air, and between heaven and earth, the surging sword energy was raging and interweaving, and the purple thunder evil was across the sky.

Ascend to the sword immortal state!

Fang Che's hair was flying, and sword light was gushing out of every inch of his flesh and blood pores.

Yu Jisheng's eyes shrank. He didn't expect Fang Che to have a second third-level magic weapon. How could he master so many third-level magic weapons at the fourth level of foundation building? !

Isn't he afraid of being full to death? !

Facing the black bird swooping down from the sky.

Fang Che stood there, and the whole person seemed to have turned into a sword unsheathed, and countless sword lights vented out of his body.

Around him, there were countless swaying sword energy flowers.

Under his feet, there was a long river of sword energy flowing slowly.

"The sword energy is frosty and cold, seeing me is like seeing a god."

"Must-kill, ascend to godhood."

The suspended Chilongyuan carries endless sword light.

It was gently slapped out by Fang Che.

Sword out, ascend to godhood!

In the dark sky and earth, only two lights collided brilliantly.

The swooping black bird and the slashing sword light!

Collided together!

The black bird...was actually swallowed by countless sword lights, falling apart bit by bit, and in the wailing...


Such swordsmanship!

Such means!

"This...how is this possible?!"

Yu Jisheng, the genius of the Holy Feather Clan, narrowed his eyes.

Is this the killing that can be performed by the fourth level of foundation building?

Even with the help of the third-level magic weapon, this fourth level of foundation building can actually activate the power of the third-level magic weapon to such an extent?

It's as if a real Jindan realm cultivator is holding this third-level magic weapon!


The black bird was instantly chopped off by the sword light.

The sword light continued to move forward, slashing fiercely on Yu Jisheng's body.

The armor of the third-level magic weapon resisted the sword light, vibrated violently, and every pattern was activated.

The third-level magic weapon collided!

A slight click sounded...

Fine cracks began to appear on this third-level magic weapon.

However, it was not completely broken.

However, the third-level power burst out by the extreme collision of the two third-level magic weapons, and it acted on the body of Yu Jisheng wearing the armor magic weapon.

In just a moment, Yu Jisheng's body exploded into a pool of rotten meat.

The holy feathers were no longer holy and clean, stained with deep red blood, slowly floating, and fell to the ground.

The high holiness...

was knocked down to dust.

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