Fang Che is looking forward to the Fairy Sect Fragment Genius Battlefield.

He knows that this is an excellent place for experience and can fully satisfy his idea of ​​diligence.

Here, he is sure to encounter countless battles.

Because meeting geniuses from other races is inevitable.

Within an altar area, two geniuses must encounter each other. This is the established rule of the genius battlefield.

Fang Che sensed that there was a faint spatial fluctuation between heaven and earth that dispersed slightly, and then looked into the distance, where another five-color altar was located.

At this moment, the light gradually converged and disappeared.

A figure floated from a distance, and the powerful aura rolled up the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, making the spiritual energy of heaven and earth seem to turn into a whirlpool, constantly gathering around its body.

The gorgeous magic power is extremely dazzling and dazzling!

Just looking at each other from a distance, the blood in Fang Che's body couldn't help but boil. Uncontrollable excitement burst out of his body, and then continued to spread throughout his body!

"It's coming, it's so fast."

Fang Che narrowed his eyes.

The figure in the distance also saw Fang Che, and its speed suddenly increased, turning into a gray afterimage between the sky and the earth.

In less than a few breaths, he appeared one kilometer away from Fang Che, floating on a hill made of stones.

It was a figure with colorful wings like a butterfly sprouting from his back.

Extremely handsome, with colorful hair and gorgeous colorful wings, he looks like a colorful butterfly emerging from its cocoon, extremely beautiful and eye-catching.

But the figure under the butterfly wings is a man.

Between the man's thick colorful hair, there are two tentacles growing out.

"Blessed Land No. 56, Colorful Butterfly Clan."

When Fang Che saw the appearance of the visitor, he already understood the Xianmen Fragment Continent from which he came from based on the knowledge of Xi Bu.

It is one of the thirty-six caves and seventy-two blessed lands.

"Blue Star people, Blue Star people from the Origin Fragment Continent No. 6."

The man from the Colorful Butterfly Clan looked at Fang Che with his bright eyes, and a smile couldn't help but appear on his lips.

"It's only the third floor of the foundation..."

"Moreover, you don't have the slightest sense of genius in your body. Are you a newcomer? It's your first time coming to the Xianmen Fragment Genius Battlefield?"

The man from the Colorful Butterfly Clan looked at Fang Che, and a smile couldn't help appearing on his extremely handsome face. He opened his mouth to communicate with Fang Che in the familiar Daxia language.

"Arrogant?" Fang Che was stunned.

The man from the Colorful Butterfly Tribe smiled, raised his hand, and a token appeared. A majestic aura suddenly burst out from the token.

"This is Tianjiao Qi. The more victories you win, the more Tianjiao Qi you will have... It is said that the higher the Tianjiao Qi, the greater the chance of obtaining the inheritance of the ancient immortals in the Fragment Continent of the No. 10 Origin Immortal Sect!"

The Caidie clan man spread the news to Fang Che, and he didn't care that Fang Che knew the news.

After all, it's not really a secret.

"Thank you."

Fang Che earnestly bowed his fists and thanked the other party.

"No need to thank me, I will deal with you right away and make you a number in the victory, providing me with pride."

The Caidie clan man said calmly.

After finishing his words, the butterfly wings behind the colorful butterfly man suddenly opened up, and in an instant, the mana fluctuations on his body burst out in a surging manner.

The aura is rising steadily, and he is actually a genius of the Butterfly Clan who has built a seventh-level foundation!

Moreover, Fang Che could feel that this genius from the Caidie Clan seemed to have extremely extraordinary spiritual roots.

"If you meet me in the first game, I can only say that you are unlucky."

"I wonder if you have the means to survive? If not... then I'm sorry, you may die here."

"The genius battlefield is not something that just cats and dogs can set foot on."

The Caidie clan man said softly.

The words are finished.

The figure actually disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already behind Fang Che. The speed... was so fast that Fang Che couldn't even react.


The tentacles on the head of the man from the Colorful Butterfly Clan emitted invisible waves. Fang Che's eyes narrowed and he found that one after another, dense rings appeared around him, like silkworm cocoons, trying to wrap him up and seal him. Similar.

"Your reaction is a bit slow. You are indeed a newcomer...killing newcomers is the most interesting."

The Colorful Butterfly Clan man chuckled, raised his hand, and his palm turned into an extremely sharp sword...

It exudes an icy cold light and spreads invisible mana fluctuations.


"Your genius battlefield journey has come to an end."

A faint voice resounded.

The invisible cocoon had completely enveloped Fang Che, restricting Fang Che's movements and making him unable to move at all.

The long sword turned into the palm of the Caidie clan man also stabbed out fiercely.

With a puff, it penetrated into the cocoon.


The complexion of the Cai Die clan man quickly changed.


"so hard!"

"Why is this newcomer so tough?!"

It's only three levels of foundation building, how could it be so hard?

His sword, which was blessed with mana in the late stage of foundation building, was actually unable to pierce?

His brows furrowed slightly.

His other hand also turned into an extremely sharp sword, and he stabbed towards the cocoon again.

This time, he clearly heard a crisp sound.


It's like being stabbed on a steel rod!


This time, the geniuses of the Colorful Butterfly Clan deliberately unleashed their ultimate power!

In the realm of foundation building, it has extremely terrifying killing capabilities!

"Stop pricking me with your thin's a bit itchy."

There was a muffled sound floating out from the cocoon.

"Good boy, I underestimated you!"

"It seems like you, a newcomer, have something good!"

"Don't think that being tough is great..."

A cold look appeared on the face of the genius of the Colorful Butterfly Clan, and the two swords that pierced the cocoon were instantly withdrawn. His body pulled back and retreated into the distance, looking at the quiet cocoon.

The handsome face suddenly deformed, he shouted loudly, and launched an attack again.

The terrifying mana exploded with a loud catharsis, like a beam of energy exploding in place and rushing into the sky.

The two huge butterfly wings behind him fluttered rapidly, and the swords transformed into his hands suddenly burst out with countless tangled sword lights. His body instantly began to relax, turning into seven-color streams of light, tearing the air, and quickly moving towards the seal. Fang Che, who was in the cocoon, rushed towards him!


"The magical power of the Colorful Butterfly Clan--Flowing Butterfly Wings Kill!"

Like a huge luminous butterfly, blooming between heaven and earth, flapping its wings!

The cocoon was swallowed up instantly, and the outer covering began to fall apart.

The scene inside was revealed, revealing Fang Che whose chest was covered with fine golden dragon scales.


Indeed there is.

This genius from the Colorful Butterfly Tribe is much more powerful than the seventh-level Foundation Establishment that Fang Che encountered!

The killing power of this move is terrifying!

Fang Che's expression turned serious.

The Dragon’s Four Transformations!

Burn the sky and burn the gold!

Fine dragon scales burst out from under the pores in an instant, densely packed and covering the whole body.

"Golden Crow Nine Yang Body!"

Three brilliant sounds resounded from the sky and the earth, like three great suns rising from the end of the endless sea, hanging high, burning everything in the world, the golden light was extremely dazzling, mighty and brilliant!

The three-wheeled Golden Crow collided with the huge colorful butterfly!

Boom boom boom!

The ground beneath Fang Che's feet exploded, with dense cracks, collapse, and rolling rubble!

A huge deep pit sunk directly into it.

The fluctuations formed by mana are constantly howling and venting to the surroundings, making every gravel ejected full of explosive power, just like the penetration effect of bullets!


The center of collision.

The man from the Colorful Butterfly Tribe had an unparalleled shock on his twisted and handsome face.

Because, in front of him, the newcomer from Blue Star, the monk on the third level of Foundation...

He actually raised his hand and grabbed his hands that turned into sharp blades.

Facing his all-out attack, he was actually unscathed!

"It's my turn..."

Fang Che's hair was undulating and flying in the wind and waves stirred up by the magic power.

His eyes were bright and scorching, looking at the Caidie clan man who resisted his attack.

This was the first genius of other races that he encountered on the battlefield of geniuses.

Fang Che was very excited and looking forward to it...

He will do his best without any reservations.

"Supernatural power - Eyes of King Ming!"

Fang Che spoke softly.

The next moment, his brilliant eyes suddenly became deep, as if there were flames burning in the endless darkness, turning into a flame lotus platform. On the lotus platform, a Buddha-like figure sat angrily, holding the lotus seal with his hands.

With the help of Prince Ming's Eyes, Fang Che's spiritual consciousness suddenly surged!

Climbing up!

The half-step divine consciousness level, the pressure released, Xuanhe Taotao!

The man from the Colorful Butterfly Clan suddenly felt endless pressure, and his spiritual consciousness seemed to be trembling!

"Supernatural power - forbidden curse!"

"Finally... the spiritual consciousness spell, King Ming points it out!"

In the Niwan Palace between Fang Che's brows, fluctuations of spiritual consciousness suddenly burst out.

The Caidie clan man's eyes suddenly became blank as Fang Che resisted his attack.

The defense of his Niwan Palace was instantly breached.

His bottomless spiritual space...

A huge finger invaded so powerfully and domineeringly.

Gently give the little butterfly of spiritual consciousness in his Niwan Palace...

Press to death.

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