One year...Leave your name on the genius list of the Immortal Fragment Genius Battlefield? !

Bei Danqiu, who was standing on the side of the classroom, was slightly shocked. He felt a little incredible. Is this request... too high? !

It's a bit too much.

You know... that's the list of geniuses!

It's not Xiaju University's fighting skills list, but even if it's Xiaju University's fighting skills list, the top fifty are basically all half-step golden elixir level monks.

And going forward, those who can stay in the top ten of Xiaju University's fighting skills list are all Jindan monks.

Today's Fang Che may have the strength to compete with the Half-Step Golden Pill, but if he wants to fight with the Golden Pill cultivator, he is far behind.

The Genius List of the Immortal Sect Fragment Genius Battlefield has gathered all the Immortal Sect fragments, including the rankings of the nine origin Immortal Sects and all the young monks in the Cave Heaven Paradise.

If you want to be on the list of geniuses, you must at least have a cultivation level in the Golden Core realm!

Fang Che is currently only at the third level of Foundation Establishment. This means that Teacher Zhou’s expectation for Fang Che is that he actually wants him to break through from the third level of Foundation Establishment to the Golden Core Realm within a year?

This... is too harsh.

Bei Danqiu looked a little ugly, feeling that Teacher Zhou was trying to embarrass Fang Che.

Teacher Zhou did not explain, but looked at Fang Che with burning eyes. He was observing Fang Che's face, wanting to know Fang Che's mood.

However, to his surprise, Fang Che did not show any embarrassment, but instead showed a hint of surprise between his brows.

Fang Che was indeed pleasantly surprised.

There is no way...Who asked Teacher Zhou to directly trigger the task of the panel with this request?

"Ding! Your diligent attitude has been questioned and challenged like never before. Please be on the Prodigy List of the Immortal Fragment Battlefield within one year, and you will be rewarded with a platinum treasure chest."

In front of my eyes, panel prompts appeared.

Fang Che's breathing quickened slightly and his eyes narrowed.

Platinum treasure chest!

This is probably the highest quality treasure chest Fang Che has encountered so far. It is obviously above the level of a gold treasure chest.

You know, Fang Che opened a lot of good things from the gold treasure chest, let alone the platinum treasure chest!

For a time, Fang Che was full of fighting spirit, and his diligent belief was completely burned at this moment.

With incentives, it means that diligence has a goal. That kind of diligence is powerful and useful, and the feeling is completely different.

In fact, Fang Che actually agreed with Teacher Zhou's statement. After all, if it were not for Qinneng to make up for the poor panel, Fang Che would indeed be as Teacher Zhou said.

Nine years of diligent practice may only result in a silly comment.

But things are different now, Fang Che is different from the person he used to be.

"I'll do my best."

Fang Che said with a smile. He didn't boast or be ambitious. He just responded with a light smile. He was very calm, but very determined and confident.

This is a kind of confidence that comes from deep within.

Teacher Zhou took a deep look at Fang Che, with a strange color flashing in his eyes.

Old Man Pei... It seems that he has really found a treasure.

This kid's character is absolutely extraordinary. When he arrives at the Immortal Sect Fragment Genius battlefield, he will definitely be a troublemaker again.

However, such a genius... has to be a little more troublesome. After all, the more talented a genius is, the more powerful people from other immortal sects want him to die.

When it comes to the Xianmen Fragments battlefield... death becomes more common.

The order there is very different from that of Blue Star.

Teacher Zhou's attitude softened a lot, and the next step was to provide Fang Che with some information about the Immortal Fragment Genius Battlefield.

Fang Che also listened carefully and even took out his notes and started recording.

This attitude makes Teacher Zhou even more satisfied.

Six hours passed.

Teacher Zhou also forgot how many times he drank tea, and his mouth felt a little thirsty. Fang Che had almost completely emptied out the information about the battlefield of the immortal sect's fragmented geniuses.

"Teacher Zhou, do you have anything else to add?"

Fang Che raised his hand, his eyes burning with excitement and anticipation.

Teacher Zhou pursed his lips and took off his reading glasses: "No more. You already know almost all the information about the Xianmen Fragment Genius Battlefield. You also know everything I know... There is no need to popularize information anymore. "

Teacher Zhou finally understood what old man Pei said about the virtues of Gan Emperor's disciples.

It’s really possible to empty people out casually!

Fang Che flipped through the notebook he recorded in, and put it away with satisfaction. Then he stood up, clasped his fists in a bow, and thanked Teacher Zhou.

Teacher Zhou waved his hand: "You can apply to go to the Xianmen Fragment Genius Battlefield in the next two days, and you can go and familiarize yourself with the situation."

“The environment there is relatively harsh, and it is easy to face the risk of death when you enter the Immortal Sect Fragment Genius Battlefield... Those who can be called geniuses are not only shown in their talent for cultivating immortals, but also in their rich fighting experience and methods. "

"Don't underestimate any opponent. A lion fights a rabbit with all his strength. Don't take any enemy lightly."

Teacher Zhou looked at Fang Che and warned him again earnestly.

Fang Che nodded to express his understanding, then turned and left the classroom.

Bei Danqiu was waiting outside, absorbing knowledge tirelessly for six hours. Bei Danqiu had long been bored, so it was better to wait outside.


Bei Danqiu saw Fang Che coming out and said softly.

"Now let me take you to the resource exchange area..."

Bei Danqiu said.

Fang Che still has more than 40,000 merits in his hands, which can be exchanged for a lot of immortal cultivation resources.

However, this time, Fang Che shook his head.

"Teacher Bei Danqiu, don't worry about the resource exchange. My current cultivation has just been upgraded. Even if I exchange for resources, it will be difficult to upgrade again. It is better to keep them. I plan to enter the Immortal Gate Fragment Battlefield first to take a look... experience the atmosphere."

Fang Che originally planned to exchange all the merits for resources.

However, now that his cultivation has just been upgraded, the meteorite black flame, the Great Wilderness Purple Thunder and other natural treasures have just been exchanged.

For a while, there is nothing to exchange.

Therefore, you can save merits first, and after the cultivation breakthrough, save more merits to exchange for better immortal cultivation resources.

Fang Che's words made Bei Danqiu's eyes condense.

"When do you plan to go?"

"I'm ready, let's go about it?"

"Go now? Of course you long as you are ready. You also know that the college entrance examination is coming, and the senior high school geniuses of the top fairy cities and fairy high schools will get extra training opportunities."

"It just so happens that these senior high school geniuses are also in the fairy gate fragment genius battlefield. When you enter the genius battlefield, you can go to their trial camp to take a look and adapt to the environment."

Bei Danqiu thought of something and said to Fang Che.

"You just learned the news from Teacher Zhou that the location of the fairy gate fragment genius battlefield is a place of origin that was free after the ancient fairy gate continent was broken."

"There are actually ten pieces of origin fragments, and the other nine pieces are occupied by powerful races, and the fairy gate fragment genius battlefield...actually belongs to the tenth piece. Of course, it is also the smallest piece, but it also contains great opportunities."

"There may be a secret realm left by the immortals of the ancient fairy gate continent..."

Bei Danqiu said with a smile.

Fang Che's eyes flickered when he heard it.

"The Genius Battlefield... Although it is a battlefield, it is actually a place for geniuses from the major immortal gate fragments to explore, and it is also a place where opportunities are buried."

This is one of the knowledge that Teacher Zhou popularized to Fang Che.

The Genius Battlefield of Immortal Gate Fragments, the tenth origin fragment continent... has a big secret.

There is a huge age limit for those who want to ascend to the Genius Battlefield. Cultivators over fifty years old are not qualified to ascend to the Genius Battlefield.

So, the tenth origin fragment continent has never produced a race that can occupy the fragment continent.

And then it became a battlefield where the genius descendants of the major immortal gate fragment races compete with each other.

Beidanqiu looked at Fang Che.

"Since you have decided...then we will set off now, but before you set off, you'd better use your mobile phone to tell your close ones that you will enter the Genius Battlefield."

"After all, entering the Genius Battlefield is also a very dangerous thing."

Beidanqiu suggested.

However, Fang Che shook his head and said with a smile: "No need, it will only make those close to him worry..."

"Just think of this genius battlefield as a place similar to a training room, I will just practice diligently for a few billion."

Bei Danqiu: "..."

The Liver Emperor is the Liver Emperor, he can actually equate the Genius Battlefield with the training room.

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