Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 166 The Eight Wastelands exploded...the fourth heaven!

Yun Qinglian really didn't expect that Mr. Pei would have no objection at all to her plan to teach Fang Che how to make alchemy.

After all, as Mr. Pei’s last disciple, Fang Che shouldn’t be in this situation. The last disciple should be someone Mr. Pei cherishes very much. How could he give up so easily?

However, Yun Qinglian didn't think much about it. Since Mr. Pei was willing, she was naturally happy.

Fang Che's talent in alchemy made her a little excited. Of course, besides teaching Fang Che to make alchemy, there were more important things.

"Mr. Pei... I know that the law should not be taught lightly. I will not accept Fang Che as a disciple. I just want to teach him some knowledge about alchemy. The alchemists of our Daxia Immortal Sect... have always been good at alchemy. They are all top-notch blue stars.”

"However, in recent years, as the immortal sect fragments developed by the three major immortal sects, the Federation, Baiting and Dongli, have obtained the alchemy inheritance, the alchemy level of our Daxia Immortal Sect has been pulled down too much..."

"Especially the Dongli Immortal Sect, has always wanted to seize the glory of the alchemist belonging to our Daxia Immortal Sect... and in recent years, the lack of Blue Star alchemy seedlings has indeed become a fact."

Yun Qinglian sighed softly, her big red robe flying, and her dark eyes sparkled more and more as she looked at Fang Che, who was sitting cross-legged.

"Of course I know this. Although the purpose of the five major Blue Star Immortal Sects is to be united to the outside world,... wherever there are people, there will be competition, and there will be internal conflicts."

"Many people have seen the dilemma of the alchemy group, but there is nothing we can do about it. The inheritance of the ancient alchemy sect obtained from the fairy sect fragments is not comparable to the power we developed from scratch."

Mr. Pei stroked his beard and said calmly.

"Even, not only in alchemy, but also in terms of making talismans, casting tools, etc., if you can have the inheritance of the ancient sect, you will definitely be far ahead."

Master Ma fell silent.

The situation described by these two is indeed the embarrassing situation faced by Daxia Immortal Sect today.

One is a leader in the art of making talismans, and the other is a holy hand at the level of alchemy...

Even they felt embarrassed, and they could imagine the situation faced by Daxia Immortal Sect.

"Don't worry, this little guy Fang Che can be trained as you please. You can do whatever you want. I won't interfere with you, but... you must teach carefully."

Mr. Pei said.

A smile suddenly appeared on Yun Qinglian's beautiful face: "Don't worry, Mr. Pei, I will definitely spend my life to satisfy Fang Che."

Finally, Yun Qinglian thought of something and said softly: "I want to reach the level of a sixth-level alchemist now, but I'm afraid I can't do it with my own abilities. I hope there is someone who can help me. Fang Che may... There is a little bit of hope.”

"His calmness in facing the calamity...maybe able to help me."

When Mr. Pei heard this, his eyes suddenly condensed.

"Attack on the sixth-level alchemist? Are you sure?"

Mr. Pei asked.

"It's difficult, but you can give it a try. It's time for our Great Xia Immortal Sect to give birth to a sixth-level alchemist... Otherwise, alchemy will always be stepped on, and it will be constrained by the three major immortal sects, Dongli, Federation and Baiting. "

Yun Qinglian shook her head. She was not very sure, but... someone had to try after all.

Mr. Pei said no more.

Yun Qinglian also stopped talking, and Master Ma remained silent. As a small fourth-level Talisman Maker, he was not qualified to participate in the conversation between the two.

The three of them all looked at Fang Che who was sitting cross-legged refining the Eight Desolations Body Tempering Pill, and just watched silently.

Fang Che naturally didn't know this, and even if he did, he wouldn't have time to pay attention.

Because, he seemed to feel that he was a little violent.

The efficacy of Bahuang Body Tempering Pill...

Somewhat domineering beyond his imagination!

When the elixir enters the mouth, it melts instantly and turns into a majestic warm energy that impacts into the Dantian...

Within the Dantian Qi sea, like cola that was fermented instantly and shaken violently, terrifying energy burst out, causing the spiritual energy accumulated in the body to boil and rush towards the limbs and bones.

boom! ! !

Fang Che's skin suddenly turned red. The hot red color made him feel a burst of pain. The stinging and tearing sensation in his meridians made him frown.

Very powerful medicinal properties!

Different from the body quenching spiritual liquid, the Bahuang Body Tempering Pill... not only acts on the outside of the body, but also acts on the inside of the body. The inside and outside are tempered at the same time and strengthened simultaneously. The effect is much more powerful than the body quenching spiritual liquid... !

There was steam rising from the top of Fang Che's head.

Fang Che quickly ran the Golden Crow Nine Yang Sutra to stabilize this majestic energy and refine the medicinal properties of the Eight Desolations Body Tempering Pill.

The Dantian, or every corner of the meridians, is filled with the powerful medicinal properties of the Eight Desolate Body Tempering Pills.

It took almost an hour for Fang Che to stabilize the properties of the Bahuang Body Tempering Pill.

He opened his eyes, and his eyes were a little red, as if they were bloodshot.

He stood up, breathing hot air from his mouth and nose.

Without having time to say anything else, he bowed to Mr. Pei, Master Ma and the beautiful big sister in red robe, and then quickly rushed towards the training ground.

After arriving at the training ground, Fang Che immediately began to use the Bahuang Explosion and train the physical skills. He showed off one posture after another. There was a crackling sound in his body, refining the effect of the Bahuang Body Tempering Pill. .

Bahuang Body Tempering Pill plus Bahuang Explosion...

It was a perfect match. Fang Che could feel the terrifying power growing in his body one after another, like the terrifying power of huge waves rushing in a river!

It was as turbulent as the tide, extremely terrifying!

Pei Lao, Yun Qinglian and Master Ma looked at it for a while, then left quietly without looking at it.

Yun Qinglian waited for Fang Che to finish training before talking about teaching alchemy.

As the top alchemist of Daxia Xianmen, Yun Qinglian naturally had lofty visions. Of course, seeing Fang Che's easy resistance to the pill calamity also gave her some hope of impacting the sixth-level alchemist.

As we all know, among the hundred arts of cultivating immortals in Daxia Xianmen, alchemy impacting the sixth level is much more difficult than making talismans, casting, formations, puppets and other techniques.

Therefore, as long as she sees a little hope, Yun Qinglian will not give up easily and will try.

In the training ground.

Two hours passed unknowingly.

The scorching air waves surged in the field, and the heat waves caused by the surging blood and qi rolled and continuously impacted.

A red figure, like a blood-red lightning, kept moving in the field, with an extremely fast speed, stopping and moving, turning and changing direction!

Exerting the power of the body to the extreme, tempering every corner of the body!

Bang! ! !

Fang Che stepped down and punched out, the air was twisted and concave in a spiral shape, and then there was a sound like a cannonball exploding, and it exploded with a bang, and four waves of sound exploded in succession!

The air was vaguely twisted into four vortices, which slowly disappeared after a long time.

Fang Che stood in place. He did not open the tower sword immortal state, but was in a pure physical state, refining the medicinal effect of the Eight Desolate Body Tempering Pill.

He could feel the power in his body rising little by little. As he kept practicing the Eight Desolate Explosion physical technique, it finally reached the critical point!

The red membrane has slowly recovered, but the surging inside has not stopped at all.

The Golden Crow Nine Yang Body, this innate spiritual body rapidly devoured and digested the energy of the Eight Desolate Body Tempering Pill...


Fang Che raised his hand and clenched his five fingers. Without any extra movements, the air around his fist twisted like a vortex, like a transparent cloth, being clenched into a ball!

It was as if the dimension was collapsing!

Fang Che suddenly opened his eyes!

Deep in his eyes, it was as if an ancient ferocious beast opened its mouth and let out a deafening roar, shaking the entire mountain and sea, the entire starry sky!

Gently punched!

Five twisted void vortices slowly exploded, and the stirred air waves collided with each other, causing a terrifying explosion that shook the world!


Fang Che slowly exhaled.

The entire training ground was silent.

With the crackling sound of bones twisting and colliding, Fang Che's body rose again, and the normal height of the third level of the Eight Desolate Explosion was raised again. The height of the body reached 1.9 meters, and the muscle lines were like cast gold, extremely perfect!

Every inch of flesh and blood contained explosive energy!

"Eight Desolate Explosion...Fourth Level."

"Finally reached."

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