"Ding! After fourteen hours of diligent study in making talismans, your diligence will be doubled, your diligence will be +280..."

The panel prompt pops up.

Listen to the rain in the pavilion.

Fang Che closed the pen cap with satisfaction and ended today's study of talismans.

Mr. Pei, who was sitting on a chair and drank dozens of cups of tea in a row, finally breathed a sigh of relief and stroked his beard when he saw Fang Che stop taking notes.

I... am finally liberated!

"Alright, Ah Che, tomorrow is the start day of the national competition of the martial arts competition. In the next period of time, we will not study the talismans. It just so happens that you can also organize and summarize the knowledge of talismans you have learned during this period. absorb."

Mr. Pei stroked his beard and said with a smile.

There was irrepressible excitement and happiness in his words.

He already somewhat regretted his promise to Fang Che to ask Fang Che whatever questions he had, even though he was directed at him...

Those big words were a bit off the tongue.


Fang Che was packing up his notes and was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

"Teacher, don't worry. Even in the national competition, I will not forget to be diligent. Senior Brother Ma told me that I must be diligent and do my best to practice the talisman with the teacher. After all, the teacher's time at Blue Star is limited."

"I don't have much time left to practice with my teacher in Blue Star, so I can't relax at all."

Fang Che said seriously.

Mr. Pei: "(‧̣̥̇꒪່⍢꒪່ )"

"Xiao Ma actually dares Jiang Zi to talk to you?"

Mr. Pei clenched his fists.

The source of all evil has been found, every debt has its owner, and the day of reckoning will eventually come!

"Ache, you have learned so much, have you digested it?"

Mr. Pei changed the subject.

Fang Che smiled shyly.

His talent is average, but he is diligent enough, and his Talisman talent has long been upgraded to lv5.

Therefore, while studying, you can fully understand the talisman knowledge imparted by Mr. Pei.

Today, Fang Che can be called a quasi-second-level talisman maker. He has mastered more than ten kinds of second-level talismans, and he can even be said to be a senior second-level talisman maker.

"Teacher, don't worry, I've digested everything and I understand everything."

Fang Che nodded.

Hearing this, Mr. Pei narrowed his eyes: "Do you really understand everything?"

He doesn't like children who talk big.

Therefore, Mr. Pei was not polite and directly checked Fang Che's talisman-making skills. Basically, it was the knowledge of talisman-making that he had taught him these days.

Talisman writing techniques, animal skin processing, talisman ink blending techniques, etc...

However, to Pei Lao's surprise, Fang Che answered with almost no hesitation and could answer any question with ease.

The girl Yafei sitting next to her had a big head for a long time.

With her white and slender fingers, she rubbed her temples. Listening to Mr. Pei and Fang Che's questions and answers, she couldn't help but purse her plump red lips.

Yafei: "=థ౪థ...."

She is indeed trash.

Mr. Pei took a deep breath and took a sip of tea. The smile on his face could hardly be suppressed.

Although he was squeezed hard by Fang Che every day, I have to say that having such a talented disciple... is indeed a blessing.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to go to Xianmen Fragment to take charge, he would actually receive such a talented disciple in Blue Star.


Mr. Pei admired.

However, Mr. Pei felt that Fang Che could not be asked like this every day.

He didn't even have time to read his favorite son-in-law story.

So, he thought for a while, took out a talisman and handed it to Fang Che.

"This is a second-level high-quality talisman. The brushwork in the talisman covers almost all of my brushwork characteristics. It is the talisman I am most proud of."

"Ache, do you know the three second-level magic talismans?"

Mr. Pei asked.

Fang Che shook his head in confusion.

On the side, Yafei's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but say: "The strange talisman... is the most difficult talisman to draw in each grade."

"Every kind of strange talisman is a talisman maker's nightmare, and it is very difficult to draw."

Yafei took a deep breath and looked at the talisman in Pei Lao's hand with burning eyes.

Hearing this, Fang Che's heart was filled with excitement. He took the talisman and just glanced at it to see the extremely complex depiction and brushwork of the runes.

"One of the second-level magical talismans is the 'Seven-Star Dragon King' created by me. Your next task is to try to draw this 'Seven-Star Dragon King' during the fighting competition. This talisman is The attack talisman is extremely powerful. If it can be drawn, it will be of great help to you. It can be regarded as your trump card. "

Mr. Pei said with a smile.

This magical talisman... should be able to keep this kid occupied for a while.

However, to be honest, Mr. Pei really has nothing to teach Fang Che at the second-level talisman level.

Fang Che took the talisman and looked serious.

"Teacher, don't worry, I will definitely draw the Seven Star Dragon King."

What a strange talisman...

This was the teacher's test for him, a spot check on his talisman learning during this period.

"Teacher...what about me?" Yafei asked blankly.

Mr. Pei glanced at Yafei, his eyes were soft and his words were serious: "Yafei... you are different from A Che. You still have a lot of room for improvement."

Yafei: "థ౪థ...."


She understands it all.

The next day, it rained lightly.

The overcast sky brought a hint of mist to the Imperial Capital of Great Xia.

An extended luxury car drove into the fighting venue of the Imperial Capital No. 1 High School. The venue for this national competition was arranged in the venue of the Imperial Capital No. 1 High School.

Today is the official opening day of the Daxia Xianmen High School Fighting Competition National Competition!

Early in the morning, the campus of the Imperial Capital No. 1 High School was hot.

The national competition is completely different from the preliminaries of the major immortal cities. Every national competition is a battle that everyone is paying attention to. All major TV stations will broadcast it. It is a grand event for the popularization of immortal cultivation.

Fang Che and others walked out of the luxury car, which attracted the attention of many reporters. However, after the reporters found out that the team that walked out of the luxury car was the representative team of Feilei Xiancheng, they lost interest.

Cheng Shi got off the car and saw so many "companions", but these colleagues had no intention of filming Fang Che and others, and he immediately felt humiliated.

He was responsible for broadcasting for Feilei Xiancheng No. 2 High School, so he quickly took out his big treasure and filmed Fang Che and others.

At first, Cheng Shi was a little unfamiliar, but as he fiddled with the hard lens, he gradually got into the state.

In the distance, another team from Feilei Xiancheng, the Ji Yan High School team, also arrived.

In addition to Fang Che and Luo Liuli, the individual players of Feilei Xiancheng, Jin Chuanxiu, Jin Nana and warm-hearted Lu Qi, three high school monks who had been hit in the chest by Fang Che, also arrived one after another.

Everyone met and exchanged greetings.

Then they entered the venue.

Compared with the popular Xiancheng representative teams such as the Imperial Capital, Double Gods, and Five Elements Xiancheng, the Feilei Xiancheng representative team... is really not very eye-catching.

Even in the trial of Yunxiao Town, Fang Che won the top of the competition list with a crushing attitude...

However, that trial was actually kept secret from the outside world, and many reporters did not know this secret, and even if they knew it, they would not care.

They will still be optimistic about the representative teams of the Imperial Capital, Double Gods and Five Elements Xiancheng as always, even if they are second to none, they are also some first-class Xiancheng representative teams.

After all, how could a fighting team from a top-tier immortal city be defeated by a high school student from a second-rate immortal city?

Trials are not simply competitions, and rankings cannot represent everything.

Moreover, many reporters have received gossip that many of the top immortal city teams, such as the Imperial City, the Double Gods, and the Five Elements Immortal City, have not participated in the trials, but have received secret training provided by the major immortal cities.

In the fighting venue.

In the lounge of the Feilei Immortal City team.

The contestants from Ji Yan High School and Fei Lei Second High School all gathered together.

"Teacher Su, please say a few words of encouragement on behalf of our Fei Lei Immortal City."

Qian Baidu, the team leader of Ji Yan High School, looked at Su Shangxing and said politely.

After all, Fei Lei Second High School ranked first in the Fei Lei Immortal City Fighting Competition Team.


In the fighting trial in Yunxiao Town, Fang Che showed an extremely terrifying performance.

It can be said that Fei Lei Immortal City's hope of winning the championship lies in Second High School.

Su Shangxing was not polite. He carried the sword case on his back, narrowed his eyes, and scanned the whole place.

His eyes fell on Fang Che, and the corners of his lips rose.

"No need for mobilization or anything like that."

"Don't hide your weakness, fight hard and show the momentum of our Feilei Xiancheng."

"Did you see the faces of those reporters just now? In their eyes, our Feilei Xiancheng is just here to make soy sauce and run with them."

"Can you bear this grievance and contempt?"

Su Shangxing said in a deep voice.

In the lounge, the atmosphere suddenly became hot.

Everyone's fighting spirit suddenly burned, and there was fire in their eyes.

Su Shangxing's eyes fell on Fang Che.

"Especially Fang Che, show your chest-crushing maniac attitude, and give me..."

"Blast them!"

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