So big...really so big!

Yafei's eyes widened, and his lips couldn't help but open, making it difficult to close them.

Her eyes were full of shock, and she couldn't help but take a deep breath as she looked at the huge vortex of spiritual energy that was being drawn and hovering above Fang Che's workbench.

How can it be!

What kind of quality talisman is this?

You must know that the talismans drawn by Yafei and the two quasi-third-level talisman makers are basically replicas of the talisman itself, and the spiritual energy vortex they can induce...will not be as good as the original talisman. How much difference.

But why is the talisman drawn by Fang Che bigger than the original talisman?

This is not fairy tale at all!

As soon as the vortex of spiritual energy appeared above Fang Che's workbench, it roared and stirred the entire work area in chaos.

It makes it difficult for others to absorb spiritual energy from the talismans that have just been formed.

Many Talisman Makers' expressions became ugly, but when they looked at the huge whirlpool, they felt like fists were stuck in their throats, unable to speak, and they did not dare to speak...

After all, Fang Che didn't use any despicable means to destroy their talisman's ability to absorb spiritual energy.

Fang's just that the quality of the talismans is better.

The talisman was well made...could it be possible to blame Fang Che?

We are all Talisman Makers, and if we ask ourselves, they cannot express such blame.

The faces of the two quasi-third-level Talisman Makers had become extremely gloomy and ugly.

"How could this be so..."

"Damn it, how did this kid do it? Could it be that he cheated?"

The two of them murmured.

If Yafei brings pressure to them, they can accept it. After all, Yafei is a genius of the Ross family, one of the three major families in the Baiting Immortal Sect.

And it is precisely because of this identity that it is actually more difficult for Yafei to compete with them to become Mr. Pei.

But Fang Che was different.

They are all Talisman Makers from the Great Xia Immortal Sect, so the competition is naturally much greater.

The spiritual energy vortex lasted for a while, then slowly dissipated, and finally poured into the animal skin talisman that was successfully used on the workbench.

"Is it...successful?"

Yafei looked at Fang Che and couldn't help but ask.

She felt that what everyone was drawing was not a kind of talisman.

Fang Che picked up the animal skin talisman, looked at it, and nodded with a smile.

I am very satisfied with the production of this talisman.

"Ding, you concentrated on it for an hour and completed a second-level talisman drawing that shocked everyone. Your diligence doubled ten times, your diligence +100, and your talisman drawing skills +1. Sao Nian, continue to maintain your greatness."

A prompt pops up in front of you.

Fang Che narrowed his eyes, slightly surprised. Apparently, what he gained this time was really beyond his expectation.

It amazes the whole audience that it can actually increase the energy by ten times. The only pity is that even the ten times increase... is only 100 points.

Also, the prop bonuses don’t seem to stack.

However, the talisman's drawing skills made Fang Che feel more meaningful.

His skills in drawing talismans enhanced his brushwork level, which was of great help in drawing talismans.

Every great Talisman Maker has his own unique style of writing.

Penmanship is a kind of certification. Sometimes, it can even become a guarantee to verify whether the talisman is genuine, just like an anti-counterfeiting code.

After all, no matter how powerful a Talisman Maker is, it would be difficult for him to describe the opponent's brushwork exactly the same.

Because the drawing of the talisman was completed, Fang Che seemed a little bored for a while.

There is still a little time left.

Fang Che felt that it could not be wasted, so he sat cross-legged under the workbench. If he used the practice method, it would affect the movement of spiritual energy in the work area and affect the drawing of talismans by other talisman makers. This was a very bad thing.

Fang Che naturally wouldn't do it, so he chose to meditate and visualize the Angry Eyes of the Ming King to enhance his spiritual power.

Yafei was also sitting on the chair boredly. Suddenly her eyes froze and she looked at Fang Che sitting cross-legged in astonishment...

The familiar cross-legged posture, the familiar practice...

In the hotel lobby, the image of the young man diligently practicing is clearly visible in his mind.

"Has he always... been so diligent?"

"You don't even miss such a small amount of time. It's so detailed."

The girl Yafei's blond hair covered half of her delicate face, she pursed her red lips, and her eyes flashed with surprise and appreciation.

If her previous perception was correct, Fang Che should be practicing the ultimate foundation-building method...

This means that Fang Che’s spiritual root talent is definitely no less than Tianlinggen. He has Tianlinggen... and is so diligent...

Yafei was inexplicably moved.

Her heart was also touched, maybe...she should work harder and not waste her talents.

After giving Fang Che a respectful look, Yafei also sat cross-legged and entered a meditative state...

In the distance, the two quasi-third-level Talisman Makers staring at Yafei and Fang Che looked confused...

No, what's wrong with these two people?

This is a special event for making talismans. Why are you practicing so diligently?

Who are you pretending to show?

The two quasi-third-level Talisman Makers looked at each other, with disdain appearing on their faces.

It was a sign of disdain for Fang Che and Yafei's opportunistic behavior, and couldn't help but despise them from the bottom of their hearts.

Do you think you can get Mr. Pei's appreciation by pretending to be diligent?

Is Mr. Pei such a superficial person?


The two sneered.


In the work area, there are two more diligent figures practicing cross-legged under the workbench.

Master Ma: "..."

He had been paying attention to the situation in the field, and was speechless for a moment.

His eyes fell on Fang Che.

Although this young man brought by Nan Lihuo did not even have the identity of a formal talisman maker, he brought him a great surprise in this talisman making competition.

Not only could he draw a talisman like a genius talisman maker like Yafei, but the spiritual vortex condensed by the talisman he drew was even larger than that of Yafei.

This is unreasonable!

Afterwards, the diligent cultivation attitude he showed attracted Yafei and the genius talisman makers of the quasi-third level to follow him.

Master Ma couldn't help but think of the confidence on Nan Lihuo's face. It turned out that... this confidence was not only about the talisman in his hand, but also about Fang Che.

When the talisman making time finally came to the end.

Master Ma immediately stopped the talisman making process.

Any talisman maker who had not finished drawing was stopped.

"Everyone wait a moment, now we will let the talisman makers who are being evaluated enter the field."

Master Ma glanced at the whole field and said softly.

The metal door was opened, and then the talisman makers who were waiting outside the door entered the work area one after another.

Nan Lihuo was also among them, with a curious look of watching the fun.

He saw Fang Che who had just exited the cultivation state, and his eyes showed encouragement.

He was not a judge for this talisman evaluation, but it did not prevent him from giving Fang Che encouragement with his eyes.

Old Pei also came, wearing a white robe, with white hair and beard, looking amiable.

Every talisman maker could not leave his workbench.

The judges walked together.

They came to the workbench of the first talisman maker, picked up the talisman and began to look at it.

"The treatment of the animal skin talisman paper is average, some flaws have not been eliminated, the brushwork only reproduces the shape, not the meaning, and the power of the talisman is only about 50%, not very good, so I give it three points."

"I'll give it four points, the talisman ink is not bad."

"No, the talisman is copied like this, it is a waste talisman, one point can't be more."


These talisman masters are all third-level advanced talisman makers, each with a very high vision. They gave an extremely cruel score to the talisman copied by the first talisman maker.

A total of ten talisman masters gave only 28 points, and the average score was not even three points.

Too miserable!

Too harsh, too poisonous!

The first talisman maker who was evaluated was pale, his eyes were dull, his body was shaking, and his hand holding the talisman pen could hardly keep steady.

The Tao heart was about to be broken by the blow.

Go to hell with the dream of making talismans!

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