Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings: Start by making up for one's natural spiritu

Chapter 11 Is this the level of the test papers for the gifted class?

On the fourth day, Fang Che did not relax just because he had to take the test today.

It was still four o'clock when I got up. The eastern sky was white, the starlight had not dissipated completely, and even the street lights on both sides of the street were still stubbornly emitting a dim yellow.

Fang Che started a dry and boring daily practice, and by the time he left for the Second High School, he had successfully gained 40 points of diligence.

When I arrived at the school, I met Cheng Shi, the fat boy who had been waiting here for a long time.

Fang Che's application for the training class examination has been widely circulated for a long time. How could Cheng Shi not know about it?

"Brother Che, do you have confidence?"

Seeing Fang Che, Cheng Shi immediately ran over and walked with him.

"Of course I have confidence, don't worry." Fang Che said with a smile.

The two of them entered the campus together and walked towards the Peiyou class classroom. Many eyes glanced at them on the way, obviously recognizing Fang Che.

When he arrived at the door of the classroom, Cheng Shi punched Che on the chest: "Come on, Brother Che, Peiyou class... is really different."

Cheng Shi said seriously that although he had been assigned to the training class for only three days, the information he learned had completely changed his understanding of cultivating immortals.

Fang Che nodded solemnly.

A moment later, as the class bell rang, three figures walked from the distant corridor.

Fang Che looked over and saw that one of them he knew, it was Nan Lihuo who had endorsed him and applied for the assessment.

The other two people were a man and a woman.

The man wore a samurai uniform that fit tightly against his body, and carried a yellow pear wood sword box on his back, revealing a sword hilt bundled in a cloth bag.

There was sharpness and sharpness between the man's eyebrows, as if he was about to cut open the sky.

The woman is wearing a loose robe, but even a loose robe cannot cover her plump figure.

"This is Teacher Su Shangxing, who is in charge of the examination, and this is Pei Linglong, the head teacher of Peiyou Class." Nan Lihuo looked at Fang Che and took the initiative to introduce.

Fang Che hurriedly said hello.

"We all know your situation. The Peiyou Class assessment will be conducted in a fair and impartial manner, and the entire process will be supervised by Teacher Nan Lihuo and Teacher Pei Linglong."

Su went up, carrying the sword box on his back, and said.

Afterwards, Fang Che was taken to an empty classroom. There was only one table in the center for Fang Che's exam.

"The assessment is divided into two sessions. The first is a liberal arts examination, and the second is a combat assessment."

"Teacher Nan Lihuo said that your spiritual root has changed from virtual to real? We have applied for spiritual root testing equipment from the Education Bureau, so we have added a third assessment, spiritual root testing."

"Is there a problem?"

Su Shangshang's tone was very direct and sharp, as if his words contained a stinging sword energy.

"No problem!" Fang Che nodded solemnly.

"The exam lasts four hours, let's start."

Su Shangshang said something, the light flashed in his hand, and four test papers appeared out of thin air, which were the four courses of [Alchemy], [Talk], [Formation], and [Forging].

Fang Che took the paper, took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled it.

When you enter concentration, your spiritual consciousness surges and your energy is calm and concentrated.

Open the paper and start answering.

The sun shines brightly outside the window, shining in, cut and shattered by the leaves on the branches, like scattered gold sand.

Accompanied by the gentle breeze blowing the leaves and the sound of rustling, it is like the flow of gold sand.

Fang Che's pen also made a rustling sound while writing on the paper that smelled of ink.

As the invigilators, the three teachers stood in three positions to eliminate the possibility of cheating. Their spiritual consciousness spread and intertwined into a network, staring at Fang Che.

If Fang Che cheats in any way, it will be discovered immediately.

Fang Che worked the questions very quickly, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

The alchemy paper was completed quickly, followed by the talisman paper. Fang Che answered even faster, with his pen writing as if he was inspired. He finished both papers in less than half an hour.

Among them, the Talisman Paper took less than ten minutes to complete.

When he took the formation paper, Fang Che dusted it off with a look of hesitation on his face...

It's not that I think the paper is too difficult, quite the opposite...


Are the examination papers for the Peiyou class only of this level?

It seems...a bit simple!

Fang Che knew that this was because his talents in various subjects had improved.

The papers that he once thought were extremely difficult suddenly became much easier, because after improving his talent, he was no longer confused and could understand the knowledge points of various subjects thoroughly.

Fang Che still answered the remaining two papers quickly without slowing down his speed.

After finishing the assessment quickly, he might be able to go to the training room... and continue practicing in a room.

In one hour and forty minutes, Fang Che finished answering all four papers.

Except for the talisman paper, the other three parts took half an hour each.

I picked up the paper and looked at it, checking to see if there were any missing questions.

After confirming that it was correct, Fang Che stood up and handed in the paper.

The head teacher of the training class, who was sitting on a chair reading advanced books on formations, felt Fang Che handing over the papers, and his eyes moved slightly, moved away, and fell on him.

If you can't do this, why don't you just... hand it in directly?

Many students who apply for the Peiyou class assessment have this temperament. They feel that they are qualified to enter the Peiyou class without being severely beaten.

Glancing at the paper from the corner of his eye, Pei Linglong's majestic mountain peaks trembled slightly.

With a slight sigh, he took the paper and stared at the answers given by Fang Che and reviewed them line by line.

The first question is correct.

The second question is correct.

The third question...

"You actually did it all?" Pei Linglong's face became more and more serious.

With such a standard, why couldn't he even get into the top 300 in the final exam last semester?

You know, the exam papers for the Peiyou Class will be much more difficult than the final exam.


So interesting.

Is this kid hiding his clumsiness on purpose?

Pei Linglong nodded slightly.

The paper was passed to two teachers, Su Shangxing and Nan Lihuo, for review together, and the three invigilators finally gave the final score.

"94 points for alchemy, 100 points for talismans, 97 points for formation, 95 points for casting, 386 points!"

"This score is not low."

Su Shangxing looked at the scores and was a little surprised.

Originally, after reading Fang Che's information, he just thought that Fang Che's training class assessment was just for fun.

Now it seems that it is no joke.

Nan Lihuo smiled. As a teacher applying for endorsement, his face was shining and he was in a good mood.

"That boy's spiritual root has turned from imaginary to real. Moreover, I guess it is not an ordinary low-grade spiritual root. There may be a surprise."

Nan Lihuo said: "I have already admitted this kid to the talisman-making class. Look at his talisman paper. It's so easy to answer the questions. He really has talent in talisman-making."

"It's not that his ability is only 100 points, but the upper limit of the Talisman Paper is only 100 points."

Pei Linglong glanced at Nan Lihuo, as if she couldn't stand his strength: "There are also fighting skills assessment and spiritual root assessment."

The three of them left the classroom. Outside the classroom, Fang Che was doing push-ups to warm up in preparation for the upcoming fighting test.

"The fighting test is relatively simple. Let's just do it here. Our three teachers can be witnesses."

Su Shangshang said with a smile, Fang Che's attitude changed slightly.

At least it was certain that Fang Che was not the kind of student who wasted time because he was unconvinced and unaware of his talent.

Because it is close to the Peiyou class classroom.

It was the break time after class. The students in the training class walked out of the classroom one after another and looked curiously at Fang Che in the corridor who was about to take the assessment.

The little fat man Cheng Shi shouted "Brother Che, come on" at the top of his lungs, causing a lot of meaningful laughter.

Xu Qing'an also walked out. He crossed his arms and looked at him coldly. As always, he felt that Fang Che would never pass the examination of the training class.

He had even prepared some sharp words to trample on Fang Che's dignity after he failed the assessment.

"The second round is a fighting test. In order to be more in line with the purpose of the training class, the rules are different from the final exam."

Su Shangshang said, with a slight wave of his hand, a metal humanoid puppet appeared in front of Fang Che.

The puppet was 1.8 meters tall and made entirely of metal. Its head and face were covered by a piece of liquid crystal glass, and it vaguely exuded an evil aura.

"This is a first-level mid-level Golden Spirit Puppet. As long as you can hold on for ten minutes in the hands of the Golden Spirit Puppet, you will be considered to have passed the fighting test."

Su Shangxing smiled and said to Fang Che.

A first-order middle-grade golden spirit puppet?

Fang Che took a deep breath, and the blood in his body began to flow slightly.

Perhaps thinking that he was not familiar with the new physical skills, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Su Shangshang with blazing eyes.

"Teacher Su, can this Golden Spirit Puppet... endure beatings?"

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