[Don't ask, just ask where the brain is stored]

Daxia Xianmen.

Xianmen calendar year 1542.

Feilei City, Xiancheng Second High School.

[Name: Fang Che]

[Age: 15]

[Age: Third level of Qi Refining]

[Spiritual root: Lower grade (virtual) fire spiritual root]

[Subject scores (liberal arts):

Alchemy: 58 points

Talisman: 61 points

Array: 33 points

Weapon casting: 76 points

Subject scores (fighting):

Meditation: 10 points

Flying sword: 44 points

Magic: 60 points

Physical skills: 71 points

Total score: 413 points]

[Ranking in the first grade of Xiancheng Second High School: 372nd]

The bright sunlight shines through the window onto the peeling paint desk covered with knife scratches in the classroom.

A handsome boy lies weakly, holding a mobile phone with a bronze shell in his bony fingers.

The phone was emitting a bright luster, and it showed Fang Che's final exam results for the first semester of his first year in high school.

Obviously, the results were not ideal.

He Fang Che... embarrassed the vast majority of time travelers.

But there was no way, cultivating immortals... was too difficult!

It had been nine years since he traveled to this world, and he had also practiced for nine years of the twelve years of compulsory cultivation.

Because his original body was found to have a low-grade virtual fire spiritual root when he entered elementary school, in order to turn the fire spiritual root from virtual to real, he practiced harder and more diligently than almost anyone else, but unfortunately the results were minimal.

This also made Fang Che understand a cruel fact.

The matter of cultivating immortals... 99% of effort is really not as good as 1% of talent.

This world was originally very similar to the Blue Star in Fang Che's previous life, and it also took the path of technological development.

But more than 1,500 years ago, a broken immortal cultivation continent named [Xianmen] floated in the mysterious universe.

All countries used aerospace power to land on the planet and jointly developed and researched. Soon after, they jointly released the Immortal Cultivation White Paper, changed the Immortal Gate Calendar, and opened the Immortal Cultivation Era.

Immortal Cultivation Education has also become a very important thing in this world.

As the midsummer draws to a close, the cicadas' chirping has become a little weaker. Fang Che lies on his desk, his face sluggish, and heaves a long sigh, letting the sun shine on his face.

When you have been diligent for so long and can't see any hope, everyone will feel lost and tired.

He is tired and can't hold on...

So be it, let's just give up.

Over the years, he has shed too much sweat.

He gets up at three in the morning to learn alchemy, learn talismans at five, and start fighting training at six. After breakfast, he goes to Xiancheng High School to start a day of immortal cultivation education.

After class, after filling his stomach with compressed biscuits and water, he uses all the living expenses given by his parents to rent a practice room to practice Qi refining...

However, even with such hard work, the results are still terrible.

Compared with those geniuses who have awakened their true spiritual roots, it is simply the difference between a sparrow and a swan.

Putting his phone upside down on the table, Fang Che decided to play it rotten and have a good sleep.


A deafening thunder, like a terrifying thunder sound of an old monster in the sky, exploded in Fang Che's ears, frightening Fang Che and making him sweat profusely.

His eyes were full of shock, and Fang Che was confused. What's going on... still not allowed to play rotten?

Playing rotten will be struck by lightning? !

Suddenly, a faint luster emerged in front of Fang Che's eyes, and a line of transparent text appeared.

"Soul detection... blood detection... defect detection... detection completed, the fit is 96%, meets the standard, start binding..."

"Binding completed, diligence can make up for shortcomings, please continue to work hard, make up for your own shortcomings, perfect, perfect immortality, unparalleled in the ages."

The transparent text slowly dimmed, and then a fluorescent panel emerged.


Host: Fang Che

Talent: Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings

Age: 15

Cultivation: Third level of Qi Refining

Diligence: 0

Make up for one's shortcomings: Items that can make up for one's shortcomings include [Spiritual Roots], [Spiritual Consciousness], [Alchemy], [Talisman], [Array], [Fighting]...

Attendance Award: [Nine-year Attendance Treasure Box]

Evaluation: You are so clumsy, how can you still sleep? In addition to diligence, what else do you have?


"Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings..."

Fang Che exhaled slowly and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

As a otaku who loved to read novels, anime and play games in his previous life, he was very quick to accept this sudden panel.

Scanning the panel, Fang Che couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips. Diligence can make up for one's shortcomings?

Although the concept of diligence alone is a bit strange...

But as long as you are diligent, you can get diligence to make up for your own shortcomings?

Is there such a good thing in the world? !

Isn't it just diligence?

In the past nine years, who can be more diligent than him? !

As long as you work hard, you can become stronger... Why are you still being lazy? Work hard to cultivate immortality, perfect yourself, and finally ascend to immortality.

Immortality, being admired by the world, step by step to the highest...

Isn't this cool? !

"You have a full attendance treasure chest that has not been opened yet, do you want to open it?"

The transparent text appeared in front of him again. Fang Che heard it and immediately sat up straight, his expression was extremely solemn.


Silently thinking in his heart, Fang Che only felt his spiritual consciousness vibrate slightly, like a string being plucked.

Then, the special effects of the treasure chest opening brilliantly appeared in front of him...

The light was brilliant and colorful.

"Congratulations on obtaining [Special Diligence (Spiritual Root): 100,000], [Low Grade Spiritual Stone × 10], and [Qi Gathering Pill × 1]."

Spiritual stone!

Fang Che's breathing was rapid, and his whole body was shaking. You must know that as the few resources of the Immortal Cultivation Continent drifted over have been exhausted, spiritual stones have become a scarce resource...

Spiritual medicines and the like can be freely cultivated and planted, but resources like spiritual stones... use less and less. Although the Immortal Sect has developed artificial spiritual stones, the efficiency of cultivating immortals is simply not comparable to real spiritual stones. Compare.

The reason why the Great Xia Immortal Sect vigorously develops voluntary immortal cultivation is also to develop resources and reserve military power for war.

As for the reward Qi Gathering Pill at the end, it became unremarkable.

"The rewards of spirit stones and Qi Gathering Pills have been included in the storage slots. The current storage slots are three and can be opened by spending diligent energy."

The prompt appeared on the panel again.

Storage compartments are not just storage spaces, and Fang Che is not too excited about this, because the Daxia Immortal Sect has already conquered Xumina Mustard Seed's magic, and has achieved mass production of various storage magic weapons.

Although the price is high, and the cheapest storage magic weapon costs up to 10,000 meritorious deeds, if Fang Che engages in cultivating immortals after graduation, he will be able to save enough quickly.

Therefore, the storage compartment was not as attractive to Fang Che as the spirit stone.

"It was detected that the host has practiced hard in the past nine years, and the diligent energy accumulated has been doubled and converted into special diligent energy..."

"Special diligence can only be used for special projects to compensate for clumsiness. Is it to compensate for clumsiness?"

As these two lines of translucent text appeared, Fang Che clenched his fists fiercely, and his heart couldn't help but begin to tremble.

The direction that special diligence can make up for is the spiritual root!

But the spiritual root has always been a pain in his heart!

What does it take to become an immortal?

It relies on spiritual roots. Spiritual roots involve various aspects such as understanding, spiritual energy absorption speed, etc. It is the basis for personal cultivation of immortality!

Many people do not even have virtual spiritual roots, and have no future in cultivating immortals. They cannot take the college entrance examination. They can only graduate from cultural courses and eventually enter the society and earn a small amount of good deeds...

Fang Che has a virtual spiritual root hanging on him, and there is still a glimmer of hope to attack Xiuxian University. This is also the confidence that he can work hard for.

"Is this a gift package for beginners? The hard work I have accumulated over the past nine years has come to fruition today. The cause will be the cause tomorrow and the fruit today. I wonder if this so-called special diligence... can make up my virtual spiritual roots into real spiritual roots! "

Fang Che couldn't help but feel a little hopeful and a little uneasy.

His requirements are not high, as long as he replenishes his true spiritual roots!

"Make up for your weakness!"

A thought came to mind.

"Ding, the talent of diligently replenishing clumsiness is triggered, and the spiritual root item of clumsiness is about to be mended. After the replenishment is completed, the host's spiritual root rank is expected to be upgraded to: fire-attributed celestial spiritual root."

"Ding, the repair is in progress..."

Fang Che: "???!!"

A stream of scorching heat was injected forcefully from the top of his head. Fang Che felt a blazing heat spreading like a spider web through his meridians all over his body, making his face turn red!

But his eyes were wide open at this moment, and he was just confused.

"Wait...what spiritual roots?!"

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