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"The predator was launched successfully, successfully capturing all the data of the death beast and starting the transformation!"

"Confirmed, obtained the special attribute Demon Heart 80%, the host currently has the special attribute Demon Heart 150%!"

"Confirmed, the active skill 'Demon Awakening' and the passive skill 'Demon Soul' have been obtained successfully!"

"Confirmed, the host's evolution data has reached 100% and is about to evolve!"

"Confirmed, evolution successful, the host has evolved to the Ultimate I stage!"

"Confirmed, new mimicry objects obtained: Deathmon, Fallen Hellmon, Puppetmon, MetalSeadramon, InfiniteDragonmon......"

""Fuck, the Ultimate Slimemon, this is unmatched, Great Sage, I despise you!" Lin Yun raised his middle finger to the Great Sage in his heart; originally, after hearing the Great Sage's voice, Lin Yun couldn't help but feel happy, because he finally succeeded in evolving into the Ultimate; however, when he looked at his data information, he found that he was still a Slimemon, but the stage had become the Ultimate, and it was basically the same as before!

Host: Lin Yun (Slimemon)

Stage: Ultimate I (Data: 2%)

Type: Slime Type

Attributes: Vaccine Type, Virus Type, Data Type

Special Factor: Angel Heart (50%)、Demon Heart (70%)、Dragon Beast Factor (110%)

Passive Skills: Electric Current Resistance, Paralysis Resistance, Illusion Invalid, Pain Invalid, Heat Change Resistance, Explosive Damage Resistance, Poison Resistance, Hard Shell, Dragon Beast Heart, Demon Soul, Dark Explosion, Curse Invalid

Active Skills: Dragon Beast Awakening, Demon Awakening, Light Manipulation, Dark Manipulation, Flight, Berserker Rage, Explosive Claws, Explosive Ice Arrow Rain.....

Special moves: Grand Cross, Death Shot, Tyrannosaurus Breath

Special abilities: Self-regeneration, Predator, Sage, Data Eye

Mimicry: Lucemon (growth), Fallen Hellmon (ultimate form)......

"It seems that I still have to rely on the World Tree Core to reincarnate. If things continue like this, even if I evolve to a super ultimate form, I'm afraid I'll still be a Slimemon!"

Lin Yun has completely given up on evolving into other forms, because no matter how he evolves, he will still be a Slimemon. He decided to focus on the World Tree Core.

"Hey, I actually have a Fallen Angel Digimon mimicry!"

After Lin Yun evolved into an Ultimate Digimon, he could mimic all the Ultimate Digimon he had killed before, and after mimicking, he could also obtain all their skills; but he had never killed Fallen Angel Digimon, so how could there be an extra Fallen Angel Digimon mimicry object?

"This means that the host has obtained the Heart of Fallen Angel Digimon, and now has the data of Fallen Angel Digimon. Now that the purity of the Demon Heart has reached 150%, it can naturally mimic Fallen Angel Digimon!

Hearing the words of the Great Sage, Lin Yun couldn't help but nod. He seemed to have gained two skills after the purity of the Demon Heart reached 150%;

Demon Soul, a passive skill, releases dark pressure, and produces an instinctive fear of low-level fallen angels and demons. It seems to be an exclusive skill of the Demon King type; the reason why the Demon King type is called the Demon King type is that they have the pressure of a superior to the low-level fallen angels and demons, and the pressure alone can make low-level Digimon fear!

Demon Awakening, an active skill, is similar to Dragon Beast Awakening, and can instantly increase strength by 15%. However, the difference is that Demon Awakening will only increase the dark power in Lin Yun's body; while Dragon Beast Awakening is an all-round power increase. However, Demon Awakening, like Dragon Beast Awakening, also increases in proportion to the purity of the Demon Heart.

With Lin Yun's current strength, Demon Awakening + Dark Explosion + Beast Awakening can instantly make his strength reach an incredible and terrifying level. The Seven Demon Kings may only be killed instantly in front of him.

"Lin Yun (Your Majesty)!"

Just when Lin Yun had just transformed into Fallen Angel Digimon, Angewomon and Lilithmon flew over first. Their speed was much faster than that of Guramon.

"fall...Fallen Hell?"

When Lilithmon saw Lin Yun's appearance, she couldn't help but exclaimed. This Fallen Hellmon was one of the seven demon kings just like her, so she naturally knew him.

"No, Fallen Angel Digimon was sealed hundreds of years ago, but how could King Lin Yun mimic Lucemon?"

With a hint of doubt, Lilithmon walked in front of Lin Yun, and then looked at Lin Yun curiously who was mimicking Fallen Angel Digimon; with her insight, she had almost discovered the secret of Lin Yun's transformation. As long as he defeated other Digimon, Lin Yun could transform into them; that is to say, Lin Yun could transform into the Digimon he had defeated before. If he thought so, then didn't Lin Yun defeat Fallen Angel Digimon?

"Hey, come back to your senses!"

Seeing Lilith's absent-minded beast soul, Lin Yun couldn't help but wave in front of her eyes, and then asked:"What's wrong with you? Are you worried about something?"


Lilithmon smiled and shook her head. No matter who Lin Yun turned into, or who Lin Yun's true form was, in her heart, Lin Yun was Lin Yun, the king she recognized!


Lin Yun looked at Lilithmon suspiciously, but he didn't care. Who doesn't have a little secret in their heart? If Lilithmon wanted to say something, she should tell him.

"Lin Yun......"

At this time, Guramon also flew over from a distance with Taichi and others. Seeing this, Lin Yun immediately changed back to the appearance of Lucemon.

After all, compared with Fallen Hellmon, Lucemon is closer to humans, so Lin Yun still prefers to change into the appearance of Lucemon. Of course, it is also because he is used to it.


When Daiguramon and Taichi and the others approached, they all exclaimed in amazement at the huge pit that appeared in front of them;

"Forest..."Lin Yun, you did this?"

Taiyi rubbed his eyes in disbelief. He really didn't expect that the battle between Lin Yun and the Death Beast would create such a terrifying huge pit.

Fortunately, they left. Otherwise, if they stayed here, the aftermath would probably make them completely wiped out. The scene before him was really terrifying.

"Such a large crater is several times more powerful than the power of a comet impact!"Konjiro analyzed while looking at the huge crater. Hearing this, everyone nodded. Compared with Lin Yun, their partner Digimon could not burst out such a terrifying power!

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