"Damn it… meow!" Tailmon bared its teeth and claws and even whimpered like a cat, but its short hands could never reach Taichi’s wrist hidden behind it.

When it comes to petting cats, Taichi is always a professional.~

"I found it, the badge is right here!" Hearing the sound coming from the other party's palm, Taichi accurately grabbed one of Tailmon's fluffy claws and then pulled it off!

"Your hands..." After that, Taichi was suddenly stunned.

Tailmon's white claws covered by claw gloves were covered with shocking scars for some reason... It was as if he had been severely beaten by someone.

"Give it back to me!"

Seeing Taichi stunned, Tailmon suddenly whipped Taichi's waist with its tail. However, when the sacred ring on its tail was about to touch Taichi, the Sacred Plan that had been pinned there suddenly emitted light...


The halo suddenly released by the Sacred Plan stunned Taichi and Tailmon. The latter struggled for a while, and found that Taichi had subconsciously loosened his hand, and hurriedly broke free from the other's"claws".

However, after struggling in place for a few seconds, it did not attack Taichi again, and did not even say to take back its claws and the badge confiscated by Taichi. It just took advantage of the fact that no one was blocking it, and after a few jumps, it ran into the bushes and escaped.

Taichi did not think of chasing after it. He had been thinking about what had just happened.

Just now, it was because of Taichi. The Digimon's contact with Tailmon made the Digimon glow? It should be the enemy, right? But why?

The Digimon on his waist originally belonged to Hikari. It was only because of a coincidence in the real world that he unlocked the Digimon, which allowed him to use its functions a little.

Now think about it, since Hikari has the Digimon, will she also have a partner Digimon?

Moreover, will there be an eighth copy of things like badges and evolution keys?

If all these things are available, then will this Tailmon...


The dull sound of impact temporarily awakened Taichi from his deep thought. He looked up and found that the situation of SeaLionmon and Ogremon was already precarious.

"Takeru, Senior Kido, catch it! Agumon, go and fight!" The situation before him obviously did not allow Taichi to continue to think wildly. After throwing the badges of the other two back, he signaled Agumon to go all out!

"Humph, it's not that easy to take things back!"The booger beast, which had been ignored by everyone, suddenly showed up and snatched Wu's badge with its vine tentacles!

"That's my friend's thing, I will never give it to you!" When Snotlout thought he had succeeded, Asuke suddenly grabbed the badge and started a tug-of-war with Snotlout.

"Boy, I think you are looking for death!"


Another tentacle swung over fiercely, and Azhu's glasses fell off with a sound, and a blood mark appeared on his face.

Then, this tentacle directly wrapped around Azhu's neck.

"How is it, is there nothing you can do?" Seeing that he had successfully controlled the other party, even Agumon who came to rescue him was afraid to move, and Snotlout immediately laughed triumphantly.

""Azhu!" Seeing that Azhu was injured in the attempt to get his badge back, Awu couldn't help but worry and didn't know what to do.

"Don't worry, Senior Kido can handle it. Taichi stopped Takeru from rushing over, and also stopped Agumon from trying, wanting to see how Asuke would handle it.

He seemed to have some new realizations, and it seemed that he didn't need to solve it himself.

"Sure enough, Taichi is right... People like you are not worthy of being treated honestly."Azu lowered his head and spoke indifferently, while pinching the tentacles of Snotmon with the hand holding his badge, and the force even made the Digimon feel a little stinging.

"Taiyi deceived you with fake gold bars, which may not be the right way, but there is nothing wrong with it! People like you have been trampling on the honesty and trust of others!"

"Really? Then...what can you do?" Eggmon asked sinisterly. Under its feet, Sea Lionmon and Ogremon were knocked down at the same time.

"I won't give in!" Asuke raised his head abruptly and shouted in the most determined voice,"Taiyi is right, the work that Wu and I have done these days has already paid off our debts, it is you who have been doing bad things behind our backs! I will not accept it anymore, because... I have done nothing wrong!!"

"This... is hot, so hot!" The light from the badge stung the Snotlout's tentacles, forcing it to let go.

"This power is... Asuke's badge is glowing?"At the same time, the fallen Seamon also felt a sudden surge of power around him.


The rolling water enveloped Seamon's body, and a very strong sea beast tore through the wind and waves and appeared in front of everyone. The lightning that was enough to split the sky came down with a bang, but was easily caught in the hand of the sea beast and turned into a heavy war hammer!

Seamon super evolution, Zutonmon!

"Sea Lionmon, you evolved for me...?" Asuke looked at Zutonmon in disbelief, then at the glowing badge in his hand, feeling both surprised and stunned, not knowing what to say.

"When Asuke was able to face up to what honesty is, I gained new strength!"Zutonmon came back to Eggmon,"It's time to put an end to this!"

"Why not give it a try! Nightmare Syndrome!"

""Heavy hammer sparks!" This time, Zutonmon would not be hit by this move without any ability to fight back. It fiercely smashed down the war hammer in its hand. The shock wave caused by the hammer head was mixed with dazzling sparks, like a sharp arrow of light, which easily tore through the energy of Nightmare Syndrome and bombarded Dandanmon with endless force.

"This kind of attack will not work at all!"Eggmon closed the cracks on the eggshell and completely retracted itself into the eggshell, easily resisting the attack of Sparks."There is no move in the world that can break my eggshell.…"

""Deadly Hammer!"


The sound of a heavy object hitting something.


The sound of a shell breaking.…

"Impossible... This is simply impossible! My eggshell actually..." Eggmon found incredulously that his eggshell actually shattered under the opponent's hammer!

"Don't underestimate the warhammer made of time digital alloy! Eggman, it's time to stop here, hammer sparks…"

"Zutonmon!" At the critical moment, Ashu suddenly called out to Zutonmon,"Stop, we won't fight anymore."

"Azhu?"Zutonmon's hammer was suspended in the air, and he looked at Azhu with some confusion.

"They did bad things to us behind our backs, and now they want to stop us from leaving, which is indeed wrong. However, the cause of the matter is that I owe them money. Now they are being punished. If we kill them all, how is it different from their previous behavior of bullying others when they have a little power? So, let's stop here."

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