"I didn't expect your experiences these days to be quite complicated."

At the table, Asuke and Takeru, one big and one small, were wolfing down their food. It was obvious that they had been very hungry these days. Taichi, who heard about their recent situation, couldn't help but smile.

Asuke was intercepted and blown away by the explosion of Volcanomon that day, and happened to fall into the river that Taichi and others had crossed before. After barely getting ashore, he was tired and hungry, so he thought about eating something in this restaurant, but he was unlucky.

The restaurant refused to take the money he brought, and insisted that Asuke pay with US dollars. As a result, Asuke, who couldn't pay, was deemed to have deliberately eaten for free, and had to stay here to work and pay off his debts. From then on, he began a nightmare of accumulating debts.

Takeru crossed the river alone to look for the missing Ishida Yamato, and happened to meet Asuke here, so he stayed here as a companion to help.

By the way, Digomon also evolved in the meantime.

Digomon unexpectedly evolved into a virus species.

This newly evolved Digimon was now working with Gomamon.���, was locked in the cellar of the hotel kitchen as a"hostage" to prevent Asuke and Takeru from evading debts.

By the way, because the two of them cooked bad food and often broke dishes, and the three meals a day and accommodation expenses of the two beasts were deducted from their wages, Asuke and Takeru had already paid the next six months to Dandanmon.

"Your badges were just taken away?" Takeru's last words made Taichi very concerned.

Earlier today, Eggman said that he was worried that Asuke and Takeru would abandon their Digimon and run away, so he forcibly took away their badges.

Taichi felt that things were starting to get a little strange here.

"Agumon, go wait outside the door first. I'll go find Dandanmon and see if I can get the badge back. Also, Ogamon, if anyone tries to forcefully open the door and leave before I come back, just stop them."

After Agumon left, Taichi got up from the dining table, and when he passed by the door, he quietly hooked his finger at the door handle, causing a slight sound to suddenly come from the keyhole.

He blocked the gap in the door lock with data fragments, making the door temporarily unable to open.

Dandanmon must have someone behind the scenes who suddenly wanted to get the badge. If he had known the purpose of the badge long ago, why would he wait until today to snatch it?

Therefore, the badges that were stolen from Asuke and Takeru are very likely in Dandanmon's hands, or simply on the diners here. Before Taichi determines the final goal, of course, everyone must be locked in the store!

""Boss, it's time to pay the bill!" Taichi walked to the bar and said with a smile to the two Digimon who were gritting their teeth.

Asuke and Takeru were originally the waiters who were bullied by them, but Taichi was sure that Dandanmon would not dare to get angry in front of other diners, so he forced it to cook with Snotmon and serve him and others. They were definitely furious at this moment.

"Check out...Okay! Customer, your companion should have told you the rules here before. The shabby coins from small places are not acceptable. We only accept US dollars!"Dandan Beast said with a gloomy face.

"I understand~" Taiyi smiled in understanding and stretched out his hands from behind his back,"But I don't have any US dollars. I don't know if it's okay to pay with hard currency?"

"This… is this, a gold bar?"The money-loving Eggmon and Snotmon were shaken by the bright yellow gold in Taiyi's hand. They didn't care about the glare and widened their eyes in surprise.

Snotmon even subconsciously took a bite of the gold bar handed over by Taiyi. It was not until his teeth were almost knocked out that he was sure that this human boy was paying with real gold!

"Is this enough to pay for this meal and my friend's debt?" Taiyi still had a kind smile on his face.

""That's enough, that's enough!" Eggman smiled and put the gold bars into his eggshell for protection. His tone suddenly became very polite."Not only are these enough, but there are also a lot of surplus. Snotmon, quickly release those two Digimon... er, I mean please come out!"

""Okay, boss!" Having gotten the benefit, the booger beast was overjoyed and immediately went out of the kitchen through the back door to the cellar to release the person.

"Customer, please see... our store is a small business, this change..." Dandan Beast smiled flatteringly. Although he was talking to Taiyi about the change, he had no intention of taking out the gold bars.

"There's no need to give me the change. I'll buy some information from the boss of Dandanmon for the rest." Taiyi came a little closer to Dandanmon and asked quietly,"Who asked you to take the pendants worn by my two friends? Are they still in your hands now?…"

"Overlord Fist!"


Before Taichi could finish his words, Ogremon actually got into a conflict with someone! He turned around and saw that Ogremon, who had just delivered a heavy punch, was looking at the big hole he had punched in the door with a confused look on his face, while a white shadow flew out like lightning.

""It... Why doesn't it fight me?" Ogremon said, scratching his head awkwardly. Ogremon subconsciously thought that after he had exposed the opponent's trick, it would be angry and fight him head-on. As a result, after the opponent provoked him, he directly dodged the Overlord Fist and escaped by taking advantage of the big hole created by the punch.…

"Oh my god..." Taichi now feels that it was a wrong decision to hire it as his subordinate. This guy's IQ is simply too touching. If the other party wants to open the door violently, you can just stop it, why do you have to use a big move?

As a result, you forced the door open that the other party couldn't open.

Fortunately, Taichi arranged Agumon to guard the door in advance, otherwise it would have been run away by now.

"Damn it! Get out of my way, Cat Fist!"

"Taichi said that no one is allowed to leave until the badge is found! Mach stabs!" Ding ding dang dang!

At this time, a big battle was going on outside the door. Tailmon, who easily fooled Ogamon and blasted the door open, was about to leave, but was stopped by Agumon who went out early. It thought it could easily deal with this growth period, but it didn't expect that the opponent's strength was actually no worse than its own!

""Growth period, if you get in my way again, I won't be polite!" An angry Tailmon swung his tail, and swung the long tail with the sacred ring towards Agumon fiercely.

"Fighting Eagle!" Agumon's arm immediately transformed into a heavy axe blade, and the wide blade made Tailmon's attack ineffective again.

"Forget about it, little guinea pig. You may be stronger than the average mature, but Agumon's ability unfortunately restrains you."While Tailmon and Agumon were entangled, Taichi had already left the restaurant with the others.

He did not rush out immediately, but waited for Snotmon to bring back Gomamon and Devilmon, and then left with Ogamon and the two children, just in time to block the other side with Agumon!

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