"Is your plan... feasible?" After listening to Impmon's overall plan, Mysticmon said that he was still a little skeptical,"You know, I've been protecting Digomon all along. You guys suddenly had a conflict, and I saw that it would be a bit unreasonable if I didn't attack you, and Ah He would definitely not sit idly by."

"Oh my god..." Impmon rolled his eyes in disdain,"How much of a brother complex does your partner have? He wants you to mediate between Digomon and I, right? I guarantee that no one would do such a thing. Doesn't that guy have the least manners?"

"Hey, you are in the growth stage like me, and bullying a young Digomon is not something you can justify by saying it's a child's fight." Psychedelicmon pouted and reminded

"Tsk~ If you don’t tell me, who would know that I’m in the growth stage?"

"Uh…" Psychedelicmon looked helplessly at Impmon, who was less than half his size, and suddenly felt that what he said seemed to be a bit perverse.

Forget it, he came to help with good intentions, so he couldn't be too rude.

Besides, Psychedelicmon now has the opportunity to advance to the perfect form, which to some extent can be regarded as a favor to Impmon in the past.

So Impmon's plan was properly executed.

"Ah He, although it is relatively safe here, we must not let our guard down. Let's let Ah Wu stay here for a while, and explore the surrounding environment while we go out to look for food. It would be bad if we were quietly surrounded by the Fallen Alliance."

"What you said is true... Then let’s tell Awu and come back quickly!"

"Well... But in order to avoid Wu worrying, we should not tell him that we are actually out for reconnaissance. As you know, Digomon cannot evolve now. If Wu really encounters an enemy, he may be in danger."

"I understand."

The psychedelic beast's ability to deceive people was indeed well-deserved. With just a few simple words, he succeeded in getting Ah He to agree to leave Ah Wu here alone. After Ah He explained some things to his brother, the two of them crossed the river on a small boat and left.

"Your brother won't come back."When Wu was muttering to himself by the lake, a voice that sounded a bit annoying to him suddenly came.

"What did you say?"Awu turned around suddenly and saw a bat-like creature with black and gray hair all over its body. It looked very disgusting.

"No matter how many times you ask me to say it, it’s always the same~" Impmon fluttered to the branch and stood still,"Because you are too much of a burden, your brother and Mysticmon decided to abandon you and will never come back to find you!"

"Wu, don't believe it! It's Impmon, the villain who loves to lie and deceive people the most!"Diegomon threatened Impmon fiercely,"I warn you, don't try to tell any lies to deceive Wu! Ah He and Mysticmon will not abandon Wu, they will be back soon!"

"Tsk tsk, some things are so obvious, but you have to be pointed out before you admit it?" Impmon used the tip of his wing to leisurely pick his ear,"I saw it clearly before, didn't they tell you that they were going out to look for food? And this place is safe, so they asked you to wait here? Think about it, if they were just looking for food, why didn't they take you with them?"

"That's because, because..." Digomon, who was young and didn't know the evil of human nature, had no idea how his ability to argue could be a match for Impmon. With just a few simple words, he was successfully defeated.

"Hehe, you have nothing to say, right? Since you already knew that you were a hindrance, why did you insist on not admitting it?" Impmon showed a playful smile,"If I were the brother of that child, seeing how useless you are, I might make the same choice and leave him here alone!"

"Damn it! Shut up!…"

"Forget it, Digomon." Unexpectedly, Wu, who had listened to the quarrel between Digomon and Impmon throughout the whole process, was unusually calm at this time. He waved his hand to interrupt Digomon and looked at Impmon calmly,"Even if that's the case, what does this have to do with you?"

"What did you say?"The little devil was stunned when he heard this. He had thought of many possible reactions of Ah Wu, but he never thought that this eight-year-old child could be so calm.

"Your name is Impmon, so...what is your relationship with Impmon?" Wu stared at Impmon with a cold face and asked,"Did you come here to sow discord between my brother and Mysticmon when they are not here?!"

"This…" Impmon blinked his eyes speechlessly, thinking to himself, is this kid a spirit? He can associate Devilmon with his name… Although the names are indeed similar, Impmon has to admire Takeru’s alertness.

"Stop talking? Looks like I was right~" Takeru's expression gradually became confident,"But unfortunately, it's absolutely impossible for you to sow discord between us!

Brother Taichi once said that no matter how strong you are, as long as you work hard, everyone will have their own unique role in the team.

Indeed, Digomon may not be able to evolve now, but this does not mean that we haven't tried hard to help brother!

I believe that brother will never regard me, Digomon as a burden!

I can't believe and will never forgive your slanderous words about my brother!


"Takeru... That's right! We will never forgive you for talking bad about others behind their backs, watch out!" Encouraged by Takeru, Digomon opened his mouth and shot an acid bubble at Impmon, which immediately knocked Impmon to the ground.

"Well, you actually dare to do it? Then I won't be angry, little devil darts!"After being hit by this move, Little Devilmon fell from the tree, and quickly flapped his wings to stabilize his body in the air, and then he turned around and threw three syringe-like darts at Digomon.

"Digomon, get out of the way!" Seeing this, Takeru shouted a warning to Digomon and grabbed a stone from the ground and threw it at Impmon.

"You...you, as a human, actually attacked from behind? Besides, two against one is too despicable!" Impmon was almost hit on the back of the head by the stone thrown by Takeru, and he quickly dodged in the air. As a result, Digomon on the ground took the opportunity to dodge the three darts fired by Impmon, and then a series of bubbles hit Impmon's face, which immediately made him sick.

"Since I've confirmed that you're my enemy, I naturally don't need to hold back! Besides, I've always wanted to fight alongside Digomon like Taichi did!" Takeru's childish face was full of determination,"Ever since Digomon was forced to degenerate, I've always blamed myself. If I had the same power as Taichi and his brothers, if I could fight alongside Digomon, it might not be like this now!"

""Huh?" Hearing this, Impmon couldn't help but complain in his heart, thinking how much good luck did someone have in his previous life to have such a good brother?

Under the overprotection of an extremely brother-obsessed brother, not only did the child Awu not grow up ugly, but his values were even more positive... Of course, this process may have been influenced by another person, but this already shows the plasticity of this child. It's really no wonder that Psychedelicmon had been complaining to him before~

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