Digimon: Order

Chapter 188

The white cat of Yagami's family is in a very depressed mood at the moment. Taichi and Victory Greymon decided on the candidate for the Ultimate Form, but in the end they completely forgot about her. Tailmon felt that she could be the heroine of a sad drama abandoned by a scumbag.

I can tolerate War Greymon and Steel Wolf, after all, they are your direct partners; Andromon, as your first subordinate, has made great contributions and it is nothing for him to evolve into an Ultimate Form; but you actually arranged the egg and didn't think about me at all. Isn't this a bit too fickle?

Tell me the truth, do you have a cat outside?

Is it Black Tylomon or the Maine Coon cat in Shibuya? Tell me the truth!

"Tailmon, come here~" Seeing Tailmon's unhappy face, Taichi waved at him with amusement.

"Humph~" After a cold snort, Tailmon finally trotted towards Taichi, and then was comfortably held in his arms.

"What, are you jealous too?" Taichi hugged Tailmon helplessly, and projected some information in the goggles onto the computer's large screen,"Do you know that if I don't change the restrictions in Xiaoguang's sacred plan, you will eventually evolve into this"

"This is... I don't want it!" When Tailmon looked up the information of Holydramon in detail... especially the appearance, her face was immediately full of rejection.

Tailmon said that there were already enough species appearing in her evolutionary chain. After a thousand years of hard training, she finally became an angel from a mouse, and you told me that the last step of evolution is to become a Husky. This is absolutely intolerable!

To be honest, Taichi was powerless to complain about this evolutionary route. You said that HolyAngemon should not evolve, but you have to make Holydramon. Taichi really didn't know what was going on in Constancy's mind.

Is it worried that HolyAngemon will fall from heaven too easily?

Taichi felt that this was probably the only explanation.

Then why is Takeru's UltimateAngemon... Oh, that guy has a zero win rate. Constancy may think that it doesn't matter even if he falls.

"Actually, if Tailmon wants to evolve to the ultimate level, this method of directly charging data is not suitable."Taiji said softly while rubbing the white cat's ears,"Tailumon is of the Holy type, and the data of these virus species is naturally in conflict. I'm afraid that when you absorb data, Constancy will come out to cause trouble again... Tailmon, what happened to HolyAngemon, I really don't want it to happen to you again."

So it's because you feel sorry for me and are worried that I will also suffer that kind of pain because of the power of Constancy?

But how can you be sure that such a thing will definitely happen?

Even if it happens, how can you be sure that I can't endure that kind of pain for you?

"Taichi, please let me evolve." Tailmon suddenly spoke, looking at Taichi with a pleading look on his face."While being protected by you, I also want to protect you... and Xiaoguang, and want to be your strength!"

"I know~" Taiyi hugged the white cat's hand tightly,"So, I am trying my best.~"

""Eh?" Tailmon was stunned when he heard that,"What do you mean by trying hard?""

"Of course, I'm changing Hikari's Divine Plan~" Taichi explained with a smile,"Moleculemon has bad intentions, and its changes have caused serious damage to the Divine Plan, but I'm different. Before, in the real world, I accidentally cracked a layer of restrictions on Hikari's Divine Plan, allowing me to use it like Hikari. Now, I just have to break its restrictions on your evolutionary path... Just like this!"

A ray of light flashed on the surface of the Divine Plan, and Tailmon suddenly felt that something in the Divine Plan was broken.

"Let's try it~" Taichi held Tailmon up with both hands and gently pushed it upwards. Tailmon immediately felt himself being lifted into the air by an invisible force.

At this time, countless data fragments were surrounding him.

"Hikaru has to help too." Taichi reminded his sister,"You just absorbed a little bit of the power of constancy, so just think about giving some of that power and the light in your body to Tailmon!"

"Give the light... to Tailmon!" Thinking of this, a burst of pure white light suddenly burst out from Xiaoguang's body and directly enveloped Tailmon!

"This feeling…" Bathed in the pure light, Tailmon suddenly felt the power in her body surging.

However, she was a little confused. After the evolutionary route was broken, Tailmon suddenly didn’t know what she wanted to evolve into. There seemed to be many phantoms in front of her, which made her dizzy.

She knew that she would definitely evolve into Angewomon, but she couldn’t see clearly what was after that.

"Don't worry, just follow my instructions."

Taichi's gentle voice came to his ears, and inexplicably, Tailmon felt that his mood relaxed all of a sudden.

The confusing shadows in front of him gradually disappeared, leaving only a dazzling golden light.

It seemed to be a humanoid Digimon. Tailmon couldn't see what it looked like, but she believed that it must be her most suitable choice.

Because, that was the future that Taichi helped her outline!

Outside of Tailmon's consciousness, Taichi was now using his data combination ability to carefully help Tailmon arrange the data needed for evolution.

Data combination, supplementation... Leap evolution, HolyAngemon!

Spreading ten golden wings, holding a javelin, although wearing armor but full of the side of a loving god, HolyAngemon, one of the three archangels!

Right, this should be the appearance of Tailmon's ultimate evolution.~

"Is this... what my ultimate evolution looks like?" HolyAngemon looked at her hands in disbelief. She could feel her current strength without Taichi even asking the computer to play HolyAngemon's information.

Although HolyAngemon was also an Ultimate that was matured with the help of the power of constancy, she was a Holy type after all, and represented the light power that was most compatible with constancy, not to mention that Taichi had intervened... HolyAngemon at this moment was stronger than the generally evolved Ultimate!

"Tailmon looks so noble now..." Hikaru murmured beside Taichi,"Even more noble than Angewomon before!"

"Of course~" Taiyi nodded and smiled,"After all, you are one of the three archangels~ How about it, Haozi, do you like your new look now?…"



A warm and...powerful hug

""Let go...let go!" Taichi's weak voice came from HolyAngemon's arms. The latter was startled when he heard the voice, and then thought about what he had just done, and was so scared that he quickly let go of Taichi.

"Oh my god... I was almost beaten to death just now."Taiyi rubbed his face, which was almost deformed, and complained helplessly.

Is it nice to be hugged by HolyAngemon? Taiyi said that anyone who likes it can try it~

He almost had a nosebleed just now because of the two pieces of hard armor on the other party's chest.

Moreover, Angewomon is tall, and after evolving into HolyAngemon, his height has jumped up again. Such a beautiful angel with a height of nearly 2.5 meters"bear hugged" him, and Taiyi felt that all the bones in his body were aching.

For an eleven-year-old child, Taiyi, who is nearly 1.6 meters tall, is already tall, but if he wants to look into the eyes of HolyAngemon when hugging, it is not enough to just look up... He has to look vertically upward!

This is no longer a matter of being one head taller, but one meter taller!

Even if Taiyi grows up in the future...

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