Digimon: Order

Chapter 185

"Taichi, the data on this computer has been downloaded, but this is only part of the data of the Iron Empire. There is more data stored in the fortress host above. But with the current data storage capacity, I can't handle such a large amount of information."

After completing the download of relevant information on the computer in the underground air-raid shelter according to Taichi's order, Andromon found that he no longer had the ability to continue downloading more information about the Iron Empire. Since the establishment of the Iron Empire, the amount of information stored is even calculated in TB, and it is unknown how many zeros are added after 1. Even if Andromon is upgraded to the Ultimate Form, he can't download it completely.

"Let's download Molecularmon's memory data first. I think what's in its head is more important."

Taiyi was naturally envious of the huge amount of data stored in the Iron Empire, but there was no rush for this matter.

Anyway, as long as Infinite Dragonmon was still alive, the data could always be downloaded slowly.

After the battle with Victory Greymon, Taiyi felt that Infinite Dragonmon and himself should not be enemies, and he might have a chance to bring it under his command~

In this way, wouldn't the entire Iron Empire belong to him?

Based on this consideration, Taiyi felt that the most urgent issue at the moment was Molecularmon.

To be honest, Taiyi admired Molecularmon's strength as a scientific researcher, but it was a pity that Taiyi could not leave it alive.

This guy is a complete lunatic. From the first time Taiyi met it before he recovered his memory, Taiyi knew that it was a terrifying hacker who only thought about chaos and destruction.

It disregarded rules, and its greatest pleasure was to destroy order. Create chaos.

It can write programs like Dark Spiral Mountain without any care, and even expects Apocalypsemon to drill through the Fire Wall and come to the Digital World, even if the whole world will be destroyed.

It is hostile to the existence of constancy, and sneers at the vision of the Four Dark Lords to seize the network key and re-establish the dark order through high-pressure rule.

Among all the people involved in this dispute, only Moleculemon has no interest in the network key from beginning to end. It only pursues chaos.

An existence like it will not obey anyone, and no one can control it.

Because you don't know what crazier thing it will do one day, making the whole world precarious.

Taiyi asked himself if he didn't have the courage to tolerate it, so he could only plunder all its knowledge and then completely kill it!

"Haha, Yagami Taichi... Did you think that you had won completely after defeating Infinitedramon and forcing Constancy to become a coward? I'm telling you, you didn't!" Just as Andromon was about to finish downloading the data in Molecularmon's brain, Molecularmon's electronic eyes suddenly flashed red,"I won't give up so easily! Even if it's only for a moment, I'll let you taste the feeling of being frustrated! Did you hear that, Yagami Taichi!!"

""Not good! Andromon, kill it now!!" Taiyi instinctively felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly ordered Andromon to stop downloading Moleculemon's memory and kill it directly.

At the same time, Taiyi suddenly felt the crisis coming from behind!

"It's too late! Infinitedramon is a slave controlled by my comrades, and it will never escape. And you, just feel the chaos I created! Random teleportation throughout the entire territory, start!!!"


Molecularmon shouted the last sentence hysterically, and his entire head was cut in half by Andromon's rotating energy sword. However, before it died, it used the infrared rays of its electronic eyes to connect to a sensor in the corner of the room, and the entire underground air-raid shelter was alarmed!

Along with the piercing alarm, the digital words originally written on the walls all seemed to come alive and began to spin wildly!



" Azhu!"

A strange light flashed, and Azhu and Gomamon disappeared on the spot.

"Those digital words... Taiyi, this is the space channel we saw when we were in the server continent!…"

"Guangzilang, be careful!!"

Before Guangzilang finished speaking, he and the beetle beast disappeared together.


Then came Meimei and Balumon

"Brother Taichi, what on earth is going on…"

Takeru and HolyAngemon also disappeared helplessly.

"As long as I open the data barrier,…"

""Roar!" Behind Taiyi, the Infinite Dragon Beast suddenly stood up again with its broken body, roaring madly and rushing towards Taiyi.

Its visual sensor was glowing with a strange red light, and it continued to roar in an inexplicable way. It was obvious that its consciousness was completely controlled by someone!

"Kill..." At this moment, there was only one last obsession left in its digital core!


Its target is Xiaoguang!

"Damn it! Is it Apocalypsemon?" Seeing that Infinite Dragonmon actually took Xiaoguang as his target, Taiyi couldn't help but get anxious.

Xiaoguang was very weak at the moment, and Taiyi couldn't run fast with her, but if he had to stop to arrange defenses, then Akong…

"It's okay, Taiyi, you protect Xiaoguang first!" Akong showed Taiyi a reassuring smile,"Everyone was teleported away with their partners, and Phoenixmon and I will definitely not be separated. Taiyi, I will be fine..." Akong's last words were still echoing in the air, and he had disappeared with Phoenixmon.



Because of anger, Taiyi built an extremely strong data barrier behind him. The Infinite Dragon Beast, which was already at the end of its strength, crashed into the outside of the barrier, and its entire body shattered!

"Uh…" The broken parts of Infinite Dragon Beast were scattered all over the place.���Around Taichi, even the speaker connected inside his mouth was exposed, lying in a pile of broken wreckage

"Damn it! Infinite Dragon Beast, you…"

"I don't want... Infinite Dragon…"

""Damn it!!!"

The remains of Infinite Dragonmon gradually disappeared, and its last intact mechanical head began to turn into scattered data.

Taiyi watched this scene silently, and did not take the initiative to collect the data of Infinite Dragonmon after his death... Of course, he could not collect it. At that moment, it was the power of Apocalypsemon that caused Infinite Dragonmon to suddenly become confused and launch a suicide attack.

Its goal was obviously constancy, so Infinite Dragonmon would take Xiaoguang as its target.

And now this part of the data that cannot be collected by Taiyi may be because of Millenniummon, of course, this point remains to be verified.

Molecularmon said that Infinite Dragonmon has always been a servant of Apocalypsemon, which is what he said at the moment.

The evil thoughts of Apocalypsemon were implanted in its digital core, and as long as it is alive, it cannot get rid of the other party's control.

Just like what it said at the last moment, it doesn't want to continue to be Infinite Dragonmon...

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