Digimon: Order

Chapter 181

"You actually have already met it... So, you already knew that I was lying to you?" After seeing Victory Greymon, an inexplicable red light flashed in Infinite Dragonmon's visual sensor, and the electronic sound became a little dull.

"I really didn't know at first, but after meeting Victory Greymon, I got back my lost memories. Not only did I get back my past before I was seven years old, but I also got back the thousand years I spent with Victory Greymon."

"Thousands...more than a thousand years?" Akong behind him was stunned when he heard this, and then looked at Taiyi with great concern,"Taiyi, what's the matter with more than a thousand years?"

Taiyi never explained to his companions why Victory Greymon and the Fallen Alliance wanted to help the chosen children. In fact, the children were also confused about how to defeat Venomous Vampiremon.

"I'm sorry, Sora, I haven't found the right time to tell you these things. When I was seven to eight years old, I didn't lose my memory. It's just that my soul was digitized, and I came to the Digimon world with Tyrannosaurus..."

When their eyes met, Taichi chose to tell the truth.

For more than a thousand years, there was no fear of this word in Sora's eyes, only worry and heartache for Taichi.

Faced with such an emotion, Taichi could not hide it. He also believed that after Sora knew his experience, he would never stay away from him just because he was an alien.

Therefore, in addition to the fact that he was a time traveler who didn't even know the constancy, Taichi Everything was told out loud, so that Kong and all the children, as well as Molecular Digimon and Infinite Dragonmon, all knew what happened to them.

Why Constancy was so determined to kill Taichi, why the Fallen Alliance wanted to help Taichi and the children, why the plan of Molecular Digimon and Infinite Dragonmon failed... all of this was clear!

By the way, Taichi also made it clear to the children once again that they were forced to be chosen.

During this process, Kong had been holding Taichi's arms tightly. Her hands were intertwined tighter and tighter, as if she was worried that Taichi would disappear from her side in the next second.

"Those things are all in the past." Taiyi turned his hand and hugged the other person in his arms,"And I am very glad that when I lost my memory and even my temperament changed a little, I made the same choice as I do now."


Scarlet clouds gradually climbed up Akong's cheeks. The same choice that Taiyi mentioned, wasn't it confessing to him!

To be honest, Akong had such worries before.

Since defeating the venomous vampire beast, Taiyi's temperament suddenly became cheerful, and he talked more, as if he had become a different person.

Akong was very happy to see such a change. But she would occasionally worry about whether this new Taiyi's view of her would change.

Now it has been proved that all these worries were unnecessary.

"Constancy, do you have any excuse for what you did to me and to the children?"

"Yagami Taichi, you fallen heretic, do you want to go along with these dark forces? Do you know that because of the activeness of these dark forces, the entire Digimon world has long been in chaos, and even the Founding Village has lost its basic functions, and no Digimon can be born anymore? You sinner, do you want to destroy the world?"

"To be honest, you really can't quarrel with constancy." Taiyi shook his head in disappointment,"Just take a good look at the expressions on the children's faces after you said this!"

"What did you say? This…" With the help of Xiaoguang’s perspective, he scanned each child, including their Digimon’s faces, and found that these children actually showed a hint of hostility and fear towards him!

"Don't think that children are too simple, constancy.

Do you think that you can fool children into continuing to fight for you by saying some high-sounding words? My companions are not fools!

"Taiyi laughed disdainfully,"The more you insist on distinguishing between light and darkness, the more the children will understand your nature!

If I were you, I would definitely choose to apologize at the first time.

Your consciousness occupies Xiaoguang's body.

If you cry with me, I may really be unable to do anything to you.


"Humph! You are simply wishful thinking if you expect me to apologize to a degenerate person like you who has colluded with darkness!"

"I knew you would say that~" Taichi was not surprised at the performance of Constancy,"You are arrogant and use children as tools, this is your nature.

Moreover, you are actually changing the concept.

You know best whether I have been in cahoots with the 'darkness'.

You and I both know whether the concept represented by the Four Dark Kings is 'darkness' or 'no evolution'!

The so-called distinction between light and darkness is just an excuse you made up, the purpose of which is to suppress the real darkness while defeating the Four Dark Kings!


"You!" The face of Constancy trembled unconsciously. It obviously didn't expect that Taiyi could restore the true situation to this extent.

He even guessed its future plan after defeating Apocalypsemon!

"Okay, let's get back to the plan of Molecular Beast.

"After exposing the true face of constancy in front of all the children, Taiyi continued to talk slowly,"You have no entity, so you can only convey information by occupying other people's bodies.

Therefore, if we want to deal with you, we must take advantage of your conscious state.

You have transformed Xiaoguang's body, so the probability of you descending to her is the highest.

Molecular Beast took advantage of this...

Its plan should have been prepared when the Joker King tried to snatch the badge.


Do you remember Taichi's initial question, why did the Joker Emperor and Devimon refuse to destroy the Evolution Key and the Badge?

Because they also knew that among this group of chosen children, there was a child who was very compatible with Constancy. In order to successfully lead this child to the Digital World and complete a series of subsequent plans, the Four Dark Lords, led by the Joker Emperor, must also allow the children to grow as necessary.

Gennai hid the Digital Egg and the Sacred Plan on the File Island with the intention of letting the children grow up a little bit by fighting monsters and upgrading, so as to avoid being like the first child, who did not grow up at all and started a group with the Four Dark Lords, and ended up with a five-on-four fight that resulted in the death of Milliondramon. The

Joker Emperor sent Devimon to garrison on the File Island and hide the Evolution Key, which was actually the same idea.

The Four Dark Lords didn't take the children seriously at all. All they wanted from the beginning to the end was to kill Constancy directly.

"So now it's clear, I actually knew your plan all along, I just played along with it." Taichi finally gave a summary with a smile,"Of course, in addition to Victory Greymon, I have other companions to help. For example, it was Molecularmon who guessed that the madman might use a bomb attack."

"Yo~ It's been a while since I last saw Moleculemon and Infinitedramon. Do you feel sad to see me again?"A lively bean suddenly appeared among the zombie-like beans. After giving Moleculemon and Infinitedramon a middle finger gesture that he had learned from somewhere, he activated the rocket thrusters on his legs and flew directly to his exclusive position - Victory Tyrannosaurus Rex's shoulder, and even crossed his legs comfortably, leaning against the V-shaped wings of the other bean.

"Don’t mention it, Boss. After your wings changed, they are quite comfortable to lean on~"

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