Digimon: Order

Chapter 179

"Taiyi, what's the situation with Xiaoguang now?" Akong subconsciously moved closer to Taiyi and asked with some concern,"Why does it feel like she has become a different person?"

"The one who is speaking now is not Xiaoguang, but someone is speaking through Xiaoguang's body. As for who it is, I don't know. But I think something is not right."It was Tailmon who spoke, and as she spoke, she had already stretched out her sharp cat claws and was ready to fight.

"I am someone who hopes for peace in the digital world. Because you were deceived by someone with ulterior motives and entered the enemy's lair, I had to come out and remind you."Xiao Guang's voice was much flatter than usual, with almost no emotion at all. She took out the badge hanging around her neck and shook it slightly. The pure white light quickly spread from the badge, and almost instantly enveloped everyone in the room.

"I will guide you out of here, and I will also tell you the reason why you were chosen."

The light faded away...

The surrounding environment did not change much, it was still the dark air-raid shelter, the children were still there, and the molecular beast showed a disdainful smile on his face.

"What's going on?" Xiao Guang's tone changed. It was no longer mechanical and without fluctuations, but had a hint of anger.

"Locking address characters, understand?" The molecular beast said proudly,"Constancy, take a closer look, is the place we are in now really just an underground air-raid shelter?"

"This is…" Xiaoguang’s eyes swept around, and as she moved, the entire underground air-raid shelter was gradually illuminated.

At this time, everyone discovered that the walls of this underground air-raid shelter were actually engraved with a large number of digital characters, as well as a densely crisscrossed mesh structure. The intersection points flashed a faint red halo under the light emitted by Xiaoguang, as if they were data units in a complex matrix… or as if they were greedy eyes in the dark hell.

"This place feels a bit scary, and I feel dizzy~" Asuke took a look at the scattered lines on the wall, and then the complex patterns made him look like circles.

"Is this a cyberspace?"Xiao Guang suddenly realized and asked coldly

"That's right, this is the LAN space I specially opened up!

I spent countless efforts to draw those complex matrix lines bit by bit.

From luring Yagami Taichi into the Iron Empire until now, everything we have done is to let his sister Yagami Hikaru follow him here and attract you at the same time!

"Molecular Beast smiled triumphantly,"However, what I didn't expect is that you can endure until now and take the initiative to show up.

You said that you are a person who hopes for peace in the digital world, but you can be indifferent to the death of so many Snotmon, right?"

"Humph!"Xiao Guang, or rather, the constant, did not respond to the words of the molecular beast, but kept emitting a faint light from Xiao Guang's body, trying to find a way to escape.

"Don't try, you have no way to leave here!

" Molecular Beast laughed disdainfully,"You, a hypocritical guy, will not take the bait because of the death of Snotmon, which is also one of the risks I estimated.

Therefore, I have prepared one last trick for you, which is to destroy the Holy Plan!

The Holy Plan you created is used to block that guy.

Once it is destroyed too much, it means that it can no longer be blocked.

At that time, the entire digital world will inevitably be destroyed!

Therefore, as long as I make a move on the Holy Plan, you will definitely appear!

Sure enough, when I was about to destroy the Holy Plan of the Hope Badge Holder and prepare to make the Warcraft completely evolve in the direction of the virus species, you finally brought your power completely to Yagami Hikari.


Perhaps because of being too excited, Molecular Beast, who said too much at once, paused for a moment, and then continued:"I searched for the original address field where your power signal was located in the network by constantly comparing the pulse signal after your power came, and at the same time, I also found the address field where your consciousness was located through address comparison.

After that, I used the backdoor created by the Trojan program to secretly replace the address field where your consciousness is located, and replaced it with Yagami Hikari's body!

So, you don't have to be so arrogant and say that you came here to save those children, because your consciousness was replaced by me and appeared passively on Yagami Hikari!


"You! Molecular beast, I admit that I didn't expect that a small figure from the Iron Empire could come up with such a plan to plot against me. But you also know that I have no entity, so there is no constraint that can restrict my stay or departure. Although this is a local area network, since you can use the backdoor to change my previous address field, it means that it must be connected to the network of the digital world. I can easily…"

"I told you, you can't get out! Because just now, I have completely blocked the network signal here with a specially set barrier."The molecular beast said leisurely,"You can look at the focus of those network cable matrices to know what the barrier I used to block the gateway is!"

"Is this... a wall of fire?" Constantness carefully looked at the flashing red lights at the intersections of the network cables through Xiaoguang's vision, but found that they were actually balls of leaping flames!

"That's right!

The Dark Spiral Mountain's program can absorb and weaken the power of the Fire Wall, so I analyzed some of the Fire Wall's data.

At the same time, I also borrowed the principle of the barrier that the gorilla beast used to seal me in the pyramid on the server continent at that time, and jointly constructed a barrier that can completely block this LAN space.

���The barrier here is a protective barrier made of data similar to the Fire Wall.

It has an absolutely powerful protective force and cannot be opened from the inside!

Now you understand the constancy.

Everyone currently in this space is in an offline state and cannot reconnect to the network!

In other words, you can't escape through the network at all!

"The molecular beast's eyes were full of ferocity at this time, and the other electronic eye kept flashing a chaotic red light.

It was so excited that it almost went crazy.

"And now, I will get rid of you here and there!!"

It suddenly pressed a certain mechanism in its hand, and the remaining Digimon that were supposed to be"dead" in the room suddenly jumped up from the ground like zombies, shaking on the spot like zombies.

The floor under Taichi and others' feet was also opened, and there were actually a large number of modified Digimon buried there!

"Constancy, and you chosen children, this is your grave today! These Digimon can indeed be absorbed as data, but their real function is to detonate bombs! If all the Digimon here explode, the power far exceeds that of a nuclear explosion and will definitely decompose everything on the entire Spiral Mountain into particles. At that time, you will all be annihilated in this explosion!"

"Great! My annihilation plan is finally going to succeed, and the final chaos is about to come, hahahaha!"

At this time in the underground air-raid shelter, the molecular beast was laughing unscrupulously.

However, what it didn't see was that Taiyi's eyes were gradually becoming sharper, and the sneer at the corner of his mouth was becoming more and more obvious.

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