Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 82 Knowledge? monster?

Fortunately, Mentor Monica explained the method of semi-immersive meditation to everyone in detail.

Even Sol, a newcomer who learned semi-immersive meditation by himself, gained a lot of insights from it.

When he entered semi-immersion before, he always used it to observe pollution and abnormalities. But in the explanation of Monica's mentor, semi-immersive meditation is actually a temporary means to stabilize the mental body and replenish magic power in an emergency.

When Sol was in distress in Katz's mentor's laboratory, he used semi-immersive meditation to stabilize his mental body.

But after that, he almost used meditation to detect alienation materials, almost forgetting its original purpose.

Thor's magic power has been significantly improved compared to three months ago, and now it is impossible to restore all magic power quickly with fully immersive meditation, let alone semi-immersive meditation.

But the advantage of semi-immersion is that it starts quickly, and the magic power recovered in a short period of time is higher than that of immersive meditation.

But this kind of meditation method that relies on itself and does not use auxiliary tools is not so easy to master.

It requires the apprentice to be familiar enough with his own meditation map, and to be proficient in the use of mental power.

If every time you meditate, you just run your mental power according to the pattern of the picture, you will immediately fall into the memory maze of "it seems to be so, but it doesn't seem to be" after putting down the book.

After most of the new apprentices began to try semi-immersive meditation, Monica wandered around the classroom with nothing to do.

Occasionally an old apprentice would ask some questions.

Some she answered, some she just laughed without saying a word.

When Monica walked by, Sol also raised his hand and asked a question.

"Teacher Monica, are the meditation maps for first-level apprentices and second-level apprentices different? Or do you need to be familiar with different meditation maps at each stage?"

"The second-level apprentices have learned at least one first-level witchcraft, and their mental bodies are strong enough to withstand more dangerous meditation maps. They can choose to change the meditation map." Monica faced Sol again, and she has returned to her original smile." But after you enter the third-class apprenticeship, you won't need the meditation map."

"It's no longer needed?" Sol was taken aback, but he quickly realized, "A locator?"

Monica raised her eyebrows, "It seems that you have really learned a lot of advanced knowledge. This is good, but it is also dangerous."

Monica stretched out a finger and tapped Sol's forehead lightly.


An arc flashed.

Thor was startled and immediately dodged back, but there was still a pain on his forehead.

"Learn too much knowledge beyond your current ability, and you must be prepared to bear the corresponding risks behind the knowledge."

After finishing speaking, Monica continued walking with her hands behind her back, leaving Sol to meditate alone with his forehead covered.

Almost all seniors and mentors have mentioned that wizards will encounter unknown dangers in their pursuit of knowledge.

At first, Saul thought that when learning complex knowledge, the brain, or the mental body, would be dizzy and collapsed due to complex and profound knowledge.

But thinking about it now, it seems more than that simple.

This gave him the illusion that knowledge was actually a monster.

Unfortunately, no one has answered this question.

Sol was thinking about this question until after class, after lunch, and when he came to the second floor of the East Tower.

However, before entering the mortuary, he met Mentor Katz again.

"Mentor?" Saul was a little strange, usually Katz's mentor would not appear so frequently.

Recently, he has seen his mentor a little more frequently.

"As the first place in the test, you can choose a companion flower, and I will take you there." Kaz finished speaking, and before Saul could answer, he turned his back and left.

Saul followed in bewilderment.

The reward of companion flower was first mentioned by Senior Luo Kai.

Because the other party is the apparent leader of the Mutual Aid Association, Sol doesn't want to have too much interaction with him, so he doesn't take the companion flower to heart.

Unexpectedly, the tutor would personally take him to pick out companion flowers.

Sol followed behind Katz, took out "Basic Cognition of Everything" from his backpack, and looked for it in the chapter on plants.

Companion flower: It can establish a blood relationship with the living body, and die after fruiting. There are many kinds of fruits it bears, with different functions, mainly to enhance a little magic power and stabilize spiritual power.

A few words of introduction made Sol have certain expectations for the companion flower.

Increasing the mana value may become a subject of research for Thor forever.

Afterwards, Sol found that he and Katz had turned into an unseen passage.

This seems to be the fifth floor of the East Tower, which belongs to the warehouse, and it is not a place where apprentices can enter at will.

Sol followed Katz and turned in, passed the warehouse gate, continued on, and turned into another intersection. As he walked, the road began to slope downward.

This time they went down for a long time.

Sol stuffed the books back into his backpack carelessly, and looked forward curiously.

The gray stone bricks are gradually covered with dust, and the candle lamps on both sides are becoming more and more sparse and old.

A lampstand was damaged, and it was hanging obliquely on the wall.

This is a situation that has never appeared in the tower.

In his impression, the wizard's tower has always been clean and tidy, and someone is always taking good care of everything in the tower.

Sol began to wonder where the Companion Flower was.

After all, they are plants, and most of them still live in the soil.

And the land in the wizard's tower is limited... Will the accompanying flowers be outside?

Sol's heart gradually raised, looking forward to it, but also afraid to look forward to it.

I am afraid that the last thing to wait is disappointment.

But this time life did not disappoint him.

After descending some distance, Thor saw a wooden door with a metal frame, wide open.

None of the nearby candles were lit, but it wasn't dark at all.

An extremely bright but gentle light shone in from outside the door, forming a strong contrast with the pale candlelight.

Instructor Katz came here, paused, turned back to Saul who had stretched his neck and started to look around, and said, "Calm down, don't act like an uninformed monkey."

Sol immediately shrank his neck.

But his eyes were still shining.

"Mentor, are we going out of the tower?"

"Don't make a fuss. When you reach the second level, you will have many opportunities to get out of the tower. You are not allowed to get out of the tower now. I don't want your hearts to be disturbed by the outside world and stop studying hard."

Katz glared at Sol, always feeling that this little apprentice would embarrass him.

As the door to the tower got closer, Sol recalled a picture in his mind.

That was the horrible scene I saw at Rum's instructor: scorched black land, bubbling mud, scattered corpses, and black unknown tentacles...

Would that be the scene at the bottom of the tower? A place like purgatory.

The figure of Mentor Katz had disappeared behind the gate, Sol took a deep breath and took a step outside.

Even if it's scary, it's still fascinating.


A gust of wind blows first, bringing the smell of moist grass.

Behind the gate of the Wizard Tower, there was actually a flat land.

There is no dark mud, only light yellow soil.

Under the feet are specially repaired roads, extending in all directions to facilitate people's travel.

The blue sky is still above the head, and the green mountains and dense forests are still in the distance, and everything has not transformed into a hell on earth.

Not far from the road is a garden, simply separated by a wooden fence. A small wooden house was built at the gate of the garden, and a person could be vaguely seen sitting inside.

Through the fence, you can see the garden, where many flower branches of various colors are swaying in the wind. It just looks a little messy, not like a well-arranged appearance.

There was a sound of hoofbeats accompanied by the sound of wheels.

Sol turned his head to look, and saw a two-horse carriage approaching quickly along another avenue.

The road leads in the other direction to the Wizard's Tower.

The carriage was quickly blocked by the high wall of the wizard tower and disappeared behind the tower.

"That's the entrance to the vehicle." Kaz explained in passing when he saw Sol stop and look out.

Sol nodded, shifted his gaze, and the surrounding scenery came into view.

The wizard's tower stands on a deserted wilderness, and there are other villages far away. I don't know if it is to drive away ordinary people on purpose.

But although there are no people here, it is not as scary as in the illusion, it is just a little lonely.

Saul couldn't help guessing, "Is the scene I saw at the beginning, was Teacher Rum scaring me, or was it my fantasy?"

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