"He is already twenty-nine years old." The woman curled her lips, "If you can't become a third-level apprentice at the age of thirty, you have no chance. Naturally, the tower master will not raise waste. Apprentices who are over thirty years old must be in a month. Inside the Tower."

"If you want to find him, you can go to dormitory No. 1016." After speaking, the woman was about to close the door.

"Wait a minute, please," Sol quickly put his hand against the door, "Excuse me, senior sister, did you handle the unwounded corpse today?"

The woman was a little impatient, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"That corpse is a bit weird."

The woman sneered: "I have dealt with the danger above, the rest is your job."

After finishing speaking, she was about to close the door regardless of Sol's hand still on the door frame.

At the last moment, Sol hurriedly retracted his hand.

He stood outside the gate, thoughtful.

"Sure enough, the first procedure in the mortuary is similar to eliminating evil, the second and my third are collecting materials. My job is actually more about dealing with the aftermath, and at the same time try to find out the gaps and make up for the omissions."

As for the cold attitude of this senior, Sol didn't take it seriously.

Most of the people in the Wizard Tower are extremely indifferent.

Instead of thinking about letting others give charity, it is better to make yourself stronger and make others fear.

Sol took two steps back, picked up the bone cutter from the ground, and walked slowly back to his work place.

"I also got an important message today." He cleaned up the blood stains on his hands, "If you can't become a third-level apprentice at the age of 30, you will have no chance. I am twelve years old this year, and I still have eighteen years to go."

"Uh, it's too far away...I'd better find a way to pass the third month's test first."

If the test cannot be passed, if the coveted West Germany cannot be resolved, then all plans for the future will eventually be a bubble.

Time passed bit by bit, and the blue hourglass dropped to seven in the evening.

Saul went back to the dormitory and waited for Konsha.

He sat on the bed in the dormitory with his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped in front of him.

Fair skin and pale bones intertwined.

One hand was cold to the touch, and the other was numb.

Think today Sol will be able to figure out exactly what Konsha needs him to do.

What is all this arrangement for.

One o'clock.

Sol vaguely heard a sound outside the door.

He walked over to open the door, and saw Konsha standing in the doorway wearing a hood.

She was wearing a long dress that was as soft as a nightgown, and she was still standing there enchantingly, like a landlady who suddenly came to attack you at night.

Kong Sha, who had been here once, went straight to Sol's desk and sat down, but Sol closed the door, but stood still at the door.

"What are you doing standing so far away? I don't know how to eat you." Kong Sha chuckled.

What the other party said about eating was definitely eating in a literal sense.

Seeing that Sol hadn't moved for a long time, Kong Sha didn't urge him either.

She raised one leg and leaned back leisurely.

"How much magic power do you have?"

"... 4 Jiao." Saul lowered his head, making a look of embarrassment and indignation.

"Oh," Kong Sha was not surprised, she was even very satisfied with this answer, "Now you still insist on not taking the medicine I gave you? You only have two months left, do you think two months will be enough for you?" Do you want to increase the magic power of 6 Jiao?"

Sol clenched his teeth, his hands were shaking, and it took a long time for a sound to come out from between his teeth.

"Senior, please save me."

After saying this, he let go of all his strength, as if he had lost hope.

The corner of Kongsha's mouth curled up as if she was going to mock Saul again, but when she thought of something, her eyebrows changed, and her expression became gentler.

"If you are obedient and obedient in the future, I will naturally not let you die in the test two months later. And if you can do what I told you, I can also give you other medicines to ensure that your potential is overdrawn It's not that thorough, maybe there is still hope to become a third-level apprentice."

Thor looked up sharply, his eyes glowing again.

"Really, senpai?"

Kong Sha smiled again, her expression more gentle.

"Why, don't you want to become an official wizard?"

Thor looked down, blushing.

"I already know how difficult it is to become an official wizard... I only hope that I can become a third-level apprentice before the age of thirty without being kicked out of the wizard tower."

Hearing Sol's words, Kongsha's expression flickered.

"A third-level apprentice... Of course, you must become a third-level apprentice before the age of thirty. I didn't expect you to even hear about this."

Feeling that the senior sister on the opposite side was not in the right state, Sol, who lowered his head, quickly raised his eyes for a glance, then immediately withdrew his eyes, and continued to act like he had resigned to his fate.

Kong Sha is currently a second-level apprentice, and she doesn't look like a teenage girl.

Does she also urgently want to become a third-level apprentice?

Konsha came back to her senses again and had no intention of teasing Sol. She took out a small medicine bottle and threw it in front of Sol. Sol ignored it and caught it in a hurry, almost falling to the ground.

"This is the first potion, the effect can only last for one month, so you must drink it all within one month. After taking it, your meditation speed can be greatly improved, and your magic power can reach about seven burners before the test. After the test I will come back to you the night before and give you a second potion."

"The second potion can temporarily increase your magic power to the triple burner. There is absolutely no problem in passing the next day's test."

"Remember, this is my last chance for you!"

Sol held the medicine bottle, the medicine liquid was transparent, as clear as a bottle of pure water, "May I ask, what is the name of this medicine?"

Kong Sha said "ha", "Even if I tell you all the ingredients, you won't be able to make it."

But what Kongsha didn't know was that although she didn't tell Sol, Sol still knew it in another way.

[Suo lunar calendar 314 years, June 25, sunny

Today is really a good day. You got a bottle of "Ultimate Filth of Elemental Leprechauns".

Evil... are you really going to take this thing?

Well, there's nothing you can't eat as a wizard. Drink a drop, and your magic power will quickly recover; drink a bottle, and your magic power will improve by leaps and bounds.

Wait, drink a bottle?

After three years, you will become an excellent spell-casting material~]

Sol looked at the last line of words on the hardcover book, his eyelids trembled slightly, he deliberately made an embarrassing look, touched his nose, and asked again.

"Then what do I need to do? Senior sister will give me the second potion."

Kong Sha sighed softly, pressed her knees and stood up.

She walked up to Sol, and a slender white jade finger gently scraped Sol's cheek.

"I've always liked your self-awareness. Are you working in the mortuary of Mentor Katz now?"

Although Kongsha deliberately controlled her tone, and at the same time provoked Sol to disturb his concentration, Sol was keenly aware that senior sister Kongsha was very concerned about his work in the mortuary.

"Could it be that Senior Sister Kongsha's goal from the beginning was the mortuary?"

In this way, her act of deliberately changing her elemental perception can be explained.

Because Sol has high mental talent and poor magical talent, it is convenient for Kongsha to do things, and he is the best candidate to take over the work of the mortuary.


Saul timidly looked up at Kongsha, as if he was about to hide, "Senior sister, you can't take out the things in the mortuary. Someone is guarding at the end of the corridor."

Kong Sha withdrew her hand, "It's just a blind and deaf slave."

Sol quietly waited for Konsha's next words. A strong man who can guard the entrance of the second-floor mortuary is not easy even if he is blind and deaf.

"You take this away."

Konsha took out another piece of soft leather.

The leather was pale yellow with black stripes. The inside of the turned over was still engraved with a dazzling rune circle, Thor only glanced at it and quickly turned it back.

"This piece of leather is used to wrap the material. When wrapping it, the magic circle faces inward and the pattern faces outward, so that the slave won't be able to smell the material on you."

Sol, who had already started to use the materials in the mortuary to refine materials for the transformation of the witch body, did not feel guilty about such behavior.

Do not do is die.

He was not naive enough to feel that he was a member of the Wizard Tower and should protect the interests of the Wizard Tower.

"Then what kind of materials does senior sister Kongsha need?"

Konsha leaned over and put her hands on Saul's shoulders.

The turbid liquid in the glass skull poured forward, eyeballs emerged one after another, stuck to the glass wall of the wall, all staring at Sol firmly.

"I need the brains of a first-level apprentice, preferably a second-level apprentice."

Sorry, sorry, late, got up late, forgot to check for typos.

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