Anyway, this is no longer a secret. Yang Donglai said bluntly: "Well, don't mention it. Now we are stuck on the battery. If we can develop a more advanced car battery technology, I believe it will bring a revolution to the entire car market. At that time, those old big manufacturers will see how arrogant they are. It's a pity that research and development is the most expensive. We are also worried about money and technological breakthroughs now."

Zhao Xiaonian has heard about these, but he doesn't know much.

After the two chatted for a while, they shook hands and said goodbye.

After leaving the auto show, Zhao Xiaonian drove Ye Lingshan to the car city.

Zhao Xiaonian first took Ye Lingshan to two four-son stores and directly bought a GL8 and an Odyssey. However, these two cars are registered in the name of the company and are considered the company's property.

After telling Ye Lingshan that all the procedures are down, she can bring the company to pick up the car. He, the general manager, doesn't care about the rest.

Then Zhao Xiaonian took Ye Lingshan to Porsche. The money has been paid, and the subsequent procedures still need to be handled in the store.

When Zhao Xiaonian arrived at the place, he found that it was the place where Zhao Xiaonian bought a car before, that is, the Zhou family's car dealership.

However, Zhou Jiaying was not in the store.

Because the money was paid, the procedures were handled quickly, and the insurance and license plate matters were entrusted to the car dealership. Because Zhao Xiaonian bought a top-of-the-line model, the car dealership did not have a car in stock for the time being, and it would take a few more days for the car to be delivered.

Here, under Zhao Xiaonian's supervision, Ye Lingshan signed her name on all the procedures, and the long-lost system voice suddenly appeared in Zhao Xiaonian's mind.

[Ding: The host spent 7 million yuan to completely counterattack the target Ye Lingshan, triggering a special reward]

[Special reward: The reward is the blade battery technology from the planet M34-4602151-B (1/4)]

Then, a lot of partial information about blade batteries flooded into Zhao Xiaonian's mind.

Blade batteries are innovative in the structure of batteries, which increases the utilization rate of battery volume by more than 50%, and enables more batteries to be installed in the same space.

If this technology is used in new energy vehicles, the cruising range can be increased by more than 50%, meeting the needs of the vehicle's entire life cycle.

I just met the chief designer of Bi Yadi, and the system sent me this special reward.

This is really a pillow sent when you are sleepy.

In addition, what Zhao Xiaonian didn't expect was that when he completed 100% of the counterattack on his goal, the system's previous prompt was that there would be no cashback rewards, which he felt very sorry about.

But I didn't expect that there would be a bright future. I spent on the goal of complete counterattack again, and I could actually trigger a special reward.

I spent 7 million on Ye Lingshan, triggering a quarter of the reward. If you want to get all of this special reward, you have to spend 28 million according to the multiple.

And this special reward is obviously related to the reason for consumption.

And the amount of consumption must be large.

I triggered the car-related rewards because I wanted to buy a car. If it is in other scenarios, will different special rewards be triggered?

Regarding this point, Zhao Xiaonian feels that he needs to further explore and practice.

As for how to practice, Zhao Xiaonian thought of his first goal of a complete counterattack-He Fei.

During this period, he was busy with entrepreneurship. Except for occasional phone calls, he didn't see He Fei much.

It's time to care about this goddess.

"Xiao Nian, Xiao Nian."

Ye Lingshan's gentle call came from his ears, pulling Zhao Xiaonian's thoughts back.

Looking up, Zhao Xiaonian saw Ye Lingshan looking at him anxiously.

Seeing Zhao Xiaonian looking over, Ye Lingshan hurriedly asked: "Xiao Nian, are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm fine."

"What happened to you just now? I was scared to death. You didn't move. I called you for a long time but you didn't respond."

While Ye Lingshan was relieved, her eyes began to moisten because of fear.

Zhao Xiaonian held Ye Lingshan in his arms, and thinking of the special reward from the system just now, he pecked her lips twice, "You are really my baby."

When Ye Lingshan heard this, her heart was filled with honey.

The issue of age has always been on her mind. Especially when they were together for the second time yesterday, she knew that she had completely fallen in love with this little man. But the more she loved him, the fact that she was 9 years older than him became a grudge in her heart.

At this moment, Zhao Xiaonian held her and called her "baby" in front of the salesperson of the Four Sons Store. Ye Lingshan was happy and touched.

But when she saw the salesperson who was looking at the two of them, Ye Lingshan's face turned pale.Yihong gently pounded Zhao Xiaonian's chest and whispered, "Someone is watching."

Zhao Xiaonian didn't care about that.

He was only thinking about one thing now-spending money, spending money on Ye Lingshan.

Special rewards, he's determined!


After coming out of the Sierzi store, Ye Lingshan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was still a little flushed.

"Xiao Nian, are we going back to the company now?" Zhao Xiaonian

Looked at the time, it was already past 4 p.m.

Now he had no mind to think about other things, he was only thinking about one thing now-spending for Ye Lingshan.

And he had to spend at least 21 million to get the remaining 3/4 of the blade battery reward in the system.

With so much money, he naturally couldn't go to a place like a shopping mall, and he didn't know when he would be able to spend so much money.

And Zhao Xiaonian was still uncertain about one thing.

Buying a car was a one-time consumption of 7 million, which triggered the reward. Would it be required that the one-time payment amount should not be less than this amount?

So, is it necessary to make a large purchase to trigger the system reward?

These systems do not have any prompts, so Zhao Xiaonian can only figure it out on his own.

When it comes to large purchases, the first thing Zhao Xiaonian thinks of is cars and houses.

"Let's not go back to the company, let's go buy a house."

Ye Lingshan was puzzled, "Don't you already have a villa? Why are you thinking about buying a house again?"

"Not for me, but for you."

Upon hearing that Zhao Xiaonian was going to buy a house for herself, Ye Lingshan shook her head like a rattle, "Ah, no, no, I have a place to live."

The place where Ye Lingshan lives now is not actually her own, but her mother's house. That house was bought by her parents a few years ago. It is already an old community, and there is not even an elevator.

Since the divorce, she has moved back to live with her mother.

She is the only daughter in the family, so this house will naturally be hers in the future.

"Be good, I said I would buy it for you, just keep it."

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