Zhao Xiaonian didn't expect it to be that deep, and answered truthfully: "I have only met her 2 or 3 times, and I am not very familiar with her."

Everyone didn't believe it: How can you talk like that if you are not familiar with her? You are kidding!

But Zhao Xiaonian didn't want to say it, so everyone didn't ask more.

After a few more pleasantries, everyone went out tactfully, and only the original three people were left in the box.

The scene that was tense just now suddenly seemed a little strange after being disturbed by these people.

Especially Zhou Liang, who had said the harsh words before, but now he couldn't leave or stay, so he just stood there blankly.

Zhou Liang looked at Zhao Xiaonian, and he was now completely unsure of Zhao Xiaonian's identity.

He was not afraid of being brothers with Zhang Haolong.

He could stand it if the bank president toasted him in person.

His own uncle came to thank him, and at most he would be scolded by his cousin.

Originally, the above three factors were added together, so Zhou Liang had to take it seriously.

But now, even Xu Yan'er of Longsheng Group seems to have a special relationship with this loser.

This is not the last straw that broke the camel's back, but a big move directly in his face.

Now looking at the loser in his eyes, he has become a person who makes him feel fear involuntarily. The wide network of contacts and the high level of his level are not comparable to him, a rich second-generation who relies on his family to eat and wait for death.

For a woman, is it worth it to make an enemy with such a person?

He has been coveting He Fei for a long time, so when He Fei came to him, he didn't even consider it, and directly agreed, and even transferred 100,000 on the spot.

However, no matter how good the beauty is, it is true that you have to have the life to enjoy it.

He now even suspects that the one who helped He Fei was not a distant relative, that was just an excuse. And the real move was this Zhao Xiaonian.

In fact, the arrival of the wave of people just now also shocked Zhang Haolong. Having shared a dormitory with Zhao Xiaonian for three years, he originally thought that he knew Zhao Xiaonian inside out, but now he found that the other party seemed not as simple as he knew.

However, he knew that now was not the time to ask in detail, after all, there was an outsider like Zhou Liang.

At this time, Zhang Haolong wanted to laugh when he saw Zhou Liang's tangled and confused look, which was really so satisfying.

Zhou Liang was so arrogant before that he didn't even give face to Zhang Haolong.

I guess he must be regretting it now.

"Zhou Liang, let's go back to what happened just now." Zhang Haolong looked at Zhou Liang and asked, but his expression was a little playful, "Regarding the matter of He Fei, are you really not going to make a big deal out of a small matter?"

This is killing people.

And Zhao Xiaonian's eyes also looked at Zhou Liang.

Although he was unwilling, the situation was stronger than him, so Zhou Liang had to give in: "Forget it, let's stop here."

"But I want to ask you a question."

Zhou Liang looked at Zhao Xiaonian and asked: "The person who helped He Fei was actually you, right?"


Zhao Xiaonian also admitted it very straightforwardly.

"Distant relative" was originally just an excuse for He Fei. Since things have come to this point, he doesn't have to hide it.

Zhou Liang looked at Zhao Xiaonian for a few seconds and walked out of the box without saying a word.

"This kid suffered a big loss today, he will definitely not let it go."

After Zhou Liang left, Zhang Haolong took out a cigarette and handed it to Zhao Xiaonian, and took out one himself and started smoking.

Exhaling a puff of smoke, Zhang Haolong continued, "Although I didn't grow up knowing him well, I still know his character. Don't be fooled by his generous appearance, he's actually a mean-spirited person."

Zhao Xiaonian rarely smokes, but he also accompanied Zhang Haolong to light one.

"That can't be helped. If he continues to hold on, we can only deal with it as soon as possible."

"Let's not talk about him. I'm actually quite curious about you now." Zhang Haolong turned the topic to Zhao Xiaonian. "If I hadn't come out to help today, I wouldn't have known that you were so prestigious."

"Qian Jianjun is a man who won't show his hand until he sees the rabbit. You've got at least one in terms of money or power to get him to come and toast in person."

"And what's the matter with Zhou Jiaying? I've heard a lot about the recent troubles of Bohai Construction. But looking at Zhou Bohai's appearance today, it should have been solved. Didn't you solve it?"

"Also, how do you know Xu Yan'er? Even her aunt knows about it. Don't tell me you're not familiar with each other."

Zhang Haolong threw out all his questions at once.

There's no way. He really can't figure it out. If he doesn't find out the reason, he will definitely not be able to sleep tonight.

Zhao Xiaonian knows that some things can't be hidden.If you live in a place, you can hide it for a while, but you can't hide it forever. Since Zhang Haolong asked, just lay it out.

"I made some investments and made some money. Then the bank assigned me a dedicated customer service. It happened that Zhou Jiaying came to me because of their family's affairs, and it happened to be within my ability, so I invested the money in Bohai Construction."

"As for Xu Yan'er, I really didn't lie. Including today, I have met her three times. But I know her grandfather."

I can tell you what I can tell, but as for the system and cashback, Zhao Xiaonian will never tell anyone until he dies.

Zhang Haolong is worthy of being a prospective successor of a group, and he immediately grasped the key point.

"Let the bank assign a dedicated customer service, and help Bohai Construction solve problems"... How much money did you make?"

Zhao Xiaonian gave a vague number: "A few hundred million."

Zhang Haolong's hand trembled, and the cigarette fell directly into the bone dish in front of him.

"Fuck. You call a few hundred million 'earning some money'? You are really modest. "

Zhang Haolong did not ask Zhao Xiaonian how he earned his money. It was meaningless. If he could tell, Zhao Xiaonian would have told him long ago, instead of just brushing it off.

After all this back and forth, the food on the table had already gone cold.

The two of them didn't care. They picked up their chopsticks and ate voraciously, just like they did in school.

After having enough food and drink, they went downstairs.

Zhang Haolong went directly to the front desk to pay the bill. The total consumption was more than 9,000.

Zhang Haolong was about to pay when he was stopped by Zhao Xiaonian.

"You came here for my business. It's not appropriate for you to treat me to a meal again." "

Zhang Xiaolong did not refuse. Zhao Xiaonian was rich now, so there was no need for him to push back and forth on such a small matter. It was beneath his dignity.

As soon as he paid the bill, the manager Cao came over with a smile.

He greeted Zhang Haolong first, and then Manager Cao took out a card with the Lihao Hotel logo and handed it to Zhao Xiaonian.

"Mr. Zhao, this is our hotel's gold card. Please accept it."

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