There are 29 agents in the company, but only 19 of them were present. In addition to 4 agents who were unable to come back due to work, there were 6 agents who could not be contacted at all.

The phone was either turned off or no one answered it.

Zheng Yaotian looked at the names of the 6 agents who were not present, his eyelids twitched wildly, and he shouted to the manager of the agency department almost angrily: "Hurry up and contact these 6 people, you must contact them for me. Go!"

The other agents present didn't know why Zheng Yaotian was so angry, but they were smart enough to keep their heads down and not speak, so as not to get angry.

The manager of the artist agency department knew why Zheng Yaotian was angry, because he was the one who called Zheng Qingfa just now.

"Okay, I'll go now." Without any nonsense, the manager of the agency department picked up the phone and dialed.

Zheng Yaotian just stared at him while he was calling.

However, after a round of calls, it was still the same, the phone was turned off or no one answered.

Zheng Yaotian couldn't help sweating on his forehead. He pointed his finger at everyone and shouted, "All of you, call them for me."

Then he said to the agency manager anxiously, "Call the artists under them and ask them to return to the company immediately."

The reason why Zheng Yaotian did this was because the six agents who lost contact were the ones who held the first-line stars in the company.

Lin Qing's incident happened before, and now six people lost contact at the same time, Zheng Yaotian suddenly had an ominous premonition.






The agency manager took a roster and called those stars one by one, but he couldn't get in touch with five of them in a row. Just like those agents, either the phone was turned off or no one answered.

Until the sixth call, the call was finally connected. But before the agency manager could speak, a voice came from the microphone saying "Hang up soon, don't answer", and the phone was really hung up.

When he called again, it was already turned off.

Zheng Yaotian and the agent manager looked at each other and saw the solemnity of each other.

At this time, the door of the conference room was opened, and Zheng Qingfa walked in and scanned the crowd.


Zheng Yaotian was about to say that the agent could not contact those artists, and Zheng Qingfa also spoke, "Where are those people?"

As the owner of an entertainment company that started from scratch, Zheng Qingfa is actually very smart and smart, and has a good memory. Just now, after scanning the crowd, he found that none of the agents who held first-line artists were there.

"Dad, they... We are still in contact." Zheng Yaotian naturally understood which people his father was asking about, and quickly replied.

Zheng Qingfa's face turned livid in an instant, and his jaw bulged slightly, which was obviously angry.

But the next second, Zheng Qingfa suppressed his anger again, and said in a calm tone: "You agents, keep an eye on the artists under your control."

It is not advisable to say too much to avoid panic.

Pointing at Zheng Yaotian and the manager of the agency department, Zheng Qingfa said, "You two, follow me to the office. The rest of you, please adjourn."

The agents were so nervous that they didn't dare to breathe. When they heard the adjournment, they walked out of the meeting room as if their butts were on fire, fearing that they would be in trouble if they were late for a second.

The three of them entered the boss's office, one in front and two behind. Before Zheng Yaotian and the manager of the agency department stood up, Zheng Qingfa slapped the desk hard, which scared the two of them and made them tremble.

Zheng Qingfa hadn't been so angry for a long time.


The next day, Yingcai Group.

In the chairman's office, Wang Chuang put away the two contracts and locked them in the big safe in the office. Then he sat back on the reception sofa and said to the two people in front of him: "I have arranged for someone to book you tickets to the capital, the flight is in the afternoon."

"What about our contract?"

The speaker was a woman in her late 40s, slightly plump, wearing a black women's suit, giving people an impression of being capable and decisive.

This woman is Zeng Xiaohong, one of the ace agents of Qixing Entertainment.

Sitting next to Zeng Xiaohong is a very delicate woman, in her early 30s, exuding a mature atmosphere.

Lin Qing, a famous movie star in the Chinese entertainment industry.

"Don't worry, leave the rest of your affairs with Qixing to us. You can go back and sign the agency agreement, and I will let our legal department follow up. Whether it is a lawsuit or mediation, we will be responsible to the end, and you don't have to worry about these things."

Wang Chuang's tone was flat, and it was hard to tell whether he was happy or angry on his face.

Lin Qing and Zeng XiaohongAfter looking at each other, they said, "Mr. Wang, will Yingcai really pay for my breach of contract?"

"Didn't you receive our signing fee? Do you think we would joke about 50 million? And it is clearly written in the contract in your hand that we, Yingcai, will be responsible for all the compensation for your previous contract. Or do you not trust us?"

Lin Qing waved her hand quickly, "Mr. Wang, I don't mean that. I just... asked casually."

As she spoke, Lin Qing subconsciously looked at the contract in her hand again, especially the clause about paying the breach of contract fee, which she read again and again.

What is rich and powerful?

Yingcai is rich and powerful.

As long as the contract is signed, there is no need to do anything else, and 50 million will be given directly.

Let me ask, how many entertainment companies are so generous now?

Including the breach of contract fee with Qixing, Yingcai will have to spend more than 600 million to sign Lin Qing, the queen of the film, which is simply a sky-high price.

Of course, this price is not the first.

The first record of breach of contract compensation in the entertainment industry is the more than 900 million liquidated damages that Liu Xihuan paid to Qixing. Although on the surface, Liu Xihuan paid the compensation personally, seeing that Liu Xihuan turned around and joined Yingcai Entertainment, anyone with a brain knows that Yingcai may have contributed a lot to this liquidated damages.

Although Liu Xihuan is still a second-tier star, the main reason for so much liquidated damages is that there are special clauses in the contract she signed, and the amount of compensation is also large.

Zeng Xiaohong interrupted and asked: "Director Wang, do you know where we are going to the capital?"

"Director Yimou has a new movie in preparation. Yingcai has agreed with him to be the investor. Lin Qing is going to audition and see if she can play the leading role."

Wang Chuang's words were simple, but the information revealed in them also made Zeng Xiaohong and Lin Qing, who have been in the entertainment industry for a long time, hear something deeper.

Who is Yimou? He is a famous international director in China. Although his output is small, only one film is released every year. But every one of his movies was a big hit of the year, and he was a machine for producing best actor and actress awards.

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