"Zhou Liang, you pushed me? You pushed me for such a stinky woman?" Ma Qing yelled, punching Zhou Liang's back. Not satisfied, Ma Qing picked up the dish on the table and pretended to throw it at He Fei.

It's okay if coconut milk is splashed on the body. But if the greasy food is splashed on the body, it will be embarrassing.

Fortunately, Zhou Liang was quick-witted and blocked it with his hands, so that He Fei, who was already scared, was not splashed. Instead, it was all splashed on Zhou Liang. Suddenly, the chest of the white T-shirt was dark, and the soup was dripping down.

"You are fucking crazy." Zhou Liang was also angry and slapped Ma Qing in the face. The slap was so loud that the whole restaurant could hear it clearly.

Ma Qing was Zhou Liang's second girlfriend in college, a sophomore in the dance department.

When he was a sophomore, Zhou Liang met Zhou Liang at a friend's party. He fell in love at first sight, and then he decisively kicked his girlfriend into the Atlantic Ocean and hooked up with Ma Qing.

Ma Qing is still a beauty in terms of appearance. After all, there are few ugly dancers. But compared with He Fei in front of him, there is a little gap.

If the appearance is not enough, the figure will make up for it. Because of years of practice, Ma Qing's figure is really perfect. It is said that Ma Qing took Zhou Liang down with an upright split.

Ma Qing was able to get close to Zhou Liang even though he knew that Zhou Liang had a girlfriend. His style was not very good. Although Zhou Liang was 1.8 meters tall, his appearance was just average. Ma Qing was with Zhou Liang, and the starting point itself was a bit impure.

Fortunately, Zhou Liang's family was rich and could meet Ma Qing's needs.

Now, it is obvious that the scene of that year is being staged again, but Ma Qing of that year has become the former.

Zhao Xiaonian and the other two sat quietly waiting to eat melons.

Ma Qing was slapped in public, her hair became a little messy, and she looked like a wife abandoned by her husband with her unscrupulous behavior.

"You dare to hit me? Zhou Liang, you hit me for this bitch. Zhou Liang, you want to dump me, no way."

Ma Qing pointed the spearhead at He Fei who was still sitting.

"He Fei, don't you always think you are noble? Why do you want to steal someone else's boyfriend? You are so shameless, you are actually a mistress. I thought you were so pure, but it turns out you are also a shameless thing."

"Bah, you are just a slut, you are just selling yourself. After all, isn't it all for money? Only a fool like Zhou Liang is easy to deceive. He transferred 100,000 yuan to you before even having sex. You are a slut."

Ma Qing's mother's voice was very unpleasant and loud. Everyone also heard the general idea and turned their attention to He Fei.

At this time, He Fei lowered her head, curled up, and buried her whole face in her arms, silently enduring Ma Qing's abuse.

At this time, the boss lady also walked over.

"Three, why don't you three go out and talk, don't affect my business."

Zhou Liang nodded, transferred money to the boss lady with his mobile phone, and then shouted at Ma Qing: "Have you had enough trouble? Get out and talk."

"Go out if you want to. Anyway, I'm not selling myself. What am I afraid of?" After saying that, she walked out first.

Zhou Liang then bent down and patted He Fei gently, "Fei Fei, let's leave here first. Don't worry, Ma Qing will solve it. I will do what I promised you."

He Fei raised her head, her face was full of tears. Without saying a word, she left.

It was at this time that Zhao Xiaonian heard the system's voice for the third time today.

[Found a target for counterattack]

[Target: He Fei]

[Height: 167]

[Appearance: 88]

[Body: 90]

[Purity: 100 (places)]

[Favorability: 0]

[Ding: The target's favorability to the host is less than 80, which meets the binding conditions. Do you want to bind?]

Zhao Xiaonian: ...


When Zhao Xiaonian and his friends left the Hunan restaurant in his hometown, they could not see the shadows of Zhou Liang and the other three.

Guo Liang and Li Liwei were going to the Internet cafe to play games, and Zhao Xiaonian walked to the dormitory alone with nothing to do.

There are two ways to go back to the dormitory outside the school. Zhao Xiaonian did not go to the main road early, but went back along the tree-lined path. Although it was only the end of September, the temperature in Lingzhou at noon reached 30°. The path was blocked by trees, so it was not that hot.

But as he walked, Zhao Xiaonian vaguely heard the noise of men and women, and when he got closer, he saw three figures from a distance. It was Zhou Liang and the other three whom he had just met at the Hunan restaurant in his hometown.

Because the three of them were exactly on the road Zhao Xiaonian had to pass, in order to avoid embarrassment, Zhao Xiaonian simply stopped at the corner and calledIt's considered to be a while. If they still haven't left after a while, then he can only go back the same way and take the main road.

Zhao Xiaonian listened for a long time, but because of the distance, he didn't hear what they said clearly.

Then after a while, He Fei came over and passed by Zhao Xiaonian with tears on her face.

Zhou Liang was probably entangled by Ma Qing and didn't follow.

Zhao Xiaonian hesitated for a while, and followed He Fei for some reason.

After walking a few dozen meters, He Fei suddenly turned around. Caught off guard, Zhao Xiaonian grabbed a flower on the roadside and pretended to observe.

Unfortunately, the action was very clumsy and crude.

The two were only a few meters apart.

"Why are you following me?" He Fei looked at Zhao Xiaonian and asked.

"I'm not following you, I'm going back to the dormitory." Zhao Xiaonian felt a little guilty.

"You were there at the Hunan restaurant, and you were eavesdropping on our conversation just now. What do you want? Do you like to pry into other people's gossip? Why are all of you like this? What did I, He Fei, do wrong? Why do you all treat me like this?"

As she spoke, He Fei's tears, which had already stopped, suddenly burst out again. But she was like a stubborn child, letting her tears fall on her already wet front, but her eyes were full of despair and sadness.

Zhao Xiaonian understood the first half of the sentence, but he felt that the second half was more like He Fei venting her grievances.

Thinking of what Ma Qing said in the restaurant, Zhao Xiaonian asked: "Why did you choose Zhou Liang? Don't you know he has a girlfriend?"

"Yes, I know. But he has money, and he is willing to give me money. He gave me 100,000 as a deposit without doing anything, and promised me that the rest of the money would be paid to me soon. I like money. As long as I have money, I don't care about any bullshit morality, courtesy, righteousness, and shame. Do you also think I am cheap? Yes, I am cheap. Let alone Zhou Liang, even if it is you, anyone else, if you give me 1 million now, I will be his for a year, and I will do whatever he wants me to do."

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