Diamond company shoots commercials, you shoot Titanic

Chapter 271 It would be better to be a bad person, at least I can hate you without restraint

In the picture, Fugui sings opera to cheer up the villagers.

Finally, a large, uneven iron lump was discovered in the town.

The whole town was full of joy, and the big cafeteria cooked a dumpling meal to celebrate.

Fugui and his wife received the dumplings and returned home, where they found the brother and sister sleeping soundly.

Jiazhen couldn't bear to wake up her siblings.

After all, these two children followed her to deliver water and rarely got a good night's sleep.

Especially Youqing, who has barely had a solid night's sleep since he was born.

However, at this time, the school informed that it was necessary to make steel because the district chief came to inspect it today.

Fugui hesitated for a while, but finally woke up Youqing, took the lunch box, and walked towards the school with Youqing, who was sleeping in a daze, on his back.

There are dense trees on both sides of the path, and their leaves sway in the breeze, making a rustling sound.

The sun shines through the gaps in the leaves and shines on the two of them, making it natural and warm.

Fugui told Youqing: "Youqing has arrived at school. Soak the dumplings in boiling water before eating them. If the dumplings are not hot enough, soak them twice. Your stomach will hurt if you eat cold dumplings. Does Youqing like to eat dumplings?"

Youqing replied in a daze: "I love to eat."

"Do you like meat?"

"Love to eat."

"That's good. If Youqing listens to dad, our life will get better and better. You see, our family is just a chicken now. When the chicken grows up, it becomes a goose, and when the goose grows up, it becomes a chicken. Become a sheep. When the sheep are raised, they become cattle.”

"What about the future of the cow?"

"From now on, it will be communism. We will eat dumplings and meat every day."

After saying that, Fugui raised his head and walked forward with a smile.

The sun fell on his face, everything looked full of hope.

In a movie theater in Shanghai.

The son, who was sitting in the middle of a family of three, hugged his down jacket tightly and said, "Fuck, I'm scared. Youqing won't be beaten by the kid from before, right?"

The father frowned and glanced at his son.

What happened to this child?

They were also worried that Long Er would humiliate Fugui, they were also worried that something would happen to Fugui on the battlefield, and they were also worried that the Fugui family would be accused.

Now seeing everyone enjoying themselves, he was actually worried that Youqing would be beaten by his peers.

Is this child being bullied at school?

Thinking of this, he stopped watching movies and took out his mobile phone to send a message to his wife Zhou Juan, who was sitting on the other side of his son.

"Honey, my son was very nervous when he came back from vacation yesterday. Why are you still afraid of happiness?"

As soon as he sent it out, his hand froze.

Because in these few seconds, on the screen in front of you.

Youqing is gone.

The district chief arrived at the school after dark and accidentally knocked down the school wall while reversing.

And Youqing was sleeping behind the courtyard wall. Half of the bricks of the courtyard wall fell on him.

The little child died on the spot.

On the screen, Youqing was covered in blood, and Fugui knelt on the ground and screamed in despair: "Youqing? What's wrong, Youqing? Promise. Dad is here, just say something to him."

In front of the screen, the man stared blankly at the screen, Fugui's desperate shouts echoing in his ears, and his eyes gradually turned red.

No, it’s gone?

Youqing, a well-behaved and sensible person, who had hardly had a full night's sleep since he was a child, was gone just like that?

How can a parent endure this?

On the screen, Jiazhen and Fugui shed tears of despair.

Sighs and sobs also echoed in the theater.

The man sighed.

Well, it seems that my son is fine, but this director is too inappropriate.

He put down his mobile phone and whispered: "The person who reported the news said that the district chief was also injured and in the hospital... He was sitting in the car reversing. How did he get injured? Are you evading responsibility?"

The son nodded, "I think so too. Is the Fugui family probably going to get into trouble with the officials again? Oops!"

Next, fate did give Fugui another blow.

But it’s not because the district chief is a bad person.

It's because the district chief is Chunsheng.

The brother who supported each other and survived in the hail of bullets with Fugui.

Chunsheng was ashamed and in pain, but there was nothing he could do.

Faced with Jiazhen's words, "You owe our family your life," I could only accept it with shame.

Everyone is helpless.

In front of the screen, the man let out a long sigh and raised his hands to cover his eyes.

It's too cruel, the screenwriter is too cruel.

It's better to let Chun Sheng be a bad person.

At least you can hate freely.

The son heard his father sigh and comforted him: "Dad, don't be sad. Their company is going to publish a novel of the same name the day after tomorrow. I read on the Internet that it is probably a supplement to make up for regrets. Buy a copy and come back to read it then."

The man nodded.

He wanted to see Youqing’s side story.

See, must see!

The picture darkened, and another eight years passed, and the time came to 1966, entering the ten-year Wen Ge period.

The mayor came to Fugui's house and brought bad news and good news.

The bad news is that Fugui's shadow puppets can't be kept.

The good news is that Feng Xia's marriage is settled.

Under the introduction of the mayor, the worker Erxi came to his house and sat for a while. He didn't say a few words, he just looked around at his house and left without even eating.

The couple didn't think too much. If they didn't find success, the key was whether their daughter was willing.

Two days later, while the couple was picking cloth at the cloth store, they heard someone say that a group of rebels came to raid their home, and the leader was a lame man.

The couple was startled and hurried home.

Seeing this, everyone in front of the screen was shocked and began to worry. Could it be that Fugui's previous gambling incident had been revealed? Is it because the emperors, generals, ministers, talents and beauties in the shadow puppetry caused trouble in this era?

However, when the scene changed, the old couple hurried home and saw Fengxia and Erxi under the setting sun. Fengxia was holding paint, and Erxi was holding the wall with one hand and a brush in the other, and they were painting the portrait of the Chairman on the wall. .

It turns out that Erxi just brought people to help his family repair their house.

In front of the screen, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Juan sighed: "It's great. Watching this movie makes you feel as if I have raised such a big daughter."

The son next to him shook his head, "If you are so happy, something must have happened."

Zhou Juan didn't refute this time, but just sighed, "Isn't that what life is like? There are joys and sorrows, so cherish the little happiness of the moment."

Watching this movie makes it feel as if she has really experienced a life.

Please, at least leave some good things to his home.

Erxi and Fengxia got married.

Erxi followed Jiazhen's instructions and called many people on her wedding day, which was lively and joyful.

Time flies, and the young couple has a good relationship.

One day, Erxi brought Fengxia back to see the old couple and brought good news - Fengxia was pregnant.

While Jiazhen advised Erxi to spend more time with Fengxia at this time, she sighed, "When I was pregnant with Fengxia, your father was away from home every day."

Erxi asked: "Dad was very busy at that time, wasn't he?"

The old couple looked at each other and smiled.

Everyone in the theater also laughed.

After all, everyone has seen that he was really busy at that time, busy rolling dice.

Zhou Juan smiled, looked at the happy scene of the family, and sighed.

"Hey, son, the movie you recommended is good to watch, but I'm really scared."

The son rolled his eyes and said, "Mom, I'm sorry. As compensation, I recommend a good one to you - "Farewell My Concubine", which is also set in the last century. This one is not thrilling, so don't worry."

"I think I've heard of it, wait until I look back."

The son nodded, snickering in his heart.

It's really not thrilling.

From beginning to end, there is no need to guess wrong.

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