The film was filmed on April 13, one week before the opening ceremony. Chen Xiao, casting director Huang Peng and a group of actors took a plane to Qiongzhou (Hainan). Two years ago, Qiongzhou developed a new tourist base on an archipelago and built many small villas nearby. Unfortunately, things did not go as planned. Two years later, the tourist base did not become popular and the small villas were idle. It was okay during holidays, and half of them could be occupied. On weekdays, some uncles and aunts from the north came to rent it at a low price for retirement and sunbathing. After communicating with the developer, the crew directly rented one of the islands, called Bibo Island, for filming, and also lived there directly. The crew got off the car and changed to the ship. At three o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Xiao and his group came ashore with their suitcases.

What came into view were rows of neat houses. Each house was white or light pink. They faced south and were bathed in strong sunlight.

Looking at the shadows behind the houses, Chen Xiao sighed in his heart that Fang Rong had worked really hard this time.

The contrast between light and dark in the picture was too severe with the naked eye, so he had to add light, a lot of light.

After the filming of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" was finished, he would be given a dream script. It would not be in vain for him to work so hard at such an old age. He could just shoot two and go back to retire.

After stepping onto the island, Chen Xiao said hello to the staff of the art department, photography department, etc. who had come here to prepare a long time ago, and then pulled the suitcase towards his residence.

In the next week, he would lead the actors to rehearse the play here.

Then check whether the composition, light, etc. were up to standard, and confirm the publicity method.

A week later, the filming started on April 20.


A week passed quickly.

On the morning of April 20, the crew held a start-up ceremony at the hotel and briefly accepted a half-hour interview to talk about the time plan.

At 10 a.m., the crew left the hotel and rushed to the shooting location.

Just as they were rushing to the shooting location, news of the new movie also entered major websites.

Although the subject matter is not an eye-catching commercial film, the production team is strong.

Not only is there a well-known director like Fang Rong, but also Chen Xiao and Chazelle, two directors who won the highest award at the film festival. The production team is extremely luxurious.

Therefore, the crew's shooting schedule has always been the focus of attention of domestic and foreign media and domestic and foreign peers.

After the 10 invited media released the news, other media also forwarded it, and combined with previous interviews, casting news, etc., conducted secondary analysis, and released their guesses.

Needless to say, this has attracted considerable attention abroad.

In M country, it was already 10 o'clock in the evening.

A 15- or 16-year-old girl was sitting in the living room at home watching TV.

Her father was playing with his mobile phone on the sofa next to her.

Suddenly, the phone in her hand rang.

The girl picked up the phone and saw that it was a message from a friend. She clicked it and her eyes lit up instantly. She exclaimed, "Wow, Chen Xiao and Chazelle's new film has started shooting."

The old father next to her didn't even raise his head, "Chen Xiao? Who is that? He sounds like a Chinese?"

The girl tilted her head in disbelief and said, "No way? Dad, how come you don't even know Chen Xiao? He is super popular. In my impression, he is one of the world's top directors."

Hearing this, the man put down the phone in his hand and sat up straight.

"World-renowned director? Why haven't I heard of him?"

"Impossible, you must have remembered it wrong. Twitter and their country's Weibo are full of news about him. If you don't believe me, I'll search it for you."

As she said that, the girl picked up her phone and opened Twitter.

As soon as she opened it, the first recommendation that popped up was: Chen Xiao and Chazelle's new movie "The Truman Show" officially started shooting today.

The girl moved aside and handed the phone to her father, "Dad, look, that's him. You must have seen him since you use Twitter every day."

The man shrugged and waved his hand nonchalantly, "No. I've never heard of this person. He must be the Chinese director who worked with Chazelle, right?"

"No, how could you..."

The girl was about to say how ignorant you were, but suddenly something came to her mind.

Oh, the information cocoon.

The information on her father's phone was different from what she could see.

After realizing it, the girl didn't think too much about it. She held the phone and said, "Okay, but you have to remember that Chen Xiao is really a super, super famous director."

The man smiled and didn't care, and picked up his phone again.


"Why didn't he find out the truth?"


Everyone will accept the reality in front of them, it's that simple."

On the beach near the Bi Bo Island, two middle-aged men were sitting on beach chairs rehearsing their lines.

Li De, who played the role of the director, answered and stood up to stretch his neck, "We have almost finished rehearsing, let's stop here first and practice again before shooting tomorrow morning."

Wan Hua, who played the host of the talk show, nodded, closed the script in his hand, and stood up, "Brother Li, the more I say this line, the more I feel scared."

"I'm not scared, I just feel there is nothing I can do. From childhood to adulthood, people get different information. Some children from ordinary families may not even have enough information for their own judgment when choosing their majors in the college entrance examination. This kind of information gap has existed since ancient times. Don't be too anxious."

Li De took off his hat, fanned it with his hand, revealing his shiny head, stepped on the sand, and walked towards the restaurant.

Wan Hua quickened his pace to catch up with him, "The situation you mentioned is indeed difficult to change. But most of our current information comes from the Internet. Under the influence of algorithms, every time I open a short video website, I see videos with similar positions. Over time, I can only hear and see the views that I agree with, and the dimension of looking at things will become single. "

Just like he has a friend.

When he opened the short video software, he found that it was full of marginal views.

At first, his friend was surprised that this widely used software was full of such things? He thought that the world was going downhill.

Li De nodded.

It is indeed a bit scary to take one-sidedness as the truth and lose multiple thinking.

He sighed lightly, "Whether you are affected or not actually depends on you. Read more books, such as the history of thought, which contains the views and even debates of philosophers of different times, which may be helpful to maintain your own judgment. "

"Uh... lazy."

Li De snorted and laughed, "Then you stay in your comfort zone. Like our protagonist in the early stage, make choices under the influence of the surroundings, choose to marry a woman you don't love, and choose to stay on the island. "

Wanhua raised his eyebrows, "Why is it so strange to say this from the mouth of a reality show director like you? Hahaha. ”

Li De walked to the edge of the beach, took off his slippers, shook them off, and patted the sand on his feet. “I don’t know what kind of response this movie will get after it’s released.”

“I don’t know what it will be like after it’s released. Anyway, if you want to know what the response is now, just open your phone and you’ll know.”

“What’s so good about the response now? I want to eat more now. Let’s go.”

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