“Now it’s 2 good balls and 1 bad ball…”

“And they’ve seen the trajectory of the displacement ball…”

“No need to throw bad balls!”

“Use this ball to decide the winner!”

After thinking about the strategy, Miyuki gave the corresponding gesture.


“Be sure to get up and throw yourself in!”

“If the ball path is too simple, it will definitely be blasted out by the other side!”

After getting the instructions.

Sawamura’s pupils shrank sharply.

“It turned out to be a straight ball with four stitches in the inner corner…”

“Isn’t that too messy?” I’m not quite sure yet…”


Look at Miyuki’s determined expression!

Sawamura knows that Miyuki is here for real!


The extremely bold Sawamura also threw away all distractions!

He grabbed the ball with a serious and focused gaze, holding it high above his head!

Followed by!

Lift your right foot high and slam forward!

Twist your body and transfer all your strength to the ball holder!

Next moment!

The left hand, hidden behind the body, struggles to swing!

Due to the special pitching posture!

As a result, Thunderbolt City failed to see the ball point!

When he saw it, he saw that a baseball had suddenly jumped into the inner corner!

Even the extremely reactive Thunder City couldn’t react at the first time!


He’s already thrown the bat out!

At this time, the stick is foul!


Boom City can only hit baseball head-on!

And this reluctant hitting position causes the part of the baseball to be hit very close to the grip!

In layman’s terms!

It’s hard to hit the ball far in this area!

Sure enough!

With the sound of ‘Dang’, the baseball flew high!

“No problem! No problem! ”

Sawamura looked at the baseball and said confidently.

The words just fell.

The baseball in the air fell toward the pitcher’s mound.

Finally into Sawamura’s baseball gloves.

Almost at the same time!

Taru Masuko, Ryosuke Komina, and Yoichi Kurasaki appear next to Sawamura!

If the three seniors are the three ‘corners’ of the positive triangle, Nasawa Village is the center of the positive triangle!


From the ‘guards’ of the seniors!

You can also see how uneasy everyone is about Sawamura’s defense!


Lin Tian couldn’t help but laugh too.

When I first watched the anime, I thought it was a bit exaggerated.

I didn’t expect that in the real game, Xiao Xiao would actually do this.

“Isn’t it!?”

“Sawamura actually suppressed the !!!”

“It’s incredible!!!”

“Yes! The high-speed ball of Shizuya was almost beaten out of the field!! ”

At this time, the Qingdao Rescue Group was both unbelievable and excited.

“Pretty shot! Rongchun! ”

“Good job!!”

“Go ahead and weed out the next fighters as well!!!”

The crowd of young people in the players’ seat also responded in support.


“Start by laying the groundwork with the displacement ball.”

“In the end, I decided with a straight ball with four stitches.”

“The speed of the two is poor, even a fighter of the level of Thunderbolt City is difficult to react to.”

“I didn’t expect that the ordinary straight ball would really transform into such a powerful weapon.”

Miyuki was quite emotional.


After the happiness, there is endless happiness.

Because Sawamura’s four-stitch straight ball is not skilled enough.

Just succeeded.

In fact, it is also good luck.

In addition, the practice of displacement timing and displacement direction can not be left behind.

With soft joints, Sawamura is paired with a new pitching posture and has a very late chance to release the ball.

Such a good physical talent, as long as you master a little more change ball, you don’t have to be afraid of anyone when you meet it.


“Great! That’s great! That’s great! ”

Ze Village, who had eliminated the city of Boomra, shouted excitedly.


Boom Thunder City was speechless.

Isn’t it just an ordinary elimination?

Is it necessary to do this?

“Great! That’s great! That’s great! ”

However, Sawamura shouted for most of the day, and still did not stop thinking.


“I didn’t expect that Qingdao’s follow-up throwing tactics really worked!”

Akiko Owada was surprised.


Feng Fujio nodded, “Now, the dominance of the game is estimated to be mastered by Seido!” ”



“Boom Thunder City didn’t even fight out?”

“Things are going to get into trouble!!”

The medicine man coach frowned.

You know, Boom Thunder City is the strongest on their team.

If Thunderbolt loses, it will have a great impact on the morale of the team.

Just like now!

Although the Yakuza player seat was shouting to cheer for the next batter, the momentum was obviously much lower than before!


On the pitch.

The second stick, Akiba, of Yakushi High School is in place.

On his first appearance, he hit the ball directly into the left field.

But this time!

Face worse speed pitching!

Autumn leaves have hit it…

But it hit the guerrilla in the front…

As a result, it was caught by the warehouse and passed to the first base, completing the blockade of Autumn Leaves!

Yuta Mishima, the third stick who came on the court afterwards, was not much better.

He hit a ball close to second base, and Ryosuke Kominato simply caught it and passed it to first baseman Tetsuya Yukijo.

With the baseball into the gloves!

Yakushi High School has reached 3 eliminated hitters!


Offensive and defensive exchange!


Game 4.


Seido High School Offense.

“First stick!”

“Midfielder Lin Tian!”



An entrance to an auditorium somewhere.

There were three high school players in the city.

“Still comparing and still comparing!”

“Catch up!”

“Only the fourth inning?”

“Eh? 7 points for young people, 0 points for pharmacists? ”

“I guess Lin Tian was sent at the beginning, right?”

While they were talking, a familiar voice came from the side.

“Not Lin Tian.”

The players of the city’s senior high school turned their heads to look at each other.



“Sure enough! In the end, you came! ”

When they see that the person who speaks is a teammate, everyone will smile.

“Hey! Lin Tian is on the field, watch the game! ”

Suddenly, a man spoke up.


The teammates next to them were all subconsciously looking towards the court.


Lin Tian rotated the bat clockwise.

With a leisurely attitude, he walked into the strike zone.



PS: I was fascinated by watching the novel of the gods, and now I remember that I have not updated it (bitter laugh.jpg)

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