At 0:00 am on August 1, this book will be on the shelves.

As of the time I wrote this preview, the score of this book is 8800 favorites, the two-hour follow-up reading is 40 people, and the 24-hour follow-up reading, I think there will always be two hundred.

The tragic performance of this book can be known from the statistics, but it is actually very difficult to fix such a miserable sale.

Because it is a good-looking book, someone will definitely subscribe. Readers who usually have the habit of subscribing are not willing to subscribe, because they must think this book is not worth it.

So I think that instead of selling badly, it is better to point out the whole promotional trailer to ask for subscriptions.

Let’s just talk about the points that readers may find interesting after it is put on the shelves. (a bit subjective, please understand)

The first interesting point: experience something from the perspective of a lunatic, and make a normal decision in the world.

This idea comes from "The Strange Fairy", "Hou Qun of Abyss Syndrome", and "The Original Hunter". (An extra sigh, Foxtail is really a genius...)

However, what I wrote is a little different. The specific difference lies in the description of the opening of "Arkham Syndrome" in a script.

It was a short story. One day, when you were going on a date with your girlfriend, you went early and squatted under a tree bored while waiting, watching a group of ants work together to kill a big mantis. You thought it was interesting, stretched out a A finger helped them.

But then the date arrives, and you get up right away, only to accidentally step on them as you leave.

During the whole process, do you have goodwill towards them? Or do you have malice towards them?

It's hard to say, from the perspective of ants

Harder to say.

I find this comparison between the perspective of gods and the perspective of ants very interesting, so I extended more ideas.

In many mysteries, the supporting characters often go crazy, but the protagonist can always maintain his sanity at critical moments. Even if he goes berserk, it’s just a change of form. Dao Weixian just subverted this point, so it shocked me. .

Before my book is put on the shelves, the readers should have seen the state of the protagonist in the fantasy land of Peach Blossom Land. The Dilemma of the Mad State.

Of course, I don't intend to really write about the plot where the protagonist really becomes a madman. If he really becomes a madman and regards human life as worthless, it really violates the three views. I still want to write that the protagonist is in an extremely difficult choice, which is reasonable and reasonable. The special method achieved what I wanted to do before I was crazy.


The second point of view:

Tianzun, that is, gods.

In fact, many restraining gods are a bit tired of aesthetics, octopus tentacles, various descriptions of hunting, side descriptions of people who saw them fell into madness, and that kind of unpredictable power.

It’s not that this is bad, it’s just that I think a powerful god doesn’t have to be like this, maybe I can bring you some novel experiences.

Just like the current Tianzun, an existence who is a god but can talk to you like a human being, and this kind of respect and understanding for you is not God's mercy, it is simply this kind of behavior, and there is nothing wrong with it. any cost.

So, drive with fear or madness

There is no difference between controlling you and persuading you with temptation and respect.

In the follow-up, after the protagonist goes crazy, Tianzun will always stand from the perspective of the protagonist and give the protagonist an understandable answer, instead of simply helping the protagonist stop the madness.

As Tianzun said, "crazy is not a defect".

She will assist Su Lin to understand the new world from another perspective.

From the perspective of a lunatic, it may be interesting to give an answer that a lunatic can accept.

Of course, because readers have a good impression of Tianzun, they will definitely not write the kind of plot where Tianzun finally plays with the protagonist or similar plots, mainly reflecting Tianzun's costless love.


The third point of view:

The cage is happiness, and the unknown is the embodiment of happiness.

It has already begun to emerge, and later I will give examples of various historical figures' understanding of this sentence, expressing their approval or opposition.

The specific performance lies in the current Tiantiao and some very hidden plots.

Most importantly, there is also the possibility of embodying the human spirit, even in the wider world.

In the current conception, these three can be written, and may make readers feel interesting, and the others are things that cannot be spoiled.

In addition, although the results of this book are unimaginably poor, I still hope to bring some as novel experiences as possible to readers who can read it, even if it is only a little bit.

Here comes the most important and most important thing.

I hope you will support and subscribe more!



Now I'm really eating dirt. (very close)

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