Su Lin has heard of "A Tale of Avoiding Disasters" and often heard that it is a wonderful book among storytellers, and all the ghost stories can be classified into it.

Su Lin always thought that this book should not exist, it was just a fictional book endorsing the strange stories.

"There is this book, I thought it was fake." Su Lin said.

Nan Zhixian jumped out and said: ""A Tale of Avoiding Disasters" is quite famous, but now it is only fragments scattered among the people. It is quite strange to say that the author of this book claims to be a mortal, and will experience The stories of gods and ghosts were recorded to avoid disasters for future generations, but the ages of the wandering fragments are different.

This proves that there is not only one author of "A Tale of Avoiding Disasters", and it is very likely that many people co-authored it.

Many of the monsters and strange things recorded in those fragments are true and testable. I was lucky enough to read half a page of the fragment, and the most important medicine in Yang Dan was learned from that half page of fragment. "

Su Lin turned to look at Tianzun: "Do you know?"

Tianzun: "Do you think I need to know this? To me, this is just a summary of mortal experience. In the eyes of mortals, monsters with weird logic and terrifying behavior are actually very normal from a higher perspective.

Even the most mysterious and dangerous extraterrestrial demon, the real identity is as simple as I told you.

But you still have to learn as much as you can, these books... may be more useful than me. "

Tianzun's face became even paler. Although she still spoke calmly, the cold sweat on her forehead and the slightly twitching cheek muscles all proved that she was enduring great pain now.

But Su Lin is actually not very sure, after all, she is a god.

At such a time, it is not good for Su Lin to ask directly. Nan Zhixian is next to him. As a real immortal, it would be too unreasonable for him to be afraid of pain like a mortal.

Tianzun found that Su Lin was looking at him and thought that Su Lin was questioning what she said, so he added: "I mean, I can only provide a more correct answer, but the correct answer cannot trace back to history.

History is produced by continuous deviation and extension under various mistakes. If you reverse the history from the correct angle, you will often enter nothingness. Only by looking back according to the thinking of those who have experienced history can you see the real past. is wrong. "

Su Lin nodded, he did not forget his mission, he

To find out the truth about Shenyun.

"Wow! Woof woof!"

A familiar bark came from behind him, bouncing back and forth in the huge cave, Su Lin's eyes lit up, and looking behind him, a familiar figure rushed towards him.


"Wangcai? Hahaha! Wangcai, why are you here?" The big yellow dog rushed into Su Lin's arms.

Su Lin hugged the big yellow dog happily, and the dog excitedly stuck out its tongue and licked Su Lin's cheek, its tail wagging like a helicopter.

Su Lin didn't expect Wangcai to go home alone. He followed his grandfather, which is far away. After his grandfather was picked up by Tianzun, Su Lin thought that Wangcai would most likely become a wild dog from other places, but it turned out to be I found it back, and found myself along his scent.

"Good dog!"

Su Lin rubbed the dog's head vigorously and put it on the ground.

Although he knew that it would be inconvenient to travel with a dog, Su Lin made up his mind to take Wangcai with him. This dog is his only family now.

Su Lin didn't notice that Lu Zhuyu quietly moved away from him after Wangcai appeared, and hid behind Xiaowu.

"Well, Su Lin, can you hold it? I'm not, not very good at getting along with dogs who are too enthusiastic." Lu Zhuyu said.

Su Lin wondered, "Why?"

"They...they are always very warm to me, I, I don't like that very much." Lu Zhuyu said.

Sure enough, as soon as Lu Zhuyu spoke, Wangcai reacted and looked at Lu Zhuyu excitedly.

Seeing that Wangcai was about to rush at Lu Zhuyu, Su Lin yelled and called him back.

Wangcai is very obedient, but still looks at Lu Zhuyu from time to time, as if she is a very fun toy.

Su Lin glanced at Lu Zhuyu, and thought, is this the natural fate of cats and dogs? Should Lu Zhuyu be considered a human or a cat?

Lu Zhuyu saw that Wangcai seemed to be very obedient, and after he really stopped approaching her, he walked out from behind Xiaowu.

"Su Lin, have you made up your mind? Are you willing to join Jade Immortal Division?" Lu Zhuyu asked.

Su Lin was stunned for a moment: "I have to go to the Ant Fairy Gate, otherwise I won't be able to save the folks in Huaiyang Village."

"What did you say? Ant Fairy Gate?!"

"Yes, you know this sect?"

"This sect really exists? Are you sure it's really the Ant Immortal Sect?" Lu Zhuyu stared at Su Lin in shock, as if he had just heard a very strange tale.

Su Lin put

Slowing down: "Is there anything wrong with the Ant Fairy Gate?"

"It was mentioned in "A Tale of Avoiding Disasters". I always thought that this sect didn't exist at all, and it was a story fabricated by the author." Lu Zhuyu said, "This very strange."

Nan Zhixian licked his lips, and couldn't help interjecting: "How many fragments of "Strange Escape from Disasters" do you have?"

Lu Zhuyu glanced at Nan Zhixian, then at Su Lin, asking for Su Lin's opinion.

Su Lin knew that this was the other party asking him if he wanted to deal with Nan Zhixian.

"If it's fast, it's ok; if it's slow, let's wait." Su Lin said.

Lu Zhuyu nodded: "Then let's hurry up, and it's best to reach Donghuipo before that Nascent Soul monster comes back, which is very close to Wu'an City, even if the other party catches up, he won't dare to fly. "

Nan Zhixian frowned: "Master, I'm asking you something!"

"There are a lot of fragments, but I don't know whether they are true or not. After all, even if it is the original book, there are fictional stories in it, so we can't believe all of them." Lu Zhuyu said casually.

As they talked, everyone walked out of the cave and walked up a narrow and winding mountain road. All the people in Zhuxian Division were silent, and only Lu Zhuyu and Su Lin kept talking on the road.

Tian Zun's condition seemed to be getting worse and worse, Su Lin could clearly see that she was enduring a lot of pain.

Su Lin walked a few steps towards Tianzun, holding his arm, Tianzun was stunned for a moment, smiled at Su Lin, and pushed his hand away.

"The reason why I am here is to help you sort out the situation, and the reason why I use a human body to appear is only because the human body will not burden your spirit.

Don't treat me like a human being, if you encounter danger, don't hesitate to abandon me, I won't die. "

Tianzun's voice trembled slightly, but she still maintained the most basic decency.

"Su Lin, my current body is only made on purpose. She is just a shell. I am not one with this shell. Her pain has nothing to do with me."

She looked at Su Lin seriously, the cold moonlight shone on her sweaty face, that beautiful face with a hint of pain was particularly pitiful, but her eyes were extremely stubborn.

Tianzun stared at Su Lin for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "If you really want to help me, go to Wu'an City quickly. After you are safe, I will use your spirit to repair myself."

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