Su Lin saw in the sky behind, a peach-red light was rapidly approaching here, at an extremely fast speed.

Su Lin's pupils contracted slightly, and he could see clearly what the red light was.

It was not a magical weapon such as a flying sword, but a peach wooden boat. Forked branches grew on the edge of the wooden boat. The branches were full of peach blossoms, and bloody heads were hung by red threads. The white-robed old man stood proudly at the bow of the boat, with his left hand behind his back and his right hand stroking his beard, thinking about the carriage.

"We are now divided into four groups, and we may still be able to escape, and it will be too late! Please, Holy Son, quickly use the sword! My junior sister and junior brother will take your friends to go, and this is the only way now!"

Su Lin didn't speak after hearing this, and looked at the peach wood boat chasing after him silently. He saw the distance between the peach wood boat and the chariot getting closer, and he suddenly found that the flying speed of the Nascent Soul cultivator driving the magic weapon was not as fast as he imagined so fast.

He always thought that the Nascent Soul cultivators in this world, like those in Xianxia novels, could walk without light and with a sword, chasing a golden elixir in an instant.

But judging by the flying speed of the two, the wooden boat might not even be able to catch up with the plane.

"If I can build an airplane in this world, can I avoid most of the Yuanying's powerful pursuit without the need for starting speed?" Su Lin whispered to himself.

Seeing Su Lin's absent-minded appearance, the disciples of Yixianmen immediately became anxious, and regardless of the etiquette, they stretched out their hands and grabbed Su Lin's arm, intending to lift the Son out of the window.

Su Lin pressed the window sill, withdrew his arm from the opponent's hand, and asked, "Is this car flying faster, or are you flying faster?"

"If I push the flying sword with all my strength, even if I bring you, the holy son, the speeding car will not be able to catch up, so the holy son should hurry up! It will be too late!"

This Ant Immortal Sect disciple's complexion was flushed, and the blood in his body was surging, and he would spit out a mouthful of blood at any time.

He has already adjusted his inner breath to the best state of urging the flying sword, as soon as Su Lin comes up, he can shoot immediately, but now that Su Lin is not moving, he has to forcefully suppress the speed of the flying sword, just like driving a car With one foot on the accelerator and one on the brake, the parts in the body are being worn out rapidly.

Su Lin thought for a few seconds, from his arms

He took out the iron block, threw it into the opponent's arms, and said, "You divide into three groups, and return to the Ant Immortal Gate by different routes. I and they will continue to take this speeding car and go to the sect according to the original route."

"The speeding car is too conspicuous, the Nascent Soul monster is probably chasing you, Son, please follow me!"

"Don't worry, even if I'm caught up, I won't die. On the contrary, the farther you run, the safer I will be. If you can successfully reach the Ant Fairy Gate, even if I am captured alive, you can use that iron block to bring me back." , don't hesitate any longer, hurry up and go!"

Su Lin turned to look at Nan Zhixian: "You can go with them, they fly fast."

"I'd better stay here." Nan Zhixian smiled without moving his butt.

Seeing that Su Lin had made up his mind, the three disciples no longer hesitated. They turned around and turned into three phantoms, fleeing in three directions, east, west, east, and west, and disappeared into the night in a blink of an eye.

Su Lin's flying car continued to fly southeast at a steady speed.

Although this speeding car is the easiest target for Taolin Sanren to catch up with, Su Lin's decision has been carefully considered.

The disciples of the Ant Immortal Sect proposed to escape with swords separately, which is certainly a solution, but Su Lin can only guarantee that he will not be abandoned, but he cannot guarantee that Luo Huainan will not be abandoned.

Luo Huainan is now an ordinary person, and Feijian will slow down by one more person. If the monk who led Luo Huainan to escape is caught up by Taolin Sanren, there is no guarantee that he will not leave Luo Huainan and escape alone. escape.

In order to prevent this from happening, letting Luo Huainan stay under his nose is the best way.

The target of Taolin Sanren is actually the iron block. Su Lin let the Ant Immortal Sect disciple run away with the iron block, which is equivalent to leaving a life-saving talisman. As long as the other party can send the iron block to the Ant Immortal Sect, they personal safety can be guaranteed.

As for Nan Zhixian... Su Lin didn't care too much. It would be best if he died, but keeping him would have other magical uses.

Su Lin lifted a corner of the curtain of the chariot, peeped out, and saw Taolin Sanren driving a wooden boat, chasing straight to the north. The disciples who fled in that direction did not bring iron pieces. This is what Su Lin wanted to see the most. situation.

Now, they are safe.

Just as Su Lin breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly heard a crisp sound from a corner of the chariot. Looking up, he saw a sharp

Unknowingly when, the wooden branch pierced through the partition and was inserted into the compartment. A peach blossom slowly bloomed on the wooden branch, and a burst of fragrant floral fragrance instantly filled the entire compartment.


Su Lin heard rustling sounds like termites gnawed on the top, bottom, left, and right sides. The wooden boards of the frame decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the runes imprinted on the speeding car flashed on and off several times before completely dimming. .

Accompanied by a violent shaking, Su Lin felt his world spinning, and his whole body entered a state of weightlessness.

They are falling!

Luo Huainan's face was pale, and he tightly grasped Su Lin's right hand without saying a word.

Tian Zun turned around in the air without gravity expressionlessly, and kicked the decaying and fragile speeding car away. Sawdust was flying all over the sky, and the high-altitude gale rushed towards Su Lin's sleeve robe.

He saw the peach-red splendor in the distance, which turned into a star point the size of a fingernail and disappeared from his field of vision.

It turned out that Taolin Sanren guessed that the people who rode in the flying car did not have the ability to fly with a sword. He only needed to destroy the chariot, and they would either fall to their deaths or travel on foot.

In any case, he could rush back to deal with them after killing Yu Jian's fleeing monks.

Tianzun stretched his body in the air, and fell calmly, his long hair flying in the wind, like a swooping bird.

Su Lin clenched his teeth, remembering the lines he saw in Gu Yunsheng's dream, which were the material lines mentioned by Tianzun.

With the activation of magical powers, the true appearance of the space became clear in Su Lin's eyes. Trees, wind, earth, mountains, everything was presented in front of him in the form of dense black lines, and Luo Huainan beside him also became A man made of strings.

The ground gradually approached, Su Lin stretched out his left hand, and the palm sank into the soft soil. He touched gravel, gravel, and tender grass blades rooted in the soil.

In Setsuna, where his body was in contact with the ground, an invisible force was evenly exerted on the land, and the soft soil was instantly compacted into a hard clod with a density comparable to rock.

The fluffy grass seems to be overwhelmed by an invisible wall, with its roots clinging to the ground, forming a flat, surreal landscape.

Su Lin let out a muffled grunt, the skin of his left arm that was in contact with the ground cracked, and blood oozed out.

Land safely!

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