Cheerful melodies wafted beneath me, and the merry-go-round, pirate ship, jumping machine, parents and children, and the laughter of couples filled the night sky.

When Su Lin came back to his senses, he found himself sitting in a narrow square box with Tianzun.

Surrounded by transparent glass, you can see the bright neon lights in the distance through the glass. The Ferris wheel is rising to the highest point. From here, you can see the perfect night view of the city. The outside world is noisy, but the inside of the Ferris wheel is extraordinarily quiet.

Suddenly Su Lin understood why the Ferris wheel was chosen as the holy place for confession.

Not only is there a long enough alone time in the Ferris wheel, the girl has nowhere to escape during this time, for a boy who can speak well, these ten minutes are enough to make a cold-blooded crocodile shed tears of emotion.

But Su Lin thinks that this atmosphere of being in the sky, isolated from joy, but still in the midst of joy is the core. This desire to be on the edge of happiness is just like the temptation of a lover before he is sure of his heart.

"Time flies so fast." Tianzun said with a smile.

This time she was dressed like a rebellious high school girl, her delicate face was painted with thick smoky makeup, she was wearing a very short black jacket, and inside was a graffiti-style crop top.

Shiny black leather pants tightened her slender waist, and a collar made of silver crystals was placed on her smooth and delicate neck. Her legs were crossed, her right hand was gracefully resting on her forehead, and the metal chain bracelet was jingling on her wrist.

She stared at Su Lin quietly with a steady gaze that a ruffian shouldn't have. Under the bohemian appearance was a wise and steady soul.

Of course, Su Lin knew that this was all the appearance that the other party wanted him to see, although he didn't know why Tianzun wanted him to see this appearance.

"The body is very healthy, and you are doing well." Tianzun praised without hesitation.

"Didn't you say it will take a month to meet?" Su Lin asked,

"Accidents are always out of the plan. Encounter often disturbs you suddenly when you are busy. Does it bother you?"

The calm tone is full of thoughtful apology, as if knowing that he will be easily forgiven, his attitude is high and low, deliberately keeping aloof, but he can't ignore the intimacy.

"No, on the contrary, I have a lot of questions I want to ask you."

Su Lin went straight to the point: "I dreamed about Zhu Jiuqin, and some people I didn't know. The injuries I suffered in the dream projected into reality."

"I thought you were going to ask something, but the first question you asked was this."

Tianzun stretched his waist, stretched his body against the railing, and looked out the window. Those deep pupils reflected the bright lights of the amusement park, as bright as stars.

"There are many ways to explain this phenomenon, but you still can't understand the correct explanation, so let's use the theories commonly used by immortal cultivators for now.

Of course, there will also be some scientific terms, I think you can understand. "

"Please say."

"What happened to you is called dreaming. Most monks think it's a way for the dead to send messages to the living. Some people think it's the dead wanting to do things for them. Nostalgic, so find someone to talk to.

There are dangers and benefits to being entrusted to the dreamer, but this kind of thing is very uncommon, and few people will encounter it. Only those with extremely special constitutions will encounter it. Your constitution may be special, but there is another possibility.

There is another technique called dream making, which can also achieve a similar effect.

The dream maker imprisoned the souls of the dead in a cautious way, and the souls of the dead were like brains in a vat, which could be fast-forwarded or slowed down by the dreamer at will.

They react to what happens in their dreams in their truest character.

In other words, if Gu Yunsheng stood in front of the Xuanjian Hall back then and did the same thing as you, then those elders would also react the same as in the dream.

They still shout 'You are Su Lin! ’, and then rushed up to chop you. "

Su Lin frowned even tighter, he felt that Tianzun was avoiding the important ones.

"The question is how could they recognize me? I haven't traveled to this world at that time? Could it be that the future me will travel back to the past?"

Tianzun let out a hearty laugh, took out a can of iced Coke from the handbag next to him and handed it to Su Lin.


return to the past? It depends on how to explain it. Time needs a frame of reference. Let me make an analogy.

For example, there are two worlds, world a and world b. I chose a protagonist a in world a. This protagonist lived an ordinary life like other ordinary people. Then at the moment he died, I resurrected him.

Not only do I want to resurrect him, but I also want to completely return the world he lives in to what he looked like when he was twenty years old. All the substances in this world have been adjusted to his twenty-year-old appearance. It's like going back in time.

However, at this time, the time of world b continues to flow, and the civilization there continues to develop.

In this way, let the protagonist A continue to be reborn in his world and experience a new life. During the period when he experiences repeated lives and makes new choices, the world B moves forward all the way. The dead people die forever, and the new ones Babies keep being born.

Then please answer, in this case, is the protagonist a going back to the past? "

Su Lin said without thinking: "No, he just keeps returning to an environment that is exactly the same as before."

Tianzun nodded with a smile: "That's right, so the definition of time is not that important. There has never been such a saying as going back to the past. Going back to the past is just an illusion created by individuals separating their own consciousness from the environment.

The protagonist A came to the world decades ago with the memory of returning. He thought he was reborn and returned to the past, so he arrogantly separated himself from the world.

If the protagonist a has a little bit of self-knowledge and can admit that he is a part of this world, then he will realize that he has never been reborn, the world is always changing, and he himself is the frame of reference for the world change.

He will also humbly revise his rhetoric: I have not returned to the past, but have come to a new world centered on me, and the new time will use me as a reference. "

Su Lin nodded half-understanding, and took a sip of the ice-cola.

After Tianzun's lecture, his thinking jumped out of the original frame, and those unbelievable dreams became a little bit normal, which could at least explain why the injuries in dreams would be brought to reality.

But he still couldn't figure out that the person in the dream would know him. Could it be such a coincidence that there was also a person named Su Lin many years ago?

It just doesn't feel right.

"Don't think about it, it must be logical, and there must be a reasonable truth hidden behind it. The most taboo thing about playing jigsaw puzzles is to start the game before you get all the puzzles. Can you be a little patient?"

"I'm curious, as a god, you should be able to find out the history of this world easily.

You only need to find a few more believers and overlap their chronological memories, and you can construct a more detailed history than the history books, and know the truth about the Fallen God. Why do you need someone like me to help you? "

"It seems that you have forgotten that the key lies in the senses. Human senses are not perfect, and the history experienced by human beings is only true to human beings.

I hope you can use the perspective as close to God as possible to rediscover everything that happened in the past three thousand years. "

"Three thousand years? Is this period of time special?"

"Yes, this is related to my fallen kind, considering your limited ability, three thousand years is probably the limit.

Of course, the so-called limit is actually a fictitious concept, it does not exist, just like the chance of human becoming a god is much smaller than this, but for us who are watching, one person will definitely become a god in the end.

Su Lin, I am very optimistic about you, so I will not count all your predictions.

God, in fact, is the most believe in the existence of miracles. "Tianzun said with a smile.

"Frankly speaking, I'm a little disappointed in God, and it's a little bit different from what I imagined." Su Lin said casually.

Tianzun suddenly let out a wanton laugh, even if it was a wild laugh, there was no flaw in her beauty, 360 degrees perfect with no dead ends.

After an unknown amount of time, she put away her smile and showed a happy and satisfied expression to Su Lin.

"If you are disappointed in God, you must at least define God? The statement of omniscience and omnipotence is completely unqualified in my opinion."

At this time, the Ferris wheel has risen to the highest point, and the surrounding lines suddenly began to twist and stretch, and the scene changed at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, came

A place that I don't know what words to use to describe it.

This weird space is like a universe, but it is composed of chaotic lines, messy mosaics and pixels flickering in it, like an abstract painting, or a damaged electronic screen.

Only there are no stars here, but its vastness and vastness give Su Lin the concept of the universe. In Su Lin's narrow thinking and known vocabulary, the universe is the closest word to here.

Tianzun took Su Lin's hand and suspended in this "universe". She pointed to a bright white dot in the distance and said:

"That's the singularity, the point of origin of the evolution of the universe traced by the Big Bang cosmology, or the center of a black hole.

You think that its density is infinite, and the curvature of space-time is infinite, and it is a form of the existence of the universe before the big bang.

It has a series of strange properties, such as infinite material density, infinitely curved space-time and infinitely close to 0 entropy.

Your original world did come from a singularity, but you can’t see anything beyond the universe. Now you are outside the universe, and those lines appear as time and causal parts. I endow you with temporary perception, and you see them.

The singularity isn't bright white either, I just made it white for you to see clearly, and now I'm going to snuff it out. "

Tianzun stretched out his hand, and the bright white singularity disappeared, leaving nothing special. Biqu library

But Su Lin was surprised to find that there was no shock in his heart.

Because he lacks a specific impression of the singularity, although his knowledge tells him that the singularity is the origin of the universe, Su Lin feels that this origin is not as meaningful as anyone around him, or even a piece of grass.

The death of an unborn universe did not cause any waves in his heart. The destruction was too grand to be felt at all.

"Is the omniscient and omnipotent you talk about really omniscient and omnipotent in the literal sense? It's like God can create a stone that he can't lift?

Wrong, the word omniscient and omnipotent has only pointed to one meaning since it was invented-the inability to think of the power to overcome the possibility. "

The definition is tacky to the extreme, but it has a specific deep meaning after careful consideration.

Su Lin's thoughts began to wander, and his attention was not on the universe outside this universe, but on Tianzun.

He wondered why Tianzun brought him here, just to show him how to destroy the singularity?

But why show him the power of God?

Is it because I offended God’s pride by saying something casually just now?

No, it's not, Tianzun said that she has no human feelings, so the self-righteous pride and pride of human beings cannot be applied to her.

Then there is only one answer, Tianzun behaved as human as possible in front of him.

Killing a singularity to shape one's own character design is something Su Lin can't imagine.

Su Lin thought of the fight with Liu Lu last time, the killing was thrilling to Su Lin, and he almost fell into madness, but in the tens of billions of years after a singularity exploded, this madness was insignificant, Insignificant as dust.

However, Tianzun doesn't care about the singularity she just destroyed, but cares about his feelings and thoughts at the moment.

The infinite grand possibility has become a showpiece for this tiny human being.

"Mustard Sumeru, it's not a fake. You will understand this demonstration in the future." Tianzun said seriously.

After finishing speaking, in the blink of an eye, Su Lin returned to the Ferris wheel. The Ferris wheel was still at the highest point of the city, and Su Lin hadn't recovered from the perspective of God just now, but Tianzun talked about Su in a very down-to-earth manner. Lin's current situation:

"I sent many believers to your place. You should also know that many believers are crazy and may kill you."

"Oh." Su Lin nodded indifferently.

He actually had a lot of doubts in his heart, but he was too lazy to ask.

For example, why are you all your believers, but you allow them to kill me, and you can kill the singularity with a gesture of your hand, but you can't handle such a simple thing as believers killing each other.

Is this also the screening condition for god candidates?

"It's confusing, isn't it? Goals that are too far away can be disorienting. Let's talk about it later.

From now on, I will be by your side. Of course, the topic of conversation must be much lower-end. "

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