Di Daughter: The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 1581: 887 Vulnerability

In the small cell, only an oil lamp in the corner glowed dimly.

Xiao Yi and Guan Yu calmly sat down on the crosschairs moved by the two guards. The bamboo was waiting for the tea, and the fragrance of the tea diffused the faint musty smell in the dungeon, as if they were not in the dark. The dungeon is like a tea room.

After the initial ecstasy, Bai Muxiao's heart became more and more tense, and her heartbeat echoed like a drum. She knew that she had to seize this opportunity before she could leave this ghost place.

Thinking, Bai Muxiao clenched his fist, stepped forward, and said eagerly: "Xiao Shizi, no matter what you and Hou Ye want to know, I can tell you!"

"Oh?" Xiao Yi frowned, as if smiling, as if to say, what can you tell me?

Bai Muxiao thought quickly, Xiao Yi asked his men to tie himself from the king to Nanjiang for thousands of miles. There must have been a plan. She originally thought it was because Nangong Yu had old grudges with herself and wanted to humiliate herself in person, so The queen queen went out and gave herself to Zhennan Palace.

But at this moment, she knew she was wrong. Since Xiao Yi came here in official language, it meant that this matter had nothing to do with Nan Gongxi ... Is it because of Xiye?

Thinking of the fact that Han Lingfu did not stop the southern army when the Western Night attacked the Western Territory two years ago, Bai Muxiao thought the truth, and almost pleased how Han Lingfu challenged the imperial emperor to the Zhennan Royal Mansion at the time, and he and the Western General Everything about Tinghai's cooperation ...

Hearing that Xiao Yi was showing impatience, he had no interest in listening to Wang Du's messy mess, and it was not for this reason.

"Enough!" Xiao Yi interrupted Bai Muxiao directly. "Ben Shizi is not interested in these. Ben Shizi just wants to know where the design drawings of the crossbow presented by Han Lingfu came from!"

Bai Muxiao didn't expect Xiao Yi to lift the crossbow, and he couldn't help but stunned, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

In order to make Han Lingfu show up in front of the emperor, she gave Han Lingfu drawings to Han Lingfu. However, Han Lingfu was incompetent and the produced crossbow was useless. Since then, she forgot about it until Xiao Today, Yi reverted to the old thing.

Bai Muxiao half-closed her eyes and suddenly wanted to understand.

That's it!

It turned out that Xiao Yi had taken her to South Xinjiang with great pains and pains, for the drawing of the crossbow.

Also, the crossbow she provided is a weapon beyond this era. Han Ling's vision is short-sighted, but she has the wisdom to see the heroes!

Unlike Han Lingfu, Xiao Yi and Guan Yubai are both proud and arrogant!

Bai Muxiao couldn't help his heartbeat speeding up, and once fell into the heart of despair, a cluster of hope appeared.

She raised her eyes and looked at the two of them, and said, "The crossbow is my design!" She said quickly, her eyes flashed in the yellow light of the oil lamp.

She is lying! Xiao Yi saw the guilty conscience in her eyes at one glance, and exchanged a look with Guan Yubai on the side, both of them knew well.

The corner of Xiao Yi's mouth was slightly curved, with a touch of ridicule, the heart said: Bai Mu Xiao really likes to be smart by herself!

If the non-official language Bai Qiuxian is thirsty and wants to find the real designer of the crossbow for use by Da Yue, Xiao Yi does not want to bother Bai Muxiao. For Xiao Yi, it doesn't matter who designed the crossbow. As long as he and Xiaobai join forces, no one can stand in front of them!

Guan Yubai closed the tea lid, put down the tea cup in her hand, and suddenly said, "White girl, the crossbow you designed can make twelve consecutive shots with a range of 800 steps. Its exquisiteness is rare in the world ... I am very impressed by White Girl's unique insights on machine spring weapons.

Bai Muxiao straightened her waist plate confidently, her eyes sparkled, and she smiled slightly, "Houye passed the prize."

Guan Yubai said slowly: "I'm currently working on a kind of sleeve arrow, but on the machine spring, I encountered some obstacles and couldn't understand it. I asked Bai to mention ..." Yu Bai made a gesture, and the fourth child took out a roll of parchment from his sleeve.

Arrow? !! Bai Muxiao's complexion changed slightly, and her heart twitched. For her, the arrow was just the name that appeared in the textbook, and she knew nothing about it.

But the skill of the machine spring is the same, she can't say that she doesn't understand the arrow ...

She must find a way to hit the West!

Bai Muxiao's thoughts turned quickly, her eyes became firm, and she said with a smile: "Houye, the technique of machine spring is just a trail." She stroked her sleeves and talked eloquently. "The root cause is Fangdao. Xiao Shizi, Hou Ye, as long as the two promised to let me go, I would like to offer an iron smelting technique, which can improve the shortcomings of the iron, and make the iron lighter and harder, and at the same time have better toughness! "

Xiao Yi and Guan Yubai should be able to understand that once she has iron-smelting, Nanjiang will far surpass Dayu in forging weapons and other iron weapons. In the era of swords and guns as the main weapon, this will make the South Xinjiang Army ’s Fighting power far exceeds other countries, even if Xiao Yi wants to send troops northward in the future, it is very likely!

Thinking, Bai Muxiao's eyes shot a sharp light, radiant.

Xiao Yi touched his chin, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became stronger and more interesting. He faintly understood that in the past, Han Lingfu should have been so fooled by this woman.

Bai Muxiao looked at the two with anticipation, thinking that Xiao Yi would question her about iron smelting, but saw that the other party was drinking his tea leisurely, as if he had never heard of it.

At the same time, Xiaosi has reached Bai Muxiao and opened the roll of parchment.

The official language said lightly: "Please ask White Girl for advice."

Looking at the complicated and elaborate sleeve and arrow structure and notes on the sheepskin drawing, Bai Muxiao was stiff, her lips were trembling, and her mind was confused. I did n’t know how to respond, and finally asked stiffly: "I do n’t know how Hou wants to improve Where? In my opinion, there is no problem with this drawing. "

"Are you sure of White Girl?" Bai Bai's tone was light, but she was pressing step by step.

Is there anything wrong with this drawing? Bai Muxiao's pupils shrank, her heart suddenly lifted up.

Suddenly, she understood that Guan Yubai's so-called consultation was just an excuse. The other person's real purpose was to see if she had learned anything.

Guan Yubai uses soldiers like gods and both military and military skills. He is not only clever, but also meticulous, like Zhuge. He is not a character who can easily get over the border! Not to mention, he was prepared.

Silence permeated the cell, and everyone didn't speak, but looked at Bai Muxiao quietly. The temperature around him seemed to drop a lot in just a few breaths. Bai Muxiao only felt a chill rising from the bottom of his heart. Up.

Xu Xun, Bai Muxiao bit her lower lip and finally said, "Since Houye guessed it, I will not conceal it anymore, even the crossbow is not my design ..."

This answer was as expected by Xiao Yi and Guan Yubai, both of whom were indifferent.

"Dare to ask where did White Girl come from?" Guan Yubai continued to ask.

Bai Muxiao's eyes trembled and said vaguely: "I inadvertently found a book from overseas in a bookstore and got it from the book. Also, what I said about ironmaking ..."

Unfortunately, Xiao Yi and Guan Yubai had no interest in listening, and stood up. They all saw the erratic movement in Bai Muxiao's eyes, knowing that she was just trying to get confused.

There was still a slight smile on the corner of Guanyu's white mouth, saying: "Since the white girl was only accidentally acquired, then I must have limited knowledge ... Ai, let's go."

Having said that, the two walked towards the outside of the cell one after the other, nostalgia.

Bai Muxiao's face suddenly disappeared, trying to stop them nervously: "Houye, listen to me ..."

She thought she could make them amazing and admire with iron smelting skills, and then gain a foothold in Nanjiang and get a new life!

She thought she thought of her amazing talents, and based on her knowledge of others, Xiao Yi and Guan Yubai would definitely appreciate her talents.

She thought that Xiao Yi could even reuse Han Huaijun and Fu Yunhe, and presumably the people were eclectic. The only thing was, so she should use her too!

She had no idea that they would react this way, and they just left.

"Xiao Shizi ..."

Bai Muxiao also wanted to step forward and wanted to stop the two, but was stopped by a guard.

The guard impatiently pushed Bai Muxiao with a scabbard.

She took a few steps back, only watching Xiao Yi and Guan Yubai stride out of the cell.

Immediately afterwards, the guards moved away from the chair and the case, and then a "bang", the heavy cell door closed again, and only Bai Muxiao was left in the cell, shrouded in despair loneliness and darkness ... ...

As for Xiao Yi and Guan Yubai, they have stepped out of the dungeon. Behind the two, the dungeon door was slammed and closed from the inside, everything in the courtyard was restored as usual, the birds were fragrant, the wind was beautiful.

The two walked forward leisurely, Xiao Yiman's careless voice came from the wind: "Xiao Bai, what do you think?"

"She didn't tell the truth." Guan Yubai said with certainty.

"Oh?" Xiao Yi raised an eyebrow at Guan Yubai.

"She said that she accidentally saw the drawing of a crossbow from an overseas book. Assuming that the ironsmithing she just mentioned also came from that book, she could barely make sense." Guan Yubai did not slow down. Analyzes, "How can you explain those amazing but amazing poems?"

Will there never be another ancient book that records many unknown poems? !!

Xiao Yi's instinct also told him that Bai Muxiao was lying, and he casually said, "Then stop until she says it!"

For Xiao Yi, Bai Muxiao was insignificant, that is, he was locked up for a meal.

Between words, the two came to a fork near Dongyimen, and Xiao Yi stopped and pointed to the right side: "Xiao Bai, my grandfather intends to leave for Hecheng today, and I will send him off."

Guan Yubai responded and said, "Ai, please send my regards to the elderly."

The two parted ways here, one returned to Qingyunwu, the other went towards the bluestone slab path on the right and went to Tingyu Pavilion.

Before entering the courtyard, Xiao Yi heard a familiar burst of laughter coming from the other side of the wall. Obviously, Nangong Yu and Xiao Yu were one step ahead of him.

Xiao Yi's lips angled slightly, and he stepped quickly into the courtyard. At a glance, he saw two big and two young people talking at a stone table under a sycamore tree.

Mrs. Fang was sitting in a wheelchair, holding a red badger in her arms, looking down at the cute little baby in the badger. He played with a finger while holding a small ball, his eyes narrowed with a smile.

Xiao Xiao yawned lazily and closed his eyes.

Xiao Xiaoyu was standing next to Mrs. Fang's wheelchair and explained in a serious manner: "My great-grandfather, my brother is sleeping most of the day, my mother said that my brother is growing up." Obviously he is also growing up, not as much as his brother. many! Who makes him an older brother, can only take care of this lazy brother!

Looking at Xiao Xiaoyu's appearance of a small adult, Grandma Fang laughed even more, and said, "Our brother Yu is really smart and knows a lot." Grandma Fang said as she handed her aunt to her breasts. mother.

Of course! Xiao Xiaoyu proudly straightened his chest, and then put his head in the arms of the old man, and coquettishly said, "Maternal grandfather, come back soon! My brother and I will miss you!"

Xiao Xiaoyu seemed to be afraid of the old man's disbelief, and added quickly: "I really want to miss it!"

Nangong Ai sat aside and looked at Xiao Xiaoyu with a smirk, and her brother Yu's mouth was like wiping honey.

Mrs. Fang was reluctant at first, and was told by Xiao Yu that it was a moment of divorce, and her eyes were sour, and she hurriedly said, "The great-grandfather will miss our brother Yu!"

Mrs. Fang touched the little boy's furry head lovingly, her eyes softened.

If there is something to do, Mrs. Fang would not want to leave Bixiaotang. To him, Bixiaotang is already his home. The grandson and grandson are filial, but the two great-grandchildren are lovely and caring.

But he had to go back this time.

In a few days, the ancestral sacrifice of the Fang family will be once a year. As the representative of the long house, how can he go back to the ancestral home!

Nangong Yan was just about to say something, and a long purple figure came into the yard just out of the corner of his eyes. He was suddenly attracted attention and shouted, "Ayi!"

"Daddy!" Xiao Xiaoyu also saw Xiao Yi, hurried to run over, was hugged by his father in his arms, and then kissed his father on the face.

Xiao Xiaoyu really misses Daddy. Recently, Dad is always away!

When the little guy woke up, his mother said that his father had gone out, and he didn't see his father return before going to bed at night.

Mrs. Fang also knew that Xiao Yi was very busy, so yesterday Xiao Yi came to ask him for an hour, so he let Xiao Yi not use him today, anyway, he just went out for a few days.

When he was done, he would return immediately, and he would also witness the establishment of Yue Guo with his own eyes. This is the work of his grandson!

Thinking, Old Fang's heart was in a turmoil, watching the pair of extremely similar fathers and sons approaching to himself.

"Maternal grandfather," Xiao Yihan laughed, "I have arranged several escorts to **** you back to Hecheng."

Recently, the founding of China was complicated. Xiao Yi was so busy that he only had time to go back to bed, and Nangong Yu had just given birth. The couple could n’t pull out, so he had to **** Bi Xiaotang's **** this time. The old lady went back.

Mrs. Fang was not polite to Xiao Yi either, and she answered, and said, "Ai Yi, it's not too early, and I should set off."

Old Fang looked at Xiao Yi's family of four in a hurry, his eyes finally fell on Xiao Xiaoying's sleeping face, and the cloudy eyes filled with smiles.

On this trip, he returned to the Fang family ancestral home in Hecheng not only for ancestor worship, but also for another purpose. He wanted to take this opportunity to talk to the clan patriarch about his idea of ​​giving Xiaofang to the long house.

The grandfather had great rules, and the old lady Fang secretly pondered that she would formally propose to Zhennan King when his elder brother was one year old, but before that, he had to breathe in the Fang clan.

After that, Xiao Yi pushed Mrs. Fang's wheelchair to Dongyimen in person and took him to the carriage. Then the family of four stood still and watched the carriage out of the house. They rushed away and disappeared quickly. The end of ...

Xiao Xiaoyu was a little depressed because of the departure of Old Fang, but after a while, a little black and white cat ran enthusiastically to scratch his calf, and the little boy smiled again.


The kitten is his new playmate, and he also named it Go.

Today Xiao Xiaoyu, besides studying with her mother, is taking care of her younger brother and Go, and her life is very busy and fulfilling ...

A few days later, the little guy was reading with his mother in the small study as usual, and suddenly, a rough curtain sounded, and his thrush rushed in panting, and he ignored the doubtful eyes of others, anxiously exclaimed:

"Shi Zifei, and the news from U-Cheng just said that it was Old Fang who was seriously ill!"

The surrounding air suddenly became cold.

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