Di Daughter: The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 1538: 843 well deserved (one more)

A curved silver moon hung high in the night sky, dripping with icy moonlight, starry night.

The night between the mountains and forests is especially dark, and the surroundings are quiet. The shadowy trees are like a group of magic dancing on the dark night, and the cold mountain wind blows from time to time, blowing the surrounding trees, shrubs, and bushes. After night, these sounds seem to be infinitely amplified ...

Another mountain breeze blew, and a shudder sounded in the bushes behind, as if something was hiding in it.

Xiao Min subconsciously took his footsteps, looked at the sound, and swallowed a little nervously, fearing that a hungry wild wolf would emerge from the bushes in the next instant.

Xiao Yan's body was still wearing that aqua-green riding suit, but a lot of dust had been stained on the dress, and the neatly cramped meniscus also looked a little messy, with a few strands of hair scattered on the cheeks and ears. side.

The surroundings soon calmed down again, and everything was silent.

Xiao Yan grasped the cold sweat from his forehead, biting the pale white cherry lips, and continued to walk forward with difficulty.

This afternoon, she and Yuan Yuyi, Chang Huanwei, and three other girls came out to ride horses. They are all girls' homes. They did not intend to go far or hunt. They just wanted to ride horses and walk freely in the mountains and forests.

After riding the horse for more than half an hour, they planned to return to the camp. However, at that time, the girl Peng suddenly wanted to let go, and the rest of them simply dismounted and rested in the same place, watching the flowers by the way.

Who knows, a wild cormorant sprang out of the bushes unexpectedly, so Peng's horse was frightened, but it was not tied, and she went deep into the woods. Xiao Xuan just got close and chased instinctively.

She didn't feel how far she had gone, and when she came back, she found that she was the only one left ...

She didn't dare to continue chasing the horse and tried to return to the same road, but the trees and trees in the woods looked almost the same. After a fragrant incense, Xiao Yan failed to return to the place where they had rested before she was sure she was lost.

At first, she also tried to distinguish the direction according to the direction of the sunset, but the sunset was extremely fast. After the sunset rose, she was lost again ...

Looking up at Jiao Jiao Mingyue in the night sky, Xiao Yan looked at her right foot with a grin.

When she walked down the mountain road a moment ago, her soles slipped and she stomped her feet. This is really an old saying: "Fu Wushuang arrives, misfortunes don't come alone."

At night the mountains were getting colder and colder, Xiao Yan took a deep breath, endured the pain in his feet, and continued to move forward.

"Hmm ..."

There was another swaying sound of branches and leaves, Xiao Xun glanced at it, but saw the bushes not far away in turmoil violently ... The sharp teeth of Bai Sensen suddenly protruded from the dark green leaves, Followed by the head of a gray wolf squeezed out, the twin pupils shot a cold fierce light in the night, scared Xiao Xuan back a half step.

And that's it!

Xiao Yan stared at the fierce pupils stupidly, his head bowed, and at the same time, the wolf head also tilted.

"Eagle Eagle!"


The sound of one person and one dog just overlapped together. The grey giant dog flew from the bush vigorously and ran towards her excitedly. The fluffy tail behind him fluttered like a broom ...


Xi Ying lay his forelegs enthusiastically on Xiao Yan's body, and Shen's heavy body fluttered Xiao Xiao a step, almost not standing still.

But the hawk was unknowingly. It vomited a long tongue, and licked it again and again, and after a while, Xiao Yan's chest became suspiciously moist.

However, at this moment, Xiao Yan can't take care of it anymore. The original anxiety was dissipated by the appearance of Xun Ying, and his mind was a lot lighter.

"Eagle Eagle!"

She gently touched the top of the hawk eagle, finally calmed it down, leaned against it, and asked, "Hawk, did you come to me?"

At this time, the elder brother and the aunt must have known about her loss. Presumably someone has been sent to search in this Wanqing Mountain, but the forest is rugged and complicated, and it is night. It may take some time to find her ...

Thinking, Xiao Yan frowned slightly, and Ying Ying shook his tail and made a "Wang" sound, and turned around her twice, then looked up at her, his pupils were very focused.

I do not know why, this moment Xiao Yan even thought of his own brother Yu looked forward to looking at himself when he said he wanted to play with her.

Wu Ying saw that she did not respond, looked around, and then a piece of dead branches came to her hands, then squatted down and hurriedly "wang".

Xiao Yan had to throw out the dead branches, and Xun Ying chased them out excitedly. He jumped lightly, biting the dead branches, and came back again. He put the dead branches into Xiao Yan's hands again, with a look on his face. Looking at her expectantly.

Sure enough, it just wants her to play with it.

Xiao Min touched the stupid dog, no matter whether he could understand it or not, he said, "Yi Ying, my feet are sloppy and I can't play with you. Can you find someone?"

The gray dog ​​tilted its head and looked at her quietly.

Xiao Xuan sighed helplessly, and was about to throw away the dead branch in his hand again, and suddenly the light flashed, thinking of something.

Maybe it's worth a try!

Xiao Yan's eyes flickered, and he decisively tore the square green-green parcel in half, tied the two ends together, and then put it on the neck of the eagle.

"Eagle Eagle." Xiao Yan released a white jade ring from his waist and handed it to the grey dog. The grey dog ​​shook his tail and cheerfully bit the white jade ring.

Xiao Xun pointed in the direction it came from, and said positively: "Yu Ying, go to your master!"

The hawk did not move. It was not until Xiao Yan said it again that it stood up, wagging its tail and ran away from the usual way, blinking, and its body disappeared into the bushes.

Since Xun Ying likes to play tossing games with others, if it goes well, it should take her jade to go back to find its owner ... even if it is playful, throw away jade accidentally, the pouch around its neck should You can also help her pass the message, provided that if Ying Ying is not lost ...

Xiao Yan smiled bitterly. She didn't know if the plan would go well, but it was more reliable than walking on the mountain and walking blindly ...

What I can do next is wait in place.

Xiao Xuan glanced around and couldn't care less about it. He sat down under a big tree and leaned back on the trunk behind him, exhaling a long breath.

After sitting down, thick tiredness surged up like a tide. She had been walking alone in the mountains for more than an hour, her legs and feet had been sore, especially her right foot.

The night was getting deeper and colder, Xiao Xun bent his knees and hugged his knees, and he fell into a ball.

Time became particularly slow at this time, and there was silence all around. Since there was nothing to do, she counted silently and slowly in her heart: one, two, three ...

one thousand and One……

Two thousand and one ...

Xiao Xun became increasingly disturbed until she counted "two thousand two hundred and twenty-two", when a gust of night wind blew, and a faint "Wang" came.

This dog barking sounded like a sound to Xiao Xiao at the moment.

Huo Di stood up and listened, her horseshoe faintly heard from the right front, coming to this side, and the familiar dog bark sounded from time to time.

Wu Ying is back, and he brought people!

Great! Xiao Xi was so happy that after a while, he saw the flames of two jumps getting closer and brighter in the dark ...

A healthy grey dog ​​was running in front of him excitedly, and behind them were two young men rushing back and forth, one in a blue robe and one in a blue robe. The torches in their hands illuminated the surroundings ...


The hawk-eagle with that green-green pouch around his neck rushed to Xiao Yue first, and then fluttered with excitement. Xiao Xiao's back slammed into the rear trunk and the tree. Branches swaying.

Looking at the heavy dog ​​pressing on himself, Xiao Xun could not help radiating a bright smile.

"Eagle, you are back!"

She always smiled and held back, but now she was different. The smile on her lips was like a blooming jasmine, beautiful and touching, attracting two hot eyes.

The two young men rolled over and strode toward Xiao Yu in stride, it was Yan Xijun and Chang Huaixi.

"Eagle eagle!" As Yan Xijun uttered his voice, he stretched his hands around the grey dog's neck, dragged it back, and pulled out a white jade ring from the belt and handed it to him. "Xiao Xiao, Is this yours? "

Xiao Yan hasn't spoken yet, and Ying Ying has "wang" for her, and seems to be saying yes.

Xiao Ying responded, took over his jade pendant, and looked down at Ying Ying at the same time. I did not expect that this silly dog ​​had been obediently holding her jade pendant ... Thinking, the smile in her eyes was stronger.

"Girl Xiao, are you okay?" Chang Huaixi asked immediately, showing care.

"Changgong, Yangong, thank you for the two sons." Xiao Xunfu thanked him and said, "I'm fine, I just stomped my right foot ..."

The two sons subconsciously looked at Xiao Yue's right foot, followed Chang Huaixi's **** in a ring, and blew a crisp whistle, and his black horse came pacing.

At this time, Xiao Yan did not twiddle, and got on the dark horse with the help of the two.

"Let's hurry back to the camp."

Yan Xijun said, also pulled his own horse.

The two youths led their respective horse roads to return. As for Ying Ying, instead of following his master, he was surrounded by Xiao Yan, and occasionally rushed to the front, then ran back again, and the black horse straddling Xiao Xiao. They yelled and jumped next to each other, showing off the existence, but dilute the embarrassment between the three ...

Looking at Yan Ying, Xiao Yan's mouth slightly tilted, turning his head to Yan Xijun who walked on the left and said positively, "Yan Gongzi, thanks to Luo Ying found me today, what does it like? I want to thank him."


Wu Ying yelled in front of Yan Xijun and shook his tail in excitement.

Yan Xijun glanced at it expressionlessly and squeezed out a word: "Play."

This stupid dog has nothing to eat but play ... But it's rare to be smart today.

Thinking, Yan Xijun's calm eyes were slightly softened, go back and add a piece of meat and bones.

Xiao Min nodded, thinking, "Gongzi Yan, when I return to Luo Yuecheng, I will prepare some gadgets for your house." Wu Ying seems to like Xiaoju like his nephew, or she will give him an orange Cat puppet?

Who would have thought that after Xiao Yan's words fell, the atmosphere became extremely weird at one moment, and it was surprisingly quiet.

The two men stared at each other intuitively, a little surprised. Doesn't she know? !!

Xiao stunned and explained in a serious way: "I'll let Dasao show up ... it won't ruin Yan Gongzi's reputation." She thought they were worried that she would give gifts to Yanfu, which would lead other houses to speculate that she and Yan Fu's marriage was discussed, which hindered Yan Xijun's marriage.

Xiao Huai ’s explanation made Chang Huaixi's eyes even more weird, but Yan Xijun smiled slightly and said, "Miss Xiao has misunderstood. I don't live in Yanfu now ..."

Followed by, he gave Xiao Yi a mansion to him, and he moved out of Yan Mansion in two words in a nutshell.

Xiao Yan looked at Yan Xijun in surprise. At this moment, she knew that Yan Xijun had moved away from Yan House, and she was stunned.

Chang Huaixi's eyebrows were locked tightly, and Yan Xijun was injustice: "For this matter, there have been many rumors in Luo Yue City in the past two months, saying what 'parents are, regardless of family,' rebuking A Jun for being filial. People, you know how to talk in the wind! "

Xiao Xuan looked down, thoughtfully, she had seen Mrs. Yan, her aunt and sister ... and knew that Yan Xijun was struggling in Yanfu, and he made this decision helplessly.

Xiao Yingying's lips were slightly stunned, and a certain part of her heart was touched. For a time, many pictures flashed quickly in her mind, thinking of her brother Xiao Yi, and her mother Xiao Fang ...

When the mother was alive, she always said that her brother was not filial.

After the elder brother got married, his mother said that he was not filial ...

And myself ...

As long as you disobey the mother, it is filial piety.

Is it filial or not? !!

Xiao Zheng looked up at the silver moon in the night sky, his eyes flickered slightly, and only the man on the left hand said slowly: "The world says that the word filial piety comes first, but if the parents are unkind, do children still have to listen to it? ? "

Xiao Yan looked for a moment, and looked at Yan Xijun again.

Yan Xijun's deep eyes were firm and decisive, and he said, "I just have to remember that men have something to do and not do!"

He is a sister-in-law, fighting for his own future, and the reward of the grandfather of the world is that he fought back with his life. Why not? !!

In the future, he will support his parents and glorify the Yan family, but he will not be dumb to exchange his mediocrity for a word of "filial piety"! If there is gain, there will be loss. He wants to skyrocket, so why stick to his reputation? !!

Looking at his firm side face, Xiao Yan smiled, his black eyes twinkled like a cold star in the jumping fire, and said loudly: "But please be ashamed and live up to time."

Life is alive, and it is impossible to make everyone happy. The mother was wrong, she was wrong, and she just asked for conscience!

Yan Xijun froze, his eyes glowed brilliantly, staring at Xiao Yan with a burning gaze, and meditated in his heart, but he was ashamed to ask, and lived up to time. I didn't expect she knew him!

At this time, there were sounds of horseshoes and noises in front of them, and orange torches, such as flying fireflies, were faintly visible in front of them ...

As the horses on both sides approached each other, the surrounding air boiled, the coldness in the mountains and forests seemed to be swept away, and a joyful and loud voice came one after another:

"I have found Xiao Xiao!"

"Come on! Go and tell the princes and concubines!"

"Tell everyone else to go back to the camp!"


Xiao Yan had not returned to the camp, the news had returned to the camp as quickly as possible, and spread rapidly. The shadow over the camp was suddenly dissipated and the atmosphere was refreshed ...

At this point it was the willow head on the moon, and everyone had not rested, finally relieved.

Described by the embarrassed Xiao Xie, Xiao Xie limped to the central account of Xiao Yi and Nangong Yu. As soon as she entered the door, she met the worried eyes of Nangong Yu and the disgusting expression of her brother Xiao Yi. Such a big person would be lost!

Xiao Rong didn't go to see Xiao Yi, and he was blessed in front of Nangong, saying, "Oh, you are worried."

Xiao Yan didn't care about Xiao Yi, but he cared about Nangong Yan, and it was hard to hide his guilt and regret.

Dasao has been unwell since she conceived this baby. Dasao has fallen asleep at this time on weekdays, but she still has to worry about herself ...

Seeing Xiao Zheng apologize to himself seriously, Nangong Xu suddenly felt an impulse in his heart and wanted to learn from Xiao Yi's forehead. They are a family, so where you need to be so kind!

Nan Gongxi sighed. Before she could say anything, there was a girl-in-law saying that Yuan Yuyi was here. Then, Zhou Roujia and Chang Huanwei also heard the news. The original empty account was suddenly squeezed. Dangdang, the girls are all around Xiao Yan, you say a word to me, so lively.

"I'm okay, I just stomped my right foot." There was a warm current in Xiao Yan's heart, and he smiled slightly.

On the side of Bai Hui heard the words and said, "Sister, let the slaves come to see your feet."

Bai Hui crouched down, took off her shoes for Xiao Yan herself, carefully checked the injury of her right foot, and then said, "The older girl twisted her ankle. The injury was not serious. The slave girl then applied some ointment to the older girl and raised her. Just four or five days ... "

After hearing that, the girls' half-hanging heart finally let go.

Bai Hui hurriedly took the medicine box, skillfully applied ointment to Xiao Yan's right foot, fixed her ankle with a bandage, and then told her not to touch the area where the medicine was applied in the past few days and try to move as little as possible ...

That is to say, in the next few days, Xiao Yan may only stay in the camp.

Xiao Yan looked down at her right foot, and the girl-in-law Baizhou next to her carefully took notes one by one, and then whispered to Xiao Yue: "Sister, please help you go back and rest ..."

Xiao Zheng didn't move. After a moment of stun, he suddenly returned to God and got up to say goodbye to Nangong Yu and everyone.

Nangong whispered a few words, and it seemed to Xiao Xiao that she looked a little embarrassed. Could it be that she was scared alone on the mountain tonight? !!

It seems that after returning to Luo Yuecheng, he still had to go to Mazu Temple with his sister-in-law to pray for a sign of peace.

Xiao Yuan went away, Yuan Yuyi and others also said goodbye. In the camp, they calmed down from the hustle and bustle. The lights in the camp extinguished one by one. Only the bonfire and torches outside the camp burned to Tianming ...

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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