In the small study room, young men and women who looked like relatives of immortals looked at each other, like a silent game.

As time passed by, Han Lingfu's complexion became more and more ugly, but Bai Muxiao laughed more happily.

Knowing that Han Lingfu was like her, of course guessing what Han Lingfu was thinking, she was disdainful.

She patted the child's back gently and said with a smile: "Master Wang must think clearly."

Bai Muxiao's face wasn't even worried, even confident.

For Han Lingfu, his dedication to the throne can overwhelm everything ...

Han Lingfu's thin lips moved, her forehead was blue, and she said to herself, no! Definitely not! He will surely find a famous doctor to adjust his body and give birth to his own daughter-in-law!

But if still not?

Han Lingfu was silent for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth: "My king will give his father the emperor as soon as possible ..."

Bai Muxiao smiled smugly, and blessed the body with her child pretending to be a blessing: "Then the body thanked Wang Jun for our brother Jun."

Bai Muxiao stroked the child's clothes, never looked at Han Lingfu again, and hugged the child without looking back.

Han Lingfu sat at the spot and watched Bai Muxiao leave.

His handsome face was so gloomy that almost dripping water at the moment, staring at Bai Muxiao's back without blinking, exuding a chill.

If his eyes can kill people, Bai Muxiao may be stunned.

Bai Muxiao left, leaving only the curtain's bead chain shaking and colliding, disturbing Han Lingfu's heart.

For a moment, as if he had lost all his strength, he leaned back softly on the back of the chair.

This night became particularly long for Han Lingfu, suffering, and staying up all night ...

But even so, the moon faded a little bit, and the sky was bright again.

After all, Han Lingfu made up his mind. He gave the emperor a reward early in the morning, and asked the eldest son, Han Weijun, to be the king's son in the county.

Although Han Weijun was not a prostitute, Han Lingfu also had a weak crown. Now the newly married county princess Chen's sonless son, thinking that the child's biological mother is a side concubine, the emperor hesitated and agreed.

When the imperial decree was sent to the palace of Gong County, it immediately caused an uproar in the county's palace. The county princess Chen was almost stubborn, but she thought that her father Chen Rentai was still trapped in the southern Xinjiang. He can only bite his teeth temporarily.

Immediately afterwards, the people of the Cui family got the news, and the emperor wrote that the younger son should be remembered in the name of the deceased prefecture princess Cui Yanyan in order to serve incense. The emperor could not help but think of the rumors that Han Ling had given to spoil his wife and kill his wife, and then allowed the Cui family.

At this point, even though the dust has settled when King Gong ’s palace was closed, this incident has not caused any ripples in the capital. Only a few mansions are paying attention to this matter, and more people are still worried about the Xiye war.

In the early morning two days later, King Gong's Han Lingfu once again became the focus of everyone.

He expressed impassionately that although the Zhennan Royal Mansion did not comply with the imperatives and had no court, it was supposed that the Jiu tribe should take advantage of it, but Feixia Mountain was in critical condition and needed assistance from all parties ...

"... Children thought that the Zhennan Royal Palace should supply grain, grass, and horses to the Western Army, and sealed the Zhennan King's maidservant as a princess and pro-Western Night, in order to atone for the crime!"

Han Lingfu's proposal made the room full of uproar, and the ministers were utterly eager.

Han Lingfu's body could not help but tighten.

When he heard Bai Mu Xiao's proposal to let Xiao Ye and pro-Xi Ye, this idea was ridiculous. The daughter-in-law and Pro-Xi Ye of Zhennan Wangfu didn't do anything good for him. Two days later, I came to see him several times again, and his voice was vaguely threatening.

This woman, she is narrow-minded and only cares about the moment! Han Lingfu was disdainful, but he had nothing to do with Bai Muxiao, and he could only agree. Anyway, he just mentioned it in the Golden Palace, waiting for the refusal of his father.

Han Lingfu stood upright, waiting quietly for the emperor's decision.

The emperor on the dragon chair looked down and thought for a long time without saying a word.

In the end who will come and kiss Xi Ye, he has no suitable candidate for the time being.

It's just the daughter-in-law of Zhennan Wangfu ...

The emperor frowned slightly. If it was the daughter-in-law and the pro-Xiye of the Zhennan Royal Mansion, maybe the Zhennan Royal Mansion would be connected with the Xiye. By then, if both sides attacked Dayu at the same time, Dayu would be in danger!

However, Primary Three's proposal is not entirely undesirable ...

The emperor narrowed his eyes slightly and said loudly, "Let's discuss the matter with my relatives." He glanced at the ministers and asked, "Ai Qing, do you think it is feasible to let the Zhennan Royal Mansion produce horses?"

Li Heng's proposal is really wonderful! Han Lingfu rejoiced in his heart, and didn't bother him to personally play to his father. Based on his understanding of the father, since the father asked such a question, it must be tempting. Once that's done, the father will remember his work!

After a moment of silence on the palace, Jin Dongcheng stepped out of the queue and bowed to the emperor: "The emperor, I thought that now we should appease Zhennan's palace, so as to prevent Zhennan's palace from waiting for an opportunity to make peace with Xiye.

In fact, many other courtiers thought about Cheng Dongyang's appeasement, but no one mentioned it because the emperor had previously stated his purpose to the Zhennan palace. Who dare to slap the emperor in person? !!

The emperor himself never thought about it, but he was unwilling to reconcile, so he did not want to ponder it!

Obviously it was Zhennan ’s palace that had made a mistake in the past, but now it ’s natural to ask him, the emperor, to honor and honor them.

The emperor's face sank in an instant, and the dissatisfied breath spread out on the Golden Palace, and on the Golden Palace, there was a moment of silence.

Although unwilling, the emperor knew that he had no other choice, but he couldn't bear it anymore!

The emperor gritted his teeth and said hardly, "The Zhennan Royal Mansion has been loyal to the court since the first emperor. The resistance is purely a misunderstanding. It must be caused by Chen Rentai's false prestige and false decree. Chen Rentai is brave and guilty of sin. On the same day, he sent a decree to Nanjiang, where Zhennan Royal Mansion disposes Chen Rentai on his own, and grants Zhennan Royal Mansion two thousand silver and one thousand horses. "

The emperor was embarrassed, but at the moment Dayu had to bow his head under the pressure of internal and external problems.

Hearing that, Han Ling's complexion was frozen, and countless complicated looks flashed in his eyes. He also roughly guessed that if the father was to appease southern Xinjiang, Chen Rentai would be the first abandoned son.

After a brief silence, the civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty all bowed their heads and said in unison: "Emperor Shengming!"

Cheng Dongyang cleared his throat and continued: "Emperor, although this is not a misunderstanding, the Zhennan Royal Mansion is suspected of acting irreverently, which makes the misunderstanding worse. The emperor is kind, regardless of the previous suspicion, I only hope that the father and son of Zhen'an can Understanding the emperor's painstaking effort, there was a 'show'. "

The ministers even claimed that they felt that since the emperor had stepped down the steps of the Zhennan royal palace, if the father and son of the Zhennan knew the current affairs, they should reciprocate.

For a time, it was a rare peace on the court.

The emperor frowned slightly, and asked, "Who are the most appropriate people to go to southern Xinjiang to preach?"

This candidate is not easy to choose, he must be a long-sleeve dancer and a good speaker, so as to avoid the errand like Chen Rentai, and make the matter in such a dilemma ...

As soon as the emperor's problem came out, the palace of Jin Mao was quiet again.

At this time, it is not a good job to go to the West Night, and it is also the same to go to the southern Xinjiang to give a decree. After all, Chen Rentai's lesson is in sight ...

Suddenly, there was a man from the queue on the right, Pingyang Hou.

When the officials thought that Pingyang Hou was about to recommend himself, they listened to him loudly: "Emperor, Wei Chen wants to recommend King Shunjun to Nanjiang to show his sincerity."

Many ministers secretly exchanged their gazes, and some did not understand Pingyang Hou. In the end, was this the king of Shunjun County, or did he compete for him? !!

The hall of Jin Mao was quieter.

Although the emperor was expressionless, the tangled eyes could not hide the tangled eyes. After a long time, the emperor refuted the Pingyang Hou ... Today's early dynasty ended with a sentence of "Rong Hou Yi".

After a little discussion for a long time, it was still disease-free.

For the next few days, the chapel was arguing every day, but there was still no end story, as if it had fallen into a cycle of endless cycles.

At the same time, military sentiments came from the West Xinjiang side:

——The Xiye Army attacked Feixia Mountain three times, the Western Army fought in the blood, and swore to defend Feixia Mountain. Thirty thousand soldiers of the Western Army died, and the military situation was urgent!

——The king of the western night dispatched 50,000 troops to Dayu!

——Xiye reinforcements can arrive at Hengshan Pass within a few days. The reinforcements and Xiye Army will be in harmony, Feixia Mountain is in danger!

The military situation is so critical that it can no longer be delayed!

On July 12th, the emperor ordered Pingyang Hou to take the imperial decree to Southern Xinjiang, and Pingyang Hou secretly relieved and traveled to South Xinjiang overnight.

However, the emperor had a more headache, which was to send someone to lead troops to Xijiang for assistance.

The court was too noisy, and the two factions recommended each other. The emperor was not stupid either. Naturally, they saw that they were trying to dodge each other, but there was no suitable candidate for the task at the moment.

The atmosphere became more tense and tangled.

On July 14th, the morning began as usual, and it was only after a tea. The palace of Jin Mao was already a noisy one. You were pushed by several military attachors to make the emperor's forehead tingling. All the smashers hit them.

When the emperor was going to retreat, he found that in the distance, an elderly woman with grey hair and a long hair walked in the direction of the Golden Palace, full of vitality.

Although the old woman was still two or three hundred feet away from him, he still could not see the features of the other person, but based on her figure and manner, the emperor had an answer in her heart and blurted out: "Aunt Huang."

There were only a few people who could be called "aunt's aunt" by the emperor, and there would be only one person who would appear in the palace of Jin Mao.

For an instant, an old veteran who was originally speaking in the palace of Jin Mao also forgot to continue talking, and everyone calmed down and cast his eyes toward the palace of Jin Mao.

At this moment, the sun was rising, and the golden sunlight was softly sprinkled on the roof outside, the white marble floor, the stone carving handrail ... and Yongyang's body, her bronze helmet and iron armor sparkled in the sun, like a cloak. Dressed like a gold armor, making her seem sacred and inviolable.

Soon, Wing Yang strode into the palace of the Golden Lotus.

She came in today wearing a battle armor, which means that she is not a Dachang Princess today, but a general of Dayu.

In the hall of Jin Mao, there was silence, only the sound of Yongyang's steady footsteps and the sound of collision of armor, and the atmosphere around him suddenly became somber.

Yongyang walked all the way to the center of the hall, then stopped, and his eyes fell on the emperor on the dragon's chair without any hesitation, and he held a fist and performed military salute against the emperor.

"The aunt is free!" The emperor hurried, suppressing the surprise in his heart.

The arrival of Yongyang made the emperor's mood of rainy and rainy lately finally shine into the sun, and his tangled brows stretched slightly. Aunt Yongyang finally returned, and he also had a person who could discuss the military situation.

Yongyang has never been a person who likes to circle, and he opened the door and asked the mountain directly: "This palace heard that the emperor would choose to lead his soldiers to Feixia Mountain. I don't know if I can decide who to choose?"

The emperor's face was a little stiff, and he glanced at the veteran who had just spoken before answering: "No candidate has yet been determined."

Yong Yang frowned, and his sharp eyes swept across the civil and military hundred officials on both sides, but just looking at it so casually, the mixed body exudes a sharp momentum.

After all, she was not an ordinary princess, but a member of the Dayu dynasty who had built great achievements with the emperor.

Several military commanders were stunned by her anger.

Yongyang sighed faintly. When the emperor was alive, Dayu ’s chapel was not like this. In just a few decades, this chapel turned into this appearance, just like Caishikou ...

It's useless to say more, Yongyang simply proposed: "Since the emperor has not yet decided on a candidate, this palace wants to recommend one!"

"Aunt Emperor, please!" Said the Emperor.

Yongyang simply said, "This palace wants to recommend Qi Wangfu Han Huaijun!"

There was an uproar in the Manchu dynasty, and all the officials were looking at each other. Although Han Huaijun had also fought on the battlefield with Changdi, he was still too young, after all, was it too hasty to let him lead an army of tens of thousands ...

But forced by the majesty of Princess Yongyang, no one dared to question.

The emperor did something, and he groaned for a moment to meet Yongyang's cold eyes.

The emperor gritted his teeth and patted the handrail: "Okay! I'm accurate!"


The arrival of Yongyang made this stagnant chaos finally ripple a little ...

After the early dynasty, Yongyang went to the Royal Study Room again and talked with the emperor for a long time.

On July 15th, Han Huaijun was appointed as General Pingxi, and led a 30,000-strong army, and quickly went to Feixia Mountain for support.

Nangong Xin and Fu Yunyan went to the gate of the city early to send Han Huaijun away, and they went to the Grand Princess Mansion of Yongyang together. The hearts of the couple were heavy.

When they arrived at Wufutang, besides Yongyang, the fifth prince Han Lingfan was also there.

Looking at Nangong Xin, Han Lingfan asked a little complicatedly: "They are gone?"

"They" includes not only Han Huaijun, but also Han Lingfu.

Nangong Xin responded, Han Lingfan's expression was more tangled, his lips curled into a straight line.

Fu Yunyan and Nangong Xin exchanged a helpless look, both sighing in their hearts.

Originally, the emperor Han Lingfan went to Feixia Mountain with Han Huaijun as the fifth prince. Han Lingfan refused.

Han Lingfan was willing to go on behalf of his father, but he did not want to bow his head to Xi Ye!

What the emperor and the five emperors and sons said in the Royal Study Room, no one knew, except that Han Lingfan was scolded by the emperor, and made him kneel under the eaves to reflect on himself, until one hour later, Yongyang was advised Emperor.

Later, the emperor retreated and ordered King Hanling of Gong County to go to the West to negotiate a peace with Xi Ye, but the choice of the pro-princess has not been decided ...

Nangong Xin looked at Yong Yang, and asked a little slyly: "Grandmother, do you think his cousin, he ..." Can Han Huaijun win a victory in such a harsh situation?

The eyes of Fu Yunyan and Han Lingfan also looked at them, holding their breath.

Yongyang, who was sitting on top, wore a simple stone-blue teak, holding a celadon tea cup in his hands, and sighed hot tea, leaving only sigh and disappointment in his eyes.

After returning to the capital, she soon learned what happened in these days, including Kui Lang, Nanjiang, Xiye ...

The actions of the emperor disappointed Yongyang.

After the early morning yesterday, she went to the Royal Study Room alone to find the emperor, just to persuade the emperor to fight or not, but the emperor made many excuses and excuses, she refused to listen to her, and she was afraid of Xi Ye.

The old lady goes, Dayu is not the Dayu she is familiar with long ago!

Yong Yang put down the tea cup, but did not answer the question: "How do you think of Xi Ye and Baiyue?"

The three young men looked at each other. They had never been on the battlefield in person, and did not dare to argue.

Yongyang didn't expect them to answer, snorted coldly, and continued: "Speaking of the crusade of the southern town of Zhengzhou, one after another scrambled, they were impassioned. Now it's Xiye's turn, and they see cats like mice ..."

Yong Yang's unspoken taunts were not concealed. She taunted not only the Manchu fighters but also the emperor.

Yongyang knew the strength of Zhennan's palace in her heart. She used to be a general under Her Majesty King Nan in the old town. She had also fought with the Baiyue people on the battlefield with the Southern Army that year. She can say with confidence, Baiyue is by no means weaker than Xi Ye, and many small clans and small countries around the southern Xinjiang are more sturdy. The Southern Xinjiang Army has defeated Baiyue and Nanliang in recent years, which is a step out of killing and blood. The Xiong division, is it comparable to those of Da Yu's army that respects and favors!

However, the Emperor and the Manchu civil and military forces only watched the Zhennan Royal Mansion and the Southern Xinjiang Army fought in recent years. They thought that the military strength of the southern Xinjiang was losing money and the people ’s livelihood was unfavorable, so they dared to provoke the war with impunity.

Yongyang couldn't help but want to see what he saw and heard when he went to Nanjiang the year before. The army and people of Nanjiang are now solid and the people live and work in peace, just like a tree with lush foliage.

In contrast, Dayu Chaotang ...

Yong Yang sighed and said, "Now all the courtiers are short-sighted, bullied and hard, and the emperor ..." Then, Yong Yang looked at Han Lingfan.

Han Lingfan didn't speak, his hands clenched into fists. Although he also felt that the father and the emperor were doing wrong, but as a son and a courtier, he could not argue against the father.

"Aunt grandmother," Han Lingfan stretched tightly, like a big bow being stretched, looking at Yongyang Road, "I believe Juntang will win the battle ..."

He said solemnly, and did not know whether he wanted to persuade Yongyang or himself.

Yong Yang smiled lightly, and said, "I will be outside, but my back is unstable. I always want to make peace, what can I do as a general?"

Even brave and warlike generals must have the attention of their monarchs and ministers before they can play a role. Just as the emperor was present, the official army and the southern army can shine.

Yong Yang's eyes were slightly dim, hey, I'm really old, always thinking about the past ...

Yongyang settled down, looked at Han Lingfan again, and asked in earnest: "Little five, do you still have to take Wuhe cream?"

Han Lingfan nodded and said, "Thanks to my aunt and grandma for their concern. I have taken control only once every two or three days."

When Nangong Xin returned to the capital from the southern Xinjiang, although he did not bring Lin Jingchen, he brought back Lin Jingchen's handwritten book, which was about formulating and quitting Wuhe cream, and used needles for the five princes' ill head Method. Nangong Xin handed the book to the five princes, and secretly contacted Taiyi Wu for help. Just because Han Lingfan's headache could not be cured in a day or two, the process of quitting Wuhe cream was very slow ...

Yongyang has also seen how Han Lingfan was at the onset of drug addiction, knowing that it was very difficult for him to get to this step, and he looked at him with relief.

Among the emperor's princes, only the small five was considered to be a big one!

Although Yongyang was not in the capital for the past six months, the two counties Wang Ming did not know nothing about it. In her opinion, Han Lingguan and Han Lingfu have been motivated by the desire to do anything for the throne, or even damage the interests of Dayu. Not a candidate for Mingjun at all!

While she was still in front of the emperor, she had to decide on the prince!

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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