Di Daughter: The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 1440: 745 Bad results


The heavy shooting sound echoed in the Imperial Study Room, and the air was filled with a pungent smell of gunpowder.

"Abominable!" The emperor exclaimed in a deep voice. "Zhennan Palace is really repentant and bold!"

The emperor lost his temper, and after persuading his ministers before him, he wanted to give Zhennan the royal palace a chance. I did not expect that they would be so arrogant. Sure enough, people do n’t have far-sightedness, and they must have near-term worries. South King's Mansion has a long history of sincerity. His tolerance in these years is nothing but a tiger!

On the other side of the imperial case, a middle-aged man wearing a brown brocade gold brocade was kneeling, looking dignified and bowing his head, saying nothing but Pingyang Hou who had just returned from South Xinjiang.

Although he had left South Xinjiang, it seemed to be out of Xiao Yi's control, but only he knew that he had boarded Xiao Yi's thief ship, the arrow had opened, and he could never look back.

Pingyang Houmu's eyes flickered and he bit his teeth. He could only tell himself in his heart that people do not die for themselves. He just wanted to keep his own body and let Pingyang Houfu's body retreat in this storm of robberies.

He is also a last resort!

"The Emperor," Pingyang Hou seemed to be respectfully stunned to the ground and pleaded guilty, "It is all the weak ministers who are not good at doing things, and also ask the emperor to convict the crime ..."

The emperor took a deep breath. Although he was angry, he also knew that Pingyang Hou ’s trip to South Xinjiang had only taken hundreds of people. If the Zhennan palace was really rebellious, Pingyang Hou could take 200,000 South Xinjiang troops. How to do? !!

The emperor comforted Pingyanghou with a few words, and then sent him away, and then he was asked to call several cabinet ministers into the palace.

At this time, it was already the evening, the sunset was falling, and the palace door was already locked, but the emperor had orders. Whoever dared not follow it, the palace door became turbulent again, but it was more than half an hour, led by Cheng Dongyang. The cabinet ministers have entered the palace in haste.

They all knew that the Emperor Ming had called them into the palace for the rebellion of the Zhennan palace.


After the courtiers saluted, the furious emperor split his head and said, "Zhennan's royal palace has been a long time. This battle must be done, and the heart is determined!"

Several cabinet ministers quickly exchanged glances from below. Everyone knew that this time no one could persuade the emperor anymore. Both the official ministry and the criminal ministry were secretly delighted.

The words and deeds of the Zhennan Palace have severely threw a slap on the emperor's face. If the emperor does not fight, it means that he agrees with the Zhennan Palace ’s seemingly “blood and blood tears” claim. This battle is bound to Row.

The cabinet ministers all bowed to their knees, claiming: "Holy wise!"

At this point, the South Zheng is tantamount to nailing it.

Looking down at the several pavilions below, the emperor's frowned brows stretched slightly.

After a few adults got up again, the first assistant Cheng Dongyang lowered his head a bit, and said in congratulations: "The emperor, it was the mid-July summer. It was the hottest time in the southern Xinjiang. The southern army was used to the scorching heat of the southern Xinjiang. Wangdu is north, not like the hot weather in the southern Xinjiang, Wei Chen fears that Dayu will not be able to endure the heat ... "

The emperor's complexion looked slightly distressed.

The Ministry of Criminal Affairs Shang Shu Gu Mo immediately raised an objection: "Master Cheng, Xiaguan thought that what should be considered now is how to draw troops and food from various places instead of growing others' aspirations!"

The Ministry of Household Affairs said, "The emperor, Jiangnan has had a bumper harvest in recent years, and there must be grain stored. Grain and grass can be collected from Jiangnan."

Li Hsien-lien, an official in the official ministry, claimed that he proposed that the army could be recruited from the western and northern Xinjiang for the southern expedition, followed by another cabinet minister's proposal that the army could be recruited from the civilian population.

The elders expressed their opinions and waited for an hour before they left ...

The next morning, several cabinet ministers who had hardly slept for two hours had to drag their exhausted bodies into the palace again before dawn.

It seems that Baiguan also vaguely knows that today's early dynasty is not ordinary, and the atmosphere is especially dignified. Many people are almost afraid to breathe.

After the emperor ascended to the throne, he couldn't wait to express his determination to "take back the southern Xinjiang and set the country straight".

There was an uproar in the Manchu dynasty, and the courtiers looked at each other, but no one spoke for a while.

At this time, a figure of Yan Changqing walked out of the queue on the right and suddenly attracted the attention of Baiguan.

Most of the Manchu dynasties were middle-aged and older men over the age of 30 and 40, but this man was in his early twenties, young and handsome, gentle and elegant. At a glance, the flock was the king of Gong County, Han Lingfu.

"Father Emperor," in the eyes of everyone, Han Ling fumed and asked enthusiastically, "Children are willing to share their concerns and go to southern Xinjiang."

The emperor looked at Han Lingfu in surprise, but couldn't hide the unexpectedness in his eyes, but then he was relieved, only to feel that the three sons were indeed the blood of their Han family.

"Emperor, King Gong County wants to share the grief for the emperor, and his filial piety is so touching ..." Immediately, a middle-aged general was listed, and he said, "Right then, King Gong County is talented and brave, But he never led an army. "Then, he looked at Han Lingfu, and persuaded," Master, talk about soldiers on paper, but the battlefield is a real sword and a gun! "

The military commander had just finished speaking, and another minister took a step forward, agreeing: "The emperor, General Sun said it very well, there is a saying: 'The son of a thousand gold can't sit in a church, the son of a hundred gold can't ride a balance'" The sword has no eyes, King Gong County still has no choice but to be dangerous. Besides, the father and son of this town ’s south have passed through hundreds of battles and cannot be ignored. They must choose a brave and good warrior ... ”

The minister eloquently said, what he meant was to let Han Lingfu, the precious dragon, still not mix blindly and compete with the courtiers, and suggested that the emperor should choose a battle-hardened general to lead the army.

The two adults were right, the emperor intended to move.

There was a haze in Han Lingfu's eyes. He knew that the two were from the second emperor Han Lingguan. Their purpose was self-evident, and they naturally wanted to fight for military power.

I won't let them succeed!

Han Lingfu swiftly winked at the official Li Shangshu Li Heng, Li Heng nodded slightly, and immediately followed him ...

You and I were fighting for each other. In the early days, it turned out to be a confrontation and a scolding. Each of them was full of gunpowder. Afterwards, the emperor also felt some headaches.

Anyway, there is still a lot of preparations for the South Expedition, and the expedition will not be completed in two or three days.

The emperor simply ended the topic with a sentence "Ai Qing doesn't have to say much, and he has his own opinions", and only ordered the Ministry of War and the Ministry of War to prepare for the battle.

In recent years, there have always been wars in Dayu. Neither the forage, nor the troop strength is sufficient, but the emperor's will has been determined. Who dares to rebel against the emperor? , It is the focus of attention of the North and the Middle. Obviously, both Wang Jun Ling of Shun County and Han Ling Fu of Gong County are bound to win this position!

Next, it depends on where the emperor's sacred heart is ...

After the early morning of this day, the gracious Emperor En Guo did not leave the palace, but went to the study to meet the fifth prince Han Lingfan.

The grandparents and grandsons were locked up in the upper room, and the father-in-law talked with Han Lingfan one by one, and then solemnly said, "His Royal Highness Five, this is the end, since we have no power to stop the war. , We might as well follow the trend and fight for military power. "

"Maternal grandfather, you mean ..." Han Lingfan looked at En Guogong solemnly.

Gong Guo continued: "Inner lifting does not avoid relatives, and in the opinion of his ministers, His Royal Highness recommends to recommend Han Huaijun from the King's Palace. Huaijun has the experience of playing the warlord Di and has won the emperor's heart ... Cheng. "The surname of Han Huaijun is Han, and he is also the aunt of the State Government. If he can win the military power, he will have no harm to the five princes.

Han Lingfan didn't speak for a while, her lips squeezed tightly into a straight line, her eyes drooping, as if thinking.

After a long time, he just said: "Maternal grandfather, based on the palace's understanding of Jun cousin, he will not be willing to lead the army ... and the palace does not want to fight for this military power."

Han Lingfan blinked straight at Gong Guoguo and said rightly: "Maternal grandfather, if Dayu's enemies today are Changdi, Xiye, Baiyue, this palace will do its best Fighting for the country, donating your life to the battlefield is also indispensable! But Zhennan Palace is not an external enemy. For decades, Zhennan Palace has protected Dayu Anning. This palace must not violate its heart for the struggle for power. Gentlemen have something to do. No, I believe that cousin Jun will certainly not! "

His dark eyes were clear and firm, apparently well thought out and would not be easily shaken.

Gongdu looked at Han Lingfan, his lips moved, but he said nothing in the end, but his heart was sighing sighing: His Highness the Five Princes was pure and honest, and he was a gentleman. He studied with several great Confucians in recent years, and was even more Taught too upright. His Royal Highness will surely be a generation of princes in the heyday of peace.

But now, the emperor is confused day by day, and some of the elder brothers of the five princes are cruel and ruthless, like the **** wolves, staring at the throne, with the simple heart of his highness, so going on will only let him away from that The Supreme is getting farther and farther ...

And by the means of several county kings, even if they board the big treasure, will they easily let go of those who oppose them?

I'm afraid there will be a **** storm next ...

Thinking, Gong's hands clenched his fists in his sleeves. Gong's government had long been **** with the five princes.

Han Lingfan thought that Gong Guo was persuaded by himself, and after a moment of groaning, he said: "Maternal grandfather, to this day, you can only contact Aunt Yongyang as soon as possible, and let her old man return to Wangdu as soon as possible ..."

The idea of ​​Father Emperor Nanzheng has been decided. If there is anyone else who can change the idea of ​​Father Emperor, I am afraid only Grand Aunt Yongyang. The fifth prince thought.

En Guogong felt an indescribable feeling. He took a deep breath and finally said, "Yes, Your Highness."

In the study room, it calmed down. Both the five princes and the emperor Guo Guo felt heavy on their shoulders, worried about Dayu's future.

The five princes had a resolution, but there was no dispute in the court, so each government was planning for their own interests.

The early dynasties of the past few days were shrouded in a torrential rain and rain. Baiguan was so passionate about the South Expedition that it boiled like hot water in the same pot, and the situation was getting worse.

The Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Households were busy stating their respective processes and difficulties, while the Kings of Shun County and Kings of Gong County fought for their military power, and even began to attack each other's shortcomings.

Looking down at the Baiguan below, the emperor rubbed his eyebrows, his face became increasingly ugly, and his forehead floated blue. When the word "Stop" arrived at the emperor's mouth, there was a commotion outside the palace of Jin Mao ...

A dusty soldier was running towards this side, panting, clearly holding something in his mouth.

The officials in the palace of Jin Mao also saw the movement outside and looked at each other. When the soldier approached, he could vaguely hear him shouting: "Military News! Three thousand miles urgent, emergency military news!"

There was a moment of silence in the hall of the Golden Crest, and an ominous premonition rose in the hearts of all the ministers.

Soon, the soldier came quickly to the hall, "thumped" and kneeled on one knee on the marble floor, took a deep breath, and clenched his fists. Hengshan Pass, merged into the prefecture, and even broke through the three cities. Our army has retreated to Shangdang County, the military situation is in crisis, and General Li will send him for help! "

Words and sentences are frighteningly full of faces, gazing at each other and whispering.

It's only been a few years since the Western Territory was peaceful.

In addition, the fighting in southern Xinjiang has not yet selected a leading general. This army report put Dayu in a situation of external troubles and internal troubles at one time. Can Dayu support two battles that can shake Dayu's mountains at the same time?

The courtiers looked different, and many people already felt that this military report from the West Xinjiang would bring unexpected changes to the court, and the direction of the court would change again.

Among the ministers, only Pingyang Hou was not surprised. He stood half-upright with his face still, and his face was half-bright and half-dark, and those deep eyes were turbulent.

finally come!

Xiao Yi is waiting for this moment!

Looking at Man Wu's suspicious look, Pingyang Hou had a feeling of "everyone is drunk and I wake up alone", with a sigh of almost compassion in his heart.

There are hundreds of officials in this dynasty. No one except him knows that all these things are in the hands of someone who is thousands of miles away ...

The sky on the west began to accumulate layers of overcast clouds, while the sky on the south was still bright and sunny.

Countless birds fluttered their wings and chased the sun, flying farther and farther, flying higher and higher ...

As a gray pigeon flew into Bixiao Hall, the rebellion of Xirong also spread to southern Xinjiang.

Compared to the stormy weather of Wangdu, Luo Yue City is still leisurely and comfortable, enjoying the lazy summer time in the city.

At this moment, the sky was yellow, and the cool summer breeze at dusk swept over the lake in the small garden and the dense lotus leaves on the lake.

Suddenly, a hand stretched out from the gazebo by the lake, and rudely put down a green lotus tent from the lotus leaves.

Several white lotus seeds were peeled from the bonsai, and two were thrown out. One fell into someone's mouth, and the other was caught by another person with a smile, saying, "Little Four, you This man is really unemotional. We are here to appreciate the lotus, not to pick the lotus. "

Xiao Yi said so, but he politely threw the received lotus seeds into his mouth.

"Click, click ..."

The fresh lotus seeds are sweet, cool and refreshing between the lips and teeth, making people feel refreshed.

"Xiao Bai, this lotus seed is crisp and sweet, which is very good. Xiao Si, hurry up and try it for your son!" Xiao Yi said as he drew a lotus tent down.

Xiaosi stared at Xiao Yi with a contemptuous glance, too lazy to ignore him, and dug intently for his son.

Xiao Yi stared at the lotus flower, and suddenly the words turned sharply: "Xiao Bai, Xi Ye is anxious for me this time, you said if I want to send a basket of lotus seeds to the new king of Xi Ye, talk about my heart."

Xiao Yi smiled as brightly as the scorching sun of the midsummer, but in the tone was unabashed sarcasm.

Although Guan Yubai had anticipated that Xi Ye would return to the country in a few years, it was impossible to accurately estimate the date, until Pingyang Hou told them at the end of February that Xi Ye was ready to go and should be in Coming to Dayu within six months, they were able to take advantage of the trend ... to this day!

Guan Yu smiled gaily at the green lotus leaves and the fragrant lotus flowers in front of him, and said lightly, "Next, there will be a war at West Night. Our emperor will surely appease the southern Xinjiang ..."

Xiao Yi never meant to go north, nor did he want to be a rival to Dayu.

It ’s just that no matter who sits on that supreme seat, the existence of Zhennan ’s royal palace will become his eyesight. Therefore, Xiao Yi had to integrate the southern region and develop the forces secretly. When the southern region was truly stabilized, Zhennan ’s royal palace and the south Only when the Xinjiang Army is in an invincible position of "advancing and attacking and retreating and defending", it is no longer necessary to step under the emperor's eyelids, and be a man with his tail in his hands.

This plan changed suddenly until the end of February ...

Xiao Yi received a biography of the flying pigeon from Wang Du, and learned that the emperor wanted to let Nan Gongyu and Xiao Yu Xiao go to the king as protons, which completely angered Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi was never a person who was willing to forbear. After discussing with Guan Yubai, the two decided to use the "opportunity" given by the emperor to take advantage of the "opportunity" given by the emperor at the double full moon feast of Xiao Yu. Protest the emperor directly with the resistance, and urge the emperor to attack the southern Xinjiang. In this way, the southern Xinjiang provinces can witness this scene with their own eyes, and let the southern Xinjiang know that the matter is the emperor's innocence first; in this way, they can provoke the southern Xinjiang people The dissatisfaction and anger of the emperor in his heart allowed thousands of southern Xinjiang soldiers and the people to unify their hearts.

Since the emperor was indifferent first, then whatever the Zhennan royal palace did next, it was just chilling, and it was "a last resort." In the future, southern Xinjiang will no longer be subject to the emperor ...

Sure enough, every step went as expected.

Now that Xirong is in trouble, the emperor will not be able to fight in southern Xinjiang. In this case, he must comfort the southern Xinjiang!

Xiao Yi raised an eyebrow, arms around his chest, and sighed, "But ah, everyone in the world knows that I am not tamed, and I am really disrespectful! Even if others want to appease me, it depends on whether I agree or disagree. Accept it? "

Xiaosi heard the words, and almost fell into the lake with the slippery hand, and the belly said: "What a true disposition", boasting! Still so cheeky!

Xiao Yi, of course, saw the thoughts of Xiaosi, and said with a smile: "Always let the people in the world know that I can't offend Xiao Yi at will!"

Whoever dares to hit his wife and children, he will not let anyone live!

Xiao Yi's eyes flashed with beast-like sharpness, and no one would take his words as a joke!

The official language smiled faintly, and the smile on his lips was stronger. What he appreciated most was Ayi's wanton ...

The official language white eyes flashed, and then said, "Our emperor is now probably distressing who to find the sin ..." He took the lotus seeds handed out by Xiaosi and put them in the palm of his hand. Although the lotus seeds were sweet, the lotus heart was bitter Difficult when ...

Since the emperor has made a number of major crimes against the Zhennan palace, now he has to appease Nanjiang, but he can't talk about himself, he must find someone to blame ... After all, how did the emperor "would" make mistakes!

who cares! Xiao Yi shrugged indifferently, and said, "This time, we have won at least one or two years for Nanjiang. This sale is worth it!"

The emperor paid attention to "one word and nine tripods", and once he announced the world "Jinkouyuyan", the Zhennan Royal Mansion had never passed. Although it is not the conclusion of the coffin, it can't be overturned every few days. Then at least one or two years later, southern Xinjiang will be a rock.

As for a year or two ... Dayu will never again be in Zhennan Palace!

The evening summer wind blew, and the lotus leaves swayed and the lotus scented.

Xiao Yi looked at the sky and said: "Xiao Bai, the night is cool, let's go back." After a pause, he thought of something again, reminded, "Xiao Bai, don't forget that we will go to Danhu for a boat trip tomorrow , You rest early in the evening. "

He blinked his right eye, which was clearly saying that if the official language dared not appear, he would come in person to invite someone.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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