Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 832: Dragon grass

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Chapter 832 Divine Dragon Grass

"The aura is really strong here, but I always feel that this passage is not easy!"

Just then, Xiao Yan's voice came.

"not simple?"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, a touch of extremely cold coldness rose.

"Bendi likes it not easy!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed coldly, and he said coldly.

"However, be careful!"

Looking at Xiao Yan and Magic Sky, Mo Wentian still couldn't help but Shen Chen.

"Yes, boss!"

"Yes, boss!"

Xiaoxuan and Magic Sky opened their mouths, but they still wanted to say something, but looking at Mo Wentian's firm face, he said nothing at all.

"Roar roar ..."

"Hmm ..."


After a quarter of an hour, Mo Wentian walked deeper into the passage with the magical sky and Xiaoyu.

When they saw Mo Wentian, a few people walked deeper into the passage, and the magic mouse outside the passage began to growl madly.

Their posture, wanting to enter this channel, but also seemed afraid of things in this channel.

At the entrance of the passage, I just dared not take a step.

There are caves all around the passage.

Feeling the extremely rich aura, Mo Wentian swept away, and saw a large area of ​​spiritual fruit appearing in the cave on the side.

"This is the fruit of heaven!"

Xiao Yan's eyes skyrocketed.

I saw a few glimmering fruits standing in the cave in the cave.

Tianyou fruit, but also several Tianyou fruit.

Tianyou fruit, fourth-level spirit fruit, can be refined into Tianyoudan.

Tian You Dan only needs one to allow the warriors in the early days of Da Tian to directly break into the existence of Tian Jun.

This thing is also good for people in the heavenly kingdom.

"This is Bauhinia!"

"This is Red Rock Flowers!"


All kinds of spirit grass and flowers that have only been seen in the legend have all appeared in front of everyone.

For a moment, I saw a daze, and even Mo Wentian's eyes rose a bit fiery.

"What are you still doing?"

"Stop it!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian sang a cold, waved his hand, and the spirit fruit and flowers were all put into the space ring by Mo Wentian.

"Yes, boss!"

"Yes, boss!"

Xiao Yan and Magic Sky came back to God, and quickly took out the space ring and put it away.

These things, even if they have little effect on Mo Wentian, they will have a great effect on the Kingdom of Devouring God that he later established.

"Dragon grass!"

Suddenly, Xiaoxiong suddenly exclaimed, looking at a spirit grass not far away, her eyes were extremely hot.

I saw that the grass was like a dragon, and its rich and powerful aura shrouded the spirit grass. Above the spirit grass, there seemed to be a peerless **** dragon forming, seeming mysterious and boundless.

"Boss, this is the spirit grass of the fourth-level peak!"

In the eyes of Xuantian, a bright light also rose.

This Dilong grass is different from Tianyou fruit. This Dilong grass is also very effective for Tianjun strong.

It is rumored that this dragon plant is enough to allow the strong man in the early days of Tianjun to directly break through to the late stage of Tianjun.

For monsters, the effect is even greater.

That is to say, this dragon grass is a great treasure for Xiao Yan.

"Boss, this dragon grass, if I am refined, I am sure, my cultivation is breakthrough again!"

Xiao Yan's eyes rose fieryly, and she sank.

"You're going to take it, be careful!"

Mo Wentian slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and groaned.

"Thank you, boss!"

Hearing that Xiao Xiao's face was a moment of joy, and then quickly went towards that dragon grass.

"Who dares to touch this thing!"

Just when Xiao Yan was about to reach the side of Shenlongcao, a thick voice came out in the void.

"Be careful!"

Mo Wentian felt uncomfortable, and immediately made a cold drink.

"Little monster, dare to touch the Emperor's things!"


Between one tenth of a breath, a vast expanse of coercion suddenly came down.

Extreme coercion struck. Although Xiaozhang had broken through to the late days of Tianjun, under this pressure, Xiaozhang also felt as if a hill was suppressing himself.

"Boss ..."

Xiao Yan came back to God instantly, and the subconscious wanted to retreat to Mo Wentian.

But at this moment, they suddenly discovered that their bodies seemed unable to move.


At this moment, Mo Wentian suddenly gave a cold drink and shot directly.

With Mo Wentian's fist shot, all the coercion disappeared.

"Woohoo ..."

Xiao Yan and Xuan Tian looked for a moment, looking at the dragon grass, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed a fabulous look.

The coercion just now is definitely beyond the existence of Tianjun Peak.

"Boss ..."

There was a little apology on Xiao Yan's face, she said in a deep voice.

"After picking the dragon grass, we have to rush to the deepest part of the Tiankeng!"

Mo Wentian waved his hand slightly, then walked directly to the front of Shenlongcao, reached out and pulled up the dragon grass, and threw it directly to Xiaoyu.

"let's go!"

With a cold drink, Mo Wentian continued to walk deep into the passage.

The deeper the entry, the richer the aura in the passage.

"Boss, that coercion just now, so strong!"

There was still some palpitations in Xiao's heart.

Had it not been for Mo Wentian's timely shot, I am afraid that under that coercion, he would be seriously injured even if he did not die.

"In this crater, it should be the strong man who has fallen to the heavens!"

"It was just a complete volition of Tianjun just now!"

I wonder if the cold flashed in Tian Tian's eyes, she said in a deep voice.

"Tianjun's complete will?"

Xiao Yan's eyes were shocked.

But what made him even more shocked was Mo Wentian's strength. Mo Wentian's cultivation is still in the early days of Tianjun.

Can I ask the strength of the sky ...

It's elusive!

A quarter of an hour later, Mo Wentian finally reached the deepest part of the tiankeng.

"Boss, it's all over, and there's no way down!"

At this moment, Xiao Yan's voice suddenly transmitted power.

Mo Wentian developed his spiritual knowledge and took a deep look. There really was no way out.

But there are four cave entrances around this entrance!

"Be careful, let's go in and see!"

Mo Wentian looked at the hole in the north, his eyes flashed coldly.


There was a surprise in Xiaoyan's and Huantian's eyes, but then he nodded, Xiaoyan got into Mo Wentian's arms, and Huan Tian stopped on Mo Wentian's shoulder.

Immediately after entering the cave, silhouettes surrounded him instantly.

"Boy, you have made it so hard for you to wait!"

"That's it, boy, I think you're a waste!"

"Regardless of repairing, not even the speed of this journey!"


A sound of taunts sounded.

"Boss, these are the disciples of the Demons!"

Just then, Xiao Yan's eyes skyrocketed, and she said in a deep voice.

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