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Chapter 2022: Gambling Contract!

"You all step down first!"

"The Lord, the nine-clawed Thunder Leopard, give it to me first!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light, cold voice.

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiaoyu and Xuantian turned around and retreated.


"Boy, are you afraid?"

"You let your two little reptiles recede!"

Watching Xiaoyan and Magic Sky recede, the nine-clawed thunder leopard has a bright light in his eyes, and his heart is even more confident.

In his opinion, Mo Wentian was afraid. He was afraid that Xiaoyue and Huantian would be beheaded, so Xiaoyan and Huantian both retreated.

But what he didn't know was that at this moment, he was stepping into the good trap that Mo Wen had set up early.

As long as he enters this trap, he wants to come out of Mo Wentian's trap again, which is simply impossible.


"The Emperor has never been afraid!"

Do not ask the look of heaven, extremely indifferent.

"You haven't been afraid yet?"

"Boy, are you kidding me?"

"Your emperor's perfect cultivation, seeing that we are not shaking, this is already a good mood!"

"But you said arrogantly that you were not afraid. Do you think we would believe it?"

It was okay not to say this to Mo Wentian. When Mo Wentian said this, the nine-clawed thunder leopards burst into laughter.

They looked at Mo Wentian as if looking at a joke.

"This is nothing ridiculous!"

"It's your skill to laugh when you win me!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light, cold voice.

"Win the battle?"

"Boy, your emperor is a perfect cultivation, I want to win you, I have one paw!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the breath of the nine-clawed thunder leopard's body soared, and his face disdainful.

At this moment, the nine-clawed thunder leopard even stretched out a paw and hooked at Mo Wentian, which was a naked provocation.

"This boy is really arrogant. He dare to challenge our adults so much!"

"If I were our lord, I would have to rip this kid into pieces!"

"This kid didn't look at us at all. It was unbearable. My grown-up did not kill this kid today. I have to kill this kid!"

"This boy is so abominable. If he doesn't cut him, what is the face of our nine-clawed thunder leopard?"

"This kid must be beheaded. If he is not beheaded, how can our nine-clawed thunder leopard fight with other forces in this Qiongfeng!"


At this moment, the remaining nine-clawed thunder leopards talked instantly.

In their eyes, there was a terrible sense of murder.

The breath on them was soaring at this moment.

That look, as if the nine-clawed thunder leopards at this moment do not shoot, these nine-clawed thunder leopards also want to shoot.

"One paw is enough?"

"Hahahaha ..."

"You beat this emperor and say this big word, otherwise you will not have a face in the nine-clawed thunder leopard in the future!"

Listening to the comments, Mo Wentian knew that his scheme had been successful.

These nine-clawed thunder leopards have been completely angered by him.

If the nine-clawed thunder leopard does not shoot, the remaining nine-clawed thunder leopard will be shot.

And this nine-clawed thunder leopard adult, after listening to these nine-clawed thunder leopards, he just didn't want to shoot, and he had to shoot.

"Boy, it looks like you're looking for death!"

"I fulfill you!"

The cold voice sounded, the killing intention of Lord Nine-Claw Thunder Leopard was terrible.

The terrible Xiao Xiaoqi spread from his body.

"Zombies, before the war begins!"

"Are we gonna make a bet, otherwise this war would be boring!"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something. Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a faint light, and the radian of the corner of his mouth became richer.

"Want to make a bet?"

"Boy, what do you want to make?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Lord Nine-Claw Thunder Leopard almost came out subconsciously.

"Benedict's bet is easy!"

"If you lose, you will be my dog, and tell me everything about this peak!"

Mo Wentian looked at Lord Nine-Claw Thunder Leopard with a cold face.

"it is good!"

"Boy, but what if you lose?"

The nine-clawed thunder leopard agreed without hesitation.

The nine-clawed thunder leopard master did not forget the conditions if he won.

Looking at Mo Wentian, this person's eyes flashed a light.

In the eyes of the nine-clawed thunder leopard, it is impossible for Mo Wentian to win him.

After all, Mo Wentian's cultivation is, but the emperor is in a perfect state, but he is a powerful man with perfect respect.

Coupled with his terrible pride, in his opinion, Mo Wentian couldn't stop his tricks.

The conditions put forward by Mo Wentian are just one sentence.

"If I lose?"

"It's up to you!"

Mo Wentian looked at the adult of the nine-clawed thunder leopard, and said very cheerfully.

For this war, Mo Wentian must win.

From the contention of the heavenly world ’s honor list, Mo Wentian has not forgotten the world for only one month. Within this month, he must be raised to the state of heaven.

Otherwise, he would not even be eligible to participate in this list.

"Let me do it?"


"Boy, this is what you said. If you lose, leave it to me!"

"When I use the means, you don't ask for forgiveness!"

Seeing Mo Wentian agreed, the man laughed wildly.

That look, as if at this moment, he has seen the end of Mo Wentian.

"beg for mercy?"

"Pit ants, don't worry, it's not the emperor who begs for mercy, it's you puppet ants!"

"But the emperor has never let others go. It is useless to ask the emperor!"

"But if you become Bendi's dog, that is Bendi's dog, Bendi will treat you naturally!"

Listening to the words of Lord Nine-Claw Thunder Leopard, Mo Wentian sneered.

This nine-clawed thunder leopard is really self-confident. Even if his cultivation reaches the perfect state of Heavenly Supreme, his physique is terrible.

"Buzz ..."

At this moment, a wave of void wave came.

A figure appeared in Wentiange.

This figure, not others, is the old man of ancient books.

The look of the old man in ancient books was slightly dignified.

"Boy, you can't just subdue this nine-clawed thunder leopard!"

The voice of the old man from the ancient books came to me.

"Old Books Seniors!"

"Can't just subdue the nine-clawed thunder leopard?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, wondering in Mo Wentian's heart.

The nine-clawed thunder leopard is not conquered. What does the old man want from him?

Want him to kill the nine-clawed thunder leopard?

At this moment, Mo Wentian's heart began to think.

"This nine-clawed thunder leopard cannot kill him!"

"You must follow these nine-clawed thunder leopard adults and find their king of nine-clawed thunder leopards!"

"The monster dan of the king of nine-clawed thunder leopards is very useful for your kid!"

In the eyes of the old man of ancient books, there was a faint light, a serious look, and a deep voice.

"Predecessors of ancient books, what is the benefit of the nine-clawed Thunder Leopard King Dan to me?"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

"Boy, this nine-clawed Thunder Leopard king demon, you took it and refined it, naturally you know what it's for!"

The voice of the old man in ancient books is extremely cold.

After that, the figure of the old man of the ancient book flashed and disappeared in the Wentian Pavilion.

"Since the predecessors of ancient books said so, it must have his reason!"

"Observe the predecessors of ancient books!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, without asking the look of heaven, indifferent.

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