Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1996: Body surge

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Chapter 1996 Explosion

"This blood-blooding dan is indeed a good thing!"

"But if anyone is convinced by this blood-blood dan, you can't even get into it!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Boss, are you talking about the side effects of this bloodstain?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan's eyes raised a magnificent, quick way.


"Of course, this blood-blooding dan has side effects, otherwise how could this heaven have been hesitant!"

"If there were no side effects, Yitianlai would have taken this blood-blood Dan!"

Mo Wentian's eyes now looked at Yitian, who was in the void.

Looking at the violent blood Dan, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex light.

"This blood-stained dan has such side effects, but it is also very rare."

"If I develop an elixir that has the effects of bleed dan, but has no side effects, it will definitely be a city!"

The next moment, it seemed that I was thinking of something. In the eyes of Mo Wentian, there was a very bright light.

Mo Wentian refining elixir, it can be said that it is not far from Dandi.

He wants to make such elixir, if there are enough raw materials, it is not impossible to make it.

Thinking this way, Mo Wentian's heart secretly made up his mind.

"Relying on the sky, I didn't expect that in your hands, there was still Bloodsweet Dan!"

At this moment, Yi Yuan looked at Yi Tian with a cold face.

"Blood Dan?"

"I have Bloodstained Dan in my hand!"

"Yiyuan, do you know how scared this time?"

"Hahahaha ..."

Looking at Yiyuan, Yitianlai laughed wildly.

The breath on that body is skyrocketing at this moment.


"What can I be afraid of?"

"Isn't it just a blood-blood dan?"

"You take this blood-blood Dan, but only half an hour!"

In Yi Yuan's eyes, a flash of cold light flashed.

That being said, in fact, Yi Yuan's heart was a little panicked.

Yitian's strength is not weak at first. If he surrenders this violent blood, Xiuwei surges again, he has no confidence and can hold Yitian to his knees.

If he can't hold the half-blood Dan for half an hour, he will plant it in Yitianlai's hands.

"It's only half an hour? Isn't this Bloodscarf effective for half an hour?"

"Yes, I have heard that the effectiveness of this Bloodstained Dan is only half an hour, but this half an hour is enough to kill the stronger than him!"

"Yiyuan seems very confident to be able to escape the half hour of Yitian!"

"It is impossible for him to escape the half-hour that Yitian came, Yitian came to serve this blood-stained dan, and cultivated for growth, this body and strength will be improved!"

"Yiyuan is going to be planted in Yitianlai today!"


As Yiyuan's words came out, countless disciples of Yitianjie talked instantly.

In their eyes, a touch of astonishment rose.

In their hearts, at this moment they secretly determined the victory or defeat of this war.

In their view, Yitianlai is the final winner of this war.

"Just half an hour?"

"Relying on the elders, your tone is really big!"

"In half an hour, I am enough to chop you into pieces!"

"No, I should be able to kill you without a breath!"

Yitian came to look at Yiyuan, and the killing in his eyes was boundless.

Yi Yuan just said this, but he nakedly shamed, Yi Tian is not a fool, how could he not understand.

At this moment, Yitianlai had settled down in his heart.

Originally, in fact, he didn't intend to subdue this blood-blooded dan, but Yi Yuan's taunting words made Yi Tianlai make up his mind.

"Blood Dan!"

With a cold drink, Yitian came directly to swallow the violent blood.

"Booming ..."

As Yi Tianlai swallowed the Bloody Blood Dan, Yi Tianlai's breath quickly rose up.

But a few breaths, Yitianlai's breath, soared to the middle of the Heavenly Emperor.

The breath of Yi Tianlai continued to grow, and it seemed that he did not intend to stop there.

At the same time, the power of Yitianlai is even more terrible.

"Relying on heaven, you will serve the Bloodblood Dan, and you will never be the master of the heavenly world!"

"At the beginning of Emperor Tian is the end of your cultivation!"

Watching Yi Tianlai's breath soared, Yi Yuan's eyes flashed a sense of panic.

But the next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Yi Yuan's eyes flashed a light.

"Old thing, I do n’t know if the initial state of the emperor is my cultivation, but I know that today is your death!"

In the eyes of Yitianlai, the killing intention skyrocketed, and the breath on his body skyrocketed rapidly.

"is it?"

"Then I want you to catch me!"

"In speed, you are not my opponent!"

Yi Yuan's eyes narrowed.

"Buzz ..."

Immediately, without any hesitation, the figure flickered and disappeared.

"Old thing, my cultivation has been promoted to the middle of the Heavenly Emperor, and my physical fitness has also improved!"

"Do you think you can escape from my hands?"

Looking at Yi Yuan's unfolding body disappeared, Yi Tianlai's heart was not in a hurry.

Because at this moment, he saw Yi Yuan heading in the direction, Yi Yuan's speed was much faster than him.

But his cultivation has been promoted to the middle of the Heavenly Emperor, and his posture has also been improved by one level. It is impossible for Yiyuan to pass him quickly.

At this moment, Yiyuan is extremely confident in his heart. This Yiyuan cannot be his opponent today.

"Woohoo ..."

The next moment, Yitianlai exhaled a stale breath.

The breath of Yitianlai has stopped growing.

The practice of relying on heaven has also stabilized in the mid-day state of Emperor Tiandi.

But the power of Tianyilai was immense, as if it were supreme power, and waving his hand casually was a terrible power.

"Old thing, see how I can get you back!"

The sound of a cold drink sounded, and Yitian didn't hesitate at all. The figure flashed and chased directly towards Yiyuan's disappearing direction.

"Boss, is this Yitian going to chase Yuan?"

"Can he catch up?"

Looking at this scene, Xiaoyan's eyes raised a doubt, a deep voice.

"Ten breaths!"

"This Yiyuan will be captured by Yitian!"

Do not ask the look of heaven, extremely indifferent.

"Ten breaths?"

"But Yiyuan left dozens of breaths before Yitian came, and Yitian came up to catch him with only ten breaths?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan's eyes rose with a touch of astonishment.


Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's eyes looked at the two figures behind the void.

I saw one figure fleeing madly in front, while the other figure followed closely and got closer and closer, as if to catch up with the next moment.

The runaway figure, the breath at the moment, is growing rapidly.

The figure in front is Yi Yuan, and the figure in the back is Yi Tian.

Yi Yuan promotes all the powers to the physical form. He wants to gather all the powers into the physical form so that he can promote the physical form.

"This ... how is this possible?"

"Why did he improve so much?"

And at this moment, in the void, Yi Yuan found that Yi Tianlai's figure was following him, and he was getting closer and closer, which made Yi Yuan's heart panick.

Immediately, he stretched his body to the limit.

He wanted to distance himself from Yitian, but he was fast, Yitian came faster.

But a few breaths, Yitianlai has caught up with him.

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