Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1921: The Lord of the Underworld comes

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Chapter 1921: Heavenly Nether Sea Lord Comes

"One-two power, boy, your strength is already good!"

"But the power that was exhibited just now is definitely more than one tenth of yours!"

Listening to Mo Wutian's arrogant words, especially looking at Mo Wutian's sneer-like look, the anger in the second elder's heart suddenly soared, and said quickly.

"Old miscellaneous, what can be tangled, you are not the opponent of the emperor, you are not the opponent of the emperor!"

Mo Wentian looked at the second elder, and the radian of the corners of his mouth grew stronger.

The elders in front of him are still a bit inferior. Mo Wentian showed the strength just now. Although he was more than one in ten, Mo Wentian was already very clear.

It is not difficult for him to kill the two elders.

"Boy, don't be too arrogant!"

"Even if Longyou and Guigui surrendered to you, but we have four elders, the strength of the four of us is definitely stronger than you!"

"What's more, we have hundreds of thousands of disciples in Tianminghai. If you don't want to die here, you better give me the shield and training resources of Tianminghai!"

"I am a benevolent person. If you give up all your cultivation resources, I might be able to spare you a life!"

Mo Wentian, looking at the evil smile on his face, seemed to think of something. The elder's eyes flashed a light, and his face was cold.

He said that he wanted to stun Mo Wentian, and to retreat if he knew nothing.

In the battle with Mo Wentian just now, he already knew that if he really stood up, he would not really be Mo Wentian's opponent.

The strength of Guilao and Longyou is also clear, so to speak, in fact, there is nothing in his heart.

"Give me a life?"

"Old miscellaneous, you are so ridiculous!"

"When will this emperor need you to spare me a life!"

"The opportunity has been given to you by the Emperor. If you don't submit to it, let's go!"

Mo Wentian's expression fell cold, and in the sound, it was almost cold that could freeze people.

Those deep eyes, looking at the second elder, did not hide the killing in his eyes.

I have to say that these two elders' calculations are really good.

But the object he planned to make was wrong. His object was Mo Motian, Mo Motian, how could he do as he wished.

"Go on the road without surrender? This kid is really arrogant!"

"This boy is arrogant but has arrogant capital. His strength is just a little stronger than the second elder!"

"Who the **** is this guy and how could he be so strong?"

"Not long ago I heard that there was a kid in the middle of the emperor who offended Yu Tianjie's lord in our heavenly sea, and also killed Yu Tianjie's young lord. I don't know if he is this person!

"Don't say anything, you say so, how do I think this boy is the one who offended Yu Tianjie!"


Looking at the arrogant Mo Wentian, countless disciples of Tianminghai, started talking.

At this moment, a doubt rose in their eyes.

Especially when someone said that Mo Wentian was offending Yu Tianjie people in the Ming Hai that day, countless disciples of Tian Minghai raised a premonition in their hearts.

But Mo Wentian in front of him is not the same as the warrior in the middle of the emperor who beheaded Yu Tianjie Shaojiu in the rumors.

Suddenly, these disciples of heaven and sea were in doubt.

"Boss, don't talk nonsense with these people, I think we just killed these people!"

Listening to the sound of discussion, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed a cold, heavy voice.

"These people don't seem to see the coffin and weep!"

"Since they want to die, I will fulfill them!"

Looking at Xiao Yan, Mo Wentian's expression seemed to be cold, and the voice was extremely cold.

"Boss, I'll help you!"

Xiao Yan's voice flashed, and in the arrogant void, the breath on her body rose rapidly.

For Xiao Yan, war is his favorite thing. Mo Wentian said that Xiao Yan immediately entered the fighting state.

"You show the emperor these disciples in the sky!"

"As for the four old miscellaneous, I'll deal with it enough!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Boss ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao's look changed slightly, his brows frowned slightly, and he seemed a little dissatisfied.

He opened his mouth and tried to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

"Buzz ..."

Immediately, the figure flashed and landed not far from Mo Wentian.

"Boss, aren't you keeping these people to enhance our strength to eat the gods?"

"Our god-eating world needs strength now. We have sinned and relied on heaven and yu heaven.

At this moment, Phantom seemed to think of something, stretched out his furry claws, and scratched his head.


"Magic sky, you said so well!"

"The best way is to keep these people. We need strength!"

Listening to the words of Magic Sky, Mo Wentian nodded.

But the next moment, it seemed that I remembered something. Mo Wentian's expression faded instantly.

"Boss, you don't need to worry!"

"They are still a bit afraid of the masters of Tianminghai. With my current strength, it is not difficult to be transformed into a strong man in the early days of Emperor Tian!"

"Leave these people to me!"

Looking at the change in Mo Wentian's look, there was a faint light in his eyes.

"Magic sky, then leave this to you!"

"You leave before you come to this treasure house!"

"This is a covert!"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian nodded.

Immediately afterward, a hidden charm appeared in Mo Wentian's hand.

With a wave of his hand, the hidden charm fell towards the sky.

The hidden symbol was looming, but when the hidden symbol fell on the sky, the sky's figure disappeared instantly.

"Boss, this magical sky wants to deter these elders of the heavenly sea as the master of the heavenly sea kingdom and let them surrender?"

Seeing the disappearance of Xuan Tian's figure disappeared, Xiao Xun came back to him, looked at Mo Wentian, and seemed to understand.


"Little sister, these disciples will be given to you!"

Do not ask the look of heaven, extremely serious.

"Boss, give these disciples to me, you can rest assured!"

"Can he succeed in shocking?"

"Do the disciples of Tianminghai surrender?"

Xiaoyan vowed vowedly.

But the next moment, when Xiaoyan's eyes fell on the elders of Tianminghai, Xiaoyan's absence, but he froze.

"Will do!"

"Magic Sky's strength will not let us down!"

The powerful voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes were full of firmness.

At this moment, the disappearance of the magic sky did not attract the attention of the elders of Tianminghai.

"Old elder, this boy is so arrogant!"

"Why don't we talk to him!"

"Let's take a shot and kill all the ants here!"

At this moment, the second elder stepped forward, watching the elder dragon toward the sky, his face cold.

"Second elder, it seems that the Lord of the Realm is not here. It's you who heads in the Underworld!"

As soon as the second elder's voice fell, a figure descended from the void.

This descending figure, in terms of appearance and breath, is exactly the same as the lord of the heavenly sea.

But the person who came down was not the true master of the heavenly sea, but the illusion.

The figure that came down was the illusion of fantasy.

"Phantom ’s strength seems to have increased a lot!"

Looking at the descending figure in the void, Mo Wentian could not help raising a radian.

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