Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1906: Power of protection

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Chapter 1906: Power of Protection

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

"Boss, the mission is complete!"

"Boss, I'm all done!"

At this moment, the figures of Xiao Yan and Huan Tian flashed in front of Mo Wentian.

There were several space rings hanging on Xiao's head, and dozens of space rings were also grasped on the furry claws of Magic Sky.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Mo Wentian looked at the dozen or so space rings and unfolded them. Everything in the space ring appeared in Mo Wentian's mind.

"In the early days of two hundred emperors, there were a hundred successful five-level elixir, and two thousand five-level elixir ..."

Nana whispered in her mouth, and Mo Wantian's eyes became more and more dim.

In the medley of the day, Mo Wen Tianben thought that the medium of the day was at least ranked in the top five hundred worlds in the heavenly world. I thought that there would be many artifacts and elixir in the medium of the day, but I did not expect There is only such a thing.

Obviously, Mo Wentian is a little dissatisfied.

Mo Wentian's brow frowned slightly at this moment.

"Too few of these resources!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes were extremely bleak.

"Master, this is just the outer layer of the treasure house!"

"The treasure storehouse is filled with some low-level artifacts and elixir!"

"The treasure house also has the middle and inner layers!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, Longyou's eyes flashed a light, quickly said.

"Is this just the outer layer of the treasure house?"

"And the middle and inner layers?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and Mo Wentian's eyes instantly rose with a dazzling light.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's heart had a strong intuition. There must be many good things in the treasure trove of the heavens this day.

"Master, in this treasure house, the stuff stored in the inner layer is the highest level!"

"The further you store things, the lower the level!"

"But it is not easy to open the middle and inner layers of this treasure house!"

Long You looked at Mo Wentian, and his expression became serious instantly.

Especially when it comes to opening the middle and inner layers, Long You's face is even more embarrassing.

"Want to open the middle and inner treasure troves?"

Looking at Long You, Mo Wentian's look also dignified.

"Yes, Lord!"

"Although I managed the treasure trove of the sea of ​​the heavens 100,000 years ago, I only managed this outer treasure trove!"

"As for the middle and inner treasure trove, it is not under my control!"

In Longyou's eyes, the slightest rays of light passed by.

"The treasury of the middle and inner layers is not under your control?"

"Who's in control of this?"

Mo Wentian's brow froze tightly.

"In the hands of the elders and lords!"

"In the whole sky and sea, only they know the organs that open the middle and inner layers of the treasure house!"

The look of Longyou was instantly dim.

"Only the elders and lords know how to open the middle and inner institutions?"

"Take Bendi to see!"

Listening to Long You's remarks, Mo Wentian didn't believe it. He did not ask the rest of the question. Regarding the matrix ban, it was not difficult for him to solve it.

"Master, this ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian's confident look, Long You hesitated.


"You regret it?"

"Don't take our boss to see it, are we afraid that we will take away the resources of Tianminghai?"

Looking at Longyou's hesitant look, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed a cold, rude way.

"I didn't regret it. I talked about it, but it was dangerous to open the middle and inner organs!"

Long You looked at Mo Wentian, quickly said.


"If I guessed correctly, since these institutions were set up by the elders of Tianminghai, once these institutions are different, they will soon know!"

"Are you afraid that I opened this organ and attracted the elders and masters of Tianminghai?"

Looking at Long You, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light, cold voice.

Since Long You told him about the middle and inner layers of this treasure house, naturally it was not that he regretted hiding it, but that Long You was worried about his safety.

Thinking about this, Mo Wentian's heart raised a hint of warmth.

In front of Long You, Mo Wentian is more and more satisfied.


"Master, the practice of this elder has reached the perfection of the Supreme Master, and the practice of the master, is also the fulfillment of the Supreme Master. There is only a slight difference from the realm of Heaven!

Since Mo Wentian had guessed it, Long You no longer concealed it.

He groaned for a while, watching Mo Wentian, Shen Sheng said.

"A Tianzun is complete, and one is only a tiny distance from the emperor's realm!"

"The strength in the sky is actually good!"

Listening to Long You's remarks, Mo Wentian didn't have any worries at all, but he even smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

That way, it seems that the elders of the heavenly sea and the lord of the world are not at all concerned.

"Boss, what do you mean?"

"Are we going to open this mechanism?"

At this moment, Xiaoyan looked at Mo Wentian's indifferent appearance. Xiaoyan's heart was puzzled and he could not help asking.


"Since it's here, is there any reason to look and go!"

Mo Wentian's expression was instantly solemn, and his voice was extremely cold.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's breath quickly skyrocketed.

"Boss, if you open the organs, you will attract the elders and masters of the Minghai that day!"

"The elder of Tianminghai gave it to me, and the remaining Tianminghai Lord gave it to you!"

Looking at Mo Wutian's steadfast face, Xiaoyan's eyes flashed a faint light, and the breath on his body suddenly rose sharply at this moment.

"There is a magical sky here, even if the elders and the lords of the Minghai came that day, we have no fear!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Mo Wentian seemed to think of something, a bright light rose in his eyes, and his words were even more confident.

"Longyou, take the emperor to the middle-level institution!"

"I'm going to see, what kind of organ is set up for the successful ants this day!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, watching Long You, said coldly.

"Yes, Master!"

After hearing that, Long You quickly agreed.

Immediately, without any hesitation, Longyou stepped forward and walked directly towards the middle. Mo Wentian followed closely.

For a moment, Mo Wentian and others, following Long You, have come to a gate.

The gate looked harder than the one just entering the treasure house.

"Boss, what does this gate do!"

"It looks like a shield!"

Xuantian's figure flickered, fell on Mo Wentian's shoulder, and stretched out her furry claws, scratching her head.

"This Emperor doesn't know!"

"However, this door really looks like a shield!"

Listening to Huan Tian's words, Mo Wentian's eyes also fell on this door.

Looking at this door, Mo Wentian only felt that the strength of protection came to his face.

"Master, this is really not an ordinary door. It can even be said to be an artifact!"

At this moment, Long You stepped forward, looking at Mo Wentian, and said with a serious face.

"Is it an artifact?"

"What artifact is this?"

"Since it is an artifact, why was it placed here as a door?"

As soon as Long You said this, Mo Wentian had time to speak in the future. Xiaoyu looked at Long You and said several questions in a row.

"This is a shield, it has great protection!"

"Its level has reached the peak of the imperial rank. As for why it will be a door in the treasure house, I don't know!

Long You looked at Xiao Yan, said quickly.

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