Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1817: Offensive Resentment

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Chapter 1817: Offensive Complaint

Xiaozhang has followed him for so long. Mo Xiaotian is very clear about Xiaozhang's character. If he doesn't agree with Xiaozhang, Xiaozhang will never give up.

"Boss, this is what you said!"

"Can't keep us in Devouring Heaven next time!"

Seeing that Mo Wentian promised to come down, the corner of Xiao's mouth suddenly opened, and the arc of the opening was almost to the root of the ear.

Looking at Xiaoyan like this, Mo Wentian couldn't help shaking his head again.

"Qi Yun, please report to the Emperor, during the time that the Emperor was not in the Devourer World, the situation in the Devourer World!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembered, Mo Wentian's eyes looked at Qi Yun, said coldly.

"Yes, Master!"

"During the period of your absence, the disciples in the circles have improved in different degrees. Among them, there are 300 warriors in the middle of Tianzun and six warriors in the later days of Tianzun!

"The rest of the disciples, Xiu Wei, have reached the initial state of Tianzun!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Qi Yun said respectfully.

In Qi Yun's heart, Mo Wentian's status is extremely respected.

If it weren't for Mo Wentian, there would be no Qi Yun today, and Qi Yun would be very grateful for Mo Wentian.

During the time when Mo Wentian was absent, Qi Yun also tried his best to manage the heavenly **** world.

I have to say that Qi Yun's management ability is really strong.

Although Xiao Yan and Huan Tian are also in charge of Devouring the Heaven and God Realm, in fact, Qi Yun is handling specific things.

Mo Wentian asked Qi Yun, not because he did not believe Xiaoyue and Huantian, but because of this, Qiyun knew better than Xiaoyue and Huantian.

"The repair is still too bad!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's brow tightened, and his appearance seemed a little unsatisfactory.

"Master, the talents of the disciples are still worse!"

"And in our world of Devourers, the aura is still too thin!"

Qi Yun looked at Mo Wentian and said in a deep voice.

"Poor talent?"

"Aura is thin?"

With a whisper in his mouth, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

This goddess world ranks No.1,200 in the heavenly world. Compared with other top-ranking worlds, Reiki is not as rich as a star.

Mo Wutian is also very clear about this. Mo Wutian also wants to bring his disciples into the rich spiritual world to cultivate.

But this is not easy.

Thinking this way, Mo Wentian's brow tightened, and his face was full of solemnity.

The words of the old **** beads and old books, Mo Wentian did not forget, they asked Mo Wentian to subdue the spirit world.

Kepo Tianjie is the world's fifth-best place in the heavenly world. It is not so easy to ask Mo Tian to conquer it.

"Where is the rain?"

When thinking of the world of Mo, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold chill, a cold voice.

With Mo Wentian's words, a figure quickly appeared in the hall.


This figure is not others. It is Yuyu. Yuyu looked at Mo Wentian with a respectful look.

"Pou Yu, this emperor asks you, in Pok Tianjie, are the disciples' cultivation quicker?"

Mo Wentian looked at the rain and asked coldly.

Regarding the situation in the heavens, Mo Wentian had already asked when he conquered the rain last time.

Mo Wentian now came to Po Yu to ask, just wanted to see how much the disciples of this world would improve.

"The masters of Huijie Realm, the disciples of the heavenly realm, Xiuwei wants to break through. Compared with other warriors, it is not a little bit slower!"

"Last time I reported to you, the disciples' cultivation, presumably there will be no improvement!"

Po Yu looked at Mo Wentian, looking respectfully.

"No improvement?"

"The last time you said to the emperor, the master of the heavenly realm, Xiuwei has reached the perfection of heavenly respect?"

Suddenly, what seemed to come to mind, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a cold chill, a cold voice.

"Yes, Lord!"

"The master of the heavenly realm, Xiu Xiu has reached the perfection of Heavenly Supreme!"

Po Yu looked at Mo Wentian and said quickly.

"Tianzun is complete?"

"With our current practice, we don't have the strength to go to heaven!"

In the eyes of Mo Wentian, Han Mang flickered endlessly, and in the mind of Mo Wentian, he secretly had a calculation.

The strength of Devouring Heaven is too weak.

"Ask Brother Tian!"

"There are 501 people in the sky!"

At this moment, Tianhu seemed to see Mo Wentian's worry, and his eyes flashed softly.

"In addition to those 501 people, we will not be the opponents of the world!"

"It's not that easy to be the king in this heavenly world, take your time!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Ask Brother Tian ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian's faint look, Tianhu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Qi Yun, what is this world before we eat the heaven and earth world?"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Mo Wentian looked at Qi Yun and looked at Qi Yun in a cold voice.

"Going back to the lord of the world, the world before us that eats the gods is complaining to the heavens!"

Wen Yan said, Qi Yun said without hesitation.

"Blaming heaven?"

"This name is weird!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

I can't say why, just listening to the name of the complaining heaven, Mo Wentian just felt a weird breath, coming from the back.

"Master, it's really weird to complain about heaven!"

"The exercises they practice are even more weird!"

In Qi Yun's eyes, there was a flash of refined light, a deep voice.

"How much do you know about the situation in Heaven?"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's expression was dignified.

"Return to the Lord of the Realm, in this resentment against the heavenly world, the cultivation of this world's master is not very high, nor is it just the later state of heavenly respect!"

"But his cultivation of the later state of heavenly respect is not as good as the strength of Qi Tianjie's original realm master. It can be said that the realm of resentment of the realm of heaven is mainly against the realm of Qi realm. Definitely defeated! "

Speaking of the lord of the heavens, Qi Yun's expression gloomed.

"This blame the heavenly master, it seems that the strength is good!"

"Qi Yun, tell us to go down, three days after we ate the heavens and heavens, we went to resent the heavens and conquer the heavens!"

"Since we are in the bitter heavens, the aura is thin, then we will go to a place where the aura is rich!"

Mo Wentian looked at Qi Yun and said arrogantly.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's body spread like a king of coercion.

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