Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1770: Kill one person with one sword

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Chapter 1770 Kill One With One Sword

"Don't think!"

With a cold drink, the speed of Mo Wentian suddenly increased, but with several breaths, Mo Wentian's figure has caught up with six people.

In the hands of Mo Wentian, what appeared this time was a seal.

This seal seal is exactly the Dragon Seal Seal.

At the moment of the Dragon Seal Seal, there is a peerless phantom of the Dragon, and the dragon is rolling, as if the next moment, it will be violent.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's breath also skyrocketed.

From a distance, Mo Wutian, who stands proudly in the void at this moment, looks like an ancient strong man, and it is daunting.

At this moment, the bodies of the six people seemed to be out of control. They felt that their knees were a little soft, and they wanted to bow down towards Mo Wentian.

"This kid is too strong!"

"Yes, this boy's cultivation is really only in the middle of the emperor?"

"In the middle of the emperor? This is impossible? This kid must have hidden Xiuwei, otherwise it cannot be so terrible!"

"Yes, this kid must be hiding Xiuwei, it's awful, he actually hid Xiuwei to deal with us!"

"Whether or not the boy hides his actions, you and I are not opponents of this boy. I think we should leave this place quickly!"


Looking at the sky, Mo Wutian, who had a breathtaking five-doubles, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and his figure receded quickly.

But when they found that Mo Wentian's figure was following, the unpleasant feeling of rising in their hearts suddenly surged up.

Not only that, they also felt an extremely cold chill. The chill seemed to be full of Xiao Xiaoqi, making their bodies tremble.

At this moment, even their speed was reduced a lot.

"Shenlong seal seal!"

"Suppress me!"

The sound of anger was loud.

I saw Mo Wentian's hand waved, but the dragon seal seal slaped by the palm of his hand instantly rose to the void.

Immediately, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and quickly printed a seal of secrets on the seal of the Dragon Seal.

With this Daoyinjue hit, but the palm-sized divine dragon seal seal quickly rose up.

But between a few breaths, it has soared to the size of thousands of feet.

The immense size of the dragon's seal and the seal of a thousand feet are like a void.

At the same time, an immense array of Longwei was heading for six people.

"Roar ..."

Long Yin sounded, it seemed that there was no fear in the world.

"not good!"

The six warriors in the middle of the Celestial Age, their expressions changed dramatically, and in the void, a breath of death came from the immense immortal dragon seal seal. This breath made the six of them tremble.

"Shenlong Seal, please suppress it!"

The cold voice sounded.

The immortal dragon seal seal in the sky was repressed directly towards the six people.

"Do not!"

A miserable sound sounded, and one of the six Celestial Masters was directly caught by the dragon in the seal of the dragon.

In the horrified eyes of the other five people, the dragon stretched out his sharp claws and tore the person directly.


Blood rain, falling from the void.

The strongest man in the middle of heaven, fallen!

"Do not!"

The remaining five fighters in the middle of Tianzun were completely frightened.

"Dead, he is dead, we can't continue to fight with him here, this kid is a demon, we are not his opponent at all!"

"Yes, we have to go, we can't stay here!"

"We stay here, and he will be torn to pieces, just like him!"

"It's terrible. It's terrible. I've never seen anyone so terrible!"

"We are underestimating the boy's strength. We don't want this magical fruit, and we must hurry away!"


Talks rang out.

The next moment, the remaining five people patted their palms on the chest.

All of a sudden, the five's body speed increased sharply and quickly disappeared.


In the void, Mo Wentian appeared.


In Mo Wentian's eyes, a touch of cold mang passed.

The six Tianzun mid-terms are indeed very strong. If they did not ask Tianshi to show the shadow avatars, they would be fast in speed and it would not be easy to kill one.

However, this battle also allowed Mo Wentian to understand that it is not difficult to kill a Tianzun mid-term in his current combat power.

"Boss, these five people are gone, aren't you chasing?"

And at this moment, in the question room, Xiao Yan's voice came.

"Not chasing?"

"Even if the five of them catch up, it is not so easy to be killed. They do not know the identity of the emperor, and they will still be killed!"

"And these five are not people from the outside world, but the monsters of the Qitian Mountains!"

"To kill them, don't hurry!"

The cold voice sounded, Mo Wentian's eyes looked in the direction of the disappearance of the five figures.

The five of them have seen it for a long time, this is not a warrior from the outside world, it is the monster in the Qitian Mountains.

They followed Mo Wentian, that is, the magic fruit in the hands of Mo Motian.

They wanted to take away the magical fruit in Mo Wentian's hands, but did not expect that Mo Wutian was a stubble, but stealing chickens did not result in erosion.

"Boss, can we come out?"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed, and she said in a deep voice.

"You all come out!"

"The emperor has just used some power and needs to restore it!"

An indifferent voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light.

"Okay, boss, we'll come out and protect you!"

"Ask the Emperor, I will protect you, too!"


As Mo Wentian said these words, every figure came out of Wen Tiange and appeared in front of Mo Wentian.


Looking at these figures, Mo Wentian Qingmu nodded and nodded.

Immediately, Mo Wentian sat down cross-legged and fell into cultivation.

An hour later, Mo Wentian woke up from recovery.


In Mo Wentian's body, the exhausted atmosphere recovered again. Looking at the distance of Qi Tian Mountains, Mo Wutian's eyes flashed.

"Boss, your breath has recovered!"

Watching Mo Wutian woke up from the cultivation, the small figure flickered, fell on Mo Wentian's shoulder, and said in a deep voice.


"My cultivation is restored, and it's time for us to go back to Devouring Heaven!"

Mo Wentian nodded.

But the next moment, it seemed that I remembered something. Mo Wentian's expression suddenly became serious, and his voice was extremely cold.


Having said that, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and the figure flickered and disappeared directly into the Qitian Mountains.

Seeing this, Xiao Yan, Huan Tian and others, followed quickly.

After a quarter of an hour, the figures of Mo Wentian and others had already appeared in the hall of the Devouring Heaven Realm.

"The Lord is back!"

"The Lord is back!"

"Meet the Lord!"


Watching Mo Wentian's arrival, a figure quickly greeted him, his face full of happy words.

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